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// ==UserScript== // @name MineThings backlight melds // @namespace zzzz // @include http://** // @exclude http://** // @exclude http://**/map/* // @exclude http://**/login/* // @version 1.1.3 // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // ==/UserScript== var debug_text; var debug_need = false; var city =""; var serv = ""; var do_reload_inventory =false; var do_print_inventory =false; var need_select_all = false; setTimeout(main,1000); function create_div(){ text = "<div style='font-family: \"Courier New\", Courier, monospace; font-size: 13px; position: fixed; top: 5px; right: 5px; background: #fff;'>" + "{<input type='checkbox' id='click_check_box' /> select}" + "<div name='work_speace'> <ul id='ul_inventory'> </ul> </div>" + "<div style='font-family: \"Courier New\", Courier, monospace; font-size: 13px;' id='debug_text'>"+ "0"+ "</div></div>"; var opts = document.createElement("span"); opts.innerHTML = text; = "50"; document.body.insertBefore(opts, document.body.firstChild); } function debuger(txt){ if(!debug_need)return; var inner = debug_text.innerHTML; if(inner.length>1000) inner = inner.substr(50); debug_text.innerHTML = inner +"<br/>" + txt; } function delete_from_inventory(){ debuger("del in " + city); var q=0; while(GM_getValue(get_id(q), "")!==""){ GM_deleteValue(get_id(q)); GM_deleteValue(get_id_q(q)); q++; } debuger("delete " + q); } function have_in_inventory(txt){ var q=0; while(GM_getValue(get_id(q), "")!=="") { if(GM_getValue(get_id(q))==txt) return q; q++; } return -1; } function have_city(new_city){ var q=0; while(GM_getValue(get_city_id(q), "")!=="") { if(GM_getValue(get_city_id(q), "")==new_city) return q; q++; } debuger("no city=" + new_city); return -1; } function last_city(){ var q=0; while(GM_getValue(get_city_id(q), "")!=="") { q++; } return q; } function add_city() { var navcontainer = document.getElementById("navcontainer"); new_city = navcontainer.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].alt; if(have_city(new_city)<0){ GM_setValue(get_city_id(last_city()), new_city); debuger("add city=" + new_city + " id=" + get_city_id(last_city())); } return new_city; } function get_city_id(q) { return "city_"+serv+"_" +q; } function get_id(q, any_city) { return (any_city?any_city:city) + "_" + q; } function get_id_q(q, any_city) { return (any_city?any_city:city) + "_" + q + "_q"; } function reload_inventory(ThingsDiv) { if(do_reload_inventory) return; delete_from_inventory(); var ash = ThingsDiv.getElementsByTagName("a"); debuger("find " + ash.length + " in " + city); var q=0; for(var z=0;z<ash.length;z++){ var item = ash[z].innerHTML; var id = have_in_inventory(item); if(id < 0) { id = q; q++;} GM_setValue(get_id(id), item); GM_setValue(get_id_q(id), GM_getValue(get_id_q(id), 0) + 1); debuger(id +"="+ item + " q=" +GM_getValue(get_id_q(id), 0) ); } do_reload_inventory = true; } function print_inventory(){ var ul = document.getElementById('ul_inventory'); debuger("last_city=" +last_city()); for(var s=0; s<last_city();s++) { var li = document.createElement("li"); var current =false; if(s!=0) { li.innerHTML = " "; ul.appendChild(li); li = document.createElement("li"); } var this_city = GM_getValue(get_city_id(s)); if(this_city == city) current=true; li.innerHTML = "===="+this_city+"===="; if(current) = "bold"; = "16px"; ul.appendChild(li); var q=0; while(GM_getValue(get_id(q, this_city),"")!==""){ li = document.createElement("li"); if(current) = "bold"; if(current) = '#df1'; // if(current) = "16px"; li.innerHTML = GM_getValue(get_id_q(q, this_city), 0) + " - " + GM_getValue(get_id(q, this_city), ""); ul.appendChild(li); q++; } } do_print_inventory = true; } // <b style="background: #df1;">Bolt</b> function select_all(ItemsDiv) { if(!need_select_all) return; var q=0; var txt = ItemsDiv.innerHTML; while(GM_getValue(get_id(q),"")!=="") { // #df1 txt =txt.replace(new RegExp(GM_getValue(get_id(q),""), 'g'), "<b style='background: #df1;'>" + GM_getValue(get_id(q),"") + "</b>"); q++; } ItemsDiv.innerHTML = txt; need_select_all = false; } function add_serv() { // debuger("url=" + document.URL); // url= var url= document.URL; debuger(url); url = url.substr(url.indexOf("://")+3, url.indexOf(".") - url.indexOf("://")-3); return url; } function main(){ setTimeout(main,900); debug_text = document.getElementById("debug_text"); if(!debug_text){ create_div(); return; } if(serv==="") serv = add_serv(); if(city==="") city = add_city(); var ThingsDiv = document.getElementById("ThingsDiv"); if(ThingsDiv) reload_inventory(ThingsDiv); if(!do_print_inventory)print_inventory(); var chb = document.getElementById('click_check_box'); if(chb.checked){ need_select_all = true; chb.checked = false; } var ItemsDiv = document.getElementById('ItemsDiv'); if(ItemsDiv) select_all(ItemsDiv); }