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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name Sethi // @author mandalorien // @version 0.1.1 // @description Analyse la galaxy // @copyright 2020, mandalorien ( // @license GPL-2.0-only // @require // @require // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_addStyle // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUser JS== // @author mandalorien // ==OpenUser JS== var db; var KEYS = [37,38,39,40]; //left,high,right,low var META_UNIVERSE = $('meta[name="ogame-universe"').attr("content"); var UNIVERSE = 0; const regex = /s(.*)\-|U/; let m; var _LimitG = 9; var _LimitS = 499; $(document).ready(function(){ if ((m = regex.exec(META_UNIVERSE)) !== null) { // The result can be accessed through the `m`-variable. if(window.openDatabase){ db = openDatabase('sethi', '1.0', 'database', 1000000000); db.transaction(function (tx) { tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS GALAXIES (Action,Universe,PlayerName,PlayerAlliance,PlanetName,HaveMoon,SizeMoon,Galaxy,System,Planet,IsNewPlanet,TimerPlanet,TimerMoon)'); }); } UNIVERSE = parseFloat(m[1]); } var GALAXY = parseFloat($("#galaxy_input").val()); var SYSTEM = parseFloat($("#system_input").val()); if($_GET('page') == 'ingame'){ if($_GET('component') == 'preferences'){ var _G = 1; var _S = 1; var refresh = setInterval(function(){ if(_G == _LimitG && _S == _LimitS){ clearInterval(refresh); } if(_S > 499){ _G += 1; _S = 1; } console.log("GALAXY - SYSTEM",_G,_S); letsGo(UNIVERSE,_G,_S); _S ++; },500); }else{ letsGo(UNIVERSE,GALAXY,SYSTEM); } /* letsGo(UNIVERSE,GALAXY,SYSTEM); */ } // When a player uses directional keys in the galaxy. $(document).on('keyup',function(e) { if(jQuery.inArray(e.keyCode, KEYS) !== -1){ if($_GET('page') == 'ingame'){ GALAXY = parseFloat($("#galaxy_input").val()); SYSTEM = parseFloat($("#system_input").val()); letsGo(UNIVERSE,GALAXY,SYSTEM); } } }); // when a player click in button "Let's go" $(document).on('click','.btn_blue',function() { if($_GET('page') == 'ingame'){ GALAXY = parseFloat($("#galaxy_input").val()); SYSTEM = parseFloat($("#system_input").val()); letsGo(UNIVERSE,GALAXY,SYSTEM); } }); $(document).on('click',function(e) { console.log($_GET('page')); if($_GET('page') == 'ingame'){ let _CLICK_EVENT = $('data-coords'); if(_CLICK_EVENT != undefined){ GALAXY = parseFloat($("#galaxy_input").val()); SYSTEM = parseFloat($("#system_input").val()); letsGo(UNIVERSE,GALAXY,SYSTEM); } } }); }); /**** * PARAM : UNIVERSE is number of universe * PARAM : GALAXY is number current galaxy focus * PARAM : SYSTEM is number current galaxy focus * ****/ // function letsGo(UNIVERSE,GALAXY,SYSTEM){ console.log("GALAXY - SYSTEM",GALAXY,SYSTEM); let _R; let _Data = new FormData(); _R = 'https://s'+ UNIVERSE +''; _Data.append('galaxy',GALAXY); _Data.append('system',SYSTEM); $.ajax({ method: "POST", processData: false, contentType: false, url: _R, data: _Data, dataType:'json' }) .done(function(_RESULT){ let _HTML = $.parseHTML(_RESULT.galaxy); let mobileDIV = _HTML[4]; let _TR = $(mobileDIV).find("#galaxytable tbody tr:not(.empty_filter)"); $(_TR).each(function(Index,tr){ var POSITION = parseFloat($(tr).find('.position').text()); var PLANETNAME = ($(tr).find('.planetname').text()).trim(); var PLAYERNAME = ($(tr).find('.playername a span').text()).trim(); var ALLIANCE = ($(tr).find('span.allytagwrapper').text()).trim(); var MOON = ($(tr).find('.moon').attr('rel') == undefined ? 0 : 1); var TIMERPLANET = $(tr).find('.microplanet').find('.activity'); var TIMERMOON = $(tr).find('.moon').find('.activity'); //showMinutes .text var TP = -1; if(TIMERPLANET.length > 0){ if($(TIMERPLANET).attr('class').indexOf('showMinutes') >= 0){ // that means it has exceeded 15! TP = parseFloat($(TIMERPLANET).text().trim()); }else if($(TIMERPLANET).attr('class').indexOf('minute15') >= 0){ TP = 0; }else{ TP = -1; } } var TM = -1; if(TIMERMOON.length > 0){ if($(TIMERMOON).attr('class').indexOf('showMinutes') >= 0){ // that means it has exceeded 15! TM = parseFloat($(TIMERMOON).text().trim()); }else if($(TIMERMOON).attr('class').indexOf('minute15') >= 0){ TM = 0; }else{ TM = -1; } } let _DataObj = { Action:'PUT', Universe:UNIVERSE, PlayerName:PLAYERNAME, PlayerAlliance:ALLIANCE, PlanetName:PLANETNAME, HaveMoon:MOON, SizeMoon:0, Galaxy:GALAXY, System:SYSTEM, Planet:POSITION, IsNewPlanet:true, TimerPlanet:TP, TimerMoon:TM }; let _Data = [ 'PUT', UNIVERSE, PLAYERNAME, ALLIANCE, PLANETNAME, MOON, 0, GALAXY, SYSTEM, POSITION, true, TP, TM ]; if(window.openDatabase){ db.transaction(function (tx) { /* GALAXIES Action,Universe,PlayerName,PlayerAlliance,PlanetName,HaveMoon,SizeMoon,Galaxy,System,Planet,IsNewPlanet,TimerPlanet,TimerMoon */ var _REQ = 'INSERT INTO GALAXIES '; _REQ += '(Action,Universe,PlayerName,PlayerAlliance,PlanetName,HaveMoon,SizeMoon,Galaxy,System,Planet,IsNewPlanet,TimerPlanet,TimerMoon) '; _REQ += 'VALUES '; _REQ += '(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) '; console.log(_REQ); tx.executeSql(_REQ,_Data, function (tx, results) { console.log("save : "+ _Data[2]); }); }); } }); }); }