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// ==UserScript== // @name Picarto Link De-Nanny (You are leaving Picarto Warning Remover) // @namespace // @description You know what's annoying? Getting warned that, when I click a link, I'm no longer on picarto! Buzz off. <3 // @license MIT // @include* // @version 3.2 // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== var NannytarEl = document; var nannynator = function(mutations){ var y; for (y = 0; y < mutations.length; y++) { //var links = document.querySelector('.frame').getElementsByTagName('a'); var links; if (mutations[y].type == "attributes") { if (mutations[y].target.hasAttribute("href")) { links = mutations[y].target; deNanny(links); } } else { links = mutations[y].target.getElementsByTagName('a'); if (links.length != 0) deNanny(links); } //console.log("Nannypage TERMINATED"); } /*mutObserver.disconnect(); setTimeout(function() {console.log("Nannynator is back online"); mutObserver.observe(NannytarEl, {attributes: true, subtree: true});}, 1000);*/ }; function deNanny(links) { var x; var count = 0; for (x = 0; x < links.length; x++) { var hdata; hdata = links[x].getAttribute("href"); if (hdata === null) continue; //else console.log(hdata); if ("/site/referrer") != -1) // /site/referrer? { //hdata = hdata.substr(14); //Trim off /site/referrer hdata = hdata.substr("go=") + 3); //Trim off everything before link. if ("&") != -1) //If the go parameter isn't last, hdata = hdata.substr(0,"&")); //Remove everything after it. //hdata = hdata.substr(18,"&ref=") - 18); //17 until "&ref=" //console.log(unescape(hdata)); links[x].setAttribute("href", unescape(hdata)); links[x].removeAttribute("onclick"); count++; } } //console.log("Terminated " + count + " links."); //console.log(links); } var mutObserver1 = new MutationObserver(nannynator); var mutObserver2 = new MutationObserver(nannynator); //console.log("I lived! Links Found: " + links.length); //console.log(typeof hdata); var waitForStrip = setInterval(function() { if (document.querySelector('.social-container')) { deNanny(document.querySelector('.frame').getElementsByTagName('a')); //setInterval(nannynator(), 60000); NannytarEl = document.querySelector('.social-container'); mutObserver1.observe(NannytarEl, {attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true}); NannytarEl = document.querySelector('.scrollwrapperchat'); mutObserver1.observe(NannytarEl, {childList: true, subtree: true}); clearInterval(waitForStrip); } },3000); //console.log("I lived!");