Raw Source
kalpdev.1 / UTC Workflow - D.O.D

// ==UserScript==
// @name     UTC Workflow - D.O.D
// @author   @shjaisw
// @version     1.00
// @run-at   document-body
// @match    https://argus.aka.amazon.com/*
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// @updateURL https://openuserjs.org/meta/kalpdev.1/UTC_Workflow_-_D.O.D.meta.js
// @downloadURL https://openuserjs.org/install/kalpdev.1/UTC_Workflow_-_D.O.D.user.js
// @license MIT
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// @grant    GM_getValue
// ==/UserScript==
/*- The @grant directive is needed to work around a design change
    introduced in GM 1.0.   It restores the sandbox.
  const swalWithBootstrapButtons = Swal.mixin({
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function addCustomSearchResult (jNode) {
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        var resources_container = $("#resources_container").text();
        resources_container = resources_container.trim();
        {setTimeout(function(){ add_description();   }, 100);}
else {Swal.fire('Classsify only U or Ub'); }

	function add_description(){


  text: "Select the UTC Flow chart- ( Uploaded By)",
showCancelButton: true,
  confirmButtonText: 'Seller/ASHA',
       cancelButtonText: 'ARGUS/SCOT',
      allowOutsideClick: true,
      allowEscapeKey: true,
  reverseButtons: true
}).then((result) => {
  if (result.isConfirmed) {

  text: "Product Type",
  showCancelButton: true,
  confirmButtonText: 'KIT ',
       cancelButtonText: 'Single Product',
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}).then((result) => {
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}).then((result) => {
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     'Classify U or UB or U3A or U3B',
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    /* Read more about handling dismissals below */
    result.dismiss === Swal.DismissReason.cancel
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     'Classify U3A or U3B',

  } else if (
    /* Read more about handling dismissals below */
    result.dismiss === Swal.DismissReason.cancel
  ) {
      'Classify U or UB',

  } else if (
    /* Read more about handling dismissals below */
    result.dismiss === Swal.DismissReason.cancel
  ) {
      'Classify U or UB',




        ////var active_data = $('.ng-isolate-scope').text();
        //console.log("Active string is : " + active_data);

        ////var batt = $('.md-dg-theme').text();
        ////console.log("Bat Attri is : " + batt);


var url= window.location.href;
var isArgusDG = /^https:\/\/argus.aka.amazon.com\/#!\/dg(.*)/i.test(url);

if (isArgusDG){
    console.log("This is an Argus DG Page!");
              waitForKeyElements ("#dt-select-100-UTC", addCustomSearchResult);
    console.log("This is not an Argus DG Page!");