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// ==UserScript== // @name Deal Labs Maly // @include ** // @require // ==/UserScript== var min_deal = parseInt(; if ( !Number.isInteger(min_deal)){ min_deal = 0; console.log("No Very hot deal minumum value defined") } else console.log("Very hot deal minumum value of "+min_deal) $('.mouai').remove(); $('#body>aside').remove(); $('.expired').remove(); //$('.body_pagination').remove(); //pas de deal en magasin while ($('a:contains("En magasin")').eq(0).length){ $('a:contains("En magasin")').eq(0).parents().eq(2).remove(); } function tag_hot_deals(){ var deal_temps = $('.temperature_div>p') for (var i=0; i<deal_temps.length; i++){ if(deal_temps.eq(i).text().replace('°', '').trim() >=min_deal) deal_temps.eq(i).addClass('vhot'); } } tag_hot_deals(); while ($('.temperature_div>p:not(.vhot)').length){ $('.temperature_div>p:not(.vhot)').eq(0).parents().eq(5).remove(); } var descr_comments = $('.content_div_deal_index>div:not(:nth-child(1))'); for (var i=0; i<descr_comments.length; i++){ descr_comments.eq(i).remove(); }