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又在无聊的事上浪费了人生 (
const BLOCK_LIST = [43579,38404,45428]; const UID_REG = /userdetails\.php\?id=(\d+)/i; const SHOUTBOX_ITEM_SELECTOR = "body > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td > div"; const CHAT_UID_SELECTOR = "> span.nowrap > a"; //黑名单用户被引用时 const CHAT_UID_SELECTOR_2 = "> span[style='word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;'] > bdo > b > a"; //在"全部展开"中被引用时 const CHAT_UID_SELECTOR_3 = "> span[style='word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;'] > bdo > span.expandable-content > b > a"; var RemoveChatFunc = function() { var that = $(this); if ($(this).find("span[style='word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;'] > bdo > span.expandable-content > b").length>0){ $(this).find(CHAT_UID_SELECTOR_3).each(function(){ var uid = Number($(this).attr("href").match(UID_REG)[1]); if ($.inArray(uid, BLOCK_LIST)>=0){ that.hide(); } }); } if ($(this).find("span[style='word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;']> bdo > b").length>0){ $(this).find(CHAT_UID_SELECTOR_2).each(function(){ var uid = Number($(this).attr("href").match(UID_REG)[1]); if ($.inArray(uid, BLOCK_LIST)>=0){ that.hide(); } }); } //Original code here if ($(this).find("span.nowrap").length>0) { var uid = Number($(this).find(CHAT_UID_SELECTOR).attr("href").match(UID_REG)[1]); //console.log(uid); if ($.inArray(uid, BLOCK_LIST)>=0) { // 移除黑名单对U2娘提问时U2娘的回答 if ($(this).prev().find("span.nowrap").length===0) { $(this).prev().remove(); } $(this).remove(); } } }; $(SHOUTBOX_ITEM_SELECTOR).each(RemoveChatFunc);
今天发现失效了, 原因是文本里面有从网址文本自动转义的非userdetail的url(晕) each里面加用try catch语块可解
$(this).find(CHAT_UID_SELECTOR_3).each(function () { try { var uid = Number($(this).attr("href").match(UID_REG)[1]); if ($.inArray(uid, BLOCK_LIST) >= 0) { that.hide(); } } catch (err) {}