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// ==UserScript== // @name 解除B站区域限制 // @namespace // @version 7.8.10 // @description 通过替换获取视频地址接口的方式, 实现解除B站区域限制; 只对HTML5播放器生效; // @author ipcjs // @supportURL // @compatible chrome // @compatible firefox // @license MIT // @require // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @run-at document-start // @grant none // ==/UserScript== 'use strict'; const log = console.log.bind(console, 'injector:') if (location.href.match(/^https?:\/\/link\.acg\.tv\/forum\.php/) != null) { if (location.href.match('access_key') != null && window.opener != null) { window.stop(); document.children[0].innerHTML = '<title>BALH - 授权</title><meta charset="UTF-8" name="viewport" content="width=device-width">正在跳转……'; window.opener.postMessage('balh-login-credentials: ' + location.href, '*'); } return; } function injector() { if (document.getElementById('balh-injector-source')) { log(`脚本已经注入过, 不需要执行`) return } // @require GM_info.scriptMetaStr.replace(new RegExp('// @require\\s+https?:(//.*)'), (match, /*p1:*/url) => { log('@require:', url) let $script = document.createElement('script') $script.className = 'balh-injector-require' $script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript') $script.setAttribute('src', url) document.head.appendChild($script) return match }) let $script = document.createElement('script') $ = 'balh-injector-source' $script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(` ;(function(GM_info){ ${scriptSource.toString()} ${}('${GM_info.scriptHandler}.${}') })(${JSON.stringify(GM_info)}) `)) document.head.appendChild($script) log('注入完成') } if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'XMLHttpRequest').writable) { log('XHR对象不可修改, 需要把脚本注入到页面中',, location.href, document.readyState) injector() return } /** 脚本的主体部分, 在GM4中, 需要把这个函数转换成字符串, 注入到页面中, 故不要引用外部的变量 */ function scriptSource(invokeBy) { 'use strict'; let log = console.log.bind(console, 'injector:') if (document.getElementById('balh-injector-source') && invokeBy === GM_info.scriptHandler) { // 当前, 在Firefox+GM4中, 当返回缓存的页面时, 脚本会重新执行, 并且此时XMLHttpRequest是可修改的(为什么会这样?) + 页面中存在注入的代码 // 导致scriptSource的invokeBy直接是GM4... log(`页面中存在注入的代码, 但invokeBy却等于${GM_info.scriptHandler}, 这种情况不合理, 终止脚本执行`) return } if (document.readyState === 'uninitialized') { // Firefox上, 对于ifame中执行的脚本, 会出现这样的状态且获取到的href为about:blank... log('invokeBy:', invokeBy, 'readState:', document.readyState, 'href:', location.href, '需要等待进入loading状态') setTimeout(() => scriptSource(invokeBy + '.timeout'), 0) // 这里会暴力执行多次, 直到状态不为uninitialized... return } const r_text = { ok: { en: 'OK', zh_cn: '确定', }, close: { en: 'Close', zh_cn: '关闭' }, welcome_to_acfun: '<p><b>缺B乐 了解下?</b></p>', version_remind: ``, } const _t = (key) => { const text = r_text[key] const lang = 'zh_cn' return typeof text === 'string' ? text : text[lang] } const r = { html: {}, css: { settings: '#balh-settings {font-size: 12px;color: #6d757a;} #balh-settings h1 {color: #161a1e} #balh-settings a {color: #00a1d6;} #balh-settings a:hover {color: #f25d8e} #balh-settings input {margin-left: 3px;margin-right: 3px;} @keyframes balh-settings-bg { from {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)} to {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7)} } #balh-settings label {width: 100%;display: inline-block;cursor: pointer} #balh-settings label:after {content: "";width: 0;height: 1px;background: #4285f4;transition: width .3s;display: block} #balh-settings label:hover:after {width: 100%} form {margin: 0} #balh-settings input[type="radio"] {-webkit-appearance: radio;-moz-appearance: radio;appearance: radio;} #balh-settings input[type="checkbox"] {-webkit-appearance: checkbox;-moz-appearance: checkbox;appearance: checkbox;} ', }, attr: {}, url: { issue: '', issue_new: '', readme: '', }, script: { is_dev:'.dev'), }, const: { mode: { DEFAULT: 'default',// 默认模式, 自动判断使用何种模式, 推荐; REPLACE: 'replace', // 替换模式, 替换有区域限制的视频的接口的返回值; REDIRECT: 'redirect',// 重定向模式, 直接重定向所有番剧视频的接口到代理服务器; 所有番剧视频都通过代理服务器获取视频地址, 如果代理服务器不稳定, 可能加载不出视频; }, server: { S0: '', S1: '', CUSTOM: '__custom__', defaultServer: function () { return this.S1 }, }, TRUE: 'Y', FALSE: '', }, baipiao: [ { key: 'zomble_land_saga', match: () => (window.__INITIAL_STATE__ && window.__INITIAL_STATE__.epInfo && window.__INITIAL_STATE__.epInfo.ep_id) === 251255, link: '', message: r_text.welcome_to_acfun }, { key: 'zomble_land_saga', match: () => (window.__INITIAL_STATE__ && window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo && window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo.media_id) === 140772, link: '', message: r_text.welcome_to_acfun }, ] } const util_stringify = (item) => { if (typeof item === 'object') { try { return JSON.stringify(item) } catch (e) { console.debug(e) return item.toString() } } else { return item } } const util_arr_stringify = function (arr) { return' ') } const util_str_multiply = function (str, multiplier) { let result = '' for (let i = 0; i < multiplier; i++) { result += str } return result } const util_str_to_c_like = (str) => { return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (a) => `_${a.toLowerCase()}`).replace(/^_/, "") } const util_obj_key_to_c_like = (obj) => { // log(typeof obj, Array.isArray(obj), obj) if (Array.isArray(obj)) { for (const item of obj) { util_obj_key_to_c_like(item) } } else if (typeof obj === 'object') { for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { const value = obj[key] util_obj_key_to_c_like(value) obj[util_str_to_c_like(key)] = value } } return obj // 该方法会修改传入的obj的内容, 返回obj只是为了调用方便... } const _raw = (str) => str.replace(/(\.|\?)/g, '\\$1') const util_regex_url = (url) => new RegExp(`^(https?:)?//${_raw(url)}`) const util_regex_url_path = (path) => new RegExp(`^(https?:)?//[\\w\\-\\.]+${_raw(path)}`) const util_log_hub = (function () { const tag = + '.msg' // 计算"楼层", 若当前window就是顶层的window, 则floor为0, 以此类推 function computefloor(w = window, floor = 0) { if (w === { return floor } else { return computefloor(w.parent, floor + 1) } } let floor = computefloor() let msgList = [] if (floor === 0) { // 只有顶层的Window才需要收集日志 window.addEventListener('message', (event) => { if ( instanceof Array &&[0] === tag) { let [/*tag*/, fromFloor, msg] = msgList.push(util_str_multiply(' ', fromFloor) + msg) } }) } return { msg: function (msg) {[tag, floor, msg], '*') }, getAllMsg: function () { return msgList.join('\n') } } }()) const util_log_impl = function (type) { if (r.script.is_dev) { // 直接打印, 会显示行数 return window.console[type].bind(window.console, type + ':'); } else { // 将log收集到util_log_hub中, 显示的行数是错误的... return function (...args) { args.unshift(type + ':') window.console[type].apply(window.console, args) util_log_hub.msg(util_arr_stringify(args)) } } } const util_log = util_log_impl('log') const util_info = util_log_impl('info') const util_debug = util_log_impl('debug') const util_warn = util_log_impl('warn') const util_error = util_log_impl('error') log = util_debug log(`[${} v${GM_info.script.version} (${invokeBy})] run on: ${window.location.href}`); const util_func_noop = function () { } const util_func_catched = function (func, onError) { let ret = function () { try { return func.apply(this, arguments) } catch (e) { if (onError) return onError(e) // onError可以处理报错时的返回值 // 否则打印log, 并返回undefined util_error('Exception while run %o: %o\n%o', func, e, e.stack) return undefined } } // 函数的name属性是不可写+可配置的, 故需要如下代码实现类似这样的效果: = // 在Edge上匿名函数的name的描述符会为undefined, 需要做特殊处理, fuck let funcNameDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(func, 'name') || { value: '', writable: false, configurable: true, } Object.defineProperty(ret, 'name', funcNameDescriptor) return ret } const util_safe_get = (code) => { return eval(` (()=>{ try{ return ${code} }catch(e){ console.warn(e.toString()) return null } })() `) } const util_ui_alert = function (message, resolve, reject) { setTimeout(() => { if (resolve) { if (window.confirm(message)) { resolve() } else { if (reject) { reject() } } } else { alert(message) } }, 500) } const util_init = (function () { const RUN_AT = { DOM_LOADED: 0, DOM_LOADED_AFTER: 1, COMPLETE: 2, } const PRIORITY = { FIRST: 1e6, HIGH: 1e5, BEFORE: 1e3, DEFAULT: 0, AFTER: -1e3, LOW: -1e5, LAST: -1e6, } const callbacks = { [RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED]: [], [RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED_AFTER]: [], [RUN_AT.COMPLETE]: [], } const util_page_valid = () => true // 是否要运行 const dclCreator = function (runAt) { let dcl = function () { util_init.atRun = runAt // 更新运行状态 const valid = util_page_valid() // 优先级从大到小, index从小到大, 排序 callbacks[runAt].sort((a, b) => b.priority - a.priority || a.index - b.index) .filter(item => valid || item.always) .forEach(item => item.func(valid)) } return dcl } if (window.document.readyState !== 'loading') { const msg = `${} 加载时机不对, 不能保证正常工作\n\n1. 点击'确定', 刷新页面/重载脚本\n2. 若依然出现该提示, 请尝试'硬性重新加载'(快捷键一般为ctrl+f5)\n3. 若还是出现该提示, 请尝试关闭再重新打开该页面\n4. 若反复出现该提示, 请尝试换个浏览器\n` /* util_ui_alert(msg, () => { location.reload(true) }) */ // throw new Error('unit_init must run at loading, current is ' + document.readyState) util_warn(msg) } window.document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', dclCreator(RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED)) window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', dclCreator(RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED_AFTER)) window.addEventListener('load', dclCreator(RUN_AT.COMPLETE)) const util_init = function (func, priority = PRIORITY.DEFAULT, runAt = RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED, always = false) { func = util_func_catched(func) if (util_init.atRun < runAt) { // 若还没运行到runAt指定的状态, 则放到队列里去 callbacks[runAt].push({ priority, index: callbacks[runAt].length, // 使用callback数组的长度, 作为添加元素的index属性 func, always }) } else { // 否则直接运行 let valid = util_page_valid() setTimeout(() => (valid || always) && func(valid), 1) } return func } util_init.atRun = -1 // 用来表示当前运行到什么状态 util_init.RUN_AT = RUN_AT util_init.PRIORITY = PRIORITY return util_init }()) /** 通知模块 剽窃自 YAWF 用户脚本 硬广: */ const util_notify = (function () { var avaliable = {}; var shown = []; var use = { 'hasPermission': function () { return null; }, 'requestPermission': function (callback) { return null; }, 'hideNotification': function (notify) { return null; }, 'showNotification': function (id, title, body, icon, delay, onclick) { return null; } }; // 检查一个微博是不是已经被显示过了,如果显示过了不重复显示 var shownFeed = function (id) { return false; }; // webkitNotifications // Tab Notifier 扩展实现此接口,但显示的桌面提示最多只能显示前两行 if (typeof webkitNotifications !