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// ==UserScript== // @name Hide Games // @namespace jim // @description Hide games you'll never watch // @include* // @include http://** // @grant none // @version 1.3 // ==/UserScript== // GAMES TO HIDE: var games = Array( "League of Legends", "Dota 2", "Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft" ); // DO NOT EDIT BELOW // jQuery window onChange plugin if ( typeof(jQuery) == "function" && typeof(jQuery.windowLocationChange) == "undefined" ) { // // Our plugin will be defined within an immediately // executed method. (function( $ ){ // Default to the current location. var strLocation = window.location.href; var strHash = window.location.hash; var strPrevLocation = ""; var strPrevHash = ""; // This is how often we will be checkint for // changes on the location. var intIntervalTime = 100; // This method removes the pound from the hash. var fnCleanHash = function( strHash ){ return( strHash.substring( 1, strHash.length ) ); } // This will be the method that we use to check // changes in the window location. var fnCheckLocation = function(){ // Check to see if the location has changed. if (strLocation != window.location.href){ // Store the new and previous locations. strPrevLocation = strLocation; strPrevHash = strHash; strLocation = window.location.href; strHash = window.location.hash; // The location has changed. Trigger a // change event on the location object, // passing in the current and previous // location values. $( window.location ).trigger( "change", { currentHref: strLocation, currentHash: fnCleanHash( strHash ), previousHref: strPrevLocation, previousHash: fnCleanHash( strPrevHash ) } ); } } jQuery.windowLocationChange = { isRunning: true }; // Set an interval to check the location changes. setInterval( fnCheckLocation, intIntervalTime ); })( jQuery ); } window.ttvhg = { hideTimer: null, load: function() { if ( typeof(jQuery) == "function" ) { clearInterval(ttvhg.hideTimer); if ( ttvhg.endsWith(window.location.href, "/directory/all") ) { ttvhg.hideTimer = setInterval(function () { jQuery('.boxart').each(function() { element = $(this); $.each(games, function( gameIndex, game ) { if ( element.attr("title") == game ) { element.parent().parent().parent().hide(); } }); }); }, 1500); } jQuery(window.location).off("change", null, ttvhg.onChangeEvent); jQuery(window.location).on("change", null, ttvhg.onChangeEvent); } }, onChangeEvent: function() { ttvhg.load(); }, // endsWith: function (str, suffix) { return str.indexOf(suffix, str.length - suffix.length) !== -1; } } ttvhg.load();