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// ==UserScript== // @name Tranfer List Abilitys // @namespace // @description That script highligts the talented players what I need // @include* // @require // @version 2.01 // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== let $ = window.$; let startOfSeason = new Date("2014-09-01"); const abilityString = "Tehetség</b>: "; const talentString = "<b>Adottság</b>: <font class=comentarios>"; const currentDate = new Date(); const dayPerSeason = 77; // 11 weeks const abilityReducePerSeason = 0.75; const attributeYoungMinimum = 60; const attributeAdultMinimum = 84; const attributeExcelentMinimum = 90; const priceMaximumHUF = 1500000; const lastMaxAbilityYear = 20; const matchesPerSeason = 24; const lastGoodYear = 24; const columnPosition = 0; const columnAge = columnPosition + 2; const columnHandling = columnAge + 2; const columnSpeed = columnHandling + 10; const columnStrength = columnSpeed + 1; const columnPrice = columnStrength + 2; const columnInfo = columnPrice + 1; const bestTalents = [ "Magas labda specialista", "Ellentámadás specialista", "Teljes letámadás specialista", "Távoli lövés specialista", "Kapás-lövés specialista" ]; $(document).ready(function() { startOfSeason = startOfSeason.addDays((currentDate.getSeasonDiffTo(startOfSeason) + 1) * dayPerSeason); // iterate on the table with title let title; $.each($("tbody").eq(1).find("tr"), function(index) { if (index == 0) { title = $(this); } else { analysePlayer($(this)); } }); // highlight header at the END to see the script worked highlightTitle(title); createHintBelow(); }); function highlightTitle(title) { title.css("background-color","#FF7F50"); } function highlightBestTalents(elements) { let infoImg = elements.eq(columnInfo).find("img"); const infoTitle = infoImg.attr("title"); let infoTalentStart = infoTitle.indexOf(talentString); if (infoTalentStart == -1) { return; } infoTalentStart += talentString.length; const infoTalentEnd = infoTitle.indexOf("</font>", infoTalentStart); const talentStr = infoTitle.substr(infoTalentStart, infoTalentEnd - infoTalentStart); if (bestTalents.indexOf(talentStr) != -1) { infoImg.attr("src", ""); } } function getPrice(elements) { return parseInt(elements.eq(columnPrice).text().replace(/\./g,"")); } function getAttributeCountNow(elements) { let attrAtNow = 0; for (let column = columnHandling; column < columnStrength; ++column) { const boldVal = elements.eq(column).find("b"); if (boldVal.size()) { attrAtNow += parseInt(boldVal.text()); } } const neededPhys = parseInt(elements.eq(columnSpeed).text()) + parseInt(elements.eq(columnStrength).text()); return attrAtNow + neededPhys; } function getChangeUntil24(ability, startAge) { let dayThisSeason = startOfSeason.getDayDiffTo(currentDate); let positiveChange = 0; let age = startAge; while(age < lastGoodYear) { positiveChange += ability * dayThisSeason / dayPerSeason * matchesPerSeason; // circa... dayThisSeason = dayPerSeason; ++age; if (age > lastMaxAbilityYear) { ability *= abilityReducePerSeason; } } return positiveChange; } function getAbility(elements) { const infoTitle = elements.eq(columnInfo).find("img").attr("title"); const infoAbilityStart = infoTitle.indexOf(abilityString) + abilityString.length; const infoAbilityEnd = infoTitle.indexOf("<br />", infoAbilityStart); return getAbilityMin(infoTitle.substr(infoAbilityStart, infoAbilityEnd - infoAbilityStart)); } function analysePlayer(row) { const elements = row.find("td"); const startAge = parseInt(elements.eq(columnAge).text()); if (startAge < lastGoodYear) { // collect base data const price = getPrice(elements); const attrAtNow = getAttributeCountNow(elements); const positiveChange = getChangeUntil24(getAbility(elements), startAge); let attrAt24 = attrAtNow + positiveChange; // analyse elements.eq(columnPosition).find("font").append(" <small " + (attrAt24 > attributeExcelentMinimum ? "style='color:Red'" : (attrAt24 > attributeAdultMinimum ? "style='color:Coral'" : "" )) + ">|" + Math.floor(attrAt24) + "|</small>"); if (positiveChange) { elements.eq(columnAge).find("font").append(" <small>|+" + Math.floor(positiveChange) + "|</small>"); // 20 20 20 0 18 x // 1.500.000 HUF // I do not want young players also if (attrAt24 > attributeAdultMinimum && price < priceMaximumHUF && attrAtNow > attributeYoungMinimum) { row.css("background-color", attrAt24 >= attributeExcelentMinimum ? "#FFA0A0" : "#AFFFAF"); } } } highlightBestTalents(elements); } function createHintBelow() { const bottomP = $("tbody").eq(2).parent().parent().find("p").eq(1); bottomP.after("<p>A pozició mellett a mostani vagy 24 éves 0 napos össz érték, az életkor mellett a fejlődés található.</p>"); bottomP.after("<p>A script 24 éves nulla napos korig számol.</p>"); bottomP.after("<p>Zölddel színezi a sort, ha " + attributeAdultMinimum + " felett van a várható érték 24 évesen és 1.5m HUF alatt van az ár.</p>"); bottomP.after("<p>Pirossal színezi a sort, ha " + attributeExcelentMinimum + " felett van a várható érték 24 évesen és 1.5m HUF alatt van az ár.</p>"); } function getAbilityLevel(abilityString) { if (abilityString == "Pocsék") { return 0; } if (abilityString == "Csapnivaló") { return 1; } if (abilityString == "Nagyon gyenge") { return 2; } if (abilityString == "Gyenge") { return 3; } if (abilityString == "Megfelelo" || abilityString == "Megfelelő") { return 4; } if (abilityString == "Jó") { return 5; } if (abilityString == "Nagyon jó") { return 6; } if (abilityString == "Remek") { return 7; } if (abilityString == "Nagyszeru" || abilityString == "Nagyszerű") { return 8; } if (abilityString == "Világklasszis") { return 9; } console.log("ERROR, unknown Ability!"); return 0; } function getAbilityMin(abilityString) { return /*0.04 + */0.05 * getAbilityLevel(abilityString); } Date.prototype.addDays = function(days) { let date = new Date(this.valueOf()); date.setDate(date.getDate() + days); return date; }; Date.prototype.getDayDiffTo = function(days) { return Math.floor(this.valueOf() - days) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); }; Date.prototype.getSeasonDiffTo = function(days) { return Math.floor(this.getDayDiffTo(days) / dayPerSeason); };