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// ==UserScript== // @name OTRS Bot =D // @namespace // @license MIT // @version 1.0.3 // @description Auto-Refresh OTRS // @author Marcelo Valvassori Bittencourt // @copyright 2021, Marcelo Valvassori Bittencourt ( // @namespace // @homepageURL // @match http://otrs.*/otrs/ // @grant none // @contributionURL // @icon // ==/UserScript== //--- (function () { 'use strict'; $(document).ready(function () { $(document).on('DOMContentLoaded', function () { if (!Notification) { console.log('Desktop notifications are not available in your browser.'); return; } if (Notification.permission !== 'granted') { Notification.requestPermission(); } }); }); var jOTRS = { me: 'Meu usuário', debug: true, default_time: 5, default_days_cookies: 1, about: { 'author': 'Marcelo Valvassori Bittencourt', 'supportURL': '', 'create': '2020-04-13', 'lastUpdate': '2021-06-05', 'description': 'Refresh page into defined minuts.', 'name': '[HK]jOTRS Refresh', 'namespace': '' }, version: [{ '1.0.3': 'Notificação Desktop para Firefox (site inseguro necessita habilitar).' }, { '1.0.2': 'Contador regressivo.' }, { '1.0.2': 'Adicionando como caixa de menu padrão do OTRS' }, { '1.0.1': 'Adicionando uma interface simples de apresentacao fixed to botton.' }, { '1.0.0': 'Criação de atualização da página principal com dados definidos em variáveis.' } ], init: function () { //jOTRS.interface_old(); jOTRS.interface_otrs(); jOTRS.contagem(); jOTRS.newTickets(); }, min: function () { var tm = jOTRS.readCookie("timerefresh"); if (!tm || tm == '' || tm === 0) { tm = jOTRS.default_time; jOTRS.createCookie("timerefresh", tm, jOTRS.default_days_cookies); } return tm; }, log: function (txt) { if (jOTRS.debug) { let tm = new Date().toLocaleString(); console.log(tm, txt); } }, interface_otrs: function () { let id = '0500'; let name = 'UpdateSYS'; let last_refresh = jOTRS.readCookie("jotrs_tmref"); /* let fim = Date.parse( new Date().toJSON().slice(0,10).replace(/-/g,'/') + ' ' + new Date().toJSON().slice(11,19) ); let inicio = Date.parse( new Date().toJSON().slice(0,10).replace(/-/g,'/') + last_refresh.slice(10) ); let jafoi = new Date(fim - inicio).toLocaleTimeString(); jOTRS.log(jafoi) */ let last_regress = jOTRS.readCookie("jotrs_regress"); var panel = $('<div />', { 'id': 'Dashboard' + id + '-' + name + '-box' }).addClass('WidgetSimple CanDrag').append( $('<div />').addClass('Header').append( $('<div />').addClass('ActionMenu').append( $('<div />').addClass('WidgetAction Close').append( $('<a />', { 'href': '/otrs/;Subaction=UpdateRemove;Name=' + id + '-' + name + ';CustomerID=;CustomerUserID=;ChallengeToken=zEjoGaeeoOnDGn4TZ9K36B1AflIVmGjh;', 'title': 'Fechar este widget' }).append( $('<i />').addClass('fa fa-times') ) ), $('<div />').addClass('Clear') ), $('<h2 />', { 'title': 'Update Config' }).addClass('ui-sortable-handle').text('Update Config') ), $('<div />').addClass('Content').append( $('<div />', { 'id': 'Dashboard' + id + '-' + name }).append( $('<p />').append( 'Contagem: ', $('<span />').addClass('jotrs_contagem').text(jOTRS.readCookie("jotrs_contagem")) ), $('<div />').css({ 'float': 'right' }).append( '[', $('<span />').addClass('jotrs_tmcnt').show(function () { var counter = (last_regress && last_regress > 0) ? last_regress : (jOTRS.min() * 60); var myInterval = setInterval(function () { counter--; $('.jotrs_tmcnt').text(counter); jOTRS.createCookie("jotrs_tmcnt", counter, jOTRS.default_days_cookies); }, 1000); }), ']' ), (!last_refresh && last_refresh === "") ? '' : $('<p />').append( 'Last TimeRefresh: ', $('<span />').addClass('jotrs_tmref').text(last_refresh) ), $('<p />').append( 'Time Update: ', $('<input />', { 'name': 'jotrs_minrf', 'type': 'text' }).css({ 'width': '20px', 'text-align': 'center' }).val(jOTRS.min()), 'min ', $('<button />').val('Save').append( $('<span />').append( $('<i />').addClass('fa fa-save') ) ).on('click', function () { let jotrs_tmref = $("input[name='jotrs_minrf']").val(); jOTRS.createCookie("jotrs_tmref", jotrs_tmref, jOTRS.default_days_cookies); jOTRS.log('Atualizado TimeRefresh para ' + jotrs_tmref); }) ) ) ) ); $('.SidebarColumn').prepend(panel); }, interface_old: function () { let last_refresh = jOTRS.readCookie("jotrs_tmref"); let mostrador = $('<div />') .addClass('jotrs_contagem') .css({ 'position': 'fixed', 'width': '250px', 'height': '60px', 'border': '1px solid #000', 'bottom': 0, 'right': '50px', 'background': '#fff', 'padding': '5px 0px 0 5px', 'text-align': 'center' }).append( $('<p />').append( 'Contagem: ', $('<span />').addClass('jotrs_contagem').text(jOTRS.readCookie("jotrs_contagem")) ), (!last_refresh && last_refresh === "") ? '' : $('<p />').append( 'Last TimeRefresh: ', $('<span />').addClass('jotrs_tmref').text(last_refresh) ), $('<p />').append( 'Time Update: ', $('<input />', { 'name': 'jotrs_minrf', 'type': 'text' }).css({ 'width': '20px', 'text-align': 'center' }).val(jOTRS.min()), $('<button />').val('Save').append( $('<span />').append( $('<i />').addClass('fa fa-save') ) ).on('click', function () { let jotrs_tmref = $("input[name='jotrs_minrf']").val(); jOTRS.createCookie("jotrs_tmref", jotrs_tmref, jOTRS.default_days_cookies); jOTRS.log('Atualizado TimeRefresh para ' + jotrs_tmref); }) ) ); $('body').append(mostrador); }, contagem: function () { let cnt = jOTRS.readCookie("jotrs_contagem"); if (!cnt || cnt == '') { cnt = 0; jOTRS.createCookie("jotrs_contagem", cnt, jOTRS.default_days_cookies); jOTRS.log('Criando cookie[name = jotrs_contagem][value = ' + jOTRS.default_days_cookies + ']'); } $('.jotrs_contagem span.jcnt').text(cnt); setTimeout(function () { let tm = new Date().toLocaleString(); jOTRS.log('Iniciando armazenamento de valores em cookies [name = jotrs_tmref][value = ' + tm + ']'); jOTRS.createCookie("jotrs_tmref", tm, jOTRS.default_days_cookies); cnt++; jOTRS.log('Iniciando armazenamento de valores em cookies [name = jotrs_contagem][value = ' + jOTRS.default_days_cookies + ']'); jOTRS.createCookie("jotrs_contagem", cnt, jOTRS.default_days_cookies); location.reload(); }, (jOTRS.min() * 60 * 1000)); }, createCookie: function (name, value, days) { var expires = ""; if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/"; }, readCookie: function (name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length); } return null; }, eraseCookie: function (name) { jOTRS.createCookie(name, "", -1); }, newTickets: function () { jOTRS.log('Percorrendo tickets abertos') var itens = $("div[id$='TicketOpen-box']").find("div[id$='TicketOpen']").find("table.DataTable > tbody > tr.MasterAction"); //console.log(itens.html()); $.map(itens, function (obj) { let gravidade = $(obj).find('td:eq(0)').find('div.Flag').attr('title'); let ticketid = $(obj).find('td:eq(2)').find('a').text(); let ticketurl = $(obj).find('td:eq(2)').find('a').attr('href'); let criado = $(obj).find('td:eq(3)').find('div').attr('title'); let idade = $(obj).find('td:eq(4)').find('div').attr('title'); let titulo = $(obj).find('td:eq(5)').find('div').attr('title'); let proprietario = $(obj).find('td:eq(6)').find('div').attr('title'); let object = { 'gravidade': gravidade, 'ticketid': ticketid, 'ticketurl': ticketurl, 'criado': criado, 'idade': idade, 'titulo': titulo, 'proprietario': proprietario }; if ( == object.proprietario) jOTRS.showNotification('Ticket : [#' + ticketid + '](' + idade + ') ' + titulo, ticketurl); }); }, showNotification: function (texto, url) { if (Notification.permission !== 'granted') { Notification.requestPermission(); } else { const options = { body: texto, dir: 'ltr', icon: '', tag: 'soManyNotification', img: '', }; const notification = new Notification('Notification', options); if (url) notification.onclick = function () {; }; } }, }; jOTRS.init(); })();