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// ==UserScript== // @name mb. SUPER MIND CONTROL Ⅱ X TURBO // @version 2024.12.6 // @description power-ups: RELEASE_CLONER. copy/paste releases / DOUBLE_CLICK_SUBMIT / CONTROL_ENTER_SUBMIT / TRACKLIST_TOOLS. search→replace, track length parser, remove recording relationships, set selected works date / LAST_SEEN_EDIT. handy for subscribed entities / COOL_SEARCH_LINKS / COPY_TOC / ROW_HIGHLIGHTER / SPOT_CAA / SPOT_AC / RECORDING_LENGTH_COLUMN / RELEASE_EVENT_COLUMN / WARN_NEW_WINDOW / SERVER_SWITCH / TAG_TOOLS / USER_STATS / EASY_DATE. paste full dates in one go / STATIC_MENU / SLOW_DOWN_RETRY / CENTER_FLAGS / RATINGS_ON_TOP / HIDE_RATINGS / UNLINK_ENTITY_HEADER / MARK_PENDING_EDIT_MEDIUMS // @namespace // @homepage // @supportURL // @downloadURL // @author jesus2099 // @licence CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0; // @licence GPL-3.0-or-later; // @since 2010-09-09; / / see topic GÓ GÓ AMÍGO // @icon  // @require // @require // @grant none // @match *://** // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @exclude *://* // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; 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"\nno need to select if there is only one release on this page" : "")}, e: {click: function(clickEvent) { var crmbids = []; if (rcwhere == "release") { crmbids.push("" + location.pathname.match(re_GUID)); } else { var checkrels = document.querySelectorAll("table.tbl > tbody input[type='checkbox'][name='add-to-merge']"); for (let crmbid, cr = 0; cr < checkrels.length; cr++) { if ((checkrels[cr].checked || checkrels.length == 1) && (crmbid = getParent(checkrels[cr], "tr")) && (crmbid = crmbid.querySelector("a[href*='/release/']").getAttribute("href").match(re_GUID))) { crmbids.push("" + crmbid); } } } if (crmbids.length > 0) { if (confirm("This will (you can change the settings):\n\n* " + (j2sets.RELEASE_CLONER_release_event ? "" : "NOT ") + "copy release events\n* " + (j2sets.RELEASE_CLONER_additional_information ? "" : "NOT ") + "copy additional information\n* " + (j2sets.RELEASE_CLONER_external_links ? "" : "NOT ") + "copy external links\n* " + (j2sets.RELEASE_CLONER_tracktimes ? "" : "NOT ") + "copy track times")) { for (let crr = crmbids.length - 1; crr >= 0; crr--) { var xhr_release_cloner = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr_release_cloner.onload = function(event) { var release = JSON.parse(this.responseText); var reled = { form: createTag("form", {a: {action: "/release/add", method: "post", target: formTarget(crr, clickEvent)}, s: {display: "none"}}), add: function(data, requestParameter, required) { if (data) { // console.log(requestParameter + " = " + data); reled.form.appendChild(createTag("textarea", {a: {name: requestParameter}}, data)); } else if (required) { return false; } return true; } }; var ok = true; ok &= reled.add(release.title, "name", true); ok &= reled.add(release["release-group"].id, "release_group"); if (j2sets.RELEASE_CLONER_additional_information) { ok &= reled.add(release.disambiguation, "comment"); ok &= reled.add(release.annotation, "annotation"); } if (j2sets.RELEASE_CLONER_release_event) { ok &= reled.add(release.barcode, "barcode"); /* ws:release-event-list */ if (release["release-events"]) for (let resi = 0; resi < release["release-events"].length && ok; resi++) { var date = release["release-events"][resi].date; if (date) { var datex; if ((datex = date.match(/^(\d{4})/))) ok &= reled.add(datex[1], "events." + resi + ".date.year"); if ((datex = date.match(/^.{4}-(\d{2})/))) ok &= reled.add(datex[1], "events." + resi + ".date.month"); if ((datex = date.match(/^.{4}-.{2}-(\d{2})$/))) ok &= reled.add(datex[1], "events." + resi + ""); if (release["release-events"][resi].area && release["release-events"][resi].area["iso-3166-1-codes"] && release["release-events"][resi].area["iso-3166-1-codes"].length > 0) ok &= reled.add(release["release-events"][resi].area["iso-3166-1-codes"][0], "events." + resi + ".country"); } } /* ws:release-event-list */ ok &= reled.add(release.status, "status"); ok &= reled.add(release.packaging, "packaging"); /* ws:label-info-list */ for (let resi = 0; resi < release["label-info"].length && ok; resi++) { if (release["label-info"][resi].label) ok &= reled.add(release["label-info"][resi], "labels." + resi + ".mbid"); ok &= reled.add(release["label-info"][resi]["catalog-number"], "labels." + resi + ".catalog_number"); } /* ws:label-info-list */ } ok &= reled.add(release["text-representation"].language, "language"); ok &= reled.add(release["text-representation"].script, "script"); /* ws:artist-credit */ for (let resi = 0; resi < release["artist-credit"].length && ok; resi++) { ok &= reled.add(release["artist-credit"][resi], "artist_credit.names." + resi + ".mbid"); ok &= reled.add(release["artist-credit"][resi].name, "artist_credit.names." + resi + ".name"); ok &= reled.add(release["artist-credit"][resi].joinphrase, "artist_credit.names." + resi + ".join_phrase"); } /* ws:artist-credit */ /* ws:medium-list */ for (let resi = 0; resi < && ok; resi++) { ok &= reled.add([resi].format, "mediums." + resi + ".format"); ok &= reled.add([resi].title, "mediums." + resi + ".name"); for (let tr = 0; tr <[resi].tracks.length; tr++) { ok &= reled.add([resi].tracks[tr].title, "mediums." + resi + ".track." + tr + ".name"); ok &= reled.add([resi].tracks[tr].number, "mediums." + resi + ".track." + tr + ".number"); ok &= reled.add([resi].tracks[tr], "mediums." + resi + ".track." + tr + ".recording"); /* ws:artist-credit */ for (let aci = 0; aci <[resi].tracks[tr]["artist-credit"].length && ok; aci++) { ok &= reled.add([resi].tracks[tr]["artist-credit"][aci], "mediums." + resi + ".track." + tr + ".artist_credit.names." + aci + ".mbid"); ok &= reled.add([resi].tracks[tr]["artist-credit"][aci].name, "mediums." + resi + ".track." + tr + ".artist_credit.names." + aci + ".name"); ok &= reled.add([resi].tracks[tr]["artist-credit"][aci].joinphrase, "mediums." + resi + ".track." + tr + ".artist_credit.names." + aci + ".join_phrase"); } /* ws:artist-credit */ if (j2sets.RELEASE_CLONER_tracktimes) ok &= reled.add([resi].tracks[tr].length, "mediums." + resi + ".track." + tr + ".length"); } } /* ws:medium-list */ if (j2sets.RELEASE_CLONER_external_links) { /* ws:url-rels */ var linkTypes = { "unknown29unknown29unknown29unknown29": 29, // notes "unknown72unknown72unknown72unknown72": 72, // production "unknown73unknown73unknown73unknown73": 73, // get "98e08c20-8402-4163-8970-53504bb6a1e4": 74, // buy download "9896ecd0-6d29-482d-a21e-bd5d1b5e3425": 75, // download "4a78823c-1c53-4176-a5f3-58026c76f2bc": 76, // discogs "4f2e710d-166c-480c-a293-2e2c8d658d87": 77, // ASIN "2476be45-3090-43b3-a948-a8f972b4065c": 78, // cover art "3ee51e05-a06a-415e-b40c-b3f740dedfd7": 79, // buy mail "c74dee45-3c85-41e9-a804-92ab1c654446": 82, // other db "7387c5a2-9abe-4515-b667-9eb5ed4dd4ce": 83, // IMDb "08445ccf-7b99-4438-9f9a-fb9ac18099ee": 85, // stream "6af0134a-df6a-425a-96e2-895f9cd342ba": 86, // VGMdb "823656dd-0309-4247-b282-b92d287d59c5": 288, // discography "004bd0c3-8a45-4309-ba52-fa99f3aa3d50": 301, // licence "0e555925-1b7d-475c-9b25-b9c349dcc3f3": 308, // 2ndhandsong "2d24d075-9943-4c4d-a659-8ce52e6e6b57": 729, // notes "90ff18ad-3e9d-4472-a3d1-71d4df7e8484": 755, // allmusic "63b84620-ba52-4630-9bfe-8ad3b5504dff": 850, // bookbrainz }; for (let resi = 0; resi < release.relations.length && ok; resi++) { if (release.relations[resi].url) { ok &= reled.add(linkTypes[release.relations[resi]["type-id"]], "urls." + resi + ".link_type"); ok &= reled.add(release.relations[resi].url.resource, "urls." + resi + ".url"); } } /* ws:url-rels */ } ok &= reled.add("\n —\n" + MBS + "/release/" + crmbids[crr] + " cloned using " + + "’s '''RELEASE_CLONER''' (" + GM_info.script.version + ")", "edit_note"); /* fin */ if (ok) document.body.appendChild(reled.form).submit(); else sendEvent(this, "error"); }; xhr_release_cloner.onerror = function(event) { if (confirm("RELEASE_CLONER ERROR MY GOD\nDo you want to report this error? (in a new window)")) { open("" + encodeURIComponent("Hello,\nI am using *" + + "* version **" + GM_info.script.version + "**.