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#EDF2EB rgb(237, 242, 235)
#ECF2EA ... rgb(236, 242, 234)
Neutral Tons of Colors ; reduce eye strain.
Neutral tones are mixed with tons of gray but retain their own tonality; And flee from pure tones or close to #FF rgb ... 255s.
#EDF2EB 237 242 235
#EDEBF2 237 235 242
#EEEAF2 238 234 242
#EEF2EA 238 242 234
This is where the big secret and technique is Neutral colors are shades mixed with shades of gray.
The purer the color tones, the more they require the presence of 180.dgr rotated color tone in order to achieve more tonal balance together.
The most neutral or balanced shade of color is precisely that which has a shade similar to or near its own Complementary; Note that Complementary Color is not the same as Contrary Color.
Want to make any shade of color more neutral or more balanced - when alone; Merge this shade of color with shades of gray and then increase the brightness until you get a shade close to the original.
From the fact that in the color panel the row of pure colors only occupies a small area above and most of the entire panel are shades of gray. Nature naturally mixes shades of gray to make the most balanced colors. Take a test ... A ton of pure blue color will be watching right then observe that same shade mixed with a little shade of Gray, realized that the color has become more balanced, more natural; ie more neutral.
Based on the complementary set of color tones.
Based on complementary color schemes.
Based on the natural contrasts of neutral colors.
The purpose is to find colors that serve as background and cause minimal visual effort and even stimulate visual comfort; As a rule the problems in the use of colors is in that each color when visualized in the retina always forms the complementary game of color in the retina of the eyes, if not used as perception causes useless volume of perception ... ^^ so neutral colors since in the retina of the eyes always the complementary color is formed by set and as in the neutral colors the complementary colors are very close that allows a greater rest for the interpretation ... ^^ so to use neutral colors by Nature causes more visual comfort.
Also the purpose is to avoid jumping of perception or visual effort of perception ... ^^ It happens when we have any image and this image is quickly superimposed by another and this is repeated in sequence ... ^^ should be avoided. maximum occurrence of this repetition if it is not part of the important perception ... visually one can perceive this when viewing a white screen and then superimpose a screen of any other color of intense brightness and repeat this until causing visual fatigue ... ^^ therefore the background color should be smooth in order to avoid to the maximum the fatigue by successive and constant overlap.
It is also the purpose of finding background colors that are Natural ... ^^ Here we seek to find in addition to neutral and soft colors to serve as background colors that are present in the natural human environment ... ^^ therefore find colors that are present in Nature ... in precious stones ... in plants ... in the rivers ... waterfalls ... sea borders ... in the background of the sky when seen near the horizon ... ^^ Then happen the colors of tonality green - yellowish as being a constant in these Natural environments ... also the rocks have natural Neutral tones that serve for these purposes.
...In tags more constantly selected ... body, table, td, div, html, dl, ul, pre ;
...Wanted to eliminate the complementary play of colors; you can test for yourself at the end of the page; note the color magenta few moments and view sideways until you see the optical illusion with green complementary color; this effect is just visual stress caused due to constant flickering color in the visual field.
Just Use Apps - Greasemonkey ; Tampermonkey ; or Violentmonkey ;
Method of obtaining ergonomic colors ::
All color tones when blended in tones with gray tones tend to form neutral color tones.
Neutral color tone is one in which its complementary tone is close to itself; In note :: The complementary shade of gray shades are also shades of color next to the gray itself.
Neutral color shades do not require color shading to become more harmonious and vibrant, or better perceptible.
Here we try to avoid the relationship between the color tones where the complementary tone is very different, which causes greater visual effort :: in note ... pure ... (rbg :: 255) red x green; ... yellow x violet :: whenever the retina of the eyes captures, perceives a color tint also forms a tonality in the complementary color :: note ... if the retina picks up an object with the yellow tint also forms In the retina an image of the object in its complementary color violet, ... as the brain does not use this complementary color to perceive the object ends up leaving complementary color tonality as an anomalous leftover; Object perceived in yellow also forms in the retina of the eyes the same object in violet color ...; An object in the complementary color that the brain has to waste is formed in the retina; For this reason when using an object a color tone must also have in the vicinity of it some tonality in the complementary color ..., so that both are more harmonious, vibrant and better perceptible ..., precisely because of how The brain interprets the colors to be formed in the retina :: to avoid the previous problem of complementary color tonality games can be used smoothed tones with the shades of color in gray ... making the color tones more natural, their games of Complementary colors are smoothed, vibrant and, better perceptible.
