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// ==UserScript== // @name 生意参谋访客下载 // @author 黄逗酱酱 // @icon // @match ** // @namespace 黄逗酱酱 // @description 生意参谋实时访客下载,方便运营对自己的店铺的商品进行分析和收集支持一次性下载50页和单页下载包含商品id,图片等信息,请勿用于其他用途 // @note v2.0.0 2021-01-21 功能增加了 一次性下载所有页面,UI化了本脚本,增加了一键复制的功能,更加良好的交互界面版本更新到2.0(革命性升级) // @note v2.0.1 2021-01-22 修复了无法一次性下载所有数据的BUG // @note v2.1.0 2021-01-23 支持提前结束下载全部功能,功能基本完结 下次更新只会是解决重大bug或者重大功能更新,看着密密麻麻的代码头就疼,肝了这么多天肝完了 // @note v2.1.2 2021-04-17 紧急修复全部功能 // @note v2.1.2.1 2021-04-18 修复不显示入店来源 // @connect * // @date 01/27/2021 // @require // @require // @require // @grant GM_setClipboard // @version 2.1.2 // @description zh-cn // @run-at document-body // @license MPL-2.0 // @namespace // ==/UserScript== /**创建一个显示按钮,源码参考自@头号否 ID=39238 许可协议GPL-3.0-only本脚本变更许可协议MPL-2.0 * ***外部库引用声明*** * *作者引用的js库均为各大公司cdn 静态资源公共库,感谢:字节跳动,新浪网,bootcdn * 用户许可协议:版权声明:本脚本只作为卖家进行本店内数据查看,请尊重网页的robots(文件内的抓取声明在本脚本发布时间内所检索的内容为同意访问 */ ; ( async function(){ let dasfsagdshsgag=null; function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } var MIU_NUMX =1; var HM_get_; /**表单头:*日期 访问时间 商品缩略图 商品ID/来源 搜索来源 关键词 标题 IP地址 访客编号 商品主图 商品链接 访客唯一编号 */ var Table_title = ['日期,访问时间,商品缩略图,商品ID/来源,搜索来源,关键词,标题,IP地址,访客编号,商品主图,商品链接,访客唯一编号\n']; function HM_go() { var alicmz = '<div id="onii_alicmz"></div>'; var getbody = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; getbody.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', alicmz); var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; var inn_ocss = `#onii_alicmz,.aliwx { position: fixed; top: 5%; right: 50px; padding: 10px; min-width: 130px; text-align: center; z-index: 999999999999999; background: #fff; border-radius: 15px; border: 1px solid #1a7cda;} .alicmzbtn { background-color: #1a7cda; color: #ffffff; border: 0px solid #f0cab6; right: 20em; top: 40em; z-index: 88; cursor: pointer; padding: 5px 20px; border-radius: 50px; margin-bottom: 10px; transition: 0.3s;} .alicmzbtn:hover { color: #fff; background-color: #1c8ded;} .close { color: #828282; background-color: #e6e6e6; width: 80px; text-align: center; padding: 0.5em; border-radius: 2px; padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em; text-decoration: none; transition: 0.3s;} .close:hover { color: #5d5d5d; background-color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none;} .alicmzbtn a { color: #1c8ded; text-decoration: none;} .dmcss a { color: #d3d3d3; text-decoration: none;} .xflogo { width: 110px; padding: 15px 10px 15px 10px;} #gbxf { color: #1c8ded; position: absolute; right: 8px; top: 6px; font-size: 12px; cursor: pointer; transition: 0.3s; border: 1px #000000 solid; line-height: 9px; border-radius: 3px; padding: 1px;} #gbxf:hover { color: #fff; border: 1px #fa630a solid;background-color: #fa630a; opacity: 0.8;} #smallxf { position: fixed; bottom: 36px; right: 36px; color: #fe4514; background-color: #fff; border: 2.5px solid #1a7cda; padding: 8px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 27px; z-index: 999999999999999999; transition: 0.6s;} #smallxf:hover { bottom: 5px; box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04) 0 1px 5px 0px;} .smlogo { width: 100px; padding: 2px 5px 0px 5px;} .qmsg.qmsg-wrapper{box-sizing:border-box;margin:0;padding:0;color:rgba(0,0,0,.55);font-size:13px;font-variant:tabular-nums;line-height:1;list-style:none;font-feature-settings:"tnum";position:fixed;top:16px;left:0;z-index:999999999999999999999999999;width:100%;pointer-events:none}.qmsg .qmsg-item{padding:8px;text-align:center;-webkit-animation-duration:.3s;animation-duration:.3s;position:relative}.qmsg .qmsg-item .qmsg-count{text-align:center;position:absolute;left:-4px;top:-4px;background-color:red;color:#fff;font-size:12px;line-height:16px;border-radius:2px;display:inline-block;min-width:16px;height:16px;-webkit-animation-duration:.3s;animation-duration:.3s}.qmsg .qmsg-item:first-child{margin-top:-8px}.qmsg .qmsg-content{text-align:left;position:relative;display:inline-block;padding:17px 26px;background:#fff;border-radius:4px;box-shadow:0 4px 12px 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linear infinite;-webkit-animation:MessageTurn 1s linear infinite}@keyframes MessageTurn{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg)}25%{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg)}50%{-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg)}75%{-webkit-transform:rotate(270deg)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg)}}@-webkit-keyframes MessageTurn{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0deg)}25%{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg)}50%{-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg)}75%{-webkit-transform:rotate(270deg)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg)}}@-webkit-keyframes MessageMoveOut{0%{max-height:150px;padding:8px;opacity:1}to{max-height:0;padding:0;opacity:0}}@keyframes MessageMoveOut{0%{max-height:150px;padding:8px;opacity:1}to{max-height:0;padding:0;opacity:0}}@-webkit-keyframes MessageMoveIn{0%{transform:translateY(-100%);transform-origin:0 0;opacity:0}to{transform:translateY(0);transform-origin:0 0;opacity:1}}@keyframes MessageMoveIn{0%{transform:translateY(-100%);transform-origin:0 0;opacity:0}to{transform:translateY(0);transform-origin:0 0;opacity:1}}@-webkit-keyframes MessageShake{0%,100%{transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1}25%,75%{transform:translateX(-4px);opacity:.75}50%{transform:translateX(4px);opacity:.25}}@keyframes MessageShake{0%,100%{transform:translateX(0px);opacity:1}25%,75%{transform:translateX(-4px);opacity:.75}50%{transform:translateX(4px);opacity:.25}} `; style.innerHTML = inn_ocss; document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD').item(0).appendChild(style); //定义一个全局弹出层 //创建一个显示按钮 function aliwxframe() { var getkj = document.getElementById("onii_alicmz"); getkj.innerHTML = `<div id="innbe_xg" class= "alicmzbtn" >开启自动下载</div> <div id="thwx" class= "alicmzbtn" >下载本页</div> <div id="innbe_xf" class= "alicmzbtn" >下载全部</div> <div id="copy_thwx" class= "alicmzbtn" >复制本页</div> `; document.body.appendChild(getkj); } aliwxframe(); var gbxf = '<div id="gbxf" onclick="hidexf();" title="点击隐藏">—</div>'; var xfkj = document.getElementById('onii_alicmz'); xfkj.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', gbxf); var hdxf = document.getElementById('gbxf'); hdxf.addEventListener('click', hidexf, false); var omatic_dow= document.getElementById('innbe_xg'); omatic_dow.addEventListener('click', Automatic_download, false); var d_HM_CSV_At_p= document.getElementById('thwx'); d_HM_CSV_At_p.addEventListener('click', download_HM_CSV_At_present, false); var HM_HY_= document.getElementById('innbe_xf'); HM_HY_.addEventListener('click', HM_HY_ALLgo, false); var copy_JHM= document.getElementById('copy_thwx'); copy_JHM.addEventListener('click', copy_thwxNN, false); var smallxf = '<div id="smallxf" style="display:none;" onclick="showcmz();" title="点击恢复"><img src="" class="smlogo"></div>'; var getcmz = document.getElementById('onii_alicmz'); getcmz.