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// ==UserScript== // @name AccessHub Provisioning Comments Detail // @namespace // @copyright 2024, mato-meciar ( // @version 0.3.5 // @description Provides a clickable provisioning comments detail for pending & completed tasks // @author Martin Meciar // @license MIT // @homepageURL // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @supportURL // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author mato-meciar // ==/OpenUserJS== // prepare and inject the script into the page $(document).ready(function () { var s = document.createElement("script"); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.innerHTML = ` function getWordsBetweenCurlies(str) { var results = [], re = /{([^}]+)}/g, text; while ((text = re.exec(str))) { //console.log("Value of text 1: "+!(text[1].match(/kibanaURL/g).length!=0)) if (text[1].indexOf(".") == -1) { if (text[1].match(/KIBANA_URL/g) != null) { if (text[1].match(/KIBANA_URL/g).length != 0) { //results.push(text[1]); } } else { if (results.indexOf(text[1]) < 0) /*SD-3077 • SQL analytics control are not getting created. resolved this*/ results.push(text[1]); } } } //results = [ Set(results)] //SD-2370 This is not a systax error it looping through logic in grails to Create array of unique set data. Browser will understand this return results; } function showPreview(taskID) { var analyticsQryVal = ""; var externalConnection = ""; analyticsQryVal = "select taskkey, provisioningcomments from arstasks where taskkey = " + taskID; var runtime = "false"; var sqlAnalytics = "true"; console.log("inside the else block of details preview"); let completepath = "/ECM/analyticsConfig/detailspreview"; console.log( "analyticsQryVal :" + analyticsQryVal + " runtime :" + runtime + " sqlAnalytics :" + sqlAnalytics + " externalConnection :" + externalConnection ); $.ajax({ async: true, url: completepath, type: "post", dataType: "html", data: { analyticsQry: analyticsQryVal, runtime: runtime, sqlAnalytics: sqlAnalytics, externalConnection: externalConnection }, success: function (returnData) { $(".opened-dialogs").dialog("close"); $('<div class="opened-dialogs">') .html("loading...") .dialog({ position: ["center", 70], open: function () { $(this).html(returnData); $(".ui-widget-overlay").css("background", "black"); //write background color change code here }, close: function (event, ui) { $(this).remove(); }, title: "TEST", minWidth: 900, modal: true, draggable: false, resizable: true, show: { effect: "fade" }, hide: { effect: "fade" }, width: 900, dialogClass: "ui-dialog-osx" }); }, error: function (e) { } }); } `; $("head").append(s); }); // wait for the table data to load, then add details button function waitForElementToDisplay(selector, time) { if (!document.querySelector(selector) || document.querySelector(selector) != null) { let i = 1 let max = parseInt(document.getElementsByName('usersList_length')[0].selectedOptions[0].value) // not needed for now // if (!$('body > div.footer > div.footer-inner')[0].innerText.includes('5.4')) { // i = 7 // max += 6 // } for (i; i <= max; i++) { let element = document.getElementsByTagName('tr')[i].getElementsByTagName('td')[1] let taskID = element.innerHTML element.innerHTML = `<button class="btn purple" type="button" id="yui-gen${i}-button" onclick="showPreview(${taskID})"><i class="icon-eye-open"></i> ${taskID}</button>` } return; } else { setTimeout(function () { waitForElementToDisplay(selector, time); }, time); } } // set up a mutation observer that re-adds the details buttons when user changes the amount of shown rows or filters the results var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { waitForElementToDisplay('.btn-xs', 2000); //mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { //}); }); // set the mutation observer to check for the data table changes mutationObserver.observe(document.getElementById('usersList'), { attributes: true, characterData: false, childList: false, subtree: true, attributeOldValue: false, characterDataOldValue: false, });