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// ==UserScript== // @name Hide posts // @namespace // @version 0.26 // @description Allow to hide old, readed or not intresting posts from website posts list // @grant unsafeWindow // @updateURL // @installURL // @downloadURL // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @copyright 2013+, Lev Kitsis // ==/UserScript== var btn_hide = '<div class="btn_hide" style="float:right; cursor: pointer; border: 2px dotted blue; color: blue; font-weight: bold;">HIDE</div>'; function fn_habrahabr_hide(id, $post) { return function() { hide_post(id, $post); }; } function check_habrahabr_posts() { jQuery('.content_left .posts_list .post').each(function(key, post) { var $post = jQuery(post); var id = ~~($post.attr('id') || '').replace("post_",""); if(id === 0 || jQuery.inArray( id, hidden_posts) >= 0) { $post.remove(); } else { $post.find('.title').append(btn_hide).find('.btn_hide').click(fn_habrahabr_hide(id, $post)); } }); } function check_posts(posts_selector, post_id_selector, post_id_attr, post_id_replace, hide_holder_selector) { if(posts_selector && typeof jQuery === 'function') { jQuery(posts_selector).each(function(key, post) { var $post = jQuery(post); var $post_id = $post; var id = 0; if($post && post_id_selector) { $post_id = $post.find(post_id_selector); } if($post_id && $post_id.attr(post_id_attr)) { id = ~~$post_id.attr(post_id_attr).replace(post_id_replace, ""); } if(id === 0 || jQuery.inArray( id, hidden_posts) >= 0) { $post.remove(); } else if($post.find('.btn_hide').length === 0) { $post.find(hide_holder_selector).append(btn_hide).find('.btn_hide').click(hide_posts(id, $post)); } }); } } function inArray(strData, arrFind) { for(var i in arrFind) { if(strData.indexOf(arrFind[i]) >= 0) { return true; } } return false; } function uniqueArray(arr) { arr.sort(); return arr.filter(function(value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; }); } function hide_post(id, $post) { if($post) { $post.remove(); } var hidden_posts = JSON.parse( unsafeWindow.localStorage.getItem("hidden_posts") || '[]' ) ; hidden_posts.push(id); unsafeWindow.localStorage.setItem("hidden_posts", JSON.stringify(uniqueArray(hidden_posts))); } function hide_posts(id, $post) { return function(eventObject) { hide_post(id, $post); eventObject.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; } } function unhide_post(id) { var hidden_posts = JSON.parse( unsafeWindow.localStorage.getItem("hidden_posts") || '[]' ) ; var index = hidden_posts.indexOf(id); if(index >= 0) { hidden_posts.splice(index, 1); unsafeWindow.localStorage.setItem("hidden_posts", JSON.stringify(uniqueArray(hidden_posts))); } } function unhide_posts(id) { return function() { unhide(id); } } function jqLoad() { if(jQueryNotLoaded === false) { if(typeof unsafeWindow.jQuery === 'function') { unsafeWindow.jQuery.noConflict(); ready(); } else { console.log('Hide posts: jQuery is not loaded'); setTimeout(jqLoad, 1000); } return; } if(typeof unsafeWindow.$ === 'undefined' && typeof unsafeWindow.jQuery === 'undefined') { if(jQueryNotLoaded) { jQueryNotLoaded = false; var jq = unsafeWindow.document.createElement('script'); jq.src = ""; unsafeWindow.document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(jq); setTimeout(jqLoad, 1000); } } else { if(typeof unsafeWindow.$ === 'function' && typeof unsafeWindow.jQuery === 'undefined') { unsafeWindow.jQuery = unsafeWindow.$; } ready(); } } function ready() { if(typeof jQuery === 'function') { if(inArray(url, ['', ''])) { check_habrahabr_posts(); } else if(inArray(url, [''])) { check_posts('.main-block', 'h3 span', 'id', 'fav_span_', '.post-vote-widget #post-rate'); } else if(inArray(url, [''])) { check_posts('.home #page #content #primary #main .post.type-post', null, 'id', 'post-', 'h1:first'); } else if(inArray(url, [''])) { check_posts('#main-info-container .news', null, 'id', 'news-', '.title h1:first'); } else if(inArray(url, [''])) { check_posts('#allEntries div[id*="entryID"', null, 'id', 'entryID', 'div#filmblock div:last'); } else if(inArray(url, [''])) { check_posts('.article-entry.article-infeed', null, 'id', '', 'div.entry-info'); } } else { console && console.log && console.log('Hide posts: jQuery is not defined'); } } var url = location.href; var jQueryNotLoaded = true; unsafeWindow.unhide_post = unhide_post; var hidden_posts = JSON.parse( unsafeWindow.localStorage.getItem("hidden_posts") || '[]' ) ; (function(){ var tId = setInterval(function() { if (unsafeWindow.document.readyState == "complete") onComplete() }, 11); function onComplete(){ clearInterval(tId); jqLoad(); }; })()