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', smallxf); var showxf = document.getElementById('smallxf'); showxf.addEventListener('click', showcmz, false); function hidexf() { document.getElementById('onii_alicmz').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('smallxf').style.display = 'block'; }; function showcmz() { document.getElementById('onii_alicmz').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('smallxf').style.display = 'none'; }; hidexf(); } HM_go(); // 大图解析 function MAXimg(url) { return url .replace(/_[.]webp/img, '') //_.webp .replace(/_\d+x\d+[.](je?pg|png|gif|wepb)/img, '') //_pic.jpg_60x60.jpg .replace(/_\d+x\d+[a-z]\d+[.](je?pg|png|gif|wepb)/img, '') //.jpg_60x60q90.jpg .replace(/https?:/img, '') //移除所有连接的协议头无论有没有 .replace(/(\\\\+|\/\/+)?img\.alicdn\.com\/tps\/[a-z]\d\/T10B2IXb4cXXcHmcPq(-\d+-\d+[.]gif)?/img, '') //详情页默认的gif防盗 .replace(/(\\\\+|\/\/+)?img\.alicdn\.com.{1,12}\/spaceball.gif/img, '') //详情页默认的png防盗 .replace(/([.](je?pg|png|gif|wepb))_\d+x\d+[a-z]\d+/img, '$1') //.jpg_640x640q80 .replace(/([.](je?pg|png|gif|wepb))_\d+x\d+([a-z]\d+){2,3}([.](je?pg|png|gif|wepb))?/img, '$1')// .jpg_760x760Q50s50.jpg .replace(/(?:.+?)?(\/\/.{1,6}(?:ali|taobao|tb)cdn[.]com\/.+?[.](?:jpe?g|png|gif))(.+?)?$/i, 'https:$1')//只单行加头并且移除本行内所有不需要的信息 .replace(/[.]\d+x\d+[.](jpe?g|png|gif|webp)(?:(?:_\d+x\d+[a-z]\d+.[a-z]+_(?:.webp)?)?)/i, '.$1') .replace("", '');//黑名单 } /**关闭网页点击功能 */ function HM_off_html(t) { let d = 0; if (t !== 1) { d = 'body{pointer-events: none;}' } if (t === 1) { d = 'body{pointer-events: all;}' } let style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; let inn_ocss = d; style.innerHTML = inn_ocss; document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD').item(0).appendChild(style) } /**数组拼接器 回执式*/ function push_Array(a, b) { var ar = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { ar.push(a[i]); } for (var j = 0; j < b.length; j++) { ar.push(b[j]); } return ar; } /**数组去重函数,回执式 */ function Do_not_repeat_HM(arr) { console.log('---开始数据去重---'); if (!Array.isArray(arr)) { console.log('数据错误!'); return; } let res = [arr[0]] for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { let flag = true for (let j = 0; j < res.length; j++) { if (arr[i] === res[j]) { flag = false; break; } } if (flag) { res.push(arr[i]); } } return res; } var yyyy_mm_dd; var hM_NAME = 'HM_ROM_users_DATAall'; var store={ set(value){ sessionStorage.setItem(hM_NAME,JSON.stringify(value)); }, get(){ return JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(hM_NAME)); }, remove(){ sessionStorage.removeItem(hM_NAME); } } /**时间获取器 */ function HM_Time() { let date = new Date(); let yyyy = date.getFullYear(); //获取完整的年份(4位) let mm = (date.getMonth() + 1); //获取当前月份(0-11,0代表1月) let dd = date.getDate(); //获取当前日(1-31) let nn = date.getHours(); //获取当前小时数(0-23) let nm = date.getMinutes(); //获取当前分钟数(0-59) let nu = date.getSeconds(); //获取当前秒数(0-59) yyyy_mm_dd = yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd; return yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd; } var MAXM; /***全局数组 */ var AJSON = ''; AJSON = new Array(); var Stoperr = 0; /**包含全部数据的数组 */ var get_json = new Array(); /** * 核心本体这个是数据获取器 * @param {*} din_Timag 商品主图 * @param {*} din_TimagN 商品缩略图 * @param {*} din_title 标题 * @param {*} din_idurl 链接 * @param {*} din_id ID * @param {*} dinis_GC 搜索关键词(如果有) * @param {*} dinis_LY 入店来源 * @param {*} dinis_YIN 访客位置 * @param {*} dinis_YDM 访问时间 * @param {*} dinis_YINR 访问时间+访客编号 * @param {*} dinis_YMU 访客编号 * @param {*} Nt 制表符 */ function getGO_HM(din_Timag, din_TimagN, din_title, din_idurl, din_id, dinis_GC, dinis_LY, dinis_YIN, dinis_YDM, dinis_YINR, dinis_YMU, Nt) { AJSON = ''; AJSON = new Array(); Nt = "\t"; //制表符分隔 var YMD = HM_Time(); [din_Timag, din_TimagN, din_title, din_idurl, din_id, dinis_GC, dinis_LY, dinis_YIN, dinis_YDM, dinis_YINR, dinis_YMU] = ''; var diom = document.querySelectorAll(" .table-container.table-container-2 table tbody tr"); diom=document.querySelectorAll("#visitor-detail .oui-card-content table tbody tr"); for (let i = 0; i < diom.length; i++) { let n = diom[i].querySelectorAll('td'); // n=循环主目录 let [SORT,UVPage,Source,Region,PVTime,Serial] =[n[0],n[1],n[2],n[3],n[4],n[5]]; if(UVPage){ if(UVPage.querySelector('.sycm-goods-td a')){ din_Timag =MAXimg(UVPage.querySelector('.sycm-goods-td img').src); din_TimagN = `![img](${din_Timag}_20x20.jpg)`; din_idurl = UVPage.querySelector('.sycm-goods-td a').href; if(din_idurl.match(/[\?&]id=(\d+)/)){ din_id = '#'+din_idurl.match(/[\?&]id=(\d+)/)[1]; } din_title =UVPage.querySelector('.sycm-goods-td a').title }else { din_id = UVPage.innerText.replace(/[\s \t\n]+/g,'') }} if(Source){ if(Source.querySelector('span .keyword')){ dinis_GC=Source.querySelector('span .keyword').innerText; dinis_LY=Source.innerText.replace(/[\s \t\n]+/g,''); let newsrc= new RegExp(`${dinis_GC}$`); dinis_LY=dinis_LY.replace(newsrc,'') }else{ // 没有内容就是纯入店来源 dinis_LY=Source.innerText.replace(/[\s \t\n]+/g,''); }} if(Region){dinis_YIN=Region.innerText.replace(/[\s \t\n]+/g,'')} if(PVTime){dinis_YDM=PVTime.innerText.replace(/[\s \t\n]+/g,'')} if(Serial){dinis_YMU=Serial.innerText.replace(/[\s \t\n]+/g,'')} if(dinis_YMU){dinis_YINR=HM_Time()+'-'+dinis_YDM+"-"+dinis_YMU} var AJSONNU = ((YMD + Nt + dinis_YDM + Nt + din_TimagN + Nt + din_id + Nt + dinis_LY + Nt + dinis_GC + Nt + din_title + Nt + dinis_YIN + Nt + dinis_YMU + Nt + din_Timag + Nt + din_idurl + Nt + dinis_YINR + '\n') .replace(/undefined/igm, '') .replace(/,/igm, ',') .replace(/\t/igm, ',')); // /*输出给用户的是逗号分隔文件 */ // // 我需要的格式 日期 访问时间 商品缩略图 商品ID/来源 搜索来源 关键词 标题 IP地址 访客编号 商品主图 商品链接 访客唯一编号 AJSON.push(AJSONNU); // 清空数据防止下行有问题,小bug懒得找反正要重构了 [din_Timag, din_TimagN, din_title, din_idurl, din_id, dinis_GC, dinis_LY, dinis_YIN, dinis_YDM, dinis_YINR, dinis_YMU] = ''; } } /**顺序数值编号器 参数:开始数字,位数(2=01,3=001) */ function MIU_NUM(num, n) { return (Array(n).join(0) + num).slice(- n); }; /**复制本页 */ function copy_thwxNN() { getGO_HM(); let text =AJSON.join('').replace(/,/img,'\t'); GM_setClipboard(text);"已复制可粘贴到表格增量") HM_get_new(); AJSON = ''; AJSON = new Array(); } /**下载本页,下载后会自动删除内存中的数据不叠加下一页 */ function download_HM_CSV_At_present() { getGO_HM(); download_HM_CSV(); HM_get_new(); AJSON = ''; AJSON = new Array(); } /**下载数据的函数 */ function download_HM_CSV(u, f) { let NAJSON; if (!u) { NAJSON = Do_not_repeat_HM(AJSON); } if (u) { NAJSON = Do_not_repeat_HM(u); } let blob = new Blob(NAJSON, { type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8" }); if (f) { saveAs(blob, "合集_生意参谋访客数据_" + HM_Time() + ".csv"); } else { saveAs(blob,HM_Time()+"_"+"生意参谋访客数据_" +MIU_NUM(MIU_NUMX,2)+ ".csv"); }MIU_NUMX =MIU_NUMX+1; /**清空储存中的数据 */ } /** * 随机数值 * @param {*} Min 最小 * @param {*} Max 最大 */ function GetRandomNum(Min, Max) { var Range = Max - Min; var Rand = Math.random(); return (Min + Math.round(Rand * Range)); } /**自动执行下载 */ function Automatic_download() { Qmsg.loading(`已开启自动下载,关闭此消息停止`, { autoClose: true, showClose: true }); var idnf = setInterval(function () { document.querySelector("#visitor-detail > div.oui-card-header-wrapper > div.oui-card-header > div.oui-card-header-item.oui-card-header-item-pull-right > button").click(); setTimeout(function () { if (document.querySelector('.qmsg-content')) { download_HM_CSV_At_present(); } }, 800); if (!document.querySelector('.qmsg-content')) { clearInterval(idnf); console.log('已停止') } }, (GetRandomNum(32000, 60000))); } /**声明这个函数在本脚本任意地方可执行 */ var NHM_idn; var HM_get_newALLgoget_=[]; /**下载全部:网页显示有多少次就下载多少次 下一页时间为1秒到3秒防止性能占用过多 因为是整页自动添加表头 下载完成延时(5秒)删除数据中的全部数据*/ // function HM_HY_ALLgo(params) { //"该功能特别复杂,还在恢复中") // } async function HM_HY_ALLgo() { HM_off_html(0); // 获取多少页 let next= document.querySelector("#visitor-detail .ant-pagination-next"); // 下一页前面是总页数 let Countlength =next.parentElement.querySelectorAll('li').length-2; let Count = next.parentElement.querySelectorAll('li')[Countlength]; if(Count) if(Count.innerText.match(/\d+/)){ Count=Count.innerText.match(/\d+/)[0]*1; }else{return"可能是网站更新了无法获取全部数据")} dasfsagdshsgag= Qmsg.loading(`正在下载中请勿关闭网页...`, { autoClose: true, showClose: true }); for(let i=0;i<Count;i++){ getGO_HM(); await sleep(200); HM_get_newALLgoget_.push(AJSON) // 随机异步阻塞 await sleep(GetRandomNum(800,3000));; AJSON=[]; } // 下载 await sleep(200); let data =Do_not_repeat_HM(HM_get_newALLgoget_) let newdata =[]; for (let s = 0; s < data.length; s++) { const i = data[s]; for (let c = 0; c < i.length; c++) { const v = i[c]; newdata.push(v) } } await sleep(200); // console.log(data) // 敲代码就是要敷衍变量名也是不懒编程干嘛 // <= <= // __ dasfsagdshsgag.close(); let blob = new Blob(newdata, { type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8" }); let name= `${HM_Time()}_生意参谋访客数据_${MIU_NUM(MIU_NUMX,2)}.csv` saveAs(blob,name); delete data,HM_get_newALLgoget_,AJSON; HM_off_html(1)"下载完成") } let keyMAXM=1; /**按钮点击器 */ function HM_get_new() { document.querySelector("#visitor-detail .ant-pagination-next").click(); if( document.querySelector("#visitor-detail .ant-pagination-next").classList.toString().match("ant-pagination-disabled")) return {type:"Success"} } /**这个是用于弹窗的库 没必要使用未压缩文本*//** * gitee地址: */ ;(function(root,Msg){ if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined'){ module.exports = Msg }else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd){ define([],function () { return Msg(root); }); }else{ root.Qmsg = Msg(root); } })(this,function(global){ 'use srtict'; //assign 兼容处理 if (typeof Object.assign != 'function') { Object.assign = function(target) { if (target == null) { throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object'); } target = Object(target); for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) { var source = arguments[index]; if (source != null) { for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } } return target; } }; // 'classList' 兼容处理 var isClsList = 'classList' in HTMLElement.prototype; if(!isClsList) { Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype,'classList',{ get:function(){ // add, remove ,contains,toggle // this - > var _self = this; return { add:function(cls){ if(!this.contains(cls)){ _self.className +=' ' + cls; } }, remove:function(cls){ if(this.contains(cls)){ var reg= new RegExp(cls); _self.className = _self.className.replace(reg,''); } }, contains:function(cls){ var index = _self.className.indexOf(cls); return index!