For the case of color tones to be used as background colors for visualization on transparent material screens:
5.1. The tonality of greatest occurrence in Nature in its various natural environments is precisely the conjunction Green-Yellow :: leaves of the trees,
Grasses, mosses, lichens, algae ...; Of attention to congruence :: Just as it is visualized on the glassy surface of a stream or river or waterfall or beach ... the tonality that is perceived as background color is precisely the color tonality formed by the plants and some that are in the background in the environment....; So exactly ... naturally when we observe through video screens ... we can use this natural similarity with which we are visually accustomed from the beginnings of humanity to be able to form a more ergonomic visual environment :: attention to the fact that in Nature most Of the shades of color are yellowish green ... the plants are of shades of yellow-green.
Method :: Ton of color ... x ... addition (blend) of color shade Gray to impart complementary balance.
Attention to the natural formation of the visible color spectrum :: We have to the center of the spectrum the natural proximity in conjunction of the colors Green and Yellow and ... from sides to the extreme we have color Blue on one side and Red on the other and on Continuity of color Blue we have violet color .... and ultraviolet; On the side of the Red we have in continuity the infrared ...; Nature uses itself in its environment of visualization the tonalities Green -x- Yellow as a harmonious appearance and ... uses the Blue and Red sides as a way of obtaining chemical energy for the plants. ... naturally ... Nature is shown in shades of Green-x-Yellow color as visual perception and ... Blue and Red as food for plants. Here the goal is not to find the best or worst, but to obtain colors of tonalities naturally found in Nature, and distributed in a harmonious way.
Explaining; the secret is ..
Choose the most nantural color tone.
This ton should be clear, near white, for the brain tends to attribute this white hue, by perception.
It should be a smooth ton, avoiding to the maximum contrast.
The chosen tone should be the closest of neutrals; Neutral tones are next to grays and browns; because the neutral tones has as complementary shades shades next to own ton; visually ... (#aaaaaa ~ # 555555; complementary) ... as the complementary ton always forms on the retina of the eyes, and the ton is similar, it avoids fatigue in visualization.
Summing up...
Should choose light colors.
Should choose mixed colors next to gray or brown, but without changing the apparent hue, hue perceived.
visually ... in windows
**We find this color range in Nature**, not the invented simply. We **find this range of colors in the waterfalls**, the translucent colors of the aquatic environment. In the colors of the waters of rivers and lakes. In the colors of precious stones such as diamonds, beryl and other crystals. In games color distant clouds at dusk. Flowers like the orchids. We seek to find in nature the way it solved its interaction with the various colors games, the way we interact in our natural environment the solution to our needs.
Viewing a waterfall which the standard color games that are reflected in the environment. Viewing the waters of beaches which the color pattern prevailing in the visual field; Also, both vizualizando out as through the water and also when it is visualized an object that is inside; within the visual field which is the predominant set of color tone.
When you view the plants through the waters at the waterfall in order to be able to view the plants in the background and surroundings. Always note in Nature is common and standard find shade of green colors always associated shades of yellow color; Nature likes to use the Green-Yellowish shades to color the leaves of plants; that just are the cradle for mammals beings; Thus one of the color tone of the natural environment primates; and also in the human environment, always live the related color tones of plants, waterfalls, rivers. In natural environment we find our ergonomic colors; what nature already resolvel and what since so much we are in constant relationship.
###** Windows Background's - in natural contrast**
Background color #ECF2EA is more natural ergonomic background color for your eyes.
The reflectivity of this(#ecf2ea) with the complementary tone is one of the most mild of a series of tones. #EAF2E6 #EAF2E7 #EBF2E7 #EBF2E8 #EBF2E9 #ECF2E9 #ECF2EA Make note of the acute angle monitor to see complementary colors it generates. Light colors generate less eyestrain.
The green color rests viewing.
