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// ==UserScript== // @name Trivia Crack / Preguntados Correct Answer Cheat! // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description EN: This user script shows the Trivia Crack correct answer (Facebook Game). \n ES: Este script muestra la respuesta correcta en el juego Preguntados (Juego de Facebook) // @match // @author @MauroCendon <> // ==/UserScript== var appName = "[ TRIVIA CRACK / PREGUNTADOS CORRECT ANSWER CHEAT ]"; var preguntadosDomains = {"": "", "":"", "":"", "":""}; var gamePaths = {"/game":"/game","/game/":"/game/"}; var pwHandler = function(){}; var pwAlertText = function(question) { return "Pregunta: " + question.text + "\nRespuesta Correcta: " + question.answers[question.correct_answer]; } var pwAlert = function(question, powerup) { alert(appName + "\r\n" + pwAlertText(question)); } var pwDecorateButton = function(question,powerup) { if (jQuery(".answers-container").size() > 0) { if (jQuery(".answers-container").find("button")[question.correct_answer]) { jQuery(jQuery(".answers-container").find("button")[question.correct_answer]).css("border", "10px solid #ff0000"); } } } if ( in preguntadosDomains && window.location.pathname in gamePaths) { (function(open) { = function(method, url, async, user, pass) { var xhr = this; if (url.indexOf("/dashboard") > -1) { async = false; xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { var data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); } }; } if (url.indexOf("/games/") > -1) { async = false; xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { var data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (data.my_turn) { var spinsData = data.spins_data; if (!spinsData) return; var spins = spinsData.spins; if (!spins) return; //1° Caso: Pregunta NORMAL if (spins.length == 1) { var questionData = spins[0].questions[0]; if (!questionData) return; var question = questionData.question; var powerup = questionData.powerup_question; pwHandler = function() { pwDecorateButton(question,powerup); }; } else { //2° Caso: Duelo o Corona //TODO: IMPLEMENTAR DUELO if (spins.length == 2) { var crown = spins[0].type == "CROWN" ? spins[0] : spins[1]; var duel = spins[1].type == "DUEL" ? spins[1] : spins[0]; var question = null; pwHandler = function() { var handler = this; jQuery(".btn.choose-crown").off("click"); jQuery(".btn.choose-duel").off("click"); jQuery("input.category-radio").off("click"); jQuery(".btn.choose-crown").on("click",function(ev) { handler.gameType = "CROWN"; }); jQuery(".btn.choose-duel").on("click",function(ev) { handler.gameType = "DUEL"; }); jQuery("input.category-radio").on("click", function(ev){ var category = jQuery(this).val().toUpperCase(); var game = null; if (handler.gameType == "CROWN") { game = crown } else if(handler.gameType == "DUEL") { game = duel; } for (var i=0;i<game.questions.length;i++) { if (game.questions[i].question.category == category) { question = game.questions[i]; break; } } }); if (question != null) { pwDecorateButton(question.question,question.powerup_question); } }; } } jQuery(document).off('DOMSubtreeModified'); jQuery(document).on('DOMSubtreeModified', pwHandler); } } } }, method, url, async, user, pass); };//open })(; }