=-1 ? true : false; }, toggle:function(cls){ if(this.contains(cls)){ this.remove(cls) } else { this.add(cls) } } } } }) } /** * 声明插件名称 */ var PLUGIN_NAME = "qmsg"; /** * 命名空间 用于css和事件 */ var NAMESPACE = global && global.QMSG_GLOBALS && global.QMSG_GLOBALS.NAMESPACE || PLUGIN_NAME; /** * 状态 & 动画 * 显示中,显示完成,关闭中 */ var STATES = { opening : 'MessageMoveIn', done : '', closing : 'MessageMoveOut' } /** * 全局默认配置 * 可在引入js之前通过QMSG_GLOBALS.DEFAULTS进行配置 * position {String} 位置,仅支持'center','right','left',默认'center' * type {String} 类型,支持'info','warning','success','error','loading' * showClose {Boolean} 是否显示关闭图标,默认为false不显示 * timeout {Number} 多久后自动关闭,单位ms,默认2500 * autoClose {Boolean} 是否自动关闭,默认true,注意在type为loading的时候自动关闭为false * content {String} 提示的内容 * onClose {Function} 关闭的回调函数 */ var DEFAULTS = Object.assign({ position:'center', type:"info", showClose:false, timeout:2500, animation:true, autoClose:true, content:"", onClose:null, maxNums:5, html:false },global && global.QMSG_GLOBALS && global.QMSG_GLOBALS.DEFAULTS) /** * 设置icon html代码 */ var ICONS = { info:'<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect width="48" height="48" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.01"/><path d="M24 44C29.5228 44 34.5228 41.7614 38.1421 38.1421C41.7614 34.5228 44 29.5228 44 24C44 18.4772 41.7614 13.4772 38.1421 9.85786C34.5228 6.23858 29.5228 4 24 4C18.4772 4 13.4772 6.23858 9.85786 9.85786C6.23858 13.4772 4 18.4772 4 24C4 29.5228 6.23858 34.5228 9.85786 38.1421C13.4772 41.7614 18.4772 44 24 44Z" fill="#1890ff" stroke="#1890ff" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M24 11C25.3807 11 26.5 12.1193 26.5 13.5C26.5 14.8807 25.3807 16 24 16C22.6193 16 21.5 14.8807 21.5 13.5C21.5 12.1193 22.6193 11 24 11Z" fill="#FFF"/><path d="M24.5 34V20H23.5H22.5" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M21 34H28" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>', warning:'<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect width="48" height="48" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.01"/><path d="M24 44C29.5228 44 34.5228 41.7614 38.1421 38.1421C41.7614 34.5228 44 29.5228 44 24C44 18.4772 41.7614 13.4772 38.1421 9.85786C34.5228 6.23858 29.5228 4 24 4C18.4772 4 13.4772 6.23858 9.85786 9.85786C6.23858 13.4772 4 18.4772 4 24C4 29.5228 6.23858 34.5228 9.85786 38.1421C13.4772 41.7614 18.4772 44 24 44Z" fill="#faad14" stroke="#faad14" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M24 37C25.3807 37 26.5 35.8807 26.5 34.5C26.5 33.1193 25.3807 32 24 32C22.6193 32 21.5 33.1193 21.5 34.5C21.5 35.8807 22.6193 37 24 37Z" fill="#FFF"/><path d="M24 12V28" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>', error:'<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect width="48" height="48" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.01"/><path d="M24 44C35.0457 44 44 35.0457 44 24C44 12.9543 35.0457 4 24 4C12.9543 4 4 12.9543 4 24C4 35.0457 12.9543 44 24 44Z" fill="#f5222d" stroke="#f5222d" stroke-width="4" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M29.6569 18.3431L18.3432 29.6568" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M18.3432 18.3431L29.6569 29.6568" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>', success:'<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect width="48" height="48" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.01"/><path d="M24 4L29.2533 7.83204L35.7557 7.81966L37.7533 14.0077L43.0211 17.8197L41 24L43.0211 30.1803L37.7533 33.9923L35.7557 40.1803L29.2533 40.168L24 44L18.7467 40.168L12.2443 40.1803L10.2467 33.9923L4.97887 30.1803L7 24L4.97887 17.8197L10.2467 14.0077L12.2443 7.81966L18.7467 7.83204L24 4Z" fill="#52c41a" stroke="#52c41a" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M17 24L22 29L32 19" stroke="#FFF" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>', loading:'<svg class="animate-turn" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect width="48" height="48" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.01"/><path