The YELLOWED GREEN is the most common in nature, more natural; leaves mostly use yellow-green tones; rivers, waterfalls and transparent beaches realize the presence of this color as background or natural predominant color. Precious stones also has as common this same green color shades with amareldos, (beryl, diamonds); The soft yellowish green color that generates the complementary color also the smoothest possible is one of the most appropriate visibility readings and more rests visibility.
BACKGROUND COLOR Natural # Replace White #FFFFFF color Background's' in #ECF2EA Light Green Yellow Background; Diamond Color; This not replace url background image; A 99.6% pages occurs; #ecf2ea and next are patterns that Nature uses to background transparency;
Just like Gresemonkey for Firefox ; Tampermonkey for Chrome ; Violentmonkey for Maxthon ;
#### Techniques to achieve natural colors; or Neutral colors.
Any color when viewed form the retina color "COMPLEMENTARY" to it.
Depending on the hue of the color complementary ranges;
generally red tones have complementary green tones.
Shades of green can be as complementary shades of violet or red; this relationship has relation with the position of the color in the color circle.
The "color" contrary to the Black # 000 is #FFF; But in REVERSE color this relationship does not occur that way; In reverse color preserving the brightness and color depth. "hue-rotate (180deg)".
The neutral color or natural color is achieved with any ton of color can pull the color to gray tones in Windows. In Windows select a color and pull the color to grayscale; The color that resemble with the original color and is more mixed with gray tones will be the colors whose contrary matching or also the INVERSE will be the nearest to themselves; This is precisely what makes the Natural Neutral or color. NEUTRAL Tones; so; whose tones are opposite color or color and also the INVERSE approach the own color of origin; Are shades of gray or brown. These tones avoid visual shock, retinal form a quite different complementary color of the original; which is a contrast shock; ... ie ... with approximation Gray tones or brown tones avoiding visual and brain fatigue.
Test yourself.
Note 2 meters away from a deep red color object; unblinking; for about 10 seconds and move the eyes, unblinking; to side; and continue to look for the same position, but next ...; who appeared an image or aura of the object next to it'll be in reverse complementary color; ie for a red object in general will see a green outline.
The Neutral colors prevent this change in color tone.
To use a color background constantly that color should avoid this change in a complementary hue; the resting retina and also the cerebral effort.
....another question.
Within the NATURE which are the most natural colors ?; so; What colors more naturally has been in socializing with human vision in the move from its visual evolution? Humanity has been in contact with various natural tones ROCKS AND DIFFERENT SHADES OF GREEN. Tons of Rocks has approximation with Brown tones. Shades of Green has approximation to "green" to "yellow" PLANTS; Note that in general the plants have yellowish green tones. Also occur in Nature several other occurrences where they appear shades of yellowish green; The water drops background has always plant yellow green tones; The beaches always show yellow-green tones. E .. accurate stones also have a wide range of yellowish green shades. Green tones make rest your eyes.
So ... Have color tones in Windows merge these tones with gray or brown.
... A color tone similar to Notepad ... color ... OR ROCKS similar to natural PAPER ...
# F0EFEB rgb (240, 239, 235)
... See that this color approaches the gray in Windows. It is a Natural or Neutral color naturally; she rests the vision and the brain.
#### Tecnicals #EAF2E6 #EAF2E7 #EBF2E7 #EBF2E8 #EBF2E9 #ECF2E9 #ECF2EA #Complementary Notions # Here are the contrary colors #COLOR CONTRARY ARE NOT REVERSED COLORS #EAF2E6 rgb(234, 242, 230) #150D19 rgb(21, 13, 25) #EAF2E7 rgb(234, 242, 231) #150D18 rgb(21, 13, 24) #EBF2E7 rgb(235, 242, 231) #140D18 rgb(20, 13, 24) #EBF2E8 rgb(235, 242, 232) #140D17 rgb(20, 13, 23) #EBF2E9 rgb(235, 242, 233) #140D16 rgb(20, 13, 22) #ECF2E9 rgb(236, 242, 233) #130D16 rgb(19, 13, 22) #ECF2EA rgb(236, 242, 234) #130D15 rgb(19, 13, 21)
THESE ARE COLOR INVERSAL # Complementary with in rotation in the opposite color to 180deg with relation to the color circle.
