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// ==UserScript== // @name SubScene Filter // @author Marco Tarantino ( // @homepageURL // @copyright 2017+, Marco Tarantino ( // @license MIT License; // @namespace // @description Add filter to subscene searches // @include https://** // @exclude https://** // @exclude https://**/* // @require // @version 1 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== $("#flagWrapper").after( '<div>\ <select id="langChoice">\ <option id="langDefault" value="">All</option>\ </select>\ <input id="myFilterQuery" type="text">\ <label>\ <input type="checkbox" id="caseInsensitiveBox">\ Case Insensitive\ </label>\ <select id="earChoice">\ <option id="earDefault" value="">Any</option>\ <option value="hi">HI</option>\ <option value="nohi">No HI</option>\ </select>\ <select id="authorChoice">\ <option id="authorDefault" value="">Any</option>\ </select>\ <button id="filterButton" type="button">Filter</button>\ <button id="clearButton" type="button">Clear</button>\ </div>' ); var rows = $("tr").filter(function(ix,el) { return $(this).find("span.l").text(); }); var filtered = rows; var visibles = rows; var langs = []; $("tr td.a1 span.l").each(function() { lang = $(this).text().trim(); if( langs.indexOf(lang) == -1 ) { langs.push(lang); } }); var el = $("#langChoice"); $.each(langs, function(key,value) { el.append($("<option></option>") .attr("value",value).text(value)); }); // Get authors list and set selection var authors = []; var authorsPopulate = function() { authors = []; filtered.find("td.a5").each(function() { author = $(this).text().trim(); if( authors.indexOf(author) == -1 ) { authors.push(author); } }); }; var updateAuthorChoice = function() { authorsPopulate(); authorVal = $("#authorChoice").val(); $("#authorChoice option:gt(0)").remove(); var el = $("#authorChoice"); $.each(authors,function(key, value) { el.append($("<option></option>") .attr("value",value).text(value)); }); $("#authorChoice").val(authorVal); }; updateAuthorChoice(); var render = function() { rows.hide();; }; $("#filterButton").click(function() { // Get the regex to search for var isValid = true; try { if($("#caseInsensitiveBox").prop('checked')) { var inputRegex = new RegExp($("#myFilterQuery").val(),"i"); } else { var inputRegex = new RegExp($("#myFilterQuery").val()); } } catch(e) { isValid = false; } // Get the language filter params do_filter = $("#langChoice").val() != ""; var filter_lang = $("#langChoice").val(); // Get the hearing impairment filter params do_hi = $("#earChoice").val() != ""; var filter_hi = $("#earChoice").val(); if(filter_hi == "hi") { var hi_class = "a41"; } else if (filter_hi == "nohi") { var hi_class = "a40"; } // First filter filtered = rows.filter(function(ix,el) { if(!do_filter) { return true; } return $(this).find("span.l").text().trim() == filter_lang; }) .filter(function(ix,el) { if(!isValid) { return true; } return $(this).find("td.a1 a span:nth-child(2)").text().trim().match(inputRegex); }) .filter(function(ix,el) { if(!do_hi) { return true; } return $(this).find("td:nth-child(3)").attr('class') == hi_class; }); // Update dependencies of second filter updateAuthorChoice(); // Second filter author_filter = $("#authorChoice").val(); if(author_filter == $("#authorDefault").val()){ visibles = filtered; } else { visibles = filtered.filter(function(ix,el) { return $(this).find("td.a5").text().trim() == author_filter; }); } render(); }); $("#clearButton").click(function() { filtered = visibles = rows; updateAuthorChoice(); // restore the filters to the empy state $("#langChoice").val($("#langDefault").val()); $("#earChoice").val($("#earDefault").val()); $("#authorChoice").val($("#authorDefault").val()) $("#caseInsensitiveBox").prop('checked',false); $("#myFilterQuery").val(""); render(); });