== 'undefined') avaliable.webkit = { 'hasPermission': function () { return [true, null, false][webkitNotifications.checkPermission()]; }, 'requestPermission': function (callback) { return webkitNotifications.requestPermission(callback); }, 'hideNotification': function (notify) { notify.cancel(); afterHideNotification(notify); }, 'showNotification': function (id, title, body, icon, delay, onclick) { if (shownFeed(id)) return null; var notify = webkitNotifications.createNotification(icon, title, body); if (delay && delay > 0) notify.addEventListener('display', function () { setTimeout(function () { hideNotification(notify); }, delay); }); if (onclick) notify.addEventListener('click', function () { onclick.apply(this, arguments); hideNotification(notify); });; return notify; }, }; // Notification // Firefox 22+ // 显示4秒会自动关闭 if (typeof Notification !== 'undefined') avaliable.standard = { 'hasPermission': function () { return { 'granted': true, 'denied': false, 'default': null, }[Notification.permission]; }, 'requestPermission': function (callback) { return Notification.requestPermission(callback); }, 'hideNotification': function (notify) { notify.close(); afterHideNotification(notify); }, 'showNotification': function (id, title, body, icon, delay, onclick) { if (shownFeed(id)) return null; var notify = new Notification(title, { 'body': body, 'icon': icon, 'requireInteraction': !delay }); if (delay && delay > 0) notify.addEventListener('show', function () { setTimeout(function () { hideNotification(notify); }, delay); }); if (onclick) notify.addEventListener('click', function () { onclick.apply(this, arguments); hideNotification(notify); }); return notify; }, }; // 有哪些接口可用 var avaliableNotification = function () { return Object.keys(avaliable); }; // 选择用哪个接口 var choseNotification = function (prefer) { return (use = prefer && avaliable[prefer] || avaliable.standard); }; choseNotification(); // 检查权限 var hasPermission = function () { return use.hasPermission.apply(this, arguments); }; // 请求权限 var requestPermission = function () { return use.requestPermission.apply(this, arguments); }; // 显示消息 var showNotification = function (id, title, body, icon, delay, onclick) { var notify = use.showNotification.apply(this, arguments); shown.push(notify); return notify; }; // 隐藏已经显示的消息 var hideNotification = function (notify) { use.hideNotification.apply(this, arguments); return notify; }; var afterHideNotification = function (notify) { shown = shown.filter(function (x) { return x !== notify; }); }; document.addEventListener('unload', function () { shown.forEach(hideNotification); shown = []; }); var showNotificationAnyway = function (id, title, body, icon, delay, onclick) { var that = this, thatArguments = arguments; switch (that.hasPermission()) { case null: // default that.requestPermission(function () { showNotificationAnyway.apply(that, thatArguments); }); break; case true: // granted // 只有已获取了授权, 才能有返回值... return that.showNotification.apply(that, thatArguments); break; case false: // denied log('Notification permission: denied'); break; } return null; } return { 'avaliableNotification': avaliableNotification, 'choseNotification': choseNotification, 'hasPermission': hasPermission, 'requestPermission': requestPermission, 'showNotification': showNotification, 'hideNotification': hideNotification, show: function (body, onclick, delay = 3e3) { return this.showNotificationAnyway(,, body, '//', delay, onclick) }, showNotificationAnyway }; }()) const util_cookie = (function () { function getCookies() { var map = document.cookie.split('; ').reduce(function (obj, item) { var entry = item.split('='); obj[entry[0]] = entry[1]; return obj; }, {}); return map; } function getCookie(key) { return getCookies()[key]; } /** * @param key key * @param value 为undefined时, 表示删除cookie * @param options 为undefined时, 表示过期时间为3年 * 为''时, 表示Session cookie * 为数字时, 表示指定过期时间 * 为{}时, 表示指定所有的属性 * */ function setCookie(key, value, options) { if (typeof options !== 'object') { options = { domain: '', path: '/', 'max-age': value === undefined ? 0 : (options === undefined ? 94608000 : options) }; } var c = Object.keys(options).reduce(function (str, key) { return str + '; ' + key + '=' + options[key]; }, key + '=' + value); document.cookie = c; return c; } return new Proxy({ set: setCookie, get: getCookie, all: getCookies }, { get: function (target, prop) { if (prop in target) return target[prop] return getCookie(prop) }, set: function (target, prop, value) { setCookie(prop, value) return true } }) }()) const Promise = window.Promise // 在某些情况下, 页面中会修改window.Promise... 故我们要备份一下原始的Promise const util_promise_plus = (function () { /** * 模仿RxJava中的compose操作符 * @param transformer 转换函数, 传入Promise, 返回Promise; 若为空, 则啥也不做 */ Promise.prototype.compose = function (transformer) { return transformer ? transformer(this) : this } }()) const util_promise_timeout = function (timeout) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(resolve, timeout); }) } // 直到满足condition()为止, 才执行promiseCreator(), 创建Promise // const util_promise_condition = function (condition, promiseCreator, retryCount = Number.MAX_VALUE, interval = 1) { const loop = (time) => { if (!condition()) { if (time < retryCount) { return util_promise_timeout(interval).then(loop.bind(null, time + 1)) } else { return Promise.reject(`util_promise_condition timeout, condition: ${condition.toString()}`) } } else { return promiseCreator() } } return loop(0) } const util_ajax = function (options) { const creator = () => new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { typeof options !== 'object' && (options = { url: options }); options.async === undefined && (options.async = true); options.xhrFields === undefined && (options.xhrFields = { withCredentials: true }); options.success = function (data) { resolve(data); }; options.error = function (err) { reject(err); }; util_debug('ajax:', options.url) $.ajax(options); }) return util_promise_condition(() => window.$, creator, 100, 100) // 重试 100 * 100 = 10s } /** * @param promiseCeator 创建Promise的函数 * @param resultTranformer 用于变换result的函数, 返回新的result或Promise * @param errorTranformer 用于变换error的函数, 返回新的error或Promise, 返回的Promise可以做状态恢复... */ const util_async_wrapper = function (promiseCeator, resultTranformer, errorTranformer) { return function (...args) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // log(promiseCeator, ...args) promiseCeator(...args) .then(r => resultTranformer ? resultTranformer(r) : r) .then(r => resolve(r)) .catch(e => { e = errorTranformer ? errorTranformer(e) : e if (!(e instanceof Promise)) { // 若返回值不是Promise, 则表示是一个error e = Promise.reject(e) } e.then(r => resolve(r)).catch(e => reject(e)) }) }) } } /** * 创建元素的快捷方法: * 1. type, props, children * 2. type, props, innerHTML * 3. 'text', text * @param type string, 标签名; 特殊的, 若为text, 则表示创建文字, 对应的t为文字的内容 * @param props object, 属性; 特殊的属性名有: className, 类名; style, 样式, 值为(样式名, 值)形式的object; event, 值为(事件名, 监听函数)形式的object; * @param children array, 子元素; 也可以直接是html文本; */ const util_ui_element_creator = (type, props, children) => { let elem = null; if (type === "text") { return document.createTextNode(props); } else { elem = document.createElement(type); } for (let n in props) { if (n === "style") { for (let x in {[x] =[x]; } } else if (n === "className") { elem.className = props[n]; } else if (n === "event") { for (let x in props.event) { elem.addEventListener(x, props.event[x]); } } else { elem.setAttribute(n, props[n]); } } if (children) { if (typeof children === 'string') { elem.innerHTML = children; } else { for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i] != null) elem.appendChild(children[i]); } } } return elem; } const _ = util_ui_element_creator const util_jsonp = function (url, callback) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { document.head.appendChild(_('script', { src: url, event: { load: function () { resolve() }, error: function () { reject() } } })); }) } const util_generate_sign = function (params, key) { var s_keys = []; for (var i in params) { s_keys.push(i); } s_keys.sort(); var data = ""; for (var i = 0; i < s_keys.length; i++) { // encodeURIComponent 返回的转义数字必须为大写( 如 %2F ) data += (data ? "&" : "") + s_keys[i] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[s_keys[i]]); } return { "sign": hex_md5(data + key), "params": data }; } const util_xml2obj = (xml) => { try { var obj = {}, text; var children = xml.children; if (children.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var item = children.item(i); var nodeName = item.nodeName; if (typeof (obj[nodeName]) == "undefined") { // 若是新的属性, 则往obj中添加 obj[nodeName] = util_xml2obj(item); } else { if (typeof (obj[nodeName].push) == "undefined") { // 若老的属性没有push方法, 则把属性改成Array var old = obj[nodeName]; obj[nodeName] = []; obj[nodeName].push(old); } obj[nodeName].push(util_xml2obj(item)); } } } else { text = xml.textContent; if (/^\d+(\.\d+)?$/.test(text)) { obj = Number(text); } else if (text === 'true' || text === 'false') { obj = Boolean(text); } else { obj = text; } } return obj; } catch (e) { util_error(e); } } const util_ui_popframe = function (iframeSrc) { if (!document.getElementById('balh-style-login')) { var style = document.createElement('style'); = 'balh-style-login'; document.head.appendChild(style).innerHTML = '@keyframes pop-iframe-in{0%{opacity:0;transform:scale(.7);}100%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}}@keyframes pop-iframe-out{0%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1);}100%{opacity:0;transform:scale(.7)}}.GMBiliPlusCloseBox{position:absolute;top:5%;right:8%;font-size:40px;color:#FFF}'; } var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'GMBiliPlusLoginContainer'; div.innerHTML = '<div style="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:10000;width:100%;height:100%;background:rgba(0,0,0,.5);animation-fill-mode:forwards;animation-name:pop-iframe-in;animation-duration:.5s;cursor:pointer"><iframe src="' + iframeSrc + '" style="background:#e4e7ee;position:absolute;top:10%;left:10%;width:80%;height:80%"></iframe><div class="GMBiliPlusCloseBox">×</div></div>'; div.firstChild.addEventListener('click', function (e) { if ( === this || === 'GMBiliPlusCloseBox') { if (!confirm('确认关闭?')) { return false; } = 'pop-iframe-out'; setTimeout(function () { div.remove(); }, 5e2); } }); document.body.appendChild(div); } /** * - param.content: 内容元素数组/HTML * - param.showConfirm: 是否显示确定按钮 * - param.confirmBtn: 确定按钮的文字 * - param.onConfirm: 确定回调 * - param.onClose: 关闭回调 */ const util_ui_pop = function (param) { if (typeof param.content === 'string') { let template = _('template'); template.innerHTML = param.content.trim() param.content = Array.from(template.content.childNodes) } else if (!