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// ==UserScript== // @name Grey-out USA stock items on Farnell search // @namespace // @description Grey-out USA stock items on Farnell search // @include http://** // @version 1 // @license GPL // ==/UserScript== // original: (function () { // Example: Remove all tables which use the CSS class 'toto': // removeElement("//table[@class='toto']"); function removeElement(ElementXpath){ var alltags = document.evaluate(ElementXpath,document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null); for (i=0; i<alltags.snapshotLength; i++) { element = alltags.snapshotItem(i); element.parentNode.removeChild(element); // Remove this element from its parent. } } // Removes an attribute from all occurences of elements whose XPath is provided. // (All occurences of this elements are processed.) // // Example: Remove the bgcolor of all <table>: // removeAttributeOfElement('bgcolor',"//table[@bgcolor]") // Remove the fixed with of all tables or cells:: // removeAttributeOfElement('width',"//table[@width]|//td[@width]") function removeAttributeOfElement(attributeName,ElementXpath) { var alltags = document.evaluate(ElementXpath,document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null); for (i=0; i<alltags.snapshotLength; i++) alltags.snapshotItem(i).removeAttribute(attributeName); } // Set an attribute from all occurences of elements to a specified value. // The previous value of this attribute is discarded. // (All occurences of this elements are processed.) // // Example: Set with to 80 columns on all texteareas: // setAttributeOfElement('cols',80,"//textarea") function setAttributeOfElement(attributeName,attributeValue,ElementXpath) { var alltags = document.evaluate(ElementXpath,document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null); for (i=0; i<alltags.snapshotLength; i++) alltags.snapshotItem(i).setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue) } // Inject your own CSS in the page. // Example: Do not underline link: // injectCSS("a{text-decoration: none;}") function injectCSS(cssdata){ head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; style = document.createElement("style"); style.setAttribute("type", 'text/css'); style.innerHTML = cssdata; head.appendChild(style); } try { // Enlarging the field of the message setAttributeOfElement('rows','40',"//textarea[@name='message']"); //setAttributeOfElement('cols','120',"//textarea[@name='message']"); // In the list of discussion, we put in bold the discussion that have not received any reply. //setAttributeOfElement('style','font-weight:bold;',"//td[text()='0']/../td[1]/a"); // setAttributeOfElement('style','background-color:grey;',"//tr[contains (., ' v USA') and @height='10']/preceding-sibling::tr[1]/*"); setAttributeOfElement('style','background-color:grey;',"//tr[contains (., ' v USA') and @height='10']"); } catch (e) { alert("UserScript exception:\n" + e); } })();