Visual test online editing
code text here
<textarea style="width:96%;height:360px;">
This is Color Complementary Contrary
#ABC49F rgb(171, 196, 159) #543B60 rgb(84, 59, 96)
#F6FFF4 rgb(246, 255, 244) #09000B rgb(9, 0, 11)
#F9FEF6 rgb(249, 254, 246) #060109 rgb(6, 1, 9)
#F7FEF5 rgb(247, 254, 245) #08010A rgb(8, 1, 10)
#D6E1D0 rgb(214, 225, 208) #291E2F rgb(41, 30, 47)
#EAEFE7 rgb(234, 239, 231) #151018 rgb(21, 16, 24)
#EEF2EC rgb(238, 242, 236) #110D13 rgb(17, 13, 19)
#A6C09D rgb(166, 192, 157) #593F62 rgb(89, 63, 98)
#A4C09A rgb(164, 192, 154) #5B3F65 rgb(91, 63, 101)
#E8EEE6 rgb(232, 238, 230) #171119 rgb(23, 17, 25)
#E8EfE6 rgb(232, 239, 230) #171019 rgb(23, 16, 25)
#E9EFE6 rgb(233, 239, 230) #161019 rgb(22, 16, 25)
#E9F2E6 rgb(233, 242, 230) #160D19 rgb(22, 13, 25)
#F6FFF4 rgb(246, 255, 244) #09000B rgb(9, 0, 11)
#EAF2E6 rgb(234, 242, 230) #150D19 rgb(21, 13, 25)
#EAF2E7 rgb(234, 242, 231) #150D18 rgb(21, 13, 24)
#EBF2E7 rgb(235, 242, 231) #140D18 rgb(20, 13, 24)
#EBF2E8 rgb(235, 242, 232) #140D17 rgb(20, 13, 23)
#EBF2E9 rgb(235, 242, 233) #140D16 rgb(20, 13, 22)
#ECF2E9 rgb(236, 242, 233) #130D16 rgb(19, 13, 22)
#ECF2EA rgb(236, 242, 234) #130D15 rgb(19, 13, 21)
<dt style="background-color:rgb(171, 196, 159);">#ABC49F rgb(171, 196, 159)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(246, 255, 244);">#F6FFF4 rgb(246, 255, 244)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(249, 254, 246);">#F9FEF6 rgb(249, 254, 246)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(247, 254, 245);">#F7FEF5 rgb(247, 254, 245)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(214, 225, 208);">#D6E1D0 rgb(214, 225, 208)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(234, 239, 231);">#EAEFE7 rgb(234, 239, 231)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(238, 242, 236);">#EEF2EC rgb(238, 242, 236)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(166, 192, 157);">#A6C09D rgb(166, 192, 157)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(164, 192, 154);">#A4C09A rgb(164, 192, 154)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(84, 59, 96);color:#a0a0a0;">#543B60 rgb(84, 59, 96)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(9, 0, 11);color:#a0a0a0;">#09000B rgb(9, 0, 11)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(6, 1, 9);color:#a0a0a0;">#060109 rgb(6, 1, 9)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(8, 1, 10);color:#a0a0a0;">#08010A rgb(8, 1, 10)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(41, 30, 47);color:#a0a0a0;">#291E2F rgb(41, 30, 47)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(21, 16, 24);color:#a0a0a0;">#151018 rgb(21, 16, 24)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(17, 13, 19);color:#a0a0a0;">#110D13 rgb(17, 13, 19)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(89, 63, 98);color:#a0a0a0;">#593F62 rgb(89, 63, 98)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(91, 63, 101);color:#a0a0a0;">#5B3F65 rgb(91, 63, 101)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(232, 238, 230);">#E8EEE6 rgb(232, 238, 230)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(232, 239, 230);">#E8EfE6 rgb(232, 239, 230)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(233, 239, 230);">#E9EFE6 rgb(233, 239, 230)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(233, 242, 230);">#E9F2E6 rgb(233, 242, 230)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(246, 255, 244);">#F6FFF4 rgb(246, 255, 244)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(23, 17, 25);color:#a0a0a0;">#171119 rgb(23, 17, 25)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(23, 16, 25);color:#a0a0a0;">#171019 rgb(23, 16, 25)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(22, 16, 25);color:#a0a0a0;">#161019 rgb(22, 16, 25)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(22, 13, 25);color:#a0a0a0;">#160D19 rgb(22, 13, 25)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(9, 0, 11);color:#a0a0a0;">#09000B rgb(9, 0, 11)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(234, 242, 230);">#EAF2E6 rgb(234, 242, 230)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(234, 242, 231);">#EAF2E7 rgb(234, 242, 231)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(235, 242, 231);">#EBF2E7 rgb(235, 242, 231)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(235, 242, 232);">#EBF2E8 rgb(235, 242, 232)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(235, 242, 233);">#EBF2E9 rgb(235, 242, 233)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(236, 242, 233);">#ECF2E9 rgb(236, 242, 233)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(236, 242, 234);">#ECF2EA rgb(236, 242, 234)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(21, 13, 25);color:#a0a0a0;">#150D19 rgb(21, 13, 25)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(21, 13, 24);color:#a0a0a0;">#150D18 rgb(21, 13, 24)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(20, 13, 24);color:#a0a0a0;">#140D18 rgb(20, 13, 24)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(20, 13, 23);color:#a0a0a0;">#140D17 rgb(20, 13, 23)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(20, 13, 22);color:#a0a0a0;">#140D16 rgb(20, 13, 22)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(19, 13, 22);color:#a0a0a0;">#130D16 rgb(19, 13, 22)</dt>
