leobm / Youtube Save to Playlist Filter


Version: 0.4+1dcd9f5 updated

Summary: When you want to add a video to a certain playlist, it is sometimes difficult to find the right playlist again. That's why I add a filter input to the Save to Playlist popup at the top so you can filter the playlists.


Copyright: 2021, leobm (https://openuserjs.org/users/leobm)

License: MIT

Userscript to Filter Playlists in the Save to Playlist PopUp window

When you want to add a video to a certain playlist, it is sometimes difficult to find the right playlist again.

That's why I add a filter input to the Save to Playlist popup at the top so you can filter the playlists by autocompletion.

Script Versions

  • Version: 0.4 | "See Later" is always at the top of the option playlist list | 2023-01-16

Playlists are filtered by the string in the filter input field and additionally sorted by the playlist title

However, if the current video is already in a playlist, this playlist will be displayed above the complete list.

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