lexanderortega / Fondo Color a muchas páginas

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Fondo Color a muchas páginas
// @description   Replace background with ergonomic colors #EDF2EB rgb(237, 242, 235) or #ECF2EA rgb(236, 242, 234); solve #FFFFFF rgb(255, 255, 255) stress; natural and ergonomic background colors to view; Reduce eye strain. Color #EDF2EB is combination neutral and natural tonality color.
// @include       *
// grant          none
// @namespace     https://openuserjs.org/users/lexanderortega
// @copyright     2022, lexanderortega (https://openuserjs.org/users/lexanderortega)
// @version       3.7
// @author        Lexander Ortega
// @licence       MIT
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion: 6 */
const confBackg=()=>{
    const doc=document,gtb=(ds)=> getComputedStyle(ds).backgroundColor.includes('255, 255, 255') && ds.style || [],stl=(s)=>(s.backgroundColor='#edf2eb');
    [doc.body,doc.documentElement].map(ds=> getComputedStyle(ds).backgroundColor.includes('255, 255, 255') && (ds.style.backgroundColor='#edf2eb'));
    const bdt=['table','td','div','dl','ul','pre'].map(s=>doc.getElementsByTagName(s)).flatMap(ta=> Array.from(ta).flatMap(gtb));