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// ==UserScript== // @name WikiIndent // @namespace joeytwiddle // @description Four visual improvements for Wikipedia (and other wikis): Indents sub-sections to make the layout clearer. Hides the sidebar (toggle by clicking the header). Floats the Table of Contents for access when scrolled. Converts heading underlines to overlines. // @downstreamURL // @version 1.3.4 // @include *wiki* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_log // ==/UserScript== // Without this function wrapper, Mozilla Firefox rejects the whole script, because it sees the top-level 'return;' as invalid syntax! (function(){ // Feature #1 : Make the sidebar collapsible so the page content can fill the whole width. var toggleSidebar = true; // Feature #2 : Float the TOC on the top-right of the screen, so it can still be used after scrolling down the page. var makeTableOfContentsFloat = true; // Feature #3 : Indent the blocks so their tree-like structure is visible. var indentSubBlocks = true; // Feature #4 : Change underlined headings to overlined headings. (So the lines separate the heading from the previous section, rather than separating the heading from its content.) var fixUnderlinesToOverlines = true; // var minimisedSidebarSize = 6; // Small var minimisedSidebarSize = 16; // When opening the sidebar again, the transition displays the sidebar contents // before there is space for it, causing brief ugly overlap! So we delay // unhiding to look prettier. // CONSIDER: Perhaps this could look even smoother if the text appeared/disappeared using opacity. var delayHide = 0; var delayUnhide = ( document.getElementById("mw-panel") ? 250 : 0 ); var debug = false; /* CONSIDER: As we scroll the page, light up the "current" section in the TOC. * * FIXED: One occasional problem with the TOC is when it is taller than the * window! (I usually work around this by zooming out (reducing font * size), but perhaps we can use CSS overflow to solve it properly.) * * TODO: Indentation was not working well in edit preview on Hwiki(MW). */ /* Changelog * 5/ 2/2012 - Better (though more fragile) click-to-toggle areas. * 3/ 1/2012 - Fixed Chrome compatibility so it works! Doh. * 23/ 3/2011 - Added Chrome compatibility. */ // Recent versions do not play nice together, so just in case we run WI twice: if (unsafeWindow.WikiIndent_loaded) { return; } else { unsafeWindow.WikiIndent_loaded = true; } function log(x) { x = "[WI] "+x; if (this.GM_log) { this.GM_log(x); } else if (this.console && console.log) { console.log(x); } else { window.status = ""+x; // alert(x); } } // For bookmarklets: if (typeof GM_addStyle == "undefined") { GM_addStyle = function(css) { var head, style; head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (!head) { return; } style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = css; head.appendChild(style); }; } if (typeof GM_setValue == 'undefined' || window.navigator.vendor.match(/Google/)) { GM_log("WikiIndent: Adding fallback implementation of GM_set/getValue"); if (typeof localStorage == 'undefined') { GM_getValue = function(name, defaultValue) { return defaultValue; }; } else { GM_setValue = function(name, value) { value = (typeof value)[0] + value; localStorage.setItem(name, value); }; GM_getValue = function(name, defaultValue) { var value = localStorage.getItem(name); if (!value) return defaultValue; var type = value[0]; value = value.substring(1); switch (type) { case 'b': return value == 'true'; case 'n': return Number(value); default: return value; } }; } } // The following block is mirrored in table_of_contents_everyw.user.js // See also: resetProps function clearStyle(elem) { // We set some crucial defaults, so we don't inherit CSS from the page: = 'inline'; = 'static'; = 'auto'; = 'auto'; = 'auto'; = 'auto'; // = 'black'; // = 'white'; return elem; } function newNode(tag,data) { var elem = document.createElement(tag); if (data) { for (var prop in data) { elem[prop] = data[prop]; } } return elem; } function newSpan(text) { return