\nI got an error while cloning [this release](" + MBS + "/release/) on [that page](" + location.href + ").\n")); } };"get", MBS + "/ws/2/release/" + crmbids[crr] + "?inc=artists+labels+recordings+release-groups+media+artist-credits+annotation+url-rels&fmt=json", false); xhr_release_cloner.send(null); } } } else { alert("Please select at least one release."); } }}}, [userjs.icon.cloneNode(false), " Clone " + (rcwhere == "release" ? "release" : "selected releases") + " ", createTag("small", {s: {color: "grey"}}, "← RELEASE_CLONER™")])); } } } function formTarget(releaseIndex, event) { var target = "_self"; if (event.ctrlKey || releaseIndex > 0) { target = + (new Date().getTime()); try { open("", target).blur(); } catch (error) {} self.focus(); } else if (event.shiftKey) { target = "_blank"; } return target; } // ================================================================= DISPLAY+ // ## USER_STATS ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("USER_STATS", true, true, "adds convenient edit stats to user page (percentage of yes/no voted edits) and cool links like edit note searches"); if (j2sets.USER_STATS && location.pathname.match(/^\/user\/[^/]+$/)) { var stats = document.querySelectorAll("table.statistics > tbody"); var editor = { pathname: location.pathname.substr(location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) }; if (!isEncoded(editor.pathname)) { // Opera 12 alone is surprisingly decoding location.pathname editor.pathname = encodeURIComponent(editor.pathname); } = decodeURIComponent(editor.pathname); if (stats.length >= 3) { debug("USER_STATS"); // Edits var cell_acceptedEdits = getParent(stats[0].querySelector("a[href$='/edits/accepted']"), "td"); var cell_voteddownEdits = getParent(stats[0].querySelector("a[href$='/edits/rejected']"), "td"); var cell_appliedEdits = getParent(stats[0].querySelector("a[href$='/edits/applied']"), "td"); var nb_acceptedEdits = readStat(cell_acceptedEdits); var nb_voteddownEdits = readStat(cell_voteddownEdits); var nb_totalNonAuto = nb_acceptedEdits + nb_voteddownEdits; writeStat(cell_acceptedEdits, nb_acceptedEdits, nb_totalNonAuto);"font-weight", "bold"); writeStat(cell_voteddownEdits, nb_voteddownEdits, nb_totalNonAuto);"font-weight", "bold"); cell_appliedEdits.parentNode.replaceChild(createTag("th", null, createTag("a", {a: {href: "/statistics/editors", title: "See top editors"}, s: {cursor: "help"}}, cell_appliedEdits.parentNode.firstChild.textContent)), cell_appliedEdits.previousSibling); // Votes = stats[0].querySelector("a[href^='/search/edits?']").getAttribute("href").match(/conditions\.0\.args\.0=(\d+)/)[1]; var voteSearch = MBS + "/search/edits?conditions.0.field=voter&conditions.0.operator=%3D&"; voteSearch = voteSearch.replace(/%editorName%/, editor.pathname); voteSearch = voteSearch.replace(/%editorID%/,; for (let i = 0; i < stats[1].rows.length; i++) { var vote = stats[1].rows[i].cells[2]; vote.replaceChild(createTag("a", {a: {href: voteSearch.replace(/%vote%/, {0: 1 /* Yes */, 1: 0 /* No */, 2: -1 /* Abstain */, 3: 2 /* Approve */}[i])}}, [vote.firstChild.cloneNode(true)]), vote.firstChild); } var yes = readStat(stats[1].rows[0].cells[2]); var no = readStat(stats[1].rows[1].cells[2]); var abstain = readStat(stats[1].rows[2].cells[2]); var approve = stats[1].rows.length > 3 ? readStat(stats[1].rows[3].cells[2]) : 0; if (approve > 0) { // Move Approve before Yes votes to include it in effective votes and leave Abstain last stats[1].insertBefore(stats[1].removeChild(stats[1].rows[3]), stats[1].rows[0]); } stats[1].insertBefore( createTag("tr", null, [ createTag("th", null, createTag("a", {a: {href: "/statistics/editors", title: "See top voters"}, s: {cursor: "help"}}, "Total effective votes")), createTag("th", {a: {colspan: "2"}}, (0 + yes + no + approve).toLocaleString(lang) + " (" + percentage(yes + no + approve, yes + no + abstain + approve) + ")") ]), stats[1].rows[stats[1].rows.length > 3 ? 3 : 2] ); // Edit notes if (account && account.pathname !== "/user/" + editor.pathname) { var myEditNotes = "/search/edits?conditions.0.field=editor&conditions.0.operator=%3D&"; var theirEditNotes = "/search/edits?conditions.0.field=editor&conditions.0.operator=me&conditions.1.field=edit_note_author&conditions.1.operator=%3D&"; var ourEditNotes = "/search/edits?conditions.0.field=editor&conditions.0.operator=not_me&conditions.1.field=editor&conditions.1.operator=%21%3D&"; stats[0].parentNode.previousSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(createTag("h2", {a: {title: + " (USER_STATS)"}}, "Edit Notes"), stats[0].parentNode.previousSibling); stats[0].parentNode.previousSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(createTag("ul", {a: {title: + " (USER_STATS)"}}, [ createTag("li", {}, createTag("a", {a: {href: myEditNotes.replace(/%editorID%/,, editor.pathname)}}, [createTag("b", {}, "Edits by " +, " (with my comments)"])), createTag("li", {}, createTag("a", {a: {href: theirEditNotes.replace(/%editorID%/,, editor.pathname)}}, [createTag("b", {}, "Comments by " +, " (on my edits)"])), createTag("li", {}, createTag("a", {a: {href: ourEditNotes.replace(/%editorID%/g,, editor.pathname)}}, "Other edits with comments by both me and " + ]), stats[0].parentNode.previousSibling); } // Added entities var addedEntities = 0; var maxAddedEntities = 0; for (let i = 0; i < stats[2].rows.length; i++) { var added = readStat(stats[2].rows[i].cells[1]); maxAddedEntities = Math.max(maxAddedEntities, added); addedEntities += added; } stats[2].appendChild( createTag("tr", null, [ createTag("th", null, "Total"), createTag("td", null, addedEntities.toLocaleString(lang)) ]) ); for (let i = 0; i < stats[2].rows.length - 1; i++) { writeStat(stats[2].rows[i].cells[1], readStat(stats[2].rows[i].cells[1]), addedEntities, maxAddedEntities); } } } function isEncoded(string) { // a mix of and if (typeof string != "string") return false; var result; try { result = decodeURIComponent(string); } catch (error) { result = unescape(string); } return result != string; } function readStat(statsCell) { // fallback to 0 for very rare cases when a new entity type is not yet cached return parseInt(statsCell.textContent.split("(")[0].replace(/\D/g, ""), 10) || 0; } function writeStat(statsCell, stat, total, max) { var a = statsCell.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; a.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(percentage(stat, total)), a.firstChild); if (max !== 0) {"background-color", "rgb(255, 255, " + (255 - Math.floor(stat / max * 255)) + ")"); if (stat === max) {"font-weight", "bold"); } } if (parseInt(a.firstChild.textContent, 10) >= 25) {"background-color", "#ff6"); getParent(statsCell, "tr").querySelector("th").style.setProperty("background-color", "#ff6"); } } function percentage(p, c) { return (c == 0 ? 0 : Math.round(10000 * p / c / 100)) + "%"; } // =============================================================== KEYBOARD+ // ## EASY_DATE ## basic paste-a-date!