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// ==UserScript== // @name Grade Calculator // @description A short script to help add up the values of the assignments in and also calculate the grade you need to get on your final. // @version 1.3 // @namespace // @author Matthew Hong // @license MIT // @include* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // Your code here... var grade; var categories = []; var studentScore = []; var possibleScore = []; var pointSystem; var categoryStudentScore = {}; var categoryTotal = {}; var categoryWeight = {}; var categoryNames; if(document.URL.indexOf("scores") != -1){ pointSystem = confirm("Is this class a point system?"); var scores = []"bold-underline")); for(var numOfScores = 0; numOfScores < scores.length; numOfScores++){ scores[numOfScores].addEventListener('click',changeScore,false); } //stuff goes here calculateAssignments(); var comments = document.getElementsByClassName("comment"); var element = document.createElement("button"); element.innerHTML = "Calculate score needed on Finals."; element.onclick = calculateFinalScore; comments[1].appendChild(element); if(!pointSystem){ getCategories(); calculateCategoryScores(); console.log(categoryStudentScore); console.log(categoryTotal); calculateGrade(); } //console.log(categorySums); } function calculateCategoryScores(){ for(var k = 0; k < categoryNames.length; k++){ categoryStudentScore[categoryNames[k]] = 0; categoryTotal[categoryNames[k]] = 0; } for(var i = 0; i < studentScore.length; i++){ if(isNaN(possibleScore[i]) || isNaN(studentScore[i])){ }else{ categoryTotal[categories[i]] = parseInt(categoryTotal[categories[i]])+possibleScore[i]; categoryStudentScore[categories[i]] = parseInt(categoryStudentScore[categories[i]])+studentScore[i]; } } } function calculateGrade(){ grade = 0; for(var i = 0; i < categoryNames.length; i++){ var scoreAverage = 0, counter = 0; for(var c = 0; c < studentScore.length; c++){ if(categoryNames[i] == categories[c] && !isNaN(parseInt(studentScore[c])) && studentScore[c] != "--"){ console.log(possibleScore[c]); scoreAverage += parseInt(studentScore[c])/parseInt(possibleScore[c]); counter++; } } grade += (scoreAverage/counter)*(parseInt(categoryWeight[categoryNames[i]])/100); } console.log(grade); } function getCategories(){ var trArray = []"tr"));//converts the HTML collection to a normal array. for(var k = 0; k < 3; k++) trArray.splice(0,1); for(var i = 0; i < trArray.length; i++){ categories.push(trArray[i].children[1].innerHTML); } categoryNames = unique(categories); alert("I have found "+categoryNames.length+" categories."); if(!pointSystem){ for(var l = 0; l < categoryNames.length; l++){ var categoryWorth = prompt("What percent is "+categoryNames[l]+" worth?"); categoryWeight[categoryNames[l]] = categoryWorth; categoryStudentScore[categoryNames[l]] = 0; categoryTotal[categoryNames[l]] = 0; } } } function calculateAssignments(){ var array = document.getElementsByClassName("bold-underline"); studentScore = []; possibleScore = []; for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ var tempSplit = array[i].innerHTML.split("/"); if(isNaN(parseFloat(tempSplit[0])) && !isNaN(parseFloat(tempSplit[1]))){ studentScore.push(tempSplit[0]); possibleScore.push(parseInt(tempSplit[1])); }else{ studentScore.push(parseInt(tempSplit[0])); possibleScore.push(parseInt(tempSplit[1])); } } } function getGrade(){ var currentGrade = document.getElementsByTagName("td"); currentGrade = currentGrade[3].innerHTML; currentGrade = currentGrade.substring(currentGrade.indexOf("t>")+2); currentGrade = currentGrade.substring(0, currentGrade.indexOf("%")); currentGrade = parseFloat(currentGrade).toFixed(2); return currentGrade; } function changeScore(){ var tempSplit = this.innerText.split("/"); var newScore = prompt("Enter the new score"); this.innerHTML = newScore+"/"+tempSplit[1]; if(!pointSystem){ calculateAssignments(); calculateCategoryScores(); calculateGrade(); updateComments(grade,""); } } function updateComments(gradeNeeded, msg){ var comments = document.getElementsByClassName("comment"); var gradeMsg; if(msg === ""){ gradeMsg = (gradeNeeded*100).toPrecision(5)+"%"; comments[0].innerHTML = ("Your new grade would be "+gradeMsg.fontcolor("red")+".").fontsize(6); }else{ gradeMsg = gradeNeeded.toPrecision(5)+"%"; comments[0].innerHTML = ("You need to get a "+gradeMsg.fontcolor("red")+" on the final. "+msg).fontsize(6); } } function unique(array) { var arr = []; for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if(!arr.includes(array[i])) { arr.push(array[i]); } } return arr; } function calculateFinalScore(){ alert("You have a grade for "+studentScore.length+" assginments. Out of "+possibleScore.length+" assignments."); if(pointSystem){ var studentSum = 0; for(var i = 0; i < studentScore.length; i++){ if(!isNaN(studentScore[i])){ studentSum += studentScore[i]; } } var assignmentSum = 0; for(var k = 0; k < possibleScore.length; k++){ if(!isNaN(possibleScore[k])){ assignmentSum += possibleScore[k]; } } alert("You have "+studentSum+" points out of a possible "+assignmentSum); } var done = false; var percentageWorth; var gradeWant; do{ percentageWorth = prompt("How much is your final/midterm worth?"); if(!isNaN(percentageWorth) && percentageWorth !== null && percentageWorth !== ''){ done = confirm("You entered "+percentageWorth+"%. Correct?"); } }while(!done); done = false; do{ gradeWant = prompt("What grade do you want in the class?"); if(!isNaN(gradeWant) && gradeWant !== null && gradeWant !== ''){ done = confirm("You entered "+gradeWant+"%. Correct?"); } }while(!done); //Thanks Roger for the formula xD. var gradeNeededOnFinal = ((((gradeWant/100) - ((1 - (percentageWorth/100)) *((getGrade()/100)))).toFixed(4) / (percentageWorth/100).toFixed(4)))*100; var littleMsg = ""; if(gradeNeededOnFinal > 100){ littleMsg = "See you at UC ELAC!"; }else if(gradeNeededOnFinal >95){ littleMsg = "BOI YOU BETTER START STUDYING!!!"; }else if(gradeNeededOnFinal > 90){ littleMsg = "You should probably study."; }else if(gradeNeededOnFinal > 80){ littleMsg = "Meh. Don't really need to study"; }else{ littleMsg = "Take a nap fool."; } updateComments(gradeNeededOnFinal, littleMsg); } })();