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// ==UserScript== // @name Battery Word Counter // @namespace kalpdev // @version 0.1 // @description Provides a summary of Battery related words from Amazon Webpage // @author shjaisw // @match* // @match* // @updateURL // @require // @require // @require // @license MIT // @copyright kalpdev // ==/UserScript== $(window).bind("load", function() { 'use strict'; var zNode = document.createElement('div'); = ' #f4f18d'; = 'center'; zNode.innerHTML = '<h2>Apex Words Counter</h2>'; zNode.setAttribute('id', 'hazwordsContainer'); var tableNode = document.createElement('table'); tableNode.setAttribute('id', 'hazwordsContainerTable'); tableNode.setAttribute('border', 1); zNode.appendChild(tableNode); $('#wayfinding-breadcrumbs_container').append(zNode); $('#hazwordsContainer h2').click(function() { $('#hazwordsContainerTable_wrapper').toggle('slow'); }); let table_content = generate_table_content(); buildHtmlTable(table_content, $('#hazwordsContainerTable')); $('#hazwordsContainerTable').DataTable({ "aaSorting": [[3,'desc']] }); $("head").append ( '<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">' ); }); function buildHtmlTable(myList, elementToAppend) { var columns = addAllColumnHeaders(myList, elementToAppend); var tbodyElement = $('<tbody/>'); for (var i = 0 ; i < myList.length ; i++) { var row$ = $('<tr/>'); for (var colIndex = 0 ; colIndex < columns.length ; colIndex++) { var cellValue = myList[i][columns[colIndex]]; if (cellValue == null) { cellValue = ""; } row$.append($('<td/>').html(cellValue)); } tbodyElement.append(row$); } elementToAppend.append(tbodyElement); } function addAllColumnHeaders(myList, elementToAppend) { var columnSet = []; var thElement = $('<thead/>'); var headerTr$ = $('<tr/>'); console.log(myList); for (var i = 0 ; i < myList.length ; i++) { var rowHash = myList[i]; for (var key in rowHash) { if ($.inArray(key, columnSet) == -1){ columnSet.push(key); headerTr$.append($('<th/>').html(key)); } } } thElement.append(headerTr$); elementToAppend.append(thElement); return columnSet; } function generate_table_content() { let marked_hazardous_words = mark_hazardous_words_on_page(); let hazardous_words_config = get_hazardous_words_config(); let data_to_load = []; var hazardous_words_map = hazardous_words_config.reduce(function(map, obj) { map[obj.word.toLowerCase()] = { category: obj.category, priority : obj.priority }; return map; }, {}); $.each(marked_hazardous_words, function(key, value) { let data_node = {}; data_node.word = key; data_node.count = value; data_node.category = hazardous_words_map[data_node.word].category; data_node.priority = hazardous_words_map[data_node.word].priority; data_to_load.push(data_node); }); return data_to_load; } function mark_hazardous_words_on_page() { let just_hazardous_words_from_config = get_just_hazardous_words_from_config(); let hazardous_words_on_page = {}; console.log(; $('#dp').mark(just_hazardous_words_from_config, { filter: function(text_node, keyword, total_counter, counter) { let lower_case_keyword = keyword.toLowerCase(); hazardous_words_on_page[lower_case_keyword] = parseInt(counter + 1); return true; }, accuracy: { "value": "exactly", "limiters": [",", "."] }, separateWordSearch: false }); console.log(; return hazardous_words_on_page } function get_just_hazardous_words_from_config() { let hazardous_words_from_config = get_hazardous_words_config(); let hazardous_words = []; $.each(hazardous_words_from_config, function(k, v) { hazardous_words.push(v.word); }); return hazardous_words; } function get_hazardous_words_config() { return [ { "word": "Desktop", "category": "Product Bank", "priority": 24 }, { "word": "Motherboard", "category": "Product Bank", "priority": 25 }, { "word": "Quartz", "category": "Product Bank", "priority": 26 }, { "word": "UPS", "category": "Product Bank", "priority": 27 }, { "word": "Ride", "category": "Product Bank", "priority": 28 }, { "word": "iPhone", "category": "Product 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