<dt style="background-color:rgb(19, 13, 21);color:#a0a0a0;">#130D15 rgb(19, 13, 21)</dt>
<input style="background-color:rgb(171, 196, 159);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#ABC49F rgb(171, 196, 159)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(246, 255, 244);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#F6FFF4 rgb(246, 255, 244)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(249, 254, 246);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#F9FEF6 rgb(249, 254, 246)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(247, 254, 245);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#F7FEF5 rgb(247, 254, 245)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(214, 225, 208);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#D6E1D0 rgb(214, 225, 208)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(234, 239, 231);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#EAEFE7 rgb(234, 239, 231)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(238, 242, 236);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#EEF2EC rgb(238, 242, 236)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(166, 192, 157);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#A6C09D rgb(166, 192, 157)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(164, 192, 154);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#A4C09A rgb(164, 192, 154)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(232, 238, 230);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#E8EEE6 rgb(232, 238, 230)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(232, 239, 230);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#E8EfE6 rgb(232, 239, 230)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(233, 239, 230);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#E9EFE6 rgb(233, 239, 230)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(233, 242, 230);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#E9F2E6 rgb(233, 242, 230)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(246, 255, 244);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#F6FFF4 rgb(246, 255, 244)<br>
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<input style="background-color:#EAF2E7;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#EAF2E7 rgb(234, 242, 231)<br>
<input style="background-color:#EBF2E7;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#EBF2E7 rgb(235, 242, 231)<br>
<input style="background-color:#EBF2E8;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#EBF2E8 rgb(235, 242, 232)<br>
<input style="background-color:#EBF2E9;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#EBF2E9 rgb(235, 242, 233)<br>
<input style="background-color:#ECF2E9;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#ECF2E9 rgb(236, 242, 233)<br>
<input style="background-color:#ECF2EA;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" type="text" />#ECF2EA rgb(236, 242, 234)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(171, 196, 159);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#ABC49F" type="color">#ABC49F rgb(171, 196, 159)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(246, 255, 244);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#F6FFF4" type="color">#F6FFF4 rgb(246, 255, 244)<br>
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<input style="background-color:rgb(214, 225, 208);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#D6E1D0" type="color">#D6E1D0 rgb(214, 225, 208)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(234, 239, 231);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#EAEFE7" type="color">#EAEFE7 rgb(234, 239, 231)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(238, 242, 236);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#EEF2EC" type="color">#EEF2EC rgb(238, 242, 236)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(166, 192, 157);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#A6C09D" type="color">#A6C09D rgb(166, 192, 157)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(164, 192, 154);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#A4C09A" type="color">#A4C09A rgb(164, 192, 154)<br>
