maloomf9 / FA Restore Notification Count in Classic

// ==UserScript==
// @name          FA Restore Notification Count in Classic
// @namespace
// @version       0.11
// @description   Restores exact counts for the FA notification counters in the classic theme.
// @include       *://**
// @license       MIT
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==

var counter = 0;

var waitForSub = setInterval(function() {
   var notif = document.querySelectorAll('.notification-container');
   if (notif.length >= 5)
         for (const elem of notif)
             var count = elem.title.split(' ')[0];
             count = count.replace(/\,/g,'');
             var ih = elem.innerHTML;
             ih = ih.slice(</), ih.length);
             elem.innerHTML = count + ih;
    else if (++counter == 20) { clearInterval(waitForSub); console.log("FAREC Timed Out"); }