(param.content instanceof Array)) { util_log(`param.content(${param.content}) 不是数组`) return; } if (document.getElementById('AHP_Notice_style') == null) { let noticeWidth = Math.min(500, innerWidth - 40); document.head.appendChild(_('style', { id: 'AHP_Notice_style' }, [_('text', `#AHP_Notice{ line-height:normal;position:fixed;left:0;right:0;top:0;height:0;z-index:20000;transition:.5s;cursor:default;pointer-events:none } .AHP_down_banner{ margin:2px;padding:2px;color:#FFFFFF;font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;background-color:green } .AHP_down_btn{ margin:2px;padding:4px;color:#1E90FF;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;border:#1E90FF 2px solid;display:inline-block;border-radius:5px } body.ABP-FullScreen{ overflow:hidden } @keyframes pop-iframe-in{0%{opacity:0;transform:scale(.7);}100%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}} @keyframes pop-iframe-out{0%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1);}100%{opacity:0;transform:scale(.7)}} #AHP_Notice>div{ position:absolute;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;font-size:15px } #AHP_Notice>div>div{ border:1px #AAA solid;width:${noticeWidth}px;margin:0 auto;padding:20px 10px 5px;background:#EFEFF4;color:#000;border-radius:5px;box-shadow:0 0 5px -2px;pointer-events:auto;white-space:pre-wrap } #AHP_Notice>div>div *{ margin:5px 0; } #AHP_Notice input[type=text]{ border: none;border-bottom: 1px solid #AAA;width: 60%;background: transparent } #AHP_Notice input[type=text]:active{ border-bottom-color:#4285f4 } #AHP_Notice input[type=button] { border-radius: 2px; border: #adadad 1px solid; padding: 3px; margin: 0 5px; min-width:50px } #AHP_Notice input[type=button]:hover { background: #FFF; } #AHP_Notice input[type=button]:active { background: #CCC; } .noflash-alert{display:none}`)])); } if (document.querySelector('#AHP_Notice') != null) document.querySelector('#AHP_Notice').remove(); let div = _('div', { id: 'AHP_Notice' }); let childs = []; if (param.showConfirm || param.confirmBtn || param.onConfirm) { childs.push(_('input', { value: param.confirmBtn || _t('ok'), type: 'button', className: 'confirm', event: { click: param.onConfirm } })); } childs.push(_('input', { value: _t('close'), type: 'button', className: 'close', event: { click: function () { param.onClose && param.onClose(); = 0; setTimeout(function () { div.remove(); }, 500); } } })); div.appendChild(_('div', {}, [_('div', {}, param.content.concat([_('hr'), _('div', { style: { textAlign: 'right' } }, childs)]) )])); document.body.appendChild(div); = div.firstChild.offsetHeight + 'px'; } /** * MessageBox -> from base.core.js *, message, closeTime, boxType, buttonTypeConfirmCallback) * MessageBox.close() */ const util_ui_msg = (function () { function MockMessageBox() { = (...args) => util_log(, 'show', args) this.close = (...args) => util_log(, 'close', args) } let popMessage = null let mockPopMessage = new MockMessageBox() let notifyPopMessage = { _current_notify: null, show: function (referenceElement, message, closeTime, boxType, buttonTypeConfirmCallback) { this.close() this._current_notify =, buttonTypeConfirmCallback, closeTime) }, close: function () { if (this._current_notify) { util_notify.hideNotification(this._current_notify) this._current_notify = null } } } let alertPopMessage = { show: function (referenceElement, message, closeTime, boxType, buttonTypeConfirmCallback) { util_ui_alert(message, buttonTypeConfirmCallback) }, close: util_func_noop } util_init(() => { if (!popMessage && window.MessageBox) { popMessage = new window.MessageBox() let orignShow = = function (referenceElement, message, closeTime, boxType, buttonTypeConfirmCallback) { // 这个窗,有一定机率弹不出来。。。不知道为什么, referenceElement, message.replace('\n', '<br>'), closeTime, boxType, buttonTypeConfirmCallback) } popMessage.close = function () { // 若没调用过show, 就调用close, msgbox会为null, 导致报错 this.msgbox != null && window.MessageBox.prototype.close.apply(this, arguments) } } }, util_init.PRIORITY.FIRST, util_init.RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED_AFTER) return { _impl: function () { return popMessage || alertPopMessage }, show: function (referenceElement, message, closeTime, boxType, buttonTypeConfirmCallback) { let pop = this._impl() return, arguments) }, close: function () { let pop = this._impl() return pop.close.apply(pop, arguments) }, setMsgBoxFixed: function (fixed) { if (popMessage) { popMessage.msgbox[0].style.position = fixed ? 'fixed' : '' } else { util_log(, 'setMsgBoxFixed', fixed) } }, showOnNetError: function (e) { if (e.readyState === 0) {$('.balh_settings'), '哎呀,服务器连不上了,进入设置窗口,换个服务器试试?', 0, 'button',; } }, showOnNetErrorInPromise: function () { return p => p .catch(e => { this.showOnNetError(e) return Promise.reject(e) }) } } }()) const util_ui_player_msg = function (message) { const msg = util_stringify(message) util_info('player msg:', msg) const $panel = document.querySelector('.bilibili-player-video-panel-text') if ($panel) { let stage = $panel.children.length + 1000 // 加1000和B站自己发送消息的stage区别开来 $panel.appendChild(_('div', { className: 'bilibili-player-video-panel-row', stage: stage }, [_('text', `[${}] ${msg}`)])) } } const util_ui_copy = function (text, textarea) { textarea.value = text try { return document.execCommand('copy') } catch (e) { util_error('复制文本出错', e) } return false } const util_url_param = function (url, key) { return (url.match(new RegExp('[?|&]' + key + '=(\\w+)')) || ['', ''])[1]; } const util_page = { player: () => location.href.includes(''), // 在av页面中的iframe标签形式的player player_in_av: util_func_catched(() => util_page.player() &&''), (e) => log(e), false), av: () => location.href.includes(''), av_new: function () { return this.av() && (window.__playinfo__ || window.__playinfo__origin) }, bangumi: () => location.href.match(new RegExp('^https?://bangumi\\.bilibili\\.com/anime/\\d+/?$')), bangumi_md: () => location.href.includes(''), // movie页面使用window.aid, 保存当前页面av号 movie: () => location.href.includes(''), // anime页面使用window.season_id, 保存当前页面season号 anime: () => location.href.match(new RegExp('^https?://bangumi\\.bilibili\\.com/anime/\\d+/play.*')), anime_ep: () => location.href.includes(''), anime_ss: () => location.href.includes(''), anime_ep_m: () => location.href.includes(''), anime_ss_m: () => location.href.includes(''), new_bangumi: () => location.href.includes('') } const balh_config = (function () { const cookies = util_cookie.all() // 缓存的cookies return new Proxy({ /*保存config的对象*/ }, { get: function (target, prop) { if (prop === 'server') { const server_inner = balh_config.server_inner const server = server_inner === r.const.server.CUSTOM ? balh_config.server_custom : server_inner return server } if (prop in target) { return target[prop] } else { // 若target中不存在指定的属性, 则从缓存的cookies中读取, 并保存到target中 let value = cookies['balh_' + prop] switch (prop) { case 'server_inner': value = value || r.const.server.defaultServer() // 迁移回biliplus, 只会执行一次 if (util_page.new_bangumi() && !localStorage.balh_migrate_to_1) { localStorage.balh_migrate_to_1 = r.const.TRUE if (value.includes('')) { value = r.const.server.defaultServer() balh_config.server = value } } break case 'server_custom': value = value || '' break case 'mode': value = value || (balh_config.blocked_vip ? r.const.mode.REDIRECT : r.const.mode.DEFAULT) break case 'flv_prefer_ws': value = r.const.FALSE // 关闭该选项 break default: // case 'blocked_vip': // case 'remove_pre_ad': break } target[prop] = value return value } }, set: function (target, prop, value) { target[prop] = value // 更新值 util_cookie['balh_' + prop] = value // 更新cookie中的值 return true } }) }()) const balh_api_plus_view = function (aid, update = true) { return util_ajax(`${balh_config.server}/api/view?id=${aid}&update=${update}`) } const balh_api_plus_season = function (season_id) { return util_ajax(`${balh_config.server}/api/bangumi?season=${season_id}`) } // // qn = 16, 能看 const balh_api_plus_playurl = function (cid, qn = 16, bangumi = true) { return util_ajax(`${balh_config.server}/BPplayurl.php?otype=json&cid=${cid}${bangumi ? '&module=bangumi' : ''}&qn=${qn}&src=vupload&vid=vupload_${cid}`) } // const balh_api_plus_playurl_for_mp4 = (cid, bangumi = true) => util_ajax(`${balh_config.server}/api/h5play.php?tid=33&cid=${cid}&type=vupload&vid=vupload_${cid}&bangumi=${bangumi ? 1 : 0}`) .then(text => (text.match(/srcUrl=\{"mp4":"(https?.*)"\};/) || ['', ''])[1]); // 提取mp4的url const balh_is_close = false const balh_version_remind = (function () { if (!util_page.new_bangumi()) return util_init(() => { if ((localStorage.balh_version || '0') < GM_info.script.version) { localStorage.balh_version = GM_info.script.version let version_remind = _t('version_remind') if (version_remind) { util_ui_pop({ content: `<h3>${} v${GM_info.script.version} 更新日志</h3>${version_remind}` }) } } }) })() const balh_feature_switch_to_old_player = (function () { if (util_page.av() && !localStorage.balh_disable_switch_to_old_player) { util_init(() => { let $switchToOldBtn = document.querySelector('#entryOld > .old-btn > a') if ($switchToOldBtn) { util_ui_pop({ content: `${} 对新版播放器的支持还在测试阶段, 不稳定, 推荐切换回旧版`, confirmBtn: '切换回旧版', onConfirm: () => $, onClose: () => localStorage.balh_disable_switch_to_old_player = r.const.TRUE, }) } }) } if (util_page.new_bangumi()) { if (util_cookie.stardustpgcv === '0606') { util_init(() => { let $panel = document.querySelector('.error-container > .server-error') if ($panel) { $panel.insertBefore(_('text', '临时切换到旧版番剧页面中...'), $panel.firstChild) util_cookie.stardustpgcv = '0' localStorage.balh_temp_switch_to_old_page = r.const.TRUE location.reload() } }) } if (localStorage.balh_temp_switch_to_old_page) { util_cookie.stardustpgcv = '0606' delete localStorage.balh_temp_switch_to_old_page } } })() const balh_feature_area_limit_new = (function () { if (balh_is_close) return if (!( (util_page.av() && balh_config.enable_in_av) || util_page.new_bangumi() )) { return } function replacePlayInfo() { log("window.__playinfo__", window.__playinfo__) window.__playinfo__origin = window.__playinfo__ let playinfo = undefined // 将__playinfo__置空, 让播放器去重新加载它... Object.defineProperty(window, '__playinfo__', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: () => { log('__playinfo__', 'get') return playinfo }, set: (value) => { // debugger log('__playinfo__', 'set') // 原始的playinfo为空, 且页面在loading状态, 说明这是html中对playinfo进行的赋值, 这个值可能是有区域限制的, 不能要 if (!window.__playinfo__origin && window.document.readyState === 'loading') { log('__playinfo__', 'init in html', value) window.__playinfo__origin = value return } playinfo = value }, }) } function modifyGlobalValue(name, modifyFn) { const name_origin = `${name}_origin` window[name_origin] = window[name] let value = undefined Object.defineProperty(window, name, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: () => { return value }, set: (val) => { value = modifyFn(val) } }) if (window[name_origin]) { window[name] = window[name_origin] } } function replaceUserState() { modifyGlobalValue('__PGC_USERSTATE__', (value) => { if (value) { // 区域限制 // todo : 调用areaLimit(limit), 保存区域限制状态 // 2019-08-17: 之前的接口还有用, 这里先不保存~~ value.area_limit = 0 // 会员状态 if (balh_config.blocked_vip && value.vip_info) { value.vip_info.status = 1 value.vip_info.type = 2 } } return value }) } function replaceInitialState() { modifyGlobalValue('__INITIAL_STATE__', (value) => { if (value && value.epInfo && value.epList && balh_config.blocked_vip) { for (let ep of [value.epInfo, ...value.epList]) { // 13貌似表示会员视频, 2为普通视频 if (ep.epStatus === 13) { log('epStatus 13 => 2', ep) ep.epStatus = 2 } } } return value }) } replaceInitialState() replaceUserState() replacePlayInfo() })() const balh_feature_area_limit = (function () { if (balh_is_close) return function injectXHR() { util_debug('XMLHttpRequest的描述符:', Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'XMLHttpRequest')) let firstCreateXHR = true window.XMLHttpRequest = new Proxy(window.XMLHttpRequest, { construct: function (target, args) { // 第一次创建XHR时, 打上断点... if (firstCreateXHR && r.script.is_dev) { firstCreateXHR = false // debugger } let container = {} // 用来替换responseText等变量 const dispatchResultTransformer = p => { let event = {} // 伪装的event return p .then(r => { container.readyState = 4 container.response = r container.