d="M4 24C4 35.0457 12.9543 44 24 44V44C35.0457 44 44 35.0457 44 24C44 12.9543 35.0457 4 24 4" stroke="#1890ff" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M36 24C36 17.3726 30.6274 12 24 12C17.3726 12 12 17.3726 12 24C12 30.6274 17.3726 36 24 36V36" stroke="#1890ff" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>', close:'<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect width="48" height="48" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.01"/><path d="M14 14L34 34" stroke="#909399" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M14 34L34 14" stroke="#909399" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>', } /** * 是否支持动画属性 * @type {Boolean} */ var CAN_ANIMATION = (function() { var style = document.createElement('div').style; return style.animationName !== undefined || style.WebkitAnimationName !== undefined || style.MozAnimationName !== undefined || style.msAnimationName !== undefined || style.OAnimationName !== undefined; })(); /** * 生成带插件名的名称 * @param {...String} * @returns {String} */ function namespacify(){ var res = NAMESPACE; for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i){ res += '-' + arguments[i]; } return res; } /** * 每条消息的构造函数 * @param {Objetc} opts 配置参数,参考DEFAULTS */ function Msg(opts){ var oMsg = this; oMsg.settings = Object.assign({},DEFAULTS,opts||{}); = Qmsg.instanceCount; var timeout = oMsg.settings.timeout; timeout = timeout && parseInt(timeout>=0) & parseInt(timeout)<=Math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ?parseInt(timeout):DEFAULTS.timeout; oMsg.timeout = timeout; oMsg.settings.timeout = timeout; oMsg.timer = null; var $elem = document.createElement("div"); var $svg = ICONS[oMsg.settings.type || 'info']; var contentClassName = namespacify("content-"+oMsg.settings.type || 'info'); contentClassName +=oMsg.settings.showClose ?' '+ namespacify('content-with-close'):'' var content = oMsg.settings.content || ''; var $closeSvg = ICONS['close']; var $closeIcon = oMsg.settings.showClose ? '<i class="qmsg-icon qmsg-icon-close">'+$closeSvg+'</i>':''; var $span = document.createElement("span"); if(oMsg.settings.html){ $span.innerHTML = content; }else{ $span.innerText = content; } $elem.innerHTML = '<div class="qmsg-content">\ <div class="'+contentClassName+'">\ <i class="qmsg-icon">'+$svg+'</i>'+$span.outerHTML + $closeIcon + '</div>\ </div>'; $elem.classList.add(namespacify('item')); $ = oMsg.settings.position; var $wrapper = document.querySelector('.'+NAMESPACE); if(!$wrapper){ $wrapper = document.createElement("div"); $wrapper.classList.add(NAMESPACE,namespacify('wrapper'),namespacify('is-initialized')); document.body.appendChild($wrapper); } $wrapper.appendChild($elem); oMsg.$wrapper = $wrapper; oMsg.$elem = $elem; setState(oMsg,'opening'); if(oMsg.settings.showClose){ //关闭按钮绑定点击事件 $elem.querySelector(".qmsg-icon-close").addEventListener('click',function(){ oMsg.close(); }.bind($elem)) } $elem.addEventListener("animationend", function(e) { // 监听动画完成 var target =,animationName = e.animationName; if(animationName == STATES['closing']){ clearInterval(this.timer); this.destroy(); } = ''; = ''; }.bind(oMsg)) if(oMsg.settings.autoClose){ // 自动关闭 var intvMs = 10; // 定时器频率 oMsg.timer = setInterval(function(){ this.timeout -= intvMs; if(this.timeout <= 0){ clearInterval(this.timer) this.close(); } }.bind(oMsg),intvMs); oMsg.$elem.addEventListener('mouseover',function(){ clearInterval(this.timer) }.bind(oMsg)) oMsg.$elem.addEventListener('mouseout',function(){ if(this.state!