-like ( // ========================================================================= j2setting("EASY_DATE", false, true, "You can paste full date in the YYYY field, it will split it\nascending D.M.YYYY or descending YYYY.M.D,\nalmost any format except american (MBS-1197)\n\nYou can freely type date, without tabulating, across year-month-date\n(with only digits 20241231, or with separators 2024.12/31)\n\nPress “c” to copy current date into the other (begin→end or end→begin)\nPress “d” to delete dates"); if (j2sets.EASY_DATE && !location.pathname.match(/^\/account\/edit/)) { document.addEventListener("focusin", function(event) { if ("input.partial-date-year, input.partial-date-month, input.partial-date-day")) { if (!"table.relationship-details, fieldset").querySelector(".jesus2099easydate")) { var doc = createTag("pre", {a: {class: "jesus2099easydate"}}, "EASY_DATE®\n----------\n\n" + j2docs.EASY_DATE); if ("fieldset")) {"fieldset").appendChild(createTag("div", {a: {class: "row"}}, doc)); } else {"table.relationship-details").appendChild(createTag("tfoot", {}, createTag("tr", {}, createTag("td", {a: {colspan: "2"}}, doc)))); } }; } }); document.addEventListener("paste", function(event) { if ("input.partial-date-year, input.partial-date-month, input.partial-date-day")) { var date = event.clipboardData.getData("text/plain").trim(); // fullwidth to halfwidth date = date.replace(/[0-9]/g, function(d) { return String.fromCharCode(d.charCodeAt(0) - "0".charCodeAt(0) + "0".charCodeAt(0)); }); // remove non-digit prefix and suffix date = date.replace(/^\D+|\D+$/, ""); if (!date.match(/\D/)) { date = date.match(new RegExp("^" + re_date.YYYY + "(?:" + re_date.MM + "(?:" + re_date.DD + ")?)?$")); } else { date = date.match(new RegExp("^(?:" + re_date.YYYY + "\\D+" + re_date.MM + "(?:\\D+" + re_date.DD + ")?|(?:" + re_date.DD + "\\D+)" + re_date.MM + "\\D+" + re_date.YYYY + "|" + re_date.YYYY + "\\D+" + re_date.M + "(?:\\D+" + re_date.D + ")?|(?:" + re_date.D + "\\D+)?" + re_date.M + "\\D+" + re_date.YYYY + "|" + re_date.YY + "\\D+" + re_date.M + "(?:\\D+" + re_date.D + ")?|(?:" + re_date.D + "\\D+)?" + re_date.M + "\\D+" + re_date.YY + ")$")); } if (date) { date = { year: date[1] || date[6] || date[7] || date[12] || date[13] || date[18], month: date[2] || date[5] || date[8] || date[11] || date[14] || date[17], day: date[3] || date[4] || date[9] || date[10] || date[15] || date[16] }; for (var i in date) if (, i) && date[i]) { if (i == "year" && date[i].length == 2) { // YY to YYYY date[i] = EASY_DATE_YY_to_YYYY(date[i]) + date[i]; } else if (date[i].length == 1) { date[i] = "0" + date[i]; } var input =".partial-date").querySelector("input.partial-date-" + i); input.focus(); forceValue(input, date[i]);"background-color", "#cfc"); } if ("input:not([name^='edit-'])[name*='.begin_date.'], input:not([name^='edit-'])[name*='.end_date.']")) { EASY_DATE_cloneDate(; } stop(event); } else { if (!date.match(/^\d\d\d\d$/))"background-color", "#fcc"); stop(event); } } }); document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { if ("input.partial-date-year, input.partial-date-month, input.partial-date-day")) { if (!event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && event.key) { if (event.key.match(/^(c|d)$/)) { var is_date_span ="input[name*='.begin_date.'], input[name*='.end_date.']"); switch (event.key) { case "c": if (is_date_span) { EASY_DATE_cloneDate(, true); } break; case "d": EASY_DATE_deleteDates(, is_date_span); break; } return stop(event); } else if (event.key.match(/[0-90-9\-/.]/) &&"input.partial-date-year, input.partial-date-month")) { var separator_mode = event.key == "-" || event.key == "/" || event.key == "."; var full_digit_mode = === && ==="placeholder").length && event.key.match(/[0-90-9]/); if (separator_mode || full_digit_mode) { var next_field ="input.partial-date-" + ("input.partial-date-year") ? "month" : "day")); next_field.focus();; if (full_digit_mode) { forceValue(next_field, event.key); } return stop(event); } } } } }); } function EASY_DATE_YY_to_YYYY(yy) { // 94 means 1994 but 19 means 2019 return (parseInt(yy, 10) > 28 ? "19" : "20") + yy; } function EASY_DATE_cloneDate(current, hotkey) { var date_elements = ["year", "month", "day"]; var copied_date = ""; for (let p = 0; p < date_elements.length; p++) { var date_parts = current.closest("table.relationship-details > tbody, fieldset").querySelectorAll("input.partial-date-" + date_elements[p]); var downwards = (current.parentNode == date_parts[0].parentNode); if (!hotkey && !downwards) { return; } date_parts[downwards ? 1 : 0].focus(); forceValue(date_parts[downwards ? 1 : 0], date_parts[downwards ? 0 : 1].value); date_parts[downwards ? 1 : 0].style.setProperty("background-color", "#cfc"); copied_date += date_parts[downwards ? 0 : 1].value; } if (copied_date === "") { EASY_DATE_uncheckEnded(current); } } function EASY_DATE_deleteDates(current, is_date_span) { var date_elements = ["year", "month", "day"]; for (let p = 0; p < date_elements.length; p++) { var date_parts = current.closest(is_date_span ? "table.relationship-details > tbody, fieldset" : "span.partial-date").querySelectorAll("input.partial-date-" + date_elements[p]); for (let i = 0; i < date_parts.length; i++) { date_parts[i].focus(); forceValue(date_parts[i], ""); date_parts[i].style.removeProperty("background-color"); } } if (is_date_span) { EASY_DATE_uncheckEnded(current); } } function EASY_DATE_uncheckEnded(current) { var endedCheckbox = current.closest("table.relationship-details > tbody, fieldset").querySelector("input[name$='period.ended'][type='checkbox']"); if (endedCheckbox && endedCheckbox.checked) { endedCheckbox.focus();; } } // ================================================================= DISPLAY+ // ## SPOT_AC ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("SPOT_AC", true, true, "name variations (Artist Credit, track name ≠ recording name, etc.) stand out"); j2setting("SPOT_AC_css", "border-bottom: 2px dashed maroon;", true, "CSS syntax (on “.name-variation” - and on “.name-variation” of recording page)"); if (j2sets.SPOT_AC) { j2superturbo.addCSSRule(".name-variation, .artist-credit-variation { " + j2sets.SPOT_AC_css + " }"); } // ================================================================= DISPLAY+ // ## SPOT_CAA ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("SPOT_CAA", true, true, "cover art archive’s images stand out from other images. Allows spotting incorrectly padded CAA uploads and looks cool altogether. Now also supports event art archive (EAA) and zabe40 Entity Images userscript PR #16"); j2setting("SPOT_CAA_css", "box-shadow: 0 0 8px black;", true, "CSS syntax (on “a.artwork-image > img”)"); if (j2sets.SPOT_CAA) { j2superturbo.addCSSRule("img[src*='//'], img[src*='//'], #sidebar .picture > img, img[src*='//'], img.uploader-preview-image { " + j2sets.SPOT_CAA_css + " }"); } // ================================================================= DISPLAY+ // ## WARN_NEW_WINDOW ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("WARN_NEW_WINDOW", true, true, "links that open in a new window will be marked with an icon"); if (j2sets.WARN_NEW_WINDOW) { j2superturbo.addCSSRule("a[target='_blank'] { padding-right: 16px; background: no-repeat 99% url(); }"); } // ================================================================= DISPLAY+ // ## CENTER_FLAGS ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("CENTER_FLAGS", true, true, "vertically center flags"); if (j2sets.CENTER_FLAGS) { j2superturbo.addCSSRule(".flag { background-origin: padding-box; background-position: 0% 84%; }"); } // ================================================================= DISPLAY- // ## HIDE_RATINGS ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("HIDE_RATINGS", false, true, "hide those cute little stars and everything related to ratings in MB"); if (j2sets.HIDE_RATINGS) { j2superturbo.addCSSRule("div#content table.tbl > * > tr > th.rating, div#content table.tbl > tbody > tr > td.rating, div#sidebar > h2.rating, div#sidebar > h2.rating + p, div#page > div.tabs > ul.tabs > li:not(.sel) > a[href$='/ratings'], div.header a[href$='/ratings'] { display: none; }"); // work around for missing rating classes (artist, collection) var ratingIndex = document.querySelector("div#content table.tbl > tbody > tr > td:not(.rating) > span.inline-rating"); if (ratingIndex) { debug("HIDE_RATINGS"); j2superturbo.addCSSRule("div#content table.tbl > * > tr > *:nth-child(" + (ratingIndex.parentNode.cellIndex + 1) + ") { display: none; }"); } } // ================================================================= DISPLAY+ // ## RATINGS_ON_TOP ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("RATINGS_ON_TOP", false, true, "show (5 stars) ratings at the top of the sidebar"); j2setting("RATINGS_ON_TOP_below_image", true, true, "place the ratings just below the entity image (instead of topmost)"); if (j2sets.RATINGS_ON_TOP && sidebar && !j2sets.HIDE_RATINGS) { var ratings = sidebar.querySelector("h2.rating"); if (ratings) { ratings = [ratings, getSibling(ratings, "p")]; var where; if (j2sets.RATINGS_ON_TOP_below_image) where = sidebar.querySelector("div.cover-art + *, div.picture + *"); if (!where) where = sidebar.firstChild; if (ratings[1] && where) for (let r = 0; r < ratings.length; r++) { debug("RATINGS_ON_TOP"); sidebar.insertBefore(sidebar.removeChild(ratings[r]), where); } } } // ================================================================= DISPLAY+ // ## ROW_HIGHLIGHTER ## // evolution of brianfreud’s original idea // MusicBrainz row highlighter // ========================================================================== j2setting("ROW_HIGHLIGHTER", true, true, "highlights rows in various MB tables"); j2setting("ROW_HIGHLIGHTER_colour", "#f9f3", true, "use any CSS colour code or name (yellow, #fcf, #ffccff, #f9f3, #ff99ff33, hsl(…), rgb(…), rgba(…), etc.)"); if (j2sets.ROW_HIGHLIGHTER && j2sets.ROW_HIGHLIGHTER_colour.match(/^(#[0-9a-f]{3,4}|#[0-9a-f]{6}|#[0-9a-f]{8}|[a-z-]+|(hsl|rgb)a?\([^)]+\))$/i)) { j2superturbo.addCSSRule( "div#content table.tbl > tbody > tr:hover > td," + "div#page.fullwidth > table.tbl > tbody > tr:hover > td," + "div#release-editor > div#tracklist tr:hover > td," + "div#release-editor > div#tracklist tr:hover > td input {" + "background-image: linear-gradient(" + j2sets.ROW_HIGHLIGHTER_colour + ", " + j2sets.ROW_HIGHLIGHTER_colour + ");" + "}" ); } // =================================================================== MOUSE+ // ## Common form submission function ## // ========================================================================== function parentFormSubmit(input, event) { var form = getParent(input, "form") || document.querySelector("div#release-editor"); if (form) { var submitbutt = form.querySelector("div#release-editor button.positive[data-click='submitEdits'], div.buttons > button[type='submit'], span.buttons > button[type='submit']"); if (submitbutt) {"background-color", "yellow"); if (submitbutt.getAttribute("disabled")) alert("This form is not (yet) submitable. Maybe you haven’t changed anything yet."); else sendEvent(submitbutt, (event.shiftKey ? "shift+" : "") + "click"); } else { form.submit(); } } } // =================================================================== MOUSE+ // ## DOUBLE_CLICK_SUBMIT ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("DOUBLE_CLICK_SUBMIT", true, true, "makes the “radio buttons” and “multi-selects” submit forms on double-click (MBS-3229)"); if (j2sets.DOUBLE_CLICK_SUBMIT && location.pathname.match(/^\/(cdtoc\/|cdstub\/|edit\/|release\/(add(\?release-group=)?|[^/]+\/edit-cover-art\/)|release-group\/[^/]+\/edit|search|.+\/merge)/)) { document.body.addEventListener("dblclick", function(event) { if ( && !getParent(, "div", "edit-list") // mb_POWER-VOTE has its own DOUBLE_CLICK_SUBMIT && ( == "INPUT" &&"type") == "radio" || == "LABEL" &&"input[type='radio']") || == "OPTION" && == "SELECT" &&"multiple") != null ) ) { debug("DOUBLE_CLICK_SUBMIT"); parentFormSubmit(, event); } }); } // ================================================================ KEYBOARD+ // ## CONTROL_ENTER_SUBMIT ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("CONTROL_ENTER_SUBMIT", true, true, "hit CTRL+ENTER keys when you’re in a text area to submit the current form"); if (j2sets.CONTROL_ENTER_SUBMIT) { document.body.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { if ( event.ctrlKey && event.key == "Enter" &&"textarea") && !"#release-editor #annotation") ) { debug("CONTROL_ENTER_SUBMIT"); parentFormSubmit(, event); } }); } // ================================================================ REMEMBER+ // ## LAST_SEEN_EDIT ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("LAST_SEEN_EDIT", false, true, "it shows you what edits you have already seen (reviewed) on entities edit histories, yeah man. only saves states when looking at all edits (not only open) of entity"); if (j2sets.LAST_SEEN_EDIT && account) { debug("LAST_SEEN_EDIT"); var what = (location.pathname).match(new RegExp("^/(?:(user)/([^/]+)/edits(?:/(open))?|([^/]+)/(" + stre_GUID + ")/(?:(open)_)?edits)")); if (what) { var isOpenEdits = typeof (what[3] || what[6]) != "undefined"; var which = what[2] || what[5]; what = what[1] || what[4]; var lastseenedits = localStorage.getItem( + "lastseenedits-" + what); var upd = false; if (lastseenedits) { lastseenedits = JSON.parse(lastseenedits); } else { lastseenedits = {}; } var now = new Date(); if (lastseenedits[which]) { if (lastseenedits[which][2] > lastseenedits[which][0] && new Date(lastseenedits[which][1]) < new Date(now - 1000 * 60 * 30 /* 30minutes */)) { lastseenedits[which][0] = lastseenedits[which][2]; lastseenedits[which][1] = now.getTime(); upd = true; } } else { lastseenedits[which] = [0, now.getTime(), 0]; // [0:edit,1:when,2:next] } var edits = document.querySelectorAll("div.edit-header > h2 > a[href*='/edit/']"); for (let ed = 0; ed < edits.length; ed++) { var editn = parseInt(edits[ed].getAttribute("href").match(/\d+$/), 10); var editlist = getParent(edits[ed], "div", "edit-list"); if (!isOpenEdits && ed == 0 && editn > lastseenedits[which][0] && editn > lastseenedits[which][2]) { lastseenedits[which][2] = editn; upd = true; } if (editn <= lastseenedits[which][0]) { editlist.setAttribute("title", "SEEN EDIT"); if (editn == lastseenedits[which][0]) { editlist.parentNode.insertBefore(createTag("hr", {a: {title: "Edits below are already seen"}, s: {height: "0px", border: "none", "border-top": "4px dashed red"}}), editlist); if (ed > 0) { getSibling(editlist, "div", "edit-list", true).scrollIntoView(); } } } else {"background-color", "#ffc"); editlist.setAttribute("title", "NEW EDIT"); } } if (upd && !isOpenEdits) { localStorage.setItem( + "lastseenedits-" + what, JSON.stringify(lastseenedits)); } } } // ==================================================================== LINK+ // ## COOL_SEARCH_LINKS ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("COOL_SEARCH_LINKS", true, true, "additional “refine this search” links excluding own and/or unvoted and/or cancelled/failed edits as well as quick switch between all edits / open_edits"); if (j2sets.COOL_SEARCH_LINKS && account && !location.pathname.match(/^\/search\/edits/)) { debug("COOL_SEARCH_LINKS"); var baseURL = location.pathname.match(new RegExp("^/([^/]+)/(" + stre_GUID + ")")); var is_edit_search = location.pathname.match(/((open_)?edits|edits\/(accepted|applied|autoedits|cancelled|failed|open|rejected))\/?