__onreadystatechange(event) // 直接调用会不会存在this指向错误的问题? => 目前没看到, 先这样(;¬_¬) }) .catch(e => { // 失败时, 让原始的response可以交付 container.__block_response = false if (container.__response != null) { container.readyState = 4 container.response = container.__response container.__onreadystatechange(event) // 同上 } }) } return new Proxy(new target(...args), { set: function (target, prop, value, receiver) { if (prop === 'onreadystatechange') { container.__onreadystatechange = value let cb = value value = function (event) { if (target.readyState === 4) { if (target.responseURL.match(util_regex_url('')) || target.responseURL.match(util_regex_url(''))) { log('/season/user/status:', target.responseText) let json = JSON.parse(target.responseText) let rewriteResult = false if (json.code === 0 && json.result) { areaLimit(json.result.area_limit !== 0) if (json.result.area_limit !== 0) { json.result.area_limit = 0 // 取消区域限制 rewriteResult = true } if (balh_config.blocked_vip) { = 1 rewriteResult = true } if (rewriteResult) { container.responseText = JSON.stringify(json) } } } else if (target.responseURL.match(util_regex_url(''))) { log('/season_area', target.responseText) let json = JSON.parse(target.responseText) if (json.code === 0 && json.result) { areaLimit( === 0) if ( === 0) { = 1 container.responseText = JSON.stringify(json) } } } else if (target.responseURL.match(util_regex_url(''))) { const isFromReport = util_url_param(target.responseURL, 'from') === 'report' let json = JSON.parse(target.responseText) log('/x/web-interface/nav', ( && ? { uname:, isLogin:, level:, vipType:, vipStatus:, isFromReport: isFromReport } : target.responseText) if (json.code === 0 && && balh_config.blocked_vip && !isFromReport // report时, 还是不伪装了... ) { = 2; // 类型, 年度大会员 = 1; // 状态, 启用 container.responseText = JSON.stringify(json) } } else if (target.responseURL.match(util_regex_url(''))) { // 这个接口的返回数据貌似并不会影响界面... if (balh_config.blocked_vip) { log('/x/') const xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString(`<root>${target.responseText.replace(/\&/g, "&")}</root>`, 'text/xml') const vipXml = xml.querySelector('vip') if (vipXml) { const vip = JSON.parse(vipXml.innerHTML) vip.vipType = 2 // 同上 vip.vipStatus = 1 vipXml.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(vip) container.responseText = xml.documentElement.innerHTML container.response = container.responseText } } } else if (target.responseURL.match(util_regex_url(''))) { log('/x/player/playurl', 'origin', `block: ${container.__block_response}`, target.response) // todo : 当前只实现了r.const.mode.REPLACE, 需要支持其他模式 // 2018-10-14: 等B站全面启用新版再说(;¬_¬) } else if (target.responseURL.match(util_regex_url('')) && !util_url_param(target.responseURL, 'balh_ajax')) { log('/pgc/player/web/playurl', 'origin', `block: ${container.__block_response}`, target.response) if (!container.__redirect) { // 请求没有被重定向, 则需要检测结果是否有区域限制 let json = target.response if (balh_config.blocked_vip || json.code || isAreaLimitForPlayUrl(json.result)) { areaLimit(true) container.__block_response = true let url = container.__url if (isBangumiPage()) { url += `&module=bangumi` } bilibiliApis._playurl.asyncAjax(url) .then(data => { if (!data.code) { data = { code: 0, result: data, message: "0" } } log('/pgc/player/web/playurl', 'proxy', data) return data }) .compose(dispatchResultTransformer) } else { areaLimit(false) } } // 同上 } if (container.__block_response) { // 屏蔽并保存response container.__response = target.response return } } // 这里的this是原始的xhr, 在container.responseText设置了值时需要替换成代理对象 cb.apply(container.responseText ? receiver : this, arguments) } } target[prop] = value return true }, get: function (target, prop, receiver) { if (prop in container) return container[prop] let value = target[prop] if (typeof value === 'function') { let func = value // open等方法, 必须在原始的xhr对象上才能调用... value = function () { if (prop === 'open') { container.__method = arguments[0] container.__url = arguments[1] } else if (prop === 'send') { let dispatchResultTransformerCreator = () => { container.__block_response = true return dispatchResultTransformer } if (container.__url.match(util_regex_url('')) && balh_config.enable_in_av) { log('/x/player/playurl') // debugger bilibiliApis._playurl.asyncAjax(container.__url) .then(data => { if (!data.code) { data = { code: 0, data: data, message: "0", ttl: 1 } } log('/x/player/playurl', 'proxy', data) return data }) .compose(dispatchResultTransformerCreator()) } else if (container.__url.match(util_regex_url('')) && !util_url_param(container.__url, 'balh_ajax') && needRedirect()) { log('/pgc/player/web/playurl') // debugger container.__redirect = true // 标记该请求被重定向 let url = container.__url if (isBangumiPage()) { url += `&module=bangumi` } bilibiliApis._playurl.asyncAjax(url) .then(data => { if (!data.code) { data = { code: 0, result: data, message: "0", } } log('/pgc/player/web/playurl', 'proxy(redirect)', data) return data }) .compose(dispatchResultTransformerCreator()) } } return func.apply(target, arguments) } } return value } }) } }) } function injectAjax() { log('injectAjax at:', window.jQuery) let originalAjax = $.ajax; $.ajax = function (arg0, arg1) { let param; if (arg1 === undefined) { param = arg0; } else { arg0 && (arg1.url = arg0); param = arg1; } let oriSuccess = param.success; let oriError = param.error; let mySuccess, myError; // 投递结果的transformer, 结果通过oriSuccess/Error投递 let dispatchResultTransformer = p => p .then(r => { // debugger oriSuccess(r) }) .catch(e => oriError(e)) // 转换原始请求的结果的transformer let oriResultTransformer let oriResultTransformerWhenProxyError let one_api; // log(param) if (param.url.match(util_regex_url_path('/web_api/get_source'))) { one_api = bilibiliApis._get_source; oriResultTransformer = p => p .then(json => { log(json); if (json.code === -40301 // 区域限制 || json.result.payment && json.result.payment.price != 0 && balh_config.blocked_vip) { // 需要付费的视频, 此时B站返回的cid是错了, 故需要使用代理服务器的接口 areaLimit(true); return one_api.asyncAjax(param.url) .catch(e => json)// 新的请求报错, 也应该返回原来的数据 } else { areaLimit(false); if ((balh_config.blocked_vip || balh_config.remove_pre_ad) && json.code === 0 && json.result.pre_ad) { json.result.pre_ad = 0; // 去除前置广告 } return json; } }) } else if (param.url.match(util_regex_url_path('/player/web_api/playurl')) // 老的番剧页面playurl接口 || param.url.match(util_regex_url_path('/player/web_api/v2/playurl')) // 新的番剧页面playurl接口 || param.url.match(util_regex_url('')) // 新的番剧页面playurl接口 || (balh_config.enable_in_av && param.url.match(util_regex_url(''))) // 普通的av页面playurl接口 ) { // 新playrul: // 1. 部分页面参数放在param.data中 // 2. 成功时, 返回的结果放到了result中: {"code":0,"message":"success","result":{}} // 3. 失败时, 返回的结果没变 let isNewPlayurl if (isNewPlayurl = param.url.match(util_regex_url(''))) { if ( { param.url += `?${Object.keys( => `${key}=${[key]}`).join('&')}` = undefined } if (isBangumiPage()) { log(`playurl add 'module=bangumi' param`) param.url += `&module=bangumi` } // 加上这个参数, 防止重复拦截这个url param.url += `&balh_ajax=1` } one_api = bilibiliApis._playurl; if (isNewPlayurl) { oriResultTransformerWhenProxyError = p => p .then(json => !json.code ? json.result : json) } oriResultTransformer = p => p .then(json => { log(json) if (isNewPlayurl && !json.code) { json = json.result } if (balh_config.blocked_vip || json.code || isAreaLimitForPlayUrl(json)) { areaLimit(true) return one_api.asyncAjax(param.url) .catch(e => json) } else { areaLimit(false) return json } }) const oriDispatchResultTransformer = dispatchResultTransformer dispatchResultTransformer = p => p .then(r => { if (!r.code && !r.from && !r.result && !r.accept_description) { util_warn('playurl的result缺少必要的字段:', r) r.from = 'local' r.result = 'suee' r.accept_description = ['未知 3P'] // r.timelength = => it.length).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) if (r.durl && r.durl[0] && r.durl[0].url.includes('')) { const aid = window.__INITIAL_STATE__ && window.__INITIAL_STATE__.aid || window.__INITIAL_STATE__.epInfo && window.__INITIAL_STATE__.epInfo.aid || 'fuck' util_ui_pop({ content: `原视频已被删除, 当前播放的是<a href="">转存服务器</a>中的视频, 速度较慢<br>被删的原因可能是:<br>1. 视频违规<br>2. 视频被归类到番剧页面 => 试下<a href="${aid}">搜索av${aid}</a>` }) } } if (isNewPlayurl && !r.code) { r = { code: 0, message: 'success', result: r } } return r }) .compose(oriDispatchResultTransformer) } else if (param.url.match(util_regex_url(''))) { if (balh_config.blocked_vip) { mySuccess = function (data) { try { let xml = new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(`<userstatus>${data.replace(/\&/g, '&')}</userstatus>`, 'text/xml'); let vipTag = xml.querySelector('vip'); if (vipTag) { let vip = JSON.parse(vipTag.innerHTML); vip.vipType = 2; // 类型, 年度大会员 vip.vipStatus = 1; // 状态, 启用 vipTag.