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// ==UserScript== // @updateURL // @description chaturbate OhMIbod driver // @name chaturbateohmi // @namespace cbohmibod_goes_droopy // @include https://** // @include* // @version 1.3 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // script must run in grant=none mode if (!readCookie("noads")){createCookie("noads","1",30);window.location.reload(true)} version=1.3; var soundque = []; // que var trun=false; // polling timer not running var sound=false; // sound not active var t=0; // polling interval timer var tu=1; // tune number var tut=0; // sound play timer var tune =[];// the audio files var tunename = []; // names of the audio files var tuneload = [0,0,0,0,0]; // 1 if audio is loaded function do_script(){ player=false; broadcast=false; tvar="";// the promo timer // head text verstr='<strong>Chaturbate OhMiBod driver V'+version.toFixed(1)+' Made by Ladroop.</strong><br>'; monistr="Demo mode, you only hear your own sounds."; if (document.getElementById("xmovie")){player=true} if (document.location.href.split("/")[3]=="b"){broadcast = true;player=true} ad = document.getElementsByClassName('ad'); if (!player){ad[0].innerHTML=verstr;return}// no player if ((player)&&(!broadcast)){ad[0].innerHTML=verstr+monistr}// player , not broadcasting if ((player)&&(broadcast)){ad[0].innerHTML=verstr}//player and broadcsting // settings panel below player if (player){ place=document.getElementById("defchat").getElementsByClassName('section')[0].nextSibling; info=document.createElement('div');"left";"10px"; innertxt='<table style="width:100%"><tr><td>Tips:Tipper waiting: </td><td><input id="quetext" type="text" readonly size=100></td></tr>'; innertxt=innertxt+ '<tr><td style="width:200px">Tune 1 (slow sound):</td><td><input type="file" id="myFile1" accept=".mp3"></td></tr>'; innertxt=innertxt+ '<tr><td>Tune 2 (medium sound):</td><td><input type="file" id="myFile2" accept=".mp3"></td></tr>'; innertxt=innertxt+ '<tr><td>Tune 3 (heavy sound):</td><td><input type="file" id="myFile3" accept=".mp3"></td></tr>'; innertxt=innertxt+ '<tr><td>Tune 4 (extreme sound):</td><td><input type="file" id="myFile4" accept=".mp3"></td></tr>'; if (broadcast){// don't show promo text options in demo mode innertxt=innertxt+ '<tr><td>Send out the following text every </td><td><select id="ptime"><option value=1>1</option><option value=2>2</option><option value=3>3</option><option value=4>4</option><option value=5>5</option></select> minutes. on/off<input type="checkbox" id="txtonoff" checked></td></tr>'; innertxt=innertxt+ '<tr><td >Promo text:</td><td><textarea id="msgtext" rows="2" cols="100"></textarea></td></tr>'; } innertxt=innertxt+ '<tr><td colspan="2">OhMidriver on/off<input type="checkbox" id="onoff"></td></tr></table>'; info.innerHTML=innertxt; defaulttxt="[OhMidrive] OhMibod driver is running. Tip 15+,100+,500+ or 1000+ to let me shake on my favorite music tunes."; document.getElementById("defchat").insertBefore(info,place); if (broadcast){// don't set promo text options in demo mode document.getElementById("msgtext").textContent=defaulttxt; // actions when settings are clicked document.getElementById("txtonoff").addEventListener('change',function(){txtonoff();}, false); document.getElementById("ptime").addEventListener('change',function(){txtonoff();}, false); } document.getElementById("onoff").addEventListener('change',function(){onoff();}, false); document.getElementById("myFile1").addEventListener('change',function(){UpFunction1();}, false); document.getElementById("myFile2").addEventListener('change',function(){UpFunction2();}, false); document.getElementById("myFile3").addEventListener('change',function(){UpFunction3();}, false); document.getElementById("myFile4").addEventListener('change',function(){UpFunction4();}, false); } } // sound load functions 4x function UpFunction1(){ x = document.getElementById("myFile1"); file = x.files[0]; tunename[1]=x.value; path = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(file); tune[1]= new Audio(path); tuneload[1]=1; } function UpFunction2(){ x = document.getElementById("myFile2"); file = x.files[0]; tunename[2]=x.value; path = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(file); tune[2]= new Audio(path); tuneload[2]=1; } function UpFunction3(){ x = document.getElementById("myFile3"); file = x.files[0]; tunename[3]=x.value; path = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(file); tune[3]= new Audio(path); tuneload[3]=1; } function UpFunction4(){ x = document.getElementById("myFile4"); file = x.files[0]; tunename[4]=x.value; path = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(file); tune[4]= new Audio(path); tuneload[4]=1; } // switch driver on/off function onoff(){ if (document.getElementById("onoff").checked){ turnon(); }else{ turnoff(); } } // turn it on function turnon(){ if (tuneload[1]+tuneload[2]+tuneload[3]+tuneload[4]!