$/); if (baseURL && !is_edit_search) { // Entity page var entityType = baseURL[1].replace(/-/, "_"); var entityName = document.querySelector("div#content h1 a"); var entityID = document.querySelector("div#sidebar a[href^='/" + entityType + "/merge_queue?add-to-merge=']"); var entityEdits = document.querySelector("div#sidebar a[href$='" + baseURL[0] + "/edits']"); if (entityID && entityEdits && entityType && entityName && entityType != "collection") { // TODO: Allow collections with missing MBS-3922 feature “Edit search: Filter edits by collections” entityID = entityID.getAttribute("href").match(/add-to-merge=(\d+)/)[1]; entityName = entityName.textContent; // refine var refine_sidebar = "/search/edits?conditions.0.operator=%3D&conditions.0.field=" + entityType + "&" + encodeURIComponent(entityName) + "&conditions.0.args.0=" + entityID + "&order=desc&combinator=and&negation=0"; addAfter(createTag("span", {}, [" (", createTag("a", {a: {title: "Another cool search link from " +, href: refine_sidebar + "&form_only=yes"}, s: {background: "#ff6"}}, "refine"), ")"]), entityEdits); entityEdits.setAttribute("title", "Includes child/related entity edits"); var refineEntity = entitySpecificEdits(entityType, refine_sidebar, "pure+cover+relationship"); if (refineEntity) { // pure entity edits entityEdits.parentNode.appendChild(createTag("ul", {a: {title:}, s: {border: "2px solid purple"}}, createTag("li", {}, [createTag("a", {a: {title: "No child/related entity (VERY SLOW)", href: refineEntity}}, "Only this " + entityType.replace(/_/, "\u00a0") + " edits"), " (SLOW)", createTag("ul", {s: {paddingLeft: "10px"}}, [ createTag("li", {a: {id: + "-pure+cover"}, s: {background: "#ff6"}}, createTag("a", {a: {href: entitySpecificEdits(entityType, refine_sidebar, "pure+cover")}, s: {fontWeight: "bold"}}, "Pure " + entityType.replace(/_/, "\u00a0") + " edits")), createTag("li", {}, [createTag("span", {}, [createTag("a", {a: {class: + "-rels", href: entitySpecificEdits(entityType, refine_sidebar, "relationship")}}, "Relationship edits"), " (SLOW)"]), createTag("ul", {s: {paddingLeft: "10px"}}, [ createTag("li", {s: {background: "#ff6", textDecoration: "initial"}}, createTag("a", {a: {class: + "-post-ngs-rels", href: entitySpecificEdits(entityType, refine_sidebar, "post-ngs-relationship")}, title: "Edits since 2011-05-17"}, "Post‐NGS")), createTag("li", {s: {background: "#ff6", textDecoration: "initial"}}, createTag("a", {a: {class: + "-pre-ngs-rels", href: entitySpecificEdits(entityType, refine_sidebar, "pre-ngs-relationship")}, title: "Edits before 2011-05-17"}, "Pre‐NGS")) ]) ]), ]) ]) )); 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all_relationships.closest("li").removeChild(all_relationships.closest("li").querySelector("ul")); all_relationships.parentNode.removeChild(all_relationships.parentNode.lastChild); } } });"get", refine_sidebar + "&conditions.1.field=type&conditions.1.operator=%3D&conditions.1.args=233&conditions.1.args=234&conditions.1.args=235", true); xhr_cool_search_links.send(null); } } } else { var searchHelp = document.querySelector(" > tbody"); if (searchHelp && is_edit_search) { var refines = document.createElement("td"); var refine_search; var notme = "&conditions.2099.field=editor&conditions.2099.operator=%21%3D&"; var novote = "&conditions.2098.field=voter&conditions.2098.operator=%3D&"; var onlyEffective = "&conditions.2097.field=status&conditions.2097.operator=%3D&conditions.2097.args=1&conditions.2097.args=2"; if ( (refine_search = document.querySelector(" td > a[href^='" + MBS + "/search/edits?'][href*='&conditions.']")) && (refine_search = refine_search.getAttribute("href").replace(/&?form_only=yes/, "")) ) { if (location.pathname.match(/\bedits$/)) { // No need for effective edit filter in /user/xxx/edits/(accepted|applied|autoedits|cancelled|failed|open|rejected) refines.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" | ")); refines.appendChild(createTag("a", {a: {href: refine_search + onlyEffective}}, "Effective edits (open or applied)")); } if (location.href.indexOf(account.pathname) < 0 && typeof __MB__ !== "undefined") { var myID = __MB__.$; if (myID) { if (myID != localStorage.getItem( + "me-userid")) localStorage.setItem( + "me-userid", myID); if (!location.pathname.match(/^\/user\//)) { refines.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" | ")); refines.appendChild(createTag("a", {a: {href: refine_search + notme.replace(/%myID%/g, myID).replace(/%myName%/g, escape(}}, "Exclude my own edits")); } if (!location.pathname.match(/\/edits\/autoedits/)) { novote = notme + novote; refines.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" | ")); refines.appendChild(createTag("a", {a: {href: refine_search + novote.replace(/%myID%/g, myID).replace(/%myName%/g, escape(}}, "Edits I have not voted")); } } } } if (refines.childElementCount > 0) { refines.removeChild(refines.firstChild); searchHelp.insertBefore(createTag("tr", {a: {title:}, s: {"text-shadow": "0 0 8px purple"}}, [createTag("th", {}, "Cool links: "), refines]), searchHelp.lastChild); } } } } function entitySpecificEdits(entityType, refine, searchMode) { var editTypes = []; var linkTypes = []; if (searchMode.match(/pure/)) { switch (entityType) { case "artist": /* Add artist */ editTypes.push("1"); /* Add artist alias */ editTypes.push("6"); /* Add artist annotation */ editTypes.push("5"); /* Change artist quality (historic) */ editTypes.push("252"); /* Edit artist */ editTypes.push("2"); /* Edit artist alias */ editTypes.push("8"); /* Edit artist credit */ editTypes.push("9"); /* Edit URL */ editTypes.push("101"); /* Merge artists */ editTypes.push("4"); /* Remove artist */ editTypes.push("3"); /* Remove artist alias */ editTypes.push("7"); break; case "label": /* Add label */ editTypes.push("10"); /* Add label alias */ editTypes.push("16"); /* Add label annotation */ editTypes.push("15"); /* Edit label */ editTypes.push("11"); /* Edit label alias */ editTypes.push("18"); /* Edit URL */ editTypes.push("101"); /* Merge labels */ editTypes.push("14"); /* Remove label */ editTypes.push("13"); /* Remove label alias */ editTypes.push("17,262"); break; case "recording": /* Add disc ID */ editTypes.push("55,232"); /* Add ISRCs */ editTypes.push("76"); /* Add medium */ editTypes.push("51"); /* Add recording alias */ editTypes.push("711"); /* Add recording annotation */ editTypes.push("75"); /* Add release (historic) */ editTypes.push("216"); /* Add standalone recording */ editTypes.push("71"); /* Add track (historic) */ editTypes.push("207,218"); /* Edit medium */ editTypes.push("52"); /* Edit recording */ editTypes.push("72,204,245"); /* Edit recording alias */ editTypes.push("713"); /* Edit track (historic) */ editTypes.push("205,210"); /* Merge recordings */ editTypes.push("74"); /* Move disc ID */ editTypes.push("56,221"); /* Remove disc ID */ editTypes.push("54,220"); /* Remove ISRC */ editTypes.push("78"); /* Remove medium */ editTypes.push("53"); /* Remove recording */ editTypes.push("73"); /* Remove recording alias */ editTypes.push("712"); /* Remove release */ editTypes.push("212,310"); /* Remove releases (historic) */ editTypes.push("224"); /* Remove track */ editTypes.push("211"); /* Set track lengths */ editTypes.push("58,253"); break; case "release": /* Add disc ID */ editTypes.push("55,232"); /* Add ISRCs */ editTypes.push("76"); /* Add medium */ editTypes.push("51"); /* Add release */ editTypes.push("31,216"); /* Add release alias */ editTypes.push("318"); /* Add release annotation */ editTypes.push("35,231"); /* Add release events (historic) */ editTypes.push("249"); /* Add release label */ editTypes.push("34"); /* Add standalone recording */ editTypes.push("71"); /* Add track (historic) */ editTypes.push("207,218"); /* Change release data quality */ editTypes.push("38,263"); /* Convert release to multiple artists (historic) */ editTypes.push("209"); /* Convert release to single artist (historic) */ editTypes.push("213"); /* Edit barcodes */ editTypes.push("39"); /* Edit medium */ editTypes.push("52"); /* Edit release */ editTypes.push("32,33,201,208,226,244,273,312"); /* Edit release alias */ editTypes.push("320"); /* Edit release events (historic) */ editTypes.push("229,250"); /* Edit release label */ editTypes.push("37"); /* Edit URL */ editTypes.push("101"); /* Merge releases */ editTypes.push("223,225,311"); /* Move disc ID */ editTypes.push("56,221"); /* Remove disc ID */ editTypes.push("54,220"); /* Remove ISRC */ editTypes.push("78"); /* Remove medium */ editTypes.push("53"); /* Remove release */ editTypes.push("212,310"); /* Remove release events (historic) */ editTypes.push("251"); /* Remove release label */ editTypes.push("36"); /* Remove releases (historic) */ editTypes.push("224"); /* Remove track */ editTypes.push("211"); /* Reorder mediums */ editTypes.push("313"); /* Set track lengths */ editTypes.push("58,253"); break; case "release_group": /* Add release group */ editTypes.push("20"); /* Add release group alias */ editTypes.push("26"); /* Add release group annotation */ editTypes.push("25"); /* Edit release group */ editTypes.push("21"); /* Edit release group alias */ editTypes.push("28"); /* Edit URL */ editTypes.push("101"); /* Merge release groups */ editTypes.push("24"); /* Remove release group */ editTypes.push("23"); /* Remove release group alias */ editTypes.push("27"); break; } } if (searchMode.match(/cover/)) { switch (entityType) { case "release": /* Add cover art */ editTypes.push("314"); /* Edit cover art */ editTypes.push("316"); /* Remove cover art */ editTypes.push("315"); /* Reorder cover art */ editTypes.push("317"); break; case "release_group": /* Set cover art */ editTypes.push("22"); break; } } if (searchMode.match(/relationship/)) { switch (entityType) { case "artist": /* Add relationship */ editTypes.push("90,233"); /* Edit relationship */ editTypes.push("91,234"); /* Remove relationship */ editTypes.push("92,235"); /* Reorder relationships */ editTypes.push("99"); /* artist-artist relationships */ linkTypes.push(106, 103, 722, 104, 107, 105, 292, 305, 728, 895, 965, 1079, 102, 108, 847, 855, 113, 109, 110, 111, 112, 973); /* artist-event relationships */ linkTypes.push(798, 799, 800, 801, 807, 806, 893, 932, 935, 936); /* artist-instrument relationships */ linkTypes.push(896); /* artist-label relationships */ linkTypes.push(119, 117, 120, 115, 1081, 121, 990, 116, 991, 723, 724); /* artist-place relationships */ linkTypes.push(701, 702, 703, 704, 714, 832, 988, 856, 937, 925, 923, 924, 926, 975); /* artist-recording relationships */ linkTypes.push(122, 156, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 760, 1186, 157, 147, 153, 155, 154, 297, 158, 300, 298, 961, 858, 962, 1230, 1241, 1242, 125, 1244, 1243, 1245, 160, 141, 138, 136, 140, 133, 143, 128, 1011, 132, 144, 726, 1236, 129, 142, 869, 134, 135, 146, 137, 130, 123, 986, 127); /* artist-release relationships */ linkTypes.push(34, 51, 44, 60, 45, 46, 53, 759, 50, 43, 47, 48, 49, 58, 54, 55, 56, 57, 871, 295, 41, 40, 296, 59, 30, 28, 31, 42, 969, 29, 26, 36, 1012, 37, 38, 727, 25, 22, 709, 710, 1010, 23, 18, 993, 927, 928, 27, 19, 929, 20, 987, 32, 24); /* artist-release_group relationships */ linkTypes.push(65, 868, 62, 63, 974); /* artist-series relationships */ linkTypes.push(996, 1000, 1002, 750, 751, 1003, 859, 994, 1004); /* artist-url relationships */ linkTypes.push(183, 171, 172, 182, 184, 190, 707, 173, 197, 841, 192, 174, 189, 291, 303, 193, 185, 199, 897, 902, 187, 175, 176, 177, 194, 978, 718, 919, 1080, 188, 178, 179, 180, 191, 283, 307, 310, 352, 754, 785, 816, 840, 852, 862, 981); /* artist-work relationships */ linkTypes.push(170, 167, 168, 165, 169, 844, 872, 917, 293, 282, 164, 294, 834, 162, 846, 889, 956, 161, 972); break; case "label": /* Add relationship */ editTypes.push("90,233"); /* Edit relationship */ editTypes.push("91,234"); /* Remove relationship */ editTypes.push("92,235"); /* Reorder relationships */ editTypes.push("99"); /* artist-label relationships */ linkTypes.push(119, 117, 120, 115, 1081, 121, 990, 116, 991, 723, 724); /* instrument-label relationships */ linkTypes.push(918); /* label-label relationships */ linkTypes.push(205, 200, 201, 202, 203, 725); /* label-place relationships */ linkTypes.push(989); /* label-recording relationships */ linkTypes.push(867, 206, 945, 946, 949, 950, 1178, 1252, 1228, 998); /* label-release relationships */ linkTypes.push(66, 359, 360, 942, 955, 361, 362, 708, 711, 712, 833, 848, 985, 349, 944, 947, 948, 951, 952, 999); /* label-release_group relationships */ linkTypes.push(970); /* label-series relationships */ linkTypes.push(933); /* label-url relationships */ linkTypes.push(219, 221, 224, 211, 212, 213, 214, 899, 903, 218, 215, 290, 304, 225, 982, 957, 960, 959, 958, 997, 1005, 719, 222, 210, 216, 217, 311, 313, 354, 838, 851, 977); /* label-work relationships */ linkTypes.push(208, 890, 922); break; case "recording": /* Add relationship */ editTypes.push("90,233"); /* Edit relationship */ editTypes.push("91,234"); /* Remove relationship */ editTypes.push("92,235"); /* Reorder relationships */ editTypes.push("99"); /* area-recording relationships */ linkTypes.push(814, 698, 758, 821, 830, 864, 827, 964); /* artist-recording relationships */ linkTypes.push(122, 156, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 760, 1186, 157, 147, 153, 155, 154, 297, 158, 300, 298, 961, 858, 962, 1230, 1241, 1242, 125, 1244, 1243, 1245, 160, 141, 138, 136, 140, 133, 143, 128, 1011, 132, 144, 726, 1236, 129, 142, 869, 134, 135, 146, 137, 130, 123, 986, 127); /* event-recording relationships */ linkTypes.push(809, 966); /* label-recording relationships */ linkTypes.push(867, 206, 945, 946, 949, 950, 1178, 1252, 1228, 998); /* place-recording relationships */ linkTypes.push(813, 693, 694, 819, 829, 866, 825, 963); /* recording-recording relationships */ linkTypes.push(233, 226, 1238, 1239, 309, 857, 236, 238, 234, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232, 1177); /* recording-release relationships */ linkTypes.push(69); /* recording-series relationships */ linkTypes.push(740, 1006); /* recording-url relationships */ linkTypes.push(256, 258, 302, 257, 254, 255, 268, 979, 905, 306, 285, 976); /* recording-work relationships */ linkTypes.push(278); break; case "release": /* Add relationship */ editTypes.push("90,233"); /* Edit relationship */ editTypes.push("91,234"); /* Remove relationship */ editTypes.push("92,235"); /* Reorder relationships */ editTypes.push("99"); /* area-release relationships */ linkTypes.push(815, 699, 757, 756, 967, 822, 831, 863, 826, 835, 849); /* artist-release relationships */ linkTypes.push(34, 51, 44, 60, 45, 46, 53, 759, 50, 43, 47, 48, 49, 58, 54, 55, 56, 57, 871, 295, 41, 40, 296, 59, 30, 28, 31, 42, 969, 29, 26, 36, 1012, 37, 38, 727, 25, 22, 709, 710, 1010, 23, 18, 993, 927, 928, 27, 19, 929, 20, 987, 32, 24); /* event-release relationships */ linkTypes.push(795, 796, 810); /* label-release relationships */ linkTypes.push(66, 359, 360, 942, 955, 361, 362, 708, 711, 712, 833, 848, 985, 349, 944, 947, 948, 951, 952, 