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(vip); data = xml.documentElement.innerHTML; } } catch (e) { log('parse xml error: ', e); } oriSuccess(data); }; } } else if (param.url.match(util_regex_url(''))) { if (balh_config.remove_pre_ad) { mySuccess = function (data) { log('/ad/video', data) if (data && data.code === 0 && { = [] // 移除广告接口返回的数据 } oriSuccess(data) } } } if (one_api && oriResultTransformer) { // 请求结果通过mySuccess/Error获取, 将其包装成Promise, 方便处理 let oriResultPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { mySuccess = resolve myError = reject }) if (needRedirect()) { // 通过proxy, 执行请求 one_api.asyncAjax(param.url) // proxy报错时, 返回原始请求的结果 .catch(e => oriResultPromise.compose(oriResultTransformerWhenProxyError)) .compose(dispatchResultTransformer) } else { oriResultPromise .compose(oriResultTransformer) .compose(dispatchResultTransformer) } } // 若外部使用param.success处理结果, 则替换param.success if (oriSuccess && mySuccess) { param.success = mySuccess; } // 处理替换error if (oriError && myError) { param.error = myError; } // default let xhr = originalAjax.apply(this, [param]); // 若外部使用xhr.done()处理结果, 则替换xhr.done() if (!oriSuccess && mySuccess) { xhr.done(mySuccess); xhr.done = function (success) { oriSuccess = success; // 保存外部设置的success函数 return xhr; }; } // 处理替换error if (!oriError && myError) {; = function (error) { oriError = error; return xhr; } } return xhr; }; } function injectFetch() { window.fetch = util_async_wrapper(window.fetch, resp => new Proxy(resp, { get: function (target, prop, receiver) { if (prop === 'json') { return util_async_wrapper(target.json.bind(target), oriResult => { util_debug('injectFetch:', target.url) if (target.url.match(util_regex_url_path('/player/web_api/v2/playurl/html5'))) { let cid = util_url_param(target.url, 'cid') return balh_api_plus_playurl(cid) .then(result => { if (result.code) { return Promise.reject('error: ' + JSON.stringify(result)) } else { return balh_api_plus_playurl_for_mp4(cid) .then(url => { util_debug(`mp4地址, 移动版: ${url}, pc版: ${result.durl[0].url}`) return { "code": 0, "cid": `${cid}.xml`, "timelength": result.timelength, "src": url || result.durl[0].url, // 只取第一个片段的url... } }) } }) .catch(e => { // 若拉取视频地址失败, 则返回原始的结果 log('fetch mp4 url failed', e) return oriResult }) } return oriResult }, error => error) } return target[prop] } }), error => error) } function isAreaLimitSeason() { return util_cookie['balh_season_' + getSeasonId()]; } function needRedirect() { return balh_config.mode === r.const.mode.REDIRECT || (balh_config.mode === r.const.mode.DEFAULT && isAreaLimitSeason()) } function areaLimit(limit) { balh_config.mode === r.const.mode.DEFAULT && setAreaLimitSeason(limit) } function setAreaLimitSeason(limit) { var season_id = getSeasonId(); util_cookie.set('balh_season_' + season_id, limit ? '1' : undefined, ''); // 第三个参数为'', 表示时Session类型的cookie log('setAreaLimitSeason', season_id, limit); } /** 使用该方法判断是否需要添加module=bangumi参数, 并不准确... */ function isBangumi(season_type) { log(`season_type: ${season_type}`) // 1: 动画 // 2: 电影 // 3: 纪录片 // 4: 国创 // 5: 电视剧 return !(season_type === 2 || season_type === 3 || season_type === 5) } function isBangumiPage() { return isBangumi(util_safe_get('window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo.season_type || window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo.ssType')) } function getSeasonId() { var seasonId; // 取anime页面的seasonId try { // 若w, 是其frame的window, 则有可能没有权限, 而抛异常 seasonId = window.season_id ||; } catch (e) { log(e); } if (!seasonId) { try { seasonId = (\/anime\/(\d+)/) || ['', ''])[1]; } catch (e) { log(e); } } // 若没取到, 则取movie页面的seasonId, 以m开头 if (!seasonId) { try { seasonId = (\/movie\/(\d+)/) || ['', ''])[1]; if (seasonId) { seasonId = 'm' + seasonId; } } catch (e) { log(e); } } // 若没取到, 则去新的番剧播放页面的ep或ss if (!seasonId) { try { seasonId = (\/bangumi\/play\/((ep|ss)\d+)/) || ['', ''])[1]; } catch (e) { log(e); } } // 若没取到, 则去取av页面的av号 if (!seasonId) { try { seasonId = (\/video\/(av\d+)/) || ['', ''])[1] } catch (e) { log(e); } } // 最后, 若没取到, 则试图取出当前页面url中的aid if (!seasonId) { seasonId = util_url_param(window.location.href, 'aid'); if (seasonId) { seasonId = 'aid' + seasonId; } } return seasonId || '000'; } function isAreaLimitForPlayUrl(json) { return (json.errorcid && json.errorcid == '8986943') || (json.durl && json.durl.length === 1 && json.durl[0].length === 15126 && json.durl[0].size === 124627); } var bilibiliApis = (function () { function AjaxException(message, code = 0/*用0表示未知错误*/) { = 'AjaxException' this.message = message this.code = code } AjaxException.prototype.toString = function () { return `${}: ${this.message}(${this.code})` } function BilibiliApi(props) { Object.assign(this, props); } BilibiliApi.prototype.asyncAjaxByProxy = function (originUrl, success, error) { var one_api = this; $.ajax({ url: one_api.transToProxyUrl(originUrl), async: true, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, success: function (result) { log('==>', result); success(one_api.processProxySuccess(result)); // log('success', arguments, this); }, error: function (e) { log('error', arguments, this); error(e); } }); }; BilibiliApi.prototype.asyncAjax = function (originUrl) { return util_ajax(this.transToProxyUrl(originUrl)) .then(r => this.processProxySuccess(r)) .compose(util_ui_msg.showOnNetErrorInPromise()) // 出错时, 提示服务器连不上 } var get_source_by_aid = new BilibiliApi({ transToProxyUrl: function (url) { return balh_config.server + '/api/view?id=' + window.aid + '&update=true'; }, processProxySuccess: function (data) { if (data && data.list && data.list[0] && { return { code: 0, message: 'success', result: { cid: data.list[0].cid, formal_aid: data.aid, movie_status: balh_config.blocked_vip ? 2 :, // 2, 大概是免费的意思? pay_begin_time: 1507708800, pay_timestamp: 0, pay_user_status:, // 一般都是0 player: data.list[0].type, // 一般为movie vid: data.list[0].vid, vip: { // 2+1, 表示年度大会员; 0+0, 表示普通会员 vipType: balh_config.blocked_vip ? 2 : 0, vipStatus: balh_config.blocked_vip ? 1 : 0, } } }; } else { return { code: -404, message: '不存在该剧集' }; } } }); var get_source_by_season_id = new BilibiliApi({ transToProxyUrl: function (url) { return balh_config.server + '/api/bangumi?season=' + window.season_id; }, processProxySuccess: function (data) { var found = null; if (!data.code) { for (var i = 0; i < data.result.episodes.length; i++) { if (data.result.episodes[i].episode_id == window.episode_id) { found = data.result.episodes[i]; } } } else { util_ui_alert('代理服务器错误:' + JSON.stringify(data) + '\n点击刷新界面.', window.location.reload.bind(window.location)); } var returnVal = found !== null ? { "code": 0, "message": "success", "result": { "aid": found.av_id, "cid": found.danmaku, "episode_status": balh_config.blocked_vip ? 2 : found.episode_status, "payment": { "price": "9876547210.33" }, "pay_user": { "status": balh_config.blocked_vip ? 1 : 0 // 是否已经支付过 }, "player": "vupload", "pre_ad": 0, "season_status": balh_config.blocked_vip ? 2 : data.result.season_status } } : { code: -404, message: '不存在该剧集' }; return returnVal; } }); var playurl_by_bilibili = new BilibiliApi({ dataType: 'xml', transToProxyUrl: function (originUrl) { const api_url = '' const bangumi_api_url = '' const SEC_NORMAL = '1c15888dc316e05a15fdd0a02ed6584f' const SEC_BANGUMI = '9b288147e5474dd2aa67085f716c560d' // 不设置module; 带module的接口都是有区域限制的... let module = undefined /*util_url_param(originUrl, 'module')*/ // 不使用json; 让服务器直接返回json时, 获取的视频url不能直接播放...天知道为什么 let useJson = false let paramDict = { cid: util_url_param(originUrl, 'cid'), quality: util_url_param(originUrl, 'quality'), qn: util_url_param(originUrl, 'qn'), // 增加这个参数, 返回的清晰度更多 player: 1, ts: Math.floor( / 1000), } if (module) paramDict.module = module if (useJson) paramDict.otype = 'json' let { sign, params } = util_generate_sign(paramDict, module ? SEC_BANGUMI : SEC_NORMAL) let url = module ? bangumi_api_url : api_url + params + '&sign=' + sign return url }, processProxySuccess: function (result, alertWhenError = true) { // 将xml解析成json let obj = util_xml2obj(result.documentElement) if (!obj || obj.code) { if (alertWhenError) { util_ui_alert(`从B站接口获取视频地址失败\nresult: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}\n\n点击确定, 进入设置页面关闭'使用B站接口获取视频地址'功能`, } else { return Promise.reject(`服务器错误: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`) } } else { obj.accept_quality && (obj.accept_quality = obj.accept_quality.split(',').map(n => +n)) if (!obj.durl.push) { obj.durl = [obj.durl] } obj.durl.forEach((item) => { if (item.backup_url === '') { item.backup_url = undefined } else if (item.backup_url && item.backup_url.url) { item.backup_url = item.backup_url.url } }) } log('xml2obj', result, '=>', obj) return obj }, _asyncAjax: function (originUrl) { return util_ajax(this.transToProxyUrl(originUrl)) .then(r => this.processProxySuccess(r, false)) } }) var playurl_by_proxy = new BilibiliApi({ _asyncAjax: function (originUrl, bangumi) { return util_ajax(this.transToProxyUrl(originUrl, bangumi)) .then(r => this.processProxySuccess(r, false)) }, transToProxyUrl: function (url, bangumi) { let params = url.split('?')[1]; if (bangumi === undefined) { // 自动判断 // av页面中的iframe标签形式的player, 不是番剧视频 bangumi = !util_page.player_in_av() // url中存在season_type的情况 let season_type_param = util_url_param(url, 'season_type') if (season_type_param && !isBangumi(+season_type_param)) { bangumi = false } if (!bangumi) { params = params.replace(/&?module=(\w+)/, '') // 移除可能存在的module参数 } } else if (bangumi === true) { // 保证添加module=bangumi参数 params = params.replace(/&?module=(\w+)/, '') params += '&module=bangumi' } else if (bangumi === false) { // 移除可能存在的module参数 params = params.replace(/&?module=(\w+)/, '') } return `${balh_config.server}/BPplayurl.php?${params}`; }, processProxySuccess: function (data, alertWhenError = true) { // data有可能为null if (data && data.code === -403) { util_ui_pop({ content: `<b>code-403</b>: <i style="font-size:4px;white-space:nowrap;">${JSON.stringify(data)}</i>\n\n当前代理服务器(${balh_config.server})依然有区域限制\n\n可以考虑进行如下尝试:\n1. 进行“帐号授权”\n2. 换个代理服务器\n3. 耐心等待服务端修复问题\n\n点击确定, 打开设置页面`, onConfirm:, }) } else if (data === null || data.code) { util_error(data); if (alertWhenError) { util_ui_alert(`突破黑洞失败\n${JSON.stringify(data)}\n点击确定刷新界面`, window.location.reload.bind(window.location)); } else { return Promise.reject(new AjaxException(`服务器错误: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`, data ? data.code : 0)) } } else if (isAreaLimitForPlayUrl(data)) { util_error('>>area limit'); util_ui_pop({ content: `突破黑洞失败\n需要登录\n点此确定进行登录`, onConfirm: balh_feature_sign.showLogin }) } else { if (balh_config.flv_prefer_ws) { data.durl.forEach(function (seg) { var t, url, i; if (!seg.url.includes('')) { for (i in seg.backup_url) { url = seg.backup_url[i]; if (url.includes('')) { log('flv prefer use:', url); t = seg.url; seg.url = url; url = t; break; } } } }); } } return data; } }) // const playurl_by_kghost = new BilibiliApi({ _asyncAjax: function (originUrl) { const proxyHostMap = [ [/僅.*港.*地區/, '//'], [/僅.*台.*地區/, '//'], [/.*/, '//'], ]; let proxyHost for (const [regex, host] of proxyHostMap) { if (document.title.match(regex)) { proxyHost = host break; } } if (proxyHost) { return util_ajax(this.transToProxyUrl(originUrl, proxyHost)) .then(r => this.processProxySuccess(r)) } else { return Promise.reject("没有支持的服务器") } }, transToProxyUrl: function (originUrl, proxyHost) { return originUrl.replace(/^(https:)?(\/\/api\.bilibili\.com\/)/, `$1${proxyHost}`) }, processProxySuccess: function (result) { return result.result }, }) const playurl = new BilibiliApi({ asyncAjax: function (originUrl) { util_ui_player_msg('从代理服务器拉取视频地址中...') return playurl_by_proxy._asyncAjax(originUrl) // 优先从代理服务器获取 .catch(e => { if (e instanceof AjaxException) { util_ui_player_msg(e) if (e.code === 1 // code: 1 表示非番剧视频, 不能使用番剧视频参数 || (util_url_param(originUrl, 'module') === 'bangumi' && e.code === -404)) { // 某些番剧视频又不需要加module=bangumi, 详见: util_ui_player_msg('尝试使用非番剧视频接口拉取视频地址...') return playurl_by_proxy._asyncAjax(originUrl, false) .catch(e2 => Promise.reject(e)) // 忽略e2, 返回原始错误e } else if (e.code === 10004) { // code: 10004, 表示视频被隐藏, 一般添加module=bangumi参数可以拉取到视频 util_ui_player_msg('尝试使用番剧视频接口拉取视频地址...') return playurl_by_proxy._asyncAjax(originUrl, true) .catch(e2 => Promise.reject(e)) } } return Promise.reject(e) }) .catch(e => { if (typeof e === 'object' && e.statusText == 'error') { util_ui_player_msg('尝试使用kghost的服务器拉取视频地址...') return playurl_by_kghost._asyncAjax(originUrl) .catch(e2 => Promise.reject(e)) } return Promise.reject(e) }) // 报错时, 延时1秒再发送错误信息 .catch(e => util_promise_timeout(1000).then(r => Promise.reject(e))) .catch(e => { let msg if (typeof e === 'object' && e.statusText == 'error') { msg = '代理服务器临时不可用' util_ui_player_msg(msg) } else { msg = util_stringify(e) } util_ui_pop({ content: `## 拉取视频地址失败\n原因: ${msg}\n\n可以考虑进行如下尝试:\n1. 