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// ==UserScript== // @name Level phonetool amazon // @downloadURL // @updateURL // @namespace // @description Adds job level & time to all direct reports and manager in the org chart on the new phonetool page // @match* // @match* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant unsafeWindow // @require // @version 2.0 // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { var urls = (function() { var prefix = ''; var suffix = {level:'get_level.cgi', infor:'get_num_years.cgi' }; return { get:function(what) { return(prefix + suffix[what]); } }; })(); if (GM_getValue("localCache") === null || GM_getValue("localCache") === undefined) { GM_setValue("localCache", {}); } var localCache = { /** * timeout for cache in millis * @type {number} */ timeout: 21600000, // 6 hour cache /** * @type {{_: number, data: {}}} **/ data: GM_getValue("localCache"), remove: function (url) { delete[url]; GM_setValue("localCache",; }, exist: function (url) { return !!GM_getValue("localCache")[url] && ((new Date().getTime() - GM_getValue("localCache")[url]._) < localCache.timeout); }, get: function (url) { console.log('Getting in cache for url' + url); return GM_getValue("localCache")[url].data; }, set: function (url, cachedData, callback) { localCache.remove(url);[url] = { _: new Date().getTime(), data: cachedData }; GM_setValue("localCache",; if ($.isFunction(callback)) callback(cachedData); } }; $.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, jqXHR) { if (options.cache) { var complete = originalOptions.complete || $.noop, url = originalOptions.url + "?login=" +; //remove jQuery cache as we have our own localCache options.cache = false; options.beforeSend = function () { if (localCache.exist(url)) { complete(localCache.get(url)); return false; } return true; }; options.complete = function (data, textStatus) { localCache.set(url, data, complete); }; } }); var sortRow = function() { var $people = $(''), margin = $people.last().css('padding-left'), parent = $people.parent(), $directs = $people.filter(function () { return $(this).css('padding-left') === margin; }), lastIndex = $directs.length - 1; $directs.sort(function (a, b) { let aLevel = $(a).data('level'); let bLevel = $(b).data('level'); var scalar = 10000000, aRank = scalar * (aLevel > 90 ? 0 : aLevel) + $(a).data('total'), bRank = scalar * (bLevel > 90 ? 0 : bLevel) + $(b).data('total'); return bRank - aRank; }); var titleRow = parent.find('.title'); $directs.each(function (i) { var isLeaf = $(this).find('.level').attr('class').match(/level\s(\w*)(\-bottom)?/)[1], isLast = i === lastIndex, newClass = 'level ' + isLeaf + (isLast ? '-bottom' : ''); $(this).find('.level').attr('class', newClass); }).detach().insertBefore(titleRow); }; var getBuildingInfoOfEmployee = function(xhr) { var responseArray = xhr.responseJSON.results; var employeeBuildingMap = {}; for (const response of responseArray) { employeeBuildingMap[] = response.user.building; } return employeeBuildingMap; }; unsafeWindow.$(document).ajaxSuccess(function(e, xhr, settings) { if (settings.url.indexOf('/setup_org_chart.json') > -1) { var userRow = $(''); var allPromises = []; var employeeBuildingMap = getBuildingInfoOfEmployee(xhr); userRow.each(function(i) { var orgChartRow = $(this); var node = $('div.user-information:first', this); var empId = $('a:first', node).attr('href'); if (!empId) return; empId = empId.split('/')[2]; var data = {login:empId}; if ($("#directEmpJobInfoLoginId_" + empId).length <= 0) { node.append($('<span>',{id:'directEmpJobInfoLoginId_' + empId, class:'direct-reports-number'}).text('Login: ' + empId)); } if ($("#directEmpJobInfoLevel_" + empId).length <= 0) { node.append($('<span>',{id:'directEmpJobInfoLevel_' + empId, class:'direct-reports-number'}).text(' - Level: loading')); } if ($("#directEmpJobInfoTime_" + empId).length <= 0) { node.append($('<span>',{id:'directEmpJobInfoTime_' + empId, class:'direct-reports-number'}).text(' - Here For: loading')); } if ($("#directEmpJobInfoBuilding_" + empId).length <=0) { node.append($('<span>',{id:'directEmpJobInfoBuilding_' + empId, class:'direct-reports-number'}).text(' - Building: ' + employeeBuildingMap[empId])); } //get and append level var $levelPromise = $.ajax({url: urls.get('level'), method: "GET", data: data, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, cache: true, complete: function(response) { var value = response.responseText.replace(/\s+$/,'');"level", value); $('#directEmpJobInfoLevel_' + data.login).text(' - Level: ' + value); } }); //get and append time var $timePromise = $.ajax({url: urls.get('infor'), method: "GET", data: data, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, cache: true, complete: function(response) { var resp = response.responseText var time = resp.trim(); var value = resp.replace(/\s+$/,''), years = value.match(/(\d*)\syear/) ? +value.match(/(\d*)\syear/)[1] : 0, months = value.match(/(\d*)\smonth/) ? +value.match(/(\d*)\smonth/)[1] : 0, days = value.match(/(\d*)\sday/) ? +value.match(/(\d*)\sday/)[1] : 0;{ years: years, months: months, days: days, total: 365 * years + 31 * months + days }); $('#directEmpJobInfoTime_' + data.login).text(' - Here For: ' + time); } }); allPromises.push($levelPromise, $timePromise); }); Promise.allSettled(allPromises).then(([result]) => { sortRow(); }); } }); })();