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// ==UserScript== // @name Minimal Udacity Classroom // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Removes extraneous features from the classroom viewer // @author jobevers // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // Your code here... // the classroom is a single page app so we need to watch for changes. // Doing the removal on hash change isn't good enough because that creates // a race condition between the udacity code to add the item and this // script to remove the item. setInterval(function() { $("header").remove(); // Removes the class name $("div[data-ng-controller=viewerExam]").remove(); // removes the left-hand-nav (classroom / materials) $("div[left-hand-nav]").remove(); // Both of these are necessary to remove the footer $("#footer-push").remove(); $("footer").remove(); // remove the right side bar, unless its the result of a quiz // Additionally, the right side bar var rightSideBar = $("div.viewer-player").children().eq(0).children().eq(1); var quizResults = getQuizResults(rightSideBar); if (quizResults) { // should style this better var notes = $("div.viewer-player").children().eq(0).children().eq(0).children().eq(-1); notes.before(quizResults); } // have to hide instead of remove because if we remove we sometimes lose the quiz result information rightSideBar.hide(); // make the viewer take up the full width $("div[data-ng-controller=viewerPlayer] div.col-xs-9").removeClass("col-xs-9").addClass("col-xs-12"); // the height on this element get manually set to 436; resetting to 100% $("div[data-code-mirror-editor]").height("100%"); }, 500); function getQuizResults(rightSideBar) { var resultText = ['Correct!', 'Try again!', 'Error!']; for (var i=0; i < resultText.length; i++) { var text = resultText[i]; var quizResult = rightSideBar.find("h3:contains('" + text + "')").parent(); if (quizResult.length === 1) { var isHidden = true; $.each(quizResult.children(), function(idx, child) { if (!$(child).hasClass('ng-hide')) { isHidden = false; // return false to break out of the loop return false; } }); if (!isHidden) { return quizResult; } } } }