多<a href="">刷新</a>几下页面\n2. 进入<a href="javascript:bangumi_area_limit_hack.showSettings();">设置页面</a>更换代理服务器\n3. 耐心等待代理服务器端修复问题`, onConfirm: window.location.reload.bind(window.location), confirmBtn: '刷新页面' }) return Promise.reject(e) }) .then(data => { if (data.dash) { // dash中的字段全部变成了类似C语言的下划线风格... util_obj_key_to_c_like(data.dash) } return data }) } }) return { _get_source: ? get_source_by_aid : get_source_by_season_id, _playurl: playurl, }; })(); if (util_page.anime_ep_m() || util_page.anime_ss_m()) { // balh_api_plus_playurl_for_mp4返回的url能在移动设备上播放的前提是, 请求头不包含Referer... // 故这里设置meta, 使页面不发送Referer // 注意动态改变引用策略的方式并不是标准行为, 目前在Chrome上测试是有用的 document.head.appendChild(_('meta', { name: "referrer", content: "no-referrer" })) injectFetch() util_init(() => { const $wrapper = document.querySelector('.player-wrapper') new MutationObserver(function (mutations, observer) { for (let mutation of mutations) { if (mutation.type === 'childList') { for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) { if (node.tagName === 'DIV' && node.className.split(' ').includes('player-mask')) { log('隐藏添加的mask') = 'none' } } } } }).observe($wrapper, { childList: true, attributes: false, }); }) } injectXHR(); if (true) { let jQuery = window.jQuery; if (jQuery) { // 若已加载jQuery, 则注入 injectAjax() } // 需要监听jQuery变化, 因为有时会被设置多次... Object.defineProperty(window, 'jQuery', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, set: function (v) { // debugger log('set jQuery', jQuery, '->', v) // 临时规避这个问题: // 新的av页面中, 运行脚本的 injectXHR() 后, 页面会往该方法先后设置两个jQuery...原因未知 // 一个从jquery.min.js中设置, 一个从player.js中设置 // 并且点击/载入等事件会从两个jQuery中向下分发...导致很多功能失常 // 这里我们屏蔽掉jquery.min.js分发的一些事件, 避免一些问题 if (util_page.av_new() && balh_config.enable_in_av) { try { // 获取调用栈的方法不是标准方法, 需要try-catch const stack = (new Error()).stack.split('\n') if (stack[stack.length - 1].includes('jquery')) { // 若从jquery.min.js中调用 log('set jQueury by jquery.min.js', v) v.fn.balh_on = v.fn.on v.fn.on = function (arg0, arg1) { if (arg0 === 'click.reply' && arg1 === '.reply') { // 屏蔽掉"回复"按钮的点击事件 log('block click.reply', arguments) return } return v.fn.balh_on.apply(this, arguments) } } // jQuery.fn.paging方法用于创建评论区的页标, 需要迁移到新的jQuery上 if (jQuery != null && jQuery.fn.paging != null && v != null && v.fn.paging == null) { log('迁移jQuery.fn.paging') v.fn.paging = jQuery.fn.paging } } catch (e) { util_error(e) } } jQuery = v; injectAjax();// 设置jQuery后, 立即注入 }, get: function () { return jQuery; } }); } }()) const balh_feature_remove_pre_ad = (function () { if (util_page.player()) { // 播放页面url中的pre_ad参数, 决定是否播放广告... if (balh_config.remove_pre_ad && util_url_param(location.href, 'pre_ad') == 1) { log('需要跳转到不含广告的url') location.href = location.href.replace(/&?pre_ad=1/, '') } } }()) const balh_feature_check_html5 = (function () { function isHtml5Player() { return localStorage.defaulth5 === '1' } function checkHtml5() { var playerContent = document.querySelector('.player-content'); if (!localStorage.balh_h5_not_first && !isHtml5Player() && window.GrayManager && playerContent) { new MutationObserver(function (mutations, observer) { observer.disconnect(); localStorage.balh_h5_not_first = r.const.TRUE; if (window.confirm( + '只在HTML5播放器下有效,是否切换到HTML5?')) { window.GrayManager.clickMenu('change_h5');// change_flash, change_h5 } }).observe(playerContent, { childList: true, // 监听child的增减 attributes: false, // 监听属性的变化 }); } } util_init(() => { // 除了播放器和番剧列表页面, 其他页面都需要检测html5 if (!(util_page.bangumi() || util_page.bangumi_md() || util_page.player())) { checkHtml5() } }) return isHtml5Player }()) const balh_feature_runPing = function () { var pingOutput = document.getElementById('balh_server_ping'); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), testUrl = [r.const.server.S0, r.const.server.S1], testUrlIndex = 0, isReused = false, prevNow, outputArr = []; if (balh_config.server_custom) { testUrl.push(balh_config.server_custom) } pingOutput.textContent = '正在进行服务器测速…'; = '100px';'GET', '', true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { this.readyState == 4 && pingResult(); }; var pingLoop = function () { prevNow =;'GET', testUrl[testUrlIndex] + '/api/bangumi', true); xhr.send(); }; var pingResult = function () { var duration = ( - prevNow) | 0; if (isReused) outputArr.push('\t复用连接:' + duration + 'ms'), isReused = false, testUrlIndex++; else outputArr.push(testUrl[testUrlIndex] + ':'), outputArr.push('\t初次连接:' + duration + 'ms'), isReused = true; pingOutput.textContent = outputArr.join('\n'); testUrlIndex < testUrl.length ? pingLoop() : pingOutput.appendChild(_('a', { href: 'javascript:', event: { click: balh_feature_runPing } }, [_('text', '\n再测一次?')])); }; pingLoop(); } const balh_feature_sign = (function () { function isLogin() { return localStorage.oauthTime !== undefined } function clearLoginFlag() { delete localStorage.oauthTime } function updateLoginFlag(loadCallback) { util_jsonp(balh_config.server + '/login?act=expiretime') .then(() => loadCallback && loadCallback(true)) // .catch(() => loadCallback && loadCallback(false)) // 请求失败不需要回调 } function isLoginBiliBili() { return util_cookie['DedeUserID'] !== undefined } // 当前在如下情况才会弹一次登录提示框: // 1. 第一次使用 // 2. 主站+服务器都退出登录后, 再重新登录主站 function checkLoginState() { // 给一些状态,设置初始值 localStorage.balh_must_remind_login_v1 === undefined && (localStorage.balh_must_remind_login_v1 = r.const.TRUE) if (isLoginBiliBili()) { if (!localStorage.balh_old_isLoginBiliBili // 主站 不登录 => 登录 || localStorage.balh_pre_server !== balh_config.server // 代理服务器改变了 || localStorage.balh_must_remind_login_v1) { // 设置了"必须提醒"flag clearLoginFlag() updateLoginFlag(() => { if (!isLogin()) { localStorage.balh_must_remind_login_v1 = r.const.FALSE; util_ui_pop({ content: [ _('text', `${}\n要不要考虑进行一下授权?\n\n授权后可以观看区域限定番剧的1080P\n(如果你是大会员或承包过这部番的话)\n\n你可以随时在设置中打开授权页面`) ], onConfirm: () => { balh_feature_sign.showLogin(); document.querySelector('#AHP_Notice').remove() } }) } }) } else if ((isLogin() && - parseInt(localStorage.oauthTime) > 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) // 已登录,每天为周期检测key有效期,过期前五天会自动续期 || localStorage.balh_must_updateLoginFlag) {// 某些情况下,必须更新一次 updateLoginFlag(() => localStorage.balh_must_updateLoginFlag = r.const.FALSE); } } localStorage.balh_old_isLoginBiliBili = isLoginBiliBili() ? r.const.TRUE : r.const.FALSE localStorage.balh_pre_server = balh_config.server } function showLogin() { const balh_auth_window ='about:blank'); balh_auth_window.document.title = 'BALH - 授权'; balh_auth_window.document.body.innerHTML = '<meta charset="UTF-8" name="viewport" content="width=device-width">正在获取授权,请稍候……'; window.balh_auth_window = balh_auth_window; $.ajax('', { xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', success: (data) => { if ( { balh_auth_window.document.body.innerHTML = '<meta charset="UTF-8" name="viewport" content="width=device-width">正在跳转……'; balh_auth_window.location.href =; } else { balh_auth_window.close() util_ui_alert('必须登录B站才能正常授权', () => { location.href = '' }) } }, error: (e) => { alert('error'); } }) } function showLoginByPassword() { const loginUrl = balh_config.server + '/login' util_ui_pop({ content: `B站当前关闭了第三方登录的接口<br>目前只能使用帐号密码的方式<a href="${loginUrl}">登录代理服务器</a><br><br>登录完成后, 请手动刷新当前页面`, confirmBtn: '前往登录页面', onConfirm: () => { } }) } function showLogout() { util_ui_popframe(balh_config.server + '/login?act=logout') } // 监听登录message window.addEventListener('message', function (e) { if (typeof !== 'string') return // 只处理e.data为string的情况 switch (':')[0]) { case 'BiliPlus-Login-Success': { //登入 localStorage.balh_must_updateLoginFlag = r.const.TRUE Promise.resolve('start') .then(() => util_jsonp(balh_config.server + '/login?act=getlevel')) .then(() => location.reload()) .catch(() => location.reload()) break; } case 'BiliPlus-Logout-Success': { //登出 clearLoginFlag() location.reload() break; } case 'balh-login-credentials': { balh_auth_window.close(); let url =': ')[1]; util_ui_popframe(url.replace('', balh_config.server + '/login')); break; } } }) util_init(() => { if (!(util_page.player() || util_page.av())) { checkLoginState() } }, util_init.PRIORITY.DEFAULT, util_init.RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED_AFTER) return { showLogin, showLogout, isLogin, isLoginBiliBili, } }()) const balh_feature_RedirectToBangumiOrInsertPlayer = (function () { // 重定向到Bangumi页面, 或者在当前页面直接插入播放页面 function tryRedirectToBangumiOrInsertPlayer() { let $errorPanel; if (!($errorPanel = document.querySelector('.error-container > .error-panel'))) { return; } let msg = document.createElement('a'); $errorPanel.insertBefore(msg, $errorPanel.firstChild); msg.innerText = '获取番剧页Url中...'; let aid = location.pathname.replace(/.*av(\d+).*/, '$1'), page = (location.pathname.match(/\/index_(\d+).html/) || ['', '1'])[1], cid, season_id, episode_id; let avData; balh_api_plus_view(aid) .then(function (data) { avData = data; if (data.code) { return Promise.reject(JSON.stringify(data)); } // 计算当前页面的cid for (let i = 0; i < data.list.length; i++) { if (data.list[i].page == page) { cid = data.list[i].cid; break; } } if (!data.bangumi) { generatePlayer(data, aid, page, cid) // return Promise.reject('该AV号不属于任何番剧页');//No bangumi in api response } else { // 当前av属于番剧页面, 继续处理 season_id = data.bangumi.season_id; return balh_api_plus_season(season_id); } }) .then(function (result) { if (result === undefined) return // 上一个then不返回内容时, 不需要处理 if (result.code === 10) { // av属于番剧页面, 通过接口却未能找到番剧信息 let ep_id_newest = avData && avData.bangumi && avData.bangumi.newest_ep_id if (ep_id_newest) { episode_id = ep_id_newest // 此时, 若avData中有最新的ep_id, 则直接使用它 } else { log(`av${aid}属于番剧${season_id}, 但却不能找到番剧页的信息, 试图直接创建播放器`) generatePlayer(avData, aid, page, cid) return } } else if (result.code) { return Promise.reject(JSON.stringify(result)) } else { let ep_id_by_cid, ep_id_by_aid_page, ep_id_by_aid, episodes = result.result.episodes, ep // 为何要用三种不同方式匹配, 详见: for (let i = 0; i < episodes.length; i++) { ep = episodes[i] if (ep.danmaku == cid) { ep_id_by_cid = ep.episode_id } if (ep.av_id == aid && == page) { ep_id_by_aid_page = ep.episode_id } if (ep.av_id == aid) { ep_id_by_aid = ep.episode_id } } episode_id = ep_id_by_cid || ep_id_by_aid_page || ep_id_by_aid } if (episode_id) { let bangumi_url = `//${season_id}#${episode_id}` log('Redirect', 'aid:', aid, 'page:', page, 'cid:', cid, '==>', bangumi_url, 'season_id:', season_id, 'ep_id:', episode_id) msg.innerText = '即将跳转到:' + bangumi_url location.href = bangumi_url } else { return Promise.reject('查询episode_id失败') } }) .catch(function (e) { log('error:', arguments); msg.innerText = 'error:' + e; }); } function generatePlayer(data, aid, page, cid) { let generateSrc = function (aid, cid) { return `//${cid}&aid=${aid}&player_type=1`; } let generatePageList = function (pages) { let $curPage = null; function onPageBtnClick(e) { = 'curPage' $curPage && ($curPage.className = '') let index =['data-index'].value; iframe.src = generateSrc(aid, pages[index].cid); } return (item, index) { let isCurPage = == page let $item = _('a', { 'data-index': index, className: isCurPage ? 