=4){ alert ("Not all sounds are loaded !"); document.getElementById("onoff").checked = false; return; } getchat(); if (broadcast){txtonoff()}; // start promo text (not in demo mode) omessage="[OhMidrive] Broadcaster turned the OhMi driver on."; msend(omessage,"#FF0000","Arial"); titmessage="#OhMidrive #Ohmibod driver active."; otitle(titmessage); } // turn it off ( and stop all running sounds ) function turnoff(){ ws_handler.consolelog=oldFunction; // set it back oldFunction="";//clear it clearInterval(t); // stop polling clearInterval(tut); // stop running sound timer tune[tu].pause(); // stop running sound (not the pings) tune[tu].currentTime = 0; soundque = []; // empty que sound=false; trun=false; document.getElementById("quetext").setAttribute("value", soundque); clearTimeout(tvar);// stop promo text omessage="[OhMidrive] Broadcaster turned the OhMi driver off."; msend(omessage,"#FF0000","Arial"); otitle(""); } function getchat(){ oldFunction=ws_handler.consolelog; ws_handler.consolelog = function(msg2){ if (msg2['method']){ if (msg2['method']=='onNotify'){ argm=JSON.parse(msg2.args[0]); if (argm.type=="tip_alert"){ amount=argm.amount; user=argm.from_username; setTimeout(function(){ tipout(amount+";"+user) }, 100); } } } return oldFunction(msg2); } } // on tip set in que and start polling if it's not function tipout(info){ soundque.push(info); document.getElementById("quetext").setAttribute("value", soundque); if (!trun){trun=true;t=setInterval(function(){ soundout() }, 500)} } //sound choose function soundout(){ if (sound==false){ sound=true; soundque.reverse(); soundinfo=soundque.pop(); soundque.reverse(); soundinfop=soundinfo.split(";"); tuser=soundinfop[1]; tamount=Number(soundinfop[0]); // tip < 15, tip times beep if (tamount<15){ omessage="[OhMidrive] "+tuser+"'s tip of "+tamount+" tokens is now processed. ("+tamount+" beeps)"; msend(omessage,"#FF0000","Arial"); build(tamount); } // tip 15-99, tip/2 secs. slow beat (7 - 50 sec.) if ((tamount>14)&&(tamount<100)){ tu=1; omessage="[OhMidrive] "+tuser+"'s tip of "+tamount+" tokens is now processed. ("+parseInt(tamount/2)+" seconds of "+tunename[tu]+")."; msend(omessage,"#FF0000","Arial"); fbuild(parseInt(tamount/2)); } // tip 100-499, tip/3 secs. medium beat (33 - 166 sec.) if ((tamount>99)&&(tamount<500)){ tu=2; omessage="[OhMidrive] "+tuser+"'s tip of "+tamount+" tokens is now processed. ("+parseInt(tamount/3)+" seconds of "+tunename[tu]+")."; msend(omessage,"#FF0000","Arial"); fbuild(parseInt(tamount/3)); } //tip 500-999, tip/4 secs. hard beat (125 - 250 sec.) if ((tamount>499)&&(tamount<1000)){ tu=3; omessage="[OhMidrive] "+tuser+"'s tip of "+tamount+" tokens is now processed. ("+parseInt(tamount/4)+" seconds of "+tunename[tu]+")."; msend(omessage,"#FF0000","Arial"); fbuild(parseInt(tamount/4)); } //tip 1000+, tip/5 secs. extreme beat (200+ sec.) if (tamount>999){ tu=4; omessage="[OhMidrive] "+tuser+"'s tip of "+tamount+" tokens is now processed. ("+parseInt(tamount/5)+" seconds of "+tunename[tu]+")."; msend(omessage,"#FF0000","Arial"); fbuild(parseInt(tamount/5)); } document.getElementById("quetext").setAttribute("value", soundque); // stop polling if que is empty if (soundque.length==0){ trun=false clearInterval(t); } } } // set room title (only if broadcasting) function otitle(titlemsg){ if (broadcast){ window.defchat_settings.handler.message_outbound.send_change_title(titlemsg); } } //send a message (only if broadcasting) function msend(message,a,b){ if (broadcast){ window.defchat_settings.handler.message_outbound.send_room_message(message, '', ''); } } // ping sounds function build(to){ setTimeout(function(){ PlayBeep("tiny"); to--; if (to!=0){build(to)}else{ sound=false; } // and we return }, 450); } // music sounds function fbuild(to){ tune[tu].loop=true; tune[tu].play(); tut=setTimeout(function(){ tune[tu].pause(); tune[tu].currentTime = 0; sound=false; }, to*1000); } // switch promo messages on/off function txtonoff(){ clearTimeout(tvar);// always switch it off first if (document.getElementById("onoff").checked){// ohmidrive is on if (document.getElementById("txtonoff").checked){// promotxt switched on promotxt(); } } } //send promo messages timer function promotxt(){ sentpromo(); tsel=document.getElementById("ptime"); ptime= tsel.options[tsel.selectedIndex].value*60000; tvar=setTimeout(function(){promotxt();},ptime); } //send promo message to chat function sentpromo(){ ptxt=document.getElementById("msgtext").value; msend(ptxt,"#FF0000","Arial"); } // cookie functions function createCookie(name,value,days,domain){ if (domain){ var domain=";domain=."+domain; }else var domain = ""; if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); }else var expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"+domain; } function eraseCookie(name,domain){ createCookie(name,"",-1,domain); } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { do_script() }, false);