='closing'){ // 状态为关闭则不重启定时器 this.timer = setInterval(function(){ this.timeout -= intvMs; if(this.timeout <= 0){ clearInterval(this.timer); this.close(); } }.bind(oMsg),intvMs); } }.bind(oMsg)) } } function setState(inst,state){ if(!state || !STATES[state]) return; inst.state = state; inst.$ = STATES[state]; } /** * 直接销毁元素,不会触发关闭回调函数 */ Msg.prototype.destroy = function(){ this.$elem.parentNode && this.$elem.parentNode.removeChild(this.$elem); clearInterval(this.timer); Qmsg.remove(; } /** * 关闭,支持动画则会触发动画事件 */ Msg.prototype.close = function(){ setState(this,'closing'); if(!CAN_ANIMATION){ // 不支持动画 this.destroy(); }else{ Qmsg.remove(; } var callback = this.settings.onClose; if(callback && callback instanceof Function){; } } /** * 设置消息数量统计 * @private */ function setMsgCount(oMsg){ var countClassName = namespacify('count'); var $content = oMsg.$elem.querySelector("."+namespacify('content')), $count = $content.querySelector('.'+countClassName); if(!$count){ $count = document.createElement("span"); $count.classList.add(countClassName); $content.appendChild($count); } $count.innerHTML = oMsg.count; $ = ""; $ = "MessageShake"; oMsg.timeout = oMsg.settings.timeout || DEFAULTS.timeout; } /** * 合并参数为配置信息,用于创建Msg实例 * @param {String} txt 文本内容 * @param {Object} config 配置 * @private */ function mergeArgs(txt,config){ var opts = Object.assign({},DEFAULTS); if(arguments.length===0){ return opts; } if(txt instanceof Object){ return Object.assign(opts,txt); }else{ opts.content = txt.toString(); } if(config instanceof Object){ return Object.assign(opts,config) } return opts; } /** * 通过配置信息 来判断是否为同一条消息,并返回消息实例 * @param {Object} params 配置项 * @private */ function judgeReMsg(params){ params = params || {}; var opt = JSON.stringify(params) var oInx = -1; var oMsg ; for(var i in this.oMsgs){ var oMsgItem = this.oMsgs[i]; if(oMsgItem.config == opt) { oInx = i; oMsg = oMsgItem.inst; break; } } if(oInx < 0){ this.instanceCount ++; var oItem = {}; = this.instanceCount; oItem.config = opt; oMsg = new Msg(params); = this.instanceCount; oMsg.count = ''; oItem.inst = oMsg; this.oMsgs[this.instanceCount] = oItem; var len = this.oMsgs.length; var maxNums = this.maxNums; /** * 关闭多余的消息 */ if(len > maxNums){ var oIndex = 0; var oMsgs = this.oMsgs; for(oIndex;oIndex<len-maxNums;oIndex++){ oMsgs[oIndex] && oMsgs[oIndex].inst.settings.autoClose && oMsgs[oIndex].inst.close(); } } }else{ oMsg.count = !oMsg.count ? 2 : oMsg.count>=99 ? oMsg.count : oMsg.count+1; setMsgCount(oMsg); } oMsg.$elem.setAttribute("data-count",oMsg.count); return oMsg; } var Qmsg = { version:'0.0.1', instanceCount:0, oMsgs:[], maxNums:DEFAULTS.maxNums || 5, config:function(cfg){ DEFAULTS = cfg && cfg instanceof Object ? Object.assign(DEFAULTS,cfg):DEFAULTS; this.maxNums = DEFAULTS.maxNums && DEFAULTS.maxNums > 0 ? parseInt(DEFAULTS.maxNums) : 3; }, info:function(txt,config){ var params = mergeArgs(txt,config); params.type = 'info'; return,params); }, warning:function(txt,config){ var params = mergeArgs(txt,config); params.type = 'warning'; return,params); }, success:function(txt,config){ var params = mergeArgs(txt,config); params.type = 'success'; return,params); }, error:function(txt,config){ var params = mergeArgs(txt,config); params.type = 'error'; return,params); }, loading:function(txt,config){ var params = mergeArgs(txt,config); params.type = 'loading'; params.autoClose = false; return,params); }, remove:function(id){ this.oMsgs[id] && delete this.oMsgs[id]; }, closeAll:function(){ for(var i in this.oMsgs){ this.oMsgs[i] && this.oMsgs[i].inst.close(); } } } return Qmsg; }) })();