clearStyle(newNode("span",{textContent:text})); } /* function addCloseButtonTo(where, toc) { var closeButton = newSpan("[X]"); // = 'right'; // = 'right'; // Firefox // = 'right'; // IE7 = 'pointer'; = '5px'; closeButton.onclick = function() { toc.parentNode.removeChild(toc); }; = "closeTOC"; where.appendChild(closeButton); } */ function addCloseButtonTo(where, toc) { var closeSpan = newNode("span"); var closeLink = newNode("a",{textContent:"close"}); closeLink.onclick = function() { toc.parentNode.removeChild(toc); }; = "closeTOC"; = 'pointer'; closeSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode("[")); closeSpan.appendChild(closeLink); closeSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode("]")); // = '5px'; where.appendChild(closeSpan); } function addHideButtonTo(where, tocInner) { var rollupSpan = newNode("span"); var rollupLink = newNode("a",{textContent:"hide"}); rollupLink.onclick = toggleRollUp; = "togglelink"; rollupLink.className = "togglelink"; = 'pointer'; = '5px'; = '5px'; function toggleRollUp() { if ( == 'none') { = ''; rollupLink.textContent = "hide"; } else { = 'none'; rollupLink.textContent = "show"; } setTimeout(function(){ GM_setValue("WI_toc_rolledUp",'none'); },5); } rollupSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode("[")); rollupSpan.appendChild(rollupLink); rollupSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode("]")); where.appendChild(rollupSpan); if (GM_getValue("WI_toc_rolledUp",false)) { toggleRollUp(); } } function addButtonsConditionally(toc) { function verbosely(fn) { return function() { // GM_log("[WI] Calling: "+fn+" with ",arguments); return fn.apply(this,arguments); }; }; // Provide a hide/show toggle button if the TOC does not already have one. // Wikimedia's toc element is actually a table. We must put the // buttons in the title div, if we can find it! var tocTitle = document.getElementById("toctitle"); // Wikipedia tocTitle = tocTitle || toc.getElementsByTagName("h2")[0]; // Mozdev // tocTitle = tocTitle || toc.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; // Fingers crossed for general tocTitle = tocTitle || toc.firstChild; // Fingers crossed for general // Sometimes Wikimedia does not add a hide/show button (if the TOC is small). // We cannot test this immediately, because it gets loaded in later! function addButtonsNow() { var hideShowButton = document.getElementById("togglelink") || toc.getElementsByClassName("togglelink")[0]; if (!hideShowButton) { var tocInner = toc.getElementsByTagName("ol")[0]; // Mozdev (can't get them all!) tocInner = tocInner || toc.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0]; // Wikipedia tocInner = tocInner || toc.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; // Our own if (tocInner) { verbosely(addHideButtonTo)(tocTitle || toc, tocInner); } } // We do this later, to ensure it appears on the right of // any existing [hide/show] button. if (document.getElementById("closeTOC") == null) { verbosely(addCloseButtonTo)(tocTitle || toc, toc); } } // Sometimes Wikimedia does not add a hide/show button (if the TOC is small). // We cannot test this immediately, because it gets loaded in later! if (document.location.href.indexOf("wiki") >= 0) { setTimeout(addButtonsNow,2000); } else { addButtonsNow(); } } // End mirror. // == Main == // function doIt() { //// Feature #1 : Hide the sidebar. Fullsize the content. // Toggle the sidebar by clicking the "page background" (empty space outside // the main content). Sometimes clicking the content background is enough. if (toggleSidebar) { var content = document.getElementById("content") || document.getElementById("column-content"); var sideBar = document.getElementById("column-one") || document.getElementById("panel") || /* WikiMedia: */ document.getElementById("mw-panel") || /* forgot: */ document.getElementById("jq-interiorNavigation") || /* pmwiki: */ document.getElementById('wikileft'); var toToggle = [ document.getElementById("page-base"), document.getElementById("siteNotice"), document.getElementById("head") ]; var cac = document.getElementById("p-cactions"); var cacOldHome = ( cac ? cac.parentNode : null ); function toggleWikipediaSidebar(evt) { // We don't want to act on all clicked body elements (notably not the WP // image). I detected two types of tag we wanted to click. /*if (!evt || == "UL" || == "DIV") {*/ // That was still activating on divs in the content! (Gaps between paragraphs.) // This only acts on the header area. var thisElementTogglesSidebar; var inStartup = (evt == null); if (inStartup) { thisElementTogglesSidebar = true; } else { var elem =; var clickedHeader = ( == 'mw-head'); // For clickedHeader |= ("WikiHeader"); // For Wikimedia: var clickedPanelBackground = == 'mw-panel' || elem.className.indexOf('portal')>=0; clickedPanelBackground |= == 'column-content'; // for beebwiki (old mediawiki?) // Hopefully for sites in general. Allow one level below body. Needed for Wikia's UL. var clickedAreaBelowSidebar = (elem.tagName == 'HTML' || elem.tagName == 'BODY'); var clickedBackground = (elem.parentNode && elem.parentNode.tagName == "BODY"); thisElementTogglesSidebar = clickedHeader || clickedPanelBackground || clickedAreaBelowSidebar || clickedBackground; } if (thisElementTogglesSidebar) { if (evt) evt.preventDefault(); if (debug) { GM_log("evt=",evt); } // if (evt) GM_log(""; /* We put the GM_setValue calls on timers, so they won't slow down the rendering. */ // Make the change animate smoothly: = 'all 150ms ease-in-out'; if (sideBar) { if ( == '') { // Wikipedia's column-one contains a lot of things we want to hide = 'none'; if (content) { content.oldMarginLeft =; = minimisedSidebarSize+'px'; } for (var i in toToggle) { if (toToggle[i]) { toToggle[i].style.display = 'none'; } } // but one of them we want to preserve // (the row of tools across the top): if (cac) sideBar.parentNode.insertBefore(cac,sideBar.nextSibling); setTimeout(function(){ GM_setValue("sidebarVisible",false); },200); } else { function unhide() { = ''; } setTimeout(unhide,delayUnhide); if (content) { = content.oldMarginLeft; } for (var i in toToggle) { if (toToggle[i]) { toToggle[i].style.display = ''; } } if (cac && cacOldHome) cacOldHome.appendChild(cac); // almost back where it was :P setTimeout(function(){ GM_setValue("sidebarVisible",true); },200); } } } } // log("sideBar="+sideBar+" and content="+content); if (sideBar) { // We need to watch window for clicks below sidebar (Chrome). document.documentElement.addEventListener('click',toggleWikipediaSidebar,false); } else { log("Did not have sideBar "+sideBar+" or content "+content); // @todo Better to warn or error? } if (!GM_getValue("sidebarVisible",true)) { toggleWikipediaSidebar(); } // TODO: Make a toggle button for it! // Fix for /* var j = document.getElementById("jq-primaryContent"); if (j) {'display', 'block');'float', 'none');'width', '100%'); } */ GM_addStyle("#jq-primaryContent { display: block; float: none; width: 100%; }"); } //// Feature #2: Make Table of Contents float if (makeTableOfContentsFloat) { /* @consider If the TOC has a "Hide/Show" link ("button") then we could * fire that instead of changing opacity. */ // document.getElementById('column-one').appendChild(document.getElementById('toc')); // createFader basically worked but was a little bit buggy. (Unless the bugs were caused by conflict with other TOC script.) // Anyway createFader() has now been deprecated in favour of CSS :hover. function createFader(toc) { var timer = null; // BUG: this didn't stop the two fades from conflicting when the user wiggles the mouse to start both! function resetTimeout(fn,ms) { if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); } setTimeout(fn,ms); } function fadeElement(elem,start,stop,speed,current) { if (current == null) current = start; if (speed == null) speed = (stop - start) / 8; if (Math.abs(current+speed-stop) > Math.abs(current-stop)) current = stop; else current = current + speed; = current; if (current != stop) resetTimeout(function(){fadeElement(elem,start,stop,speed,current);},50); } = 0.3; var listenElement = toc; // var listenElement = toc.getElementsByTagName('TD')[0]; var focused = false; var visible = false; listenElement.addEventListener('mouseover',function(){ if (!visible) setTimeout(function(){ if (focused) { visible=true; fadeElement(toc,0.4,1.0,0.2); } },10); focused = true; },false); listenElement.addEventListener('mouseout',function(){ if (visible) setTimeout(function(){ if (!focused) { visible=false; fadeElement(toc,1.0,0.2,-0.1); } },10); focused = false; },false); } function tryTOC() { // Find the table of contents element: var toc = document.getElementById("toc") /* MediaWiki */ || document.getElementsByClassName("table-of-contents")[0] /* BashFAQ */ || document.getElementsByClassName("toc")[0] /* LeakyTap */ || document.getElementsByClassName("wt-toc")[0]; /* Wikitravel */ if (toc) { addButtonsConditionally(toc); // = '#eeeeee'; // alert("doing it!"); = 'fixed'; = '16px'; // = '16px'; // A healthy gap from the top allows the user to access things fixed in the top right of the page, if they can scroll finely enough. // = '24px'; // = '4%'; // = '10%'; = '4px'; = '84px'; // We want to be below the search box! // = ''; // = ''; = '5000'; // fadeElement(toc,1.0,0.4); // This might work for a simple toc div = "80%"; = "32%"; /* * Sometimes specifying max-height: 80% does not work, the toc won't shrink. * This may be when it's a table and not a div. Then we must set max-height on the content. (Maybe we don't actually need to set pixels if we find the right element.) */ = "toc"; var maxHeight = window.innerHeight * 0.8 | 0; var maxWidth = window.innerWidth * 0.4 | 0; /* * WikiMedia tree looks like this: <table id="toc" class="toc"><tbody><tr><td><div id="toctitle"><h2>Contents</h2>...</div> <ul> <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1"> Here is a long TOC: */ // GM_addStyle("#toc ul { overflow: auto; max-width: "+maxWidth+"px; max-height: "+maxHeight+"px; }"); var rootUL = toc.getElementsByTagName("UL")[0]; if (!rootUL) rootUL = toc; // DONE: If we can cleanly separate them, we might want to put a scrollbar on the content element, leaving the title outside it. = "auto"; = maxWidth+'px'; = maxHeight+'px'; // But if calc and vh are available, then we can make it adaptive // Of this 132px, 84px comes from the 'top', and the rest comes from the toc title and padding. = "calc(100vh - 128px)"; // Slide up into the corner as the page scrolls window.addEventListener('scroll', checkSize); window.addEventListener('resize', checkSize); function checkSize () { var top = Math.min(84, Math.max(4, 84 - document.body.scrollTop)); document.getElementById('toc') = top + 'px'; = (window.innerHeight - top - 44) + 'px'; } /* createFader(toc); */ //// Alternative rules from table_of_contents_everywhere script: = "toc"; // GM_addStyle("#toc { position: fixed; top: 10%; right: 4%; background-color: white; color: black; font-weight: normal; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid grey; z-index: 5555; max-height: 80%; overflow: auto; }"); GM_addStyle("#toc { opacity: 0.2; }"); GM_addStyle("#toc:hover { opacity: 1.0; }"); var tocID = "toc"; var resetProps = ""; // This is a clone of the code in table_of_contents_everyw.user.js GM_addStyle( "#"+tocID+" {" + " position: fixed;" + " top: 84px;" + " right: 4px;" + " background-color: #f4f4f4;" + " color: black;" + " font-weight: normal;" + " padding: 5px;" //+ " border: 1px solid grey;" + " z-index: 9999999;" + " "+resetProps + "}" + "#"+tocID+" { opacity: 0.3; }" + "#"+tocID+" { border: 1px solid #ccc; }" + "#"+tocID+":hover { border: 1px solid grey; }" + "#"+tocID+":hover { box-shadow: 0px 2px 12px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); }" + "#"+tocID+":hover { -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 2px 12px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); }" + "#"+tocID+":hover { opacity: 1.0; }" + "#"+tocID+" > * > * { opacity: 0.0; }" + "#"+tocID+":hover > * > * { opacity: 1.0; }" + "#"+tocID+" , #"+tocID+" > * > * { transition: opacity; transition-duration: 400ms; }" + "#"+tocID+" , #"+tocID+" > * > * { -webkit-transition: opacity; -webkit-transition-duration: 400ms; }" + "#"+tocID+" { padding: 0; }" + "#"+tocID+" > div { padding: 4px 12px; }" + "#"+tocID+" > ul { padding: 0px 12px 2px 12px; margin-top: 0; }" ); // For Wikia (tested in Chrome): if (getComputedStyle(toc)["background-color"] == "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)") { = 'white'; } checkSize(); return true; } return false; } // Ideally we want to act before # anchor position occurs, but we may // need to wait for the toc if it is not added to the DOM until later. if (!tryTOC()) { setTimeout(tryTOC,400); } } // In case you have * in your includes, only continue for pages which have // "wiki" before "?" in the URL, or who have both toc and content elements. var isWikiPage = document.location.href.split("?")[0].match("wiki") || ( document.getElementById("toc") && document.getElementById("content") ); if (!isWikiPage) return; // Delay. Feature 3 and 4 can run a bit later, without *too* much page // change, but with significant processor saving! setTimeout(function(){ //// Feature #3 : Indent the blocks so their tree-like structure is visible // Oct 2012: Disabled - was making a right mess of the header/nav on Wikia if ( { indentSubBlocks = false; } if (indentSubBlocks) { function indent(tag) { // By targetting search we avoid indenting any blocks in left-hand-column (sidebar). var whereToSearch = document.getElementById('bodyContent') || document.getElementById('content') || document.getElementById('WikiaMainContent') || document.body; var elems = whereToSearch.getElementsByTagName(tag); if (elems.length == 1) return; // for (var i=0;i<elems.length;i++) { for (var i=elems.length;i-->0;) { var elem = elems[i]; /* Don't fiddle with main heading, siteSub, or TOC. */ if (elem.className == 'firstHeading') continue; if ( == 'siteSub') continue; if (elem.textContent == 'Contents') continue; // We have found a "heading" element. Every sibling after this // element should be indented a bit. //// Current method of indenting: Create a UL and put everything //// inside that. // var newChild = document.createElement('blockquote'); //// Unfortunately blockquotes tend to indent too much! // var newChild = document.createElement('DIV'); //var newChild = document.createElement('UL'); // UL works better with my Folding script, but we must not do this to the TOC! var newChild = document.createElement('div'); // <ul>s look wrong on bitbucket wikis (indent too much). And since I haven't used my folding script recently, I am switching back to a nice <div>. = '1.0em'; var toAdd = elem.nextSibling; while (toAdd && toAdd.tagName != tag) { // That last condition means a h3 might swallow an h2 if they // are on the same level! But it *should* swallow an h4. // TODO: We should break if we encounter any marker with level // above or equal to our own, otherwise continue to swallow. var next = toAdd.nextSibling; newChild.appendChild(toAdd); toAdd = next; } elem.parentNode.insertBefore(newChild,elem.nextSibling); // CONSIDER: Alternative: Do not swallow at all, do not create // newChild and change the page's tree. Just modify // style.marginLeft, resetting it if an incompatible element style // already exists there, updating it if we have already indented // this element! // GM_log("Placed "+newChild+" after "+elem); } } indent("H1"); indent("H2"); indent("H3"); indent("H4"); indent("H5"); indent("H6"); } //// Feature #4: Change underlined headings to overlined headings. if (fixUnderlinesToOverlines) { // Hide any existing underlines // I made this !important to defeat the more specific `.markdown-body h*` rules on GitHub wikis. GM_addStyle("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { border-bottom: 0 !important; }"); // Add our own overlines instead GM_addStyle("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { border-top: 1px solid #AAAAAA; }"); // Do not use `text-decoration: underline;`. It will only appear as wide as the text (not filling the page width) and will make the text look like a hyperlink! } },1000); } // end doIt // setTimeout(doIt,2000); doIt(); })();