'curPage' : '', event: { click: onPageBtnClick } }, [_('text', + ': ' + item.part)]) if (isCurPage) $curPage = $item return $item }); } // 当前av不属于番剧页面, 直接在当前页面插入一个播放器的iframe let $pageBody = document.querySelector('.b-page-body'); if (!$pageBody) { // 若不存在, 则创建 $pageBody = _('div', { className: '.b-page-body' }); document.querySelector('body').insertBefore($pageBody, document.querySelector('#app')) // 添加相关样式 document.head.appendChild(_('link', { type: 'text/css', rel: 'stylesheet', href: '//' })) } let iframe = _('iframe', { className: 'player bilibiliHtml5Player', style: { position: 'relative' }, src: generateSrc(aid, cid) }); // 添加播放器 $pageBody.appendChild(_('div', { className: 'player-wrapper' }, [ _('div', { className: 'main-inner' }, [ _('div', { className: 'v-plist' }, [ _('div', { id: 'plist', className: 'plist-content open' }, generatePageList(data.list)) ]) ]), _('div', { id: 'bofqi', className: 'scontent' }, [iframe]) ])); // 添加评论区 $pageBody.appendChild(_('div', { className: 'main-inner' }, [ _('div', { className: 'common report-scroll-module report-wrap-module', id: 'common_report' }, [ _('div', { className: 'b-head' }, [ _('span', { className: 'b-head-t results' }), _('span', { className: 'b-head-t' }, [_('text', '评论')]), _('a', { className: 'del-log', href: `//${aid}&title=${data.title}`, target: '_blank' }, [_('text', '查看删除日志')]) ]), _('div', { className: 'comm', id: 'bbComment' }, [ _('div', { id: 'load_comment', className: 'comm_open_btn', onclick: "var fb = new bbFeedback('.comm', 'arc');" + aid + ", 1);", style: { cursor: 'pointer' } }) ]) ]) ])); // 添加包含bbFeedback的js document.head.appendChild(_('script', { type: 'text/javascript', src: '//' })) document.title = data.title; (document.querySelector('.error-body') || document.querySelector('.error-container')).remove(); // 移除错误信息面板 } util_init(() => { if (util_page.av()) { tryRedirectToBangumiOrInsertPlayer() } }, util_init.PRIORITY.DEFAULT, util_init.RUN_AT.COMPLETE) return true // 随便返回一个值... }()) const balh_feature_FillSeasonList = (function () { function tryFillSeasonList() { var error_container, season_id; if (!(error_container = document.querySelector('div.error-container'))) { return; } if (!(season_id = window.location.pathname.match(/^\/anime\/(\d+)\/?$/)[1])) { return; } //尝试解决怪异模式渲染 /* 会造成变量丢失,等待官方重写doctype try{ window.stop(); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET',location.href,false); xhr.send(); document.head.appendChild(_('script',{},[_('text', 'document.write(unescape("'+escape(xhr.response.replace(/<!DOCTYPE.+?>/,'<!DOCTYPE HTML>'))+'"));window.stop()' )])); }catch(e){util_error(e);} */ var msg = _('a', { href: '//' + season_id + '/play', style: { fontSize: '20px' } }, [_('text', `【${}】尝试获取视频列表中...`)]), content = _('div'); error_container.insertBefore(content, error_container.firstChild); content.appendChild(msg); log('season>:', season_id); balh_api_plus_season(season_id) .then(function (data) { log('season>then:', data); if (data.code) { return Promise.reject(data); } function generateEpisodeList(episodes) { var childs = []; episodes.reverse().forEach(function (i) { childs.push(_('li', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-part-child', 'data-episode-id': i.episode_id }, [_('a', { className: 'v1-complete-text', href: '//' + season_id + '/play#' + i.episode_id, title: i.index + ' ' + i.index_title, target: '_blank', style: { height: '60px' } }, [ _('div', { className: 'img-wrp' }, [_('img', { src: i.cover, style: { opacity: 1 }, loaded: 'loaded', alt: i.index + ' ' + i.index_title })]), _('div', { className: 'text-wrp' }, [ _('div', { className: 'text-wrp-num' }, [_('div', { className: 'text-wrp-num-content' }, [_('text', `第${i.index}话`)])]), _('div', { className: 'text-wrp-title trunc' }, [_('text', i.index_title)]) ]) ])])); }); return childs; } function generateSeasonList(seasons) { function onSeasonClick(event) { window.location.href = '//' +['data-season-id'].value; } return (season) { return _('li', { className: season.season_id == season_id ? 'cur' : '', 'data-season-id': season.season_id, event: { click: onSeasonClick } }, [_('text', season.title)]); }); } if (data.result) { document.title = data.result.title; document.head.appendChild(_('link', { href: '', rel: 'stylesheet' })); document.head.appendChild(_('link', { href: '', rel: 'stylesheet' })); document.body.insertBefore(_('div', { className: 'main-container-wrapper' }, [_('div', { className: 'main-container' }, [ _('div', { className: 'page-info-wrp' }, [_('div', { className: 'bangumi-info-wrapper' }, [ _('div', { className: 'bangumi-info-blurbg-wrapper' }, [_('div', { className: 'bangumi-info-blurbg blur', style: { backgroundImage: 'url(' + data.result.cover + ')' } })]), _('div', { className: 'main-inner' }, [_('div', { className: 'info-content' }, [ _('div', { className: 'bangumi-preview' }, [_('img', { alt: data.result.title, src: data.result.cover })]), _('div', { className: 'bangumi-info-r' }, [ _('div', { className: 'b-head' }, [_('h1', { className: 'info-title', 'data-seasonid': season_id, title: data.result.title }, [_('text', data.result.title)])]), _('div', { className: 'info-count' }, [ _('span', { className: 'info-count-item info-count-item-play' }, [_('span', { className: 'info-label' }, [_('text', '总播放')]), _('em', {}, [_('text', data.result.play_count)])]), _('span', { className: 'info-count-item info-count-item-fans' }, [_('span', { className: 'info-label' }, [_('text', '追番人数')]), _('em', {}, [_('text', data.result.favorites)])]), _('span', { className: 'info-count-item info-count-item-review' }, [_('span', { className: 'info-label' }, [_('text', '弹幕总数')]), _('em', {}, [_('text', data.result.danmaku_count)])]) ]), //_('div',{className:'info-row info-update'},[]), //_('div',{className:'info-row info-cv'},[]), _('div', { className: 'info-row info-desc-wrp' }, [ _('div', { className: 'info-row-label' }, [_('text', '简介:')]), _('div', { className: 'info-desc' }, [_('text', data.result.evaluate)]) ]), ]) ])]) ])]), _('div', { className: 'main-inner' }, [_('div', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-wrapper clearfix' }, [ _('div', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-season-wrapper' }, [ _('div', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-season-content slider-list-content' }, [ _('div', {}, [ _('ul', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-season clearfix slider-list', 'data-current-season-id': season_id, style: { opacity: 1 } }, generateSeasonList(data.result.seasons)) ]) ]) ]), _('div', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-part-wrapper slider-part-wrapper' }, [_('div', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-part clearfix', 'data-current-season-id': season_id, style: { display: 'block' } }, [ _('div', { className: 'complete-list', style: { display: 'block' } }, [_('div', { className: 'video-slider-list-wrapper' }, [_('div', { className: 'slider-part-wrapper' }, [_('ul', { className: 'slider-part clearfix hide', style: { display: 'block' } }, generateEpisodeList(data.result.episodes))])])]) ])]) ])]) ])]), msg.parentNode.parentNode); msg.parentNode.parentNode.remove(); } }) .catch(function (error) { log('season>catch', error); msg.innerText = 'error:' + JSON.stringify(error) + '\n点击跳转到播放界面 (不一定能够正常播放...)'; }); } util_init(() => { if (util_page.bangumi()) { tryFillSeasonList() } }) return true }()) const balh_ui_setting = (function () { function addSettingsButton() { let indexNav = document.querySelector('.bangumi-nav-right, #index_nav, #fixnav_report') let settingBtnSvgContainer const createBtnStyle = (size, diffCss) => { diffCss = diffCss || ` #balh-settings-btn { bottom: 110px; border: 1px solid #e5e9ef; border-radius: 4px; background: #f6f9fa; margin-top: 4px; } #balh-settings-btn .btn-gotop { text-align: center; } ` return _('style', {}, [_('text', ` ${diffCss} #balh-settings-btn { width: ${size}; height: ${size}; cursor: pointer; } #balh-settings-btn:hover { background: #00a1d6; border-color: #00a1d6; } #balh-settings-btn .icon-saturn { width: 30px; height: ${size}; fill: rgb(153,162,170); } #balh-settings-btn:hover .icon-saturn { fill: white; } `)]) } if (indexNav == null) { // 信息页添加到按钮右侧 if (util_page.bangumi_md()) { indexNav = document.querySelector('.media-info-btns'); indexNav.appendChild(createBtnStyle('44px', ` #balh-settings-btn { float: left; margin: 3px 0 0 20px; background: #FFF; border-radius: 10px; } #balh-settings-btn>:first-child { text-align: center; height: 100%; } `)) } else { // 新版视频页面的“返回页面顶部”按钮, 由Vue控制, 对内部html的修改会被重置, 故只能重新创建新的indexNav let navTools = document.querySelector('.nav-tools, .float-nav') if (navTools) { let bottom = navTools.className.includes('float-nav') ? '53px' : '45px' indexNav = document.body.appendChild(_('div', { style: { position: 'fixed', right: '6px', bottom: bottom, zIndex: '129', textAlign: 'center', display: 'none' } })) indexNav.appendChild(createBtnStyle('45px')) window.addEventListener('scroll', (event) => { = window.scrollY < 600 ? 'none' : '' }) } } if (indexNav) { settingBtnSvgContainer = indexNav.appendChild(_('div', { id: 'balh-settings-btn', title: + ' 设置', event: { click: showSettings } }, [_('div', {})])).firstChild; } } else { // 视频页添加到回顶部下方 window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); = 'block'; indexNav.appendChild(createBtnStyle('46px')) settingBtnSvgContainer = indexNav.appendChild(_('div', { id: 'balh-settings-btn', title: + ' 设置', event: { click: showSettings } }, [_('div', { className: 'btn-gotop' })])).firstChild; } settingBtnSvgContainer && (settingBtnSvgContainer.innerHTML = `<!