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// ==UserScript== // @name 自動登入 // @namespace // @version 0.3.0 // @description 自動登入 + 自動跳過一些畫面 // @author maple3142 // @match // @run-at document-start // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant window.close // @compatible firefox >=52 // @compatible chrome >=55 // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== const ID = '' const PASS = '' const skiplist = [ { re: /歡迎您再度拜訪,上次您是從.*連往本站。/, input: '\n' }, //跳過啟動頁 1 { re: /單一小時上線人次.*單日上線人次/, input: 'q' }, // 跳過啟動頁 2 { re: /您想刪除其他重複登入的連線嗎?\[Y\/n\]/, input: 'y\n' }, // 自動刪除重複登入 { re: /上方為使用者心情點播留言區,不代表本站立場/, input: 'f\n' } // 自動進入我的最愛(第一次) ] const closeOnQuit = true const closeWarning = true ;(function() { 'use strict' // event const E = { callbacks: {}, on(evt, cb) { if (!Array.isArray(this.callbacks[evt])) this.callbacks[evt] = [] this.callbacks[evt].push(cb) }, emit(evt, ...args) { if (!Array.isArray(this.callbacks[evt])) return this.callbacks[evt].forEach(cb => cb(...args)) }, off(evt, cb) { if (!cb) this.callbacks[evt] = [] else this.callbacks = this.callbacks.filter(x => x !== cb) } } // helpers const insertText = (() => { let t = document.querySelector('#t') return str => { if (!t) t = document.querySelector('#t') const e = new CustomEvent('paste') e.clipboardData = { getData: () => str } t.dispatchEvent(e) } })() function hook(obj, key, cb) { const fn = obj[key].bind(obj) obj[key] = function(...args) { fn.apply(this, args) cb.apply(this, args) } } // console hook hook(unsafeWindow.console, 'info', t => { if (typeof t !== 'string' || !/pttchrome (\w+)/.test(t)) return const evt = /pttchrome (\w+)/.exec(t.trim())[1] E.emit(evt.replace(/^on/, '').toLowerCase()) }) hook(unsafeWindow.console, 'log', t => { if (t === 'view update') E.emit('update') }) // main E.on('connect', () => insertText(ID + '\n' + PASS + '\n')) E.on('update', () => { const t ='span[type=bbsRow]'), x => x.textContent).join('') const ar = skiplist.filter(x => for (let i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) { if (ar[i].executed) continue insertText(ar[i].input) ar[i].executed = true } if (skiplist.filter(x => x.executed).length === skiplist.length)'update') }) if (closeOnQuit) E.on('close', close) if (!closeWarning) { unsafeWindow.addEventListener = (fn => (...args) => { if (args[0] === 'beforeunload') return fn(...args) })(unsafeWindow.addEventListener.bind(unsafeWindow)) } })()