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<input style="background-color:rgb(232, 239, 230);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#E8EfE6" type="color">#E8EfE6 rgb(232, 239, 230)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(233, 239, 230);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#E9EFE6" type="color">#E9EFE6 rgb(233, 239, 230)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(233, 242, 230);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#E9F2E6" type="color">#E9F2E6 rgb(233, 242, 230)<br>
<input style="background-color:rgb(246, 255, 244);filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#F6FFF4" type="color">#F6FFF4 rgb(246, 255, 244)<br>
<input style="background-color:#EAF2E6;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#EAF2E6" type="color" />#EAF2E6 rgb(234, 242, 230)<br>
<input style="background-color:#EAF2E7;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#EAF2E7" type="color" />#EAF2E7 rgb(234, 242, 231)<br>
<input style="background-color:#EBF2E7;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#EBF2E7" type="color" />#EBF2E7 rgb(235, 242, 231)<br>
<input style="background-color:#EBF2E8;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#EBF2E8" type="color" />#EBF2E8 rgb(235, 242, 232)<br>
<input style="background-color:#EBF2E9;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#EBF2E9" type="color" />#EBF2E9 rgb(235, 242, 233)<br>
<input style="background-color:#ECF2E9;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#ECF2E9" type="color" />#ECF2E9 rgb(236, 242, 233)<br>
<input style="background-color:#ECF2EA;filter:hue-rotate(180deg);" value="#ECF2EA" type="color" />#ECF2EA rgb(236, 242, 234)<br>
Color counter reverse color is different; the opposite color only if the sum 200 + 55 = 255; in reverse color has the reversal in 180gr of colors, preserving the brightness and color intensity.
#ABC49F rgb(171, 196, 159)
#543B60 rgb(84, 59, 96)
#F6FFF4 rgb(246, 255, 244)
#F9FEF6 rgb(249, 254, 246)
#F7FEF5 rgb(247, 254, 245)
#D6E1D0 rgb(214, 225, 208)
#EAEFE7 rgb(234, 239, 231)
#EEF2EC rgb(238, 242, 236)
#A6C09D rgb(166, 192, 157)
#593F62 rgb(89, 63, 98)
#A4C09A rgb(164, 192, 154)
#5B3F65 rgb(91, 63, 101)
#E8EEE6 rgb(232, 238, 230)
#E8EfE6 rgb(232, 239, 230)
#E9EFE6 rgb(233, 239, 230)
#E9F2E6 rgb(233, 242, 230)
#F6FFF4 rgb(246, 255, 244)
#EAF2E6 rgb(234, 242, 230)
#EAF2E7 rgb(234, 242, 231)
#EBF2E7 rgb(235, 242, 231)
#EBF2E8 rgb(235, 242, 232)
#EBF2E9 rgb(235, 242, 233)
#ECF2E9 rgb(236, 242, 233)
#ECF2EA rgb(236, 242, 234)
#ECF2EA 236 242 234 *****
#FFF6ED 255 246 237
#F0EFEB 240 239 235
ColorTab ; input #eeddbb , #EFEAEA ; background #fff9ed , #eeeaea ;
#EFEAEA 239 234 234
#DFD7C4 rgb(223, 215, 196) ;neutral input; color #000; text-shadow 0.2px 0.2px 0 #A39393;
Of attention to observe reflexivity of complementary color and milder with less variation in tone;
ECF2EA # rgb (236, 242, 234)
The variation from # ECF3EA ja greater intensity of complementary color that occurs naturally as reflected eh complementary color.
Here with the objective of generating additional softer colors; thing that occurs to the proximity of different shades of color next to gray; see the differences
ECF2EA # rgb (236, 242, 234)
compared to
ECF2EA # rgb (236, 242, 234), grenn is more natural
130D15 # rgb (19, 13, 21) more natural contrast
F6FFF4 # rgb (246, 255, 244), green is more intense
(With # ECF2EA the complementary color generated on the monitors is one of the milder, gentle, natural);
The idea here is to find within Nature background color that offers the highest possible naturalness; says that "instead of inventing something new; look in Nature, she already decided well"
Attach note the image; the left; take your eyes unblinking and see the presence of complementary color Reverse .... and observe the interaction with the visual field.
We seek to avoid exactly this complementary color effect; so we play or approach the shades of constant use of colors for the next grayscale; shades of color next to shades of gray have the complementary color smoother, so are ergonomic eye.
Visual test; focus attention at the center, the cross, and after move the eyes to see it is observed the formation of complementary colors in the retina of the eyes; Magenta and Green contrast presence.
Rating: -4