-- --><svg class="icon-saturn" viewBox="0 0 612.017 612.017"><path d="M596.275,15.708C561.978-18.59,478.268,5.149,380.364,68.696c-23.51-7.384-48.473-11.382-74.375-11.382c-137.118,0-248.679,111.562-248.679,248.679c0,25.902,3.998,50.865,11.382,74.375C5.145,478.253-18.575,561.981,15.724,596.279c34.318,34.318,118.084,10.655,216.045-52.949c23.453,7.365,48.378,11.344,74.241,11.344c137.137,0,248.679-111.562,248.679-248.68c0-25.862-3.979-50.769-11.324-74.24C606.931,133.793,630.574,50.026,596.275,15.708zM66.435,545.53c-18.345-18.345-7.919-61.845,23.338-117.147c22.266,39.177,54.824,71.716,94.02,93.943C128.337,553.717,84.837,563.933,66.435,545.53z M114.698,305.994c0-105.478,85.813-191.292,191.292-191.292c82.524,0,152.766,52.605,179.566,125.965c-29.918,41.816-68.214,87.057-113.015,131.839c-44.801,44.819-90.061,83.116-131.877,113.034C167.303,458.76,114.698,388.479,114.698,305.994z M305.99,497.286c-3.156,0-6.236-0.325-9.354-0.459c35.064-27.432,70.894-58.822,106.11-94.059c35.235-35.235,66.646-71.046,94.058-106.129c0.153,3.118,0.479,6.198,0.479,9.354C497.282,411.473,411.469,497.286,305.99,497.286z M428.379,89.777c55.303-31.238,98.803-41.683,117.147-23.338c18.402,18.383,8.187,61.902-23.204,117.377C500.095,144.62,467.574,112.043,428.379,89.777z"/></svg>`); } function _showSettings() { document.body.appendChild(settingsDOM); var form = settingsDOM.querySelector('form'); // elements包含index的属性, 和以name命名的属性, 其中以name命名的属性是不可枚举的, 只能通过这种方式获取出来 Object.getOwnPropertyNames(form.elements).forEach(function (name) { if (name.startsWith('balh_')) { var key = name.replace('balh_', '') var ele = form.elements[name] if (ele.type === 'checkbox') { ele.checked = balh_config[key]; } else { ele.value = balh_config[key]; } } }) = 'hidden'; } // 往顶层窗口发显示设置的请求 function showSettings() {'balh-show-setting', '*') } // 只有顶层窗口才接收请求 if (window === { window.addEventListener('message', (event) => { if ( === 'balh-show-setting') { _showSettings(); $('#upos-server')[0].value = balh_config.upos_server || ''; } }) } function onSignClick(event) {; switch (['data-sign'].value) { default: case 'in': balh_feature_sign.showLogin(); break; case 'out': balh_feature_sign.showLogout(); break; } } function onSettingsFormChange(e) { var name =; var value = === 'checkbox' ? ( ? r.const.TRUE : r.const.FALSE) : balh_config[name.replace('balh_', '')] = value log(name, ' => ', value); } // 第一次点击时: // 1. '复制日志&问题反馈' => '复制日志' // 2. 显示'问题反馈' // 3. 复制成功后请求跳转到GitHub // 之后的点击, 只是正常的复制功能~~ function onCopyClick(event) { let issueLink = document.getElementById('balh-issue-link') let continueToIssue = === 'none' if (continueToIssue) { = 'inline' let copyBtn = document.getElementById('balh-copy-log') copyBtn.innerText = '复制日志' } let textarea = document.getElementById('balh-textarea-copy') = 'inline-block' if (util_ui_copy(util_log_hub.getAllMsg(), textarea)) { = 'none'$(this), continueToIssue ? '复制日志成功; 点击确定, 继续提交问题(需要GitHub帐号)\n请把日志粘贴到问题描述中' : '复制成功', continueToIssue ? 0 : 3e3, continueToIssue ? 'button' : undefined, continueToIssue ? openIssuePage : undefined) } else {$(this), '复制失败, 请从下面的文本框手动复制', 5e3) } } function openIssuePage() { // } let printSystemInfoOk = false // 鼠标移入设置底部的时候, 打印一些系统信息, 方便问题反馈 function onMouseEnterSettingBottom(event) { if (!printSystemInfoOk) { printSystemInfoOk = true util_debug('userAgent', navigator.userAgent) } } let customServerCheckText var settingsDOM = _('div', { id: 'balh-settings', style: { position: 'fixed', top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, background: 'rgba(0,0,0,.7)', animationName: 'balh-settings-bg', animationDuration: '.5s', zIndex: 10000, cursor: 'pointer' }, event: { click: function (e) { if ( === this) util_ui_msg.close(), = '', this.remove(); } } }, [ _('style', {}, [_('text', r.css.settings)]), _('div', { style: { position: 'absolute', background: '#FFF', borderRadius: '10px', padding: '20px', top: '50%', left: '50%', width: '600px', transform: 'translate(-50%,-50%)', cursor: 'default' } }, [ _('h1', {}, [_('text', `${} v${GM_info.script.version} 参数设置`)]), _('br'), _('form', { id: 'balh-settings-form', event: { change: onSettingsFormChange } }, [ _('text', '代理服务器:'), _('a', { href: 'javascript:', event: { click: balh_feature_runPing } }, [_('text', '测速')]), _('br'), _('div', { style: { display: 'flex' } }, [ _('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [_('input', { type: 'radio', name: 'balh_server_inner', value: r.const.server.S0 }), _('text', '土豆服')]), _('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [_('input', { type: 'radio', name: 'balh_server_inner', value: r.const.server.S1 }), _('text', 'BiliPlus')]), _('label', { style: { flex: 2 } }, [ _('input', { type: 'radio', name: 'balh_server_inner', value: r.const.server.CUSTOM }), _('text', `自定义: `), _('input', { type: 'text', name: 'balh_server_custom', placeholder: '形如:', event: { input: (event) => { customServerCheckText.innerText = /^https?:\/\/[\w.]+$/.test( ? '✔️' : '❌' onSettingsFormChange(event) } } }), customServerCheckText = _('span'), ]), ]), _('br'), _('div', { id: 'balh_server_ping', style: { whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', overflow: 'auto' } }, []), _('div', { style: { display: '' } }, [ // 这个功能貌似没作用了...隐藏掉 => 貌似还有用...重新显示 _('text', 'upos服务器:'), _('br'), _('div', { title: '变更后 切换清晰度 或 刷新 生效' }, [ _('input', { style: { visibility: 'hidden' }, type: 'checkbox' }), _('text', '替换upos视频服务器:'), _('select', { id: 'upos-server', event: { change: function () { let server = this.value; let message = $('#upos-server-message'); let clearMsg = function () { message.text('') } message.text('保存中...') $.ajax(balh_config.server + '/api/setUposServer?server=' + server, { xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json', success: function (json) { if (json.code == 0) { message.text('已保存'); setTimeout(clearMsg, 3e3); balh_config.upos_server = server; } }, error: function () { message.text('保存出错'); setTimeout(clearMsg, 3e3); } }) } } }, [ _('option', { value: "" }, [_('text', '不替换')]), _('option', { value: "ks3" }, [_('text', 'ks3(金山)')]), _('option', { value: "oss" }, [_('text', 'oss(已失效)')]), _('option', { value: "kodo" }, [_('text', 'kodo(七牛)')]), _('option', { value: "wcs" }, [_('text', 'wcs(网宿)')]), _('option', { value: "cos" }, [_('text', 'cos(腾讯)')]), _('option', { value: "bos" }, [_('text', 'bos(百度)')]), _('option', { value: "hw" }, [_('text', 'hw(华为)')]), ]), _('span', { 'id': 'upos-server-message' }) ]), _('br'), ]), _('text', '脚本工作模式:'), _('br'), _('div', { style: { display: 'flex' } }, [ _('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [_('input', { type: 'radio', name: 'balh_mode', value: r.const.mode.DEFAULT }), _('text', '默认:自动判断')]), _('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [_('input', { type: 'radio', name: 'balh_mode', value: r.const.mode.REPLACE }), _('text', '替换:在需要时处理番剧')]), _('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [_('input', { type: 'radio', name: 'balh_mode', value: r.const.mode.REDIRECT }), _('text', '重定向:完全代理所有番剧')]) ]), _('br'), _('text', '其他:'), _('br'), _('div', { style: { display: 'flex' } }, [ _('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [_('input', { type: 'checkbox', name: 'balh_blocked_vip' }), _('text', '被永封的大会员'), _('a', { href: '大会员账号被b站永封了', target: '_blank' }, [_('text', '(?)')])]), _('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [_('input', { type: 'checkbox', name: 'balh_enable_in_av' }), _('text', '在AV页面启用'), _('a', { href: '', target: '_blank' }, [_('text', '(?)')])]), _('div', { style: { flex: 1, display: 'flex' } }, [ _('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [_('input', { type: 'checkbox', name: 'balh_remove_pre_ad' }), _('text', '去前置广告')]), // _('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [_('input', { type: 'checkbox', name: 'balh_flv_prefer_ws' }), _('text', '优先使用ws')]), ]) ]), _('br'), _('a', { href: 'javascript:', 'data-sign': 'in', event: { click: onSignClick } }, [_('text', '帐号授权')]), _('text', ' '), _('a', { href: 'javascript:', 'data-sign': 'out', event: { click: onSignClick } }, [_('text', '取消授权')]), _('text', ' '), _('a', { href: 'javascript:', event: { click: function () {$(this), '如果你的帐号进行了付费,不论是大会员还是承包,\n进行授权之后将可以在解除限制时正常享有这些权益\n\n你可以随时在这里授权或取消授权\n\n不进行授权不会影响脚本的正常使用,但可能会缺失1080P', 1e4); } } }, [_('text', '(这是什么?)')]), _('br'), _('br'), _('div', { style: { whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap' }, event: { mouseenter: onMouseEnterSettingBottom } }, [ _('a', { href: '', target: '_blank' }, [_('text', '脚本主页')]), _('text', ' '), _('a', { href: '', target: '_blank' }, [_('text', '帮助说明')]), _('text', ' '), _('a', { id: 'balh-copy-log', href: 'javascript:;', event: { click: onCopyClick } }, [_('text', '复制日志&问题反馈')]), _('text', ' '), _('a', { id: 'balh-issue-link', href: 'javascript:;', event: { click: openIssuePage }, style: { display: 'none' } }, [_('text', '问题反馈')]), _('text', '作者: ipcjs esterTion FlandreDaisuki'), _('text', ' 接口:'), _('a', { href: '' }, [_('text', ' BiliPlus ')]), _('a', { href: '' }, [_('text', ' kghost ')]), ]), _('textarea', { id: 'balh-textarea-copy', style: { display: 'none' } }) ]) ]) ]); util_init(() => { if (!(util_page.player() || (util_page.av() && !balh_config.enable_in_av))) { addSettingsButton() } }, util_init.PRIORITY.DEFAULT, util_init.RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED_AFTER) return { dom: settingsDOM, show: showSettings, } }()) const balh_jump_to_baipiao = (function () { function main() { for (let bp of r.baipiao) { const cookie_key = `balh_baipao_${bp.key}` if (bp.match() && !util_cookie[cookie_key]) { util_ui_pop({ content: [ _('text', '发现白嫖地址: '), _('a', { href: },, _('div', {}, bp.message), ], confirmBtn: '一键跳转', onConfirm: () => { location.href = }, onClose: () => { util_cookie.set(cookie_key, r.const.TRUE, '') } }) break } } } util_init(() => { main() }, util_init.PRIORITY.DEFAULT, util_init.RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED_AFTER) }()) const balh_mark_serve_check_area_limit_state = (function () { if (!util_page.bangumi_md()) { return } // 服务器需要通过这个接口判断是否有区域限制 // 详见: util_init(() => { const season_id = util_safe_get(`window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo.param.season_id`) if (season_id) { balh_api_plus_season(season_id) .then(r => log(`season${season_id}`, r)) .catch(e => log(`season${season_id}`, e)) } }) }()) function main() { util_info( 'mode:', balh_config.mode, 'blocked_vip:', balh_config.blocked_vip, 'server:', balh_config.server, 'upos_server:', balh_config.upos_server, 'flv_prefer_ws:', balh_config.flv_prefer_ws, 'remove_pre_ad:', balh_config.remove_pre_ad, 'enable_in_av:', balh_config.enable_in_av, 'readyState:', document.readyState, 'isLogin:', balh_feature_sign.isLogin(), 'isLoginBiliBili:', balh_feature_sign.isLoginBiliBili() ) // 暴露接口 window.bangumi_area_limit_hack = { setCookie: util_cookie.set, getCookie: util_cookie.get, login: balh_feature_sign.showLogin, logout: balh_feature_sign.showLogout, getLog: util_log_hub.getAllMsg, showSettings:, set1080P: function () { const settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.bilibili_player_settings) const oldQuality = settings.setting_config.defquality util_debug(`defauality: ${oldQuality}`) settings.setting_config.defquality = 112 // 1080P localStorage.bilibili_player_settings = JSON.stringify(settings) location.reload() }, _clear_local_value: function () { delete localStorage.oauthTime delete localStorage.balh_h5_not_first delete localStorage.balh_old_isLoginBiliBili delete localStorage.balh_must_remind_login_v1 delete localStorage.balh_must_updateLoginFlag } } } main(); 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