999); /* place-release relationships */ linkTypes.push(812, 695, 696, 697, 968, 820, 828, 865, 824, 953, 941, 954); /* recording-release relationships */ linkTypes.push(69); /* release-release relationships */ linkTypes.push(4, 2, 6, 1009, 3, 1); /* release-series relationships */ linkTypes.push(741); /* release-url relationships */ linkTypes.push(72, 83, 77, 288, 301, 73, 79, 74, 75, 85, 980, 906, 729, 78, 82, 76, 86, 308, 755, 850); break; case "release_group": /* Add relationship */ editTypes.push("90,233"); /* Edit relationship */ editTypes.push("91,234"); /* Remove relationship */ editTypes.push("92,235"); /* Reorder relationships */ editTypes.push("99"); /* artist-release_group relationships */ linkTypes.push(65, 868, 62, 63, 974); /* event-release_group relationships */ linkTypes.push(797, 887); /* label-release_group relationships */ linkTypes.push(970); /* release_group-release_group relationships */ linkTypes.push(12, 17, 15, 13, 8, 9, 10, 11, 894); /* release_group-series relationships */ linkTypes.push(742, 888, 1007); /* release_group-url relationships */ linkTypes.push(93, 88, 94, 287, 907, 96, 89, 90, 97, 284, 353, 853); break; } } if (editTypes.length > 0 || linkTypes.length > 0) { var refineFullURL = refine; if (editTypes.length > 0) { editTypes = { return "conditions.1.args=" + encodeURIComponent(element); }); refineFullURL += "&" + "conditions.1.field=type&conditions.1.operator=%3D" + "&" + editTypes.join("&"); } if (!searchMode.match(/pre-ngs/) && linkTypes.length > 0) { linkTypes = { return "conditions.2.args=" + element; 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// Now MBS directly provides the full TOC: first track (1) <space> last track (n) <space> last track end sector, then, (n times) <space> nth track start sector var fullTOC = document.querySelector("div#page > table > tbody > tr:not([id]) > td"); debug("Full TOC: " + fullTOC.textContent); (document.querySelector("h1") || document.body).appendChild(createTag("fragment", {}, [" (", createTag("a", {a: {href: "/cdtoc/attach?toc=" + fullTOC.textContent.trim().replace(/\s+/g, "%20")}, s: {background: "yellow"}}, "re-lookup"), ")"])); } // ==================================================================== LINK+ // ## SERVER_SWITCH ## // ========================================================================== // Most of this code was written when we had * dev test servers: // It is now limited to MBS, beta and test but I am reluctent to remove dead code, just in case j2setting("SERVER_SWITCH", true, true, "fast switch between normal, beta and test. look for the new top-right MBS menu"); // j2setting("SERVER_SWITCH_mbsandbox", '["celes", "chirlu", "reosarevok"]', true, "type an array of subdomains to"); 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sb++) { menu.appendChild(serverSwitch(mbSandBoxes[sb] + "", sb == 0)); } } } } } function serverSwitch(server, separator) { var li = document.createElement("li"); if (separator) { li.className = "separator"; } var protocolAndHost = server.match(/^(https?:)\/\/(.+)$/); var a = li.appendChild(createTag("a", {}, protocolAndHost ? protocolAndHost[2] + " (" + protocolAndHost[1].slice(0, -1) + ")" : server)); if ( == server || location.protocol + "//" + == server) {"cursor", "no-drop");"font-weight", "bold"); } else { var hrefHost; if (protocolAndHost) { hrefHost = protocolAndHost[1] + "//" + protocolAndHost[2]; } else if (server.match(/mbsandbox/)) { hrefHost = "http://" + server; } else { hrefHost = "//" + server; } a.setAttribute("href", hrefHost + location.pathname + + location.hash); a.classList.add("jesus2099-bypass-mb_PREFERRED-MBS"); // mb_PREFERRED-MBS } return li; } // ==================================================================== LINK+ // ## TAG_TOOLS ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("TAG_TOOLS", true, true, "makes tag pages better titled and adds a tag switch between current users’, all users’ and your own tags — sidebar tag links will link your own tags (if any) instead of global"); if (j2sets.TAG_TOOLS && account) { var tagscope = location.pathname.replace(new RegExp("^" + MBS + "|[?#].*$", "g"), "").match(/^(?:\/user\/([^/]+))?(?:\/tags|(\/tag\/([^/]+))(?:\/(?:artist|release-group|release|recording|work|label))?)$/); if (tagscope) { debug("TAG_TOOLS"); var h1 = document.querySelector("h1"); var tags = tagscope[0].match(/tags$/); if (h1 && account.pathname) { var tagswitches = []; var scope = typeof tagscope[1] == "string" ? decodeURIComponent(tagscope[1]) : ""; if (scope != { tagswitches.push([account.pathname + (tags ? "/tags" : tagscope[2]), (scope == "" ? "only " : "") + "mine"]); } if (scope != "") { tagswitches.push([MBS + (tags ? "/tags" : tagscope[2]), "everyone’s"]); h1.appendChild(document.createTextNode("’s tag" + (tags ? "s" : " “" + decodeURIComponent(tagscope[3]) + "”"))); } document.title = h1.textContent; tagswitch(h1, tagswitches); } } j2superturbo.addCSSRule("div.sidebar-tags ul[class$='-list'] a[href^='/user/'] { background-color: #B1EBB0 }"); var tagZone = document.querySelector("div.sidebar-tags"); if (tagZone) { tagZone.parentNode.insertBefore(createTag("div", {s: {position: "relative", bottom: "-1rem", color: "black", fontWeight: "normal", "float": "right"}}, ["↙", createTag("span", {s: {backgroundColor: "#B1EBB0"}}, "mine"), " and others’"]), tagZone.previousSibling); (new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) { updateTags(); })).observe(tagZone, {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true}); updateTags(); } } function updateTags() { setTimeout(function() { var newUpvotedTags = document.querySelectorAll("div.sidebar-tags ul[class$='-list'] > li > a:not([href^='" + account.pathname + "']) + span.tag-vote-buttons.tag-upvoted"); for (var new_tag = 0; new_tag < newUpvotedTags.length; new_tag++) { ownifyTag(newUpvotedTags[new_tag].previousSibling); } var oldUpvotedTags = document.querySelectorAll("div.sidebar-tags ul[class$='-list'] > li > a[href^='" + account.pathname + "'] + span.tag-vote-buttons:not(.tag-upvoted)"); for (var old_tag = 0; old_tag < oldUpvotedTags.length; old_tag++) { ownifyTag(oldUpvotedTags[old_tag].previousSibling, true); } }, 123); } function ownifyTag(tag, revert) { if (revert) { tag.setAttribute("href", tag.getAttribute("href").replace(account.pathname, "")); } else { tag.setAttribute("href", account.pathname + tag.getAttribute("href")); } } function tagswitch(h1, urltxt) { var switcht = h1.appendChild(createTag("span", {s: {color: "grey", textShadow: "1px 1px 2px silver"}}, " (see ")); for (let i = 0; i < urltxt.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { switcht.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" or ")); } switcht.appendChild(createTag("a", {a: {href: urltxt[i][0]}}, urltxt[i][1])); } switcht.appendChild(document.createTextNode(")")); } // =================================================================== MOUSE+ // ## STATIC_MENU ## // ========================================================================== // Replaced by // TODO: Remove STATIC_MENU completely j2setting("STATIC_MENU", false, false, "☠ OBSOLETE ☠ Has been replaced by mb_STICKY-HEADER userstyle"); if (j2sets.STATIC_MENU && document.querySelector("div.header")) { debug("STATIC_MENU"); j2superturbo.css.insertRule("." + + ".banner." + + " h1 { margin-bottom: 1em; }", 0); j2superturbo.css.insertRule("." + + ".banner." + + " p { text-align: left; }", 0); j2superturbo.css.insertRule("." + + ".banner." + + " a { text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; }", 0); MBJS.displayBanner(createTag("fragment", {}, [ createTag("h1", {}, "STATIC_MENU → mb_STICKY-HEADER"), createTag("p", {}, ["⚠\uFE0F For the sake of maintanability, ",, "’s ", createTag("b", {}, "STATIC_MENU"), " has been replaced by a new userstyle called ", createTag("a", {a: {href: "", target: "_blank"}}, "mb_STICKY-HEADER"), "."]), createTag("p", {}, ["💁\uFE0F You should now disable STATIC_MENU ",, " and ", createTag("a", {a: {href: "", target: "_blank"}}, "install mb_STICKY-HEADER"), " thanks to ", createTag("a", {a: {href: "//", target: "_blank"}}, "Stylus"), " extension."]) ]),; } // ========================================================================== // ## SLOW_DOWN_RETRY ## // ========================================================================== j2setting("SLOW_DOWN_RETRY", false, true, "gently auto‐retries requests when MB overloading so you don’t have to do it yourself. also retries “read timeout” searches and “502 Bad Gateway”."); if (j2sets.SLOW_DOWN_RETRY) { var errortype = document.title.match(/^(502 Bad Gateway|504 Gateway Time-out|internal server error|search error|slow down!)/i); if (errortype) { debug("SLOW_DOWN_RETRY"); var retrydelay; switch (errortype[1].toLowerCase()) { case "slow down!": retrydelay = 20; break; case "502 bad gateway": case "504 gateway time-out": if (checkError("body > center > h1", new RegExp("^" + errortype[1] + "$", "i"))) retrydelay = 2; break; case "internal server error": case "search error": if (checkError("div#page pre", /canceling statement due to statement timeout at|read timeout at|could not fetch the document from the search server/)) retrydelay = 2; break; } if (retrydelay) { document.querySelector("div#page h1, div#content h1, h1").appendChild(createTag("fragment", {}, [" (retrying", createTag("span", {a: {class: "countdown"}}, delayMsg(retrydelay)), ")"])); setInterval(function(event) { retrydelay--; replaceChildren(document.createTextNode(delayMsg(retrydelay)), document.querySelector("h1 > span.countdown")); if (retrydelay == 0) { location.reload(false); } }, 1000); } } } function checkError(css, content) { try { if (document.querySelector(css).textContent.match(content)) return true; } catch (error) {} return false; } function delayMsg(sec) { return sec > 0 ? " in " + sec + " second" + (sec != 1 ? "s" : "") : "…"; } /* --- ENTITY BONUS --- */ j2setting("MARK_PENDING_EDIT_MEDIUMS", true, true, "puts a border around mediums with pending edits"); j2setting("TRACKLIST_TOOLS", true, true, "adds “Remove recording relationships” and “Set selected works date” in releationship editor and tools to the tracklist tab of release editor" + + ": a “Time Parser” button next to the existing “Track Parser” in release editor’s tracklists and a “Search→Replace” button"); j2setting("UNLINK_ENTITY_HEADER", false, true, "unlink entity headers where link is same as current location (artist/release/etc. name) — if you use COLLECTION HIGHLIGHTER or anything that you wish change the header, make it run first or you might not see its effects"); j2setting("RECORDING_LENGTH_COLUMN", true, true, "Displays recording lengths in work page (similar to Loujine’s script) as well as in artist relationships page"); j2setting("RELEASE_EVENT_COLUMN", true, true, "Displays release dates in label relationships page"); var enttype = location.href.match(new RegExp("^" + MBS + "/(area|artist|collection|event|label|place|recording|release|release-group|series|work)/.*$")); if (enttype) { enttype = enttype[1]; // ================================================================= DISPLAY+ // ## MARK_PENDING_EDIT_MEDIUMS ## // ========================================================================== if (j2sets.MARK_PENDING_EDIT_MEDIUMS && enttype == "release") { debug("MARK_PENDING_EDIT_MEDIUMS"); for (let pendingEditMediums = document.querySelectorAll("div#content > table.tbl.medium > thead >"), m = 0; m < pendingEditMediums.length; m++) { getParent(pendingEditMediums[m], "table").style.setProperty("border", "4px solid #fd9"); } } // ================================================================== MOUSE+ // ## TRACKLIST_TOOLS ## ex-TRACK_LENGTH_PARSER+search→replace(bookmarklet)+set-selected-works-date // ========================================================================= if (j2sets.TRACKLIST_TOOLS && enttype == "release" && location.pathname.match(new RegExp("/release/(add.*|" + stre_GUID + "/edit)$"))) { userjs.releaseEditor = document.querySelector("div#release-editor"); if (userjs.releaseEditor) { TRACKLIST_TOOLS_observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) { TRACKLIST_TOOLS_calmDOM(); }); TRACKLIST_TOOLS_observer.observe(userjs.releaseEditor, {childList: true, subtree: true}); userjs.releaseEditor.addEventListener("mouseover", TRACKLIST_TOOLS_buttonHandler); userjs.releaseEditor.addEventListener("mouseout", TRACKLIST_TOOLS_buttonHandler); userjs.releaseEditor.addEventListener("click", TRACKLIST_TOOLS_buttonHandler); } } if (j2sets.TRACKLIST_TOOLS && enttype == "release" && location.pathname.match(new RegExp("/release/" + stre_GUID + "/edit-relationships$"))) { var relationshipEditor = document.querySelector("div.rel-editor"); if (relationshipEditor && relationshipEditor.querySelector("ul.tabs")) { /* :::: MASS REMOVE RECORDING RELATIONSHIPS :::: */"a", {e: {click: function(event) { var text = prompt("This will remove the recording relationships that match the following text (ex.: “arrange”, “john”, “guitar”):"); if (text && (text = text.trim()) && text != "") { var ars = document.querySelectorAll("td.recording > div.ars > > span[class*='remove-button']"); for (var ar = 0; ar < ars.length; ar++) { if (!ars[ar].parentNode.querySelector("span.rel-remove") && ars[ar].parentNode.textContent.match(new RegExp(text, "i"))) { ars[ar].click(); } } } }}}, [userjs.icon.cloneNode(false), " Remove recording relationships ", createTag("small", {s: {color: "grey"}}, "← TRACKLIST_TOOLS™")])); /* :::: MASS SET WORKS’ RECORDING DATES :::: */"a", {e: {click: function(event) { var checkedRelationships = { checkBoxes: document.querySelectorAll("#tracklist tr.track input[type='checkbox']:checked") }; for (let cb = 0; cb < checkedRelationships.checkBoxes.length; cb++) { var recordingGid = getParent(checkedRelationships.checkBoxes[cb], "tr", "track").querySelector("td.recording a[href^='/recording/']").getAttribute("href").match(re_GUID)[0]; var workGid = getParent(checkedRelationships.checkBoxes[cb], "div", "ar").querySelector("a[href^='/work/']").getAttribute("href").match(re_GUID)[0]; checkedRelationships[recordingGid + "-" + workGid] = true; } if (checkedRelationships.checkBoxes.length > 0) { var date = prompt("Type an YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM or YYYY formated date that will be applied to all selected work relationships below.\nYou can type two dates, separated by at least one any character (example: “2014-12-31 2015-01”). This will set a date ranged relationship."); if (date) { if ((date = date.match(new RegExp(re_date.ISO + "(?:.+" + re_date.ISO + ")?")))) { MB.relationshipEditor.UI.checkedWorks().forEach(function(work) { work.relationships().forEach(function(relationship) { if ( relationship.entityTypes == "recording-work" && checkedRelationships[relationship.entities.saved[0].gid + "-" + relationship.entities.saved[1].gid] ) { relationship.begin_date.year(date[2]); relationship.begin_date.month(date[3]);[4]); relationship.end_date.year(date[5] ? date[6] : date[2]); relationship.end_date.month(date[5] ? date[7] : date[3]);[5] ? date[8] : date[4]); } }); }); } else { alert("Wrong date format"); } } } }}}, [userjs.icon.cloneNode(false), " Set selected works’ recording dates ", createTag("small", {s: {color: "grey"}}, "← