maloomf9 / FurAffinity Gallery Restoration

// ==UserScript==
// @name          FurAffinity Gallery Restoration
// @namespace
// @version       1.1
// @description   Restores the old FA Gallery Layout. USE WITH ADBLOCK FOR BETTER LOAD TIMES. Add*@400*$~collapse to your filters
// @include       *://**
// @include       *://**
// @include       *://**
// @include       *://**
// @include       *://**
// @include       *://**
// @include       *://**
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==

//USE WITH ADBLOCK FILTER TO PREVENT DOUBLE-HIT TO FA THUMBNAIL SERVERS. It also improves your load times, if you want a selfish reason.
//Manually add*@400*$~collapse and*@300*$~collapse to your filters.

(function() {
    // size thumbnail is scaled down to while not hovered over
    var size = 200;
    // set desired delay until enlarged thumbnail is shown (in seconds)
    var popupDelay = 0.25;
    // set transition duration here (in seconds)
    var transitionDuration = 0.25;
	// size thumbnail is scaled to after hovering over
	var currentSize = 200;

	//Actual thumbnail image size. FA generates thumbnails at 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, and 400. Any other number will result in errors.
	//Matching the size above means that, when hovered over, the thumbnail expands to it's full, unzoomed size.
	var thumbSize = 200;
    // Code starts here    
    // ========================================================================  

function addGlobalStyle(css) {
    var head, style;
    head = document.documentElement;
    if (!head) { console.log("I failed"); return; }
    style = document.createElement('style');
    style.type = 'text/css';
    style.innerHTML = css;

    // calculate margin for default sized thumbnail
    var margin = Math.floor((currentSize - size) / -2);
addGlobalStyle( getGalleryCss(size) +
        /*' figure.t-image b u a[href^="/view/"]:hover {position:relative;z-index:10;margin:' + margin + 'px !important;-moz-transition: all ' + transitionDuration + 's ease-in-out ' + popupDelay + 's !important}' +
        ' figure.t-image b u a[href^="/view/"]:hover img {max-width:' + currentSize + 'px !important;max-height:' + currentSize + 'px !important;-moz-transition: all ' + transitionDuration + 's ease-in-out ' + popupDelay + 's !important}' +*/
    	' figure {overflow:visible !important;}' + // needed for hover effect
		' {overflow:visible !important;}' /* +
    	'center.flow.nodesc span, center.flow.nodesc small {display:none !important}'*/ // hack because we need to set overflow:visible*/
	function getGalleryCss(size) {
        return '' +
        ' figure {width:' + (size + 10) + 'px !important;}' +
        ' figure {height:' + (size + 10) + 'px !important;}' +
        'form.messages-form section.messagecenter.nodesc.s-200 figure {height:' + (size + 30) + 'px !important;}' +
        ' u {height:' + (size + 10) + 'px !important;}' +
        /*'center.flow.with-titles-usernames b {height:' + (size + 54) + 'px !important;}' +
        'center.flow.with-titles b {height:' + (size + 40) + 'px !important;}' +*/
        //' figure {height:' + (size + 76) + 'px !important;}' + //76
        ' img {width: auto !important;height: auto !important;max-width:' + size + 'px !important;max-height:' + size + 'px !important;}'; //Thumnail Size

//window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) {
//while (document.getElementsByClassName('cat')[0] == null)

/*document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event)
	console.log("Replacing Images");
	for(var i=0; i<image_elements.length; i++) {

		var image_element = image_elements[i];
		if("/poetry/") == -1 &&"/music/") == -1 &&"/stories/") == -1 &&".swf") == -1 ) {
			image_element.src = image_element.src.replace("@200","@" + thumbSize);
			image_element.src = image_element.src.replace("@300","@" + thumbSize);


document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ReplaceImages);
function ReplaceImages()
	console.log("DOM Content Trigger");
	image_elements = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
	for(var i=0; i<image_elements.length; i++) {

		var image_element = image_elements[i];
		if("/poetry/") == -1 &&"/music/") == -1 &&"/stories/") == -1 &&".swf") == -1 ) {
			//image_element.src = image_element.src.replace("@200","@" + thumbSize);
			image_element.src = image_element.src.replace("@300","@" + thumbSize);
			image_element.src = image_element.src.replace("@400","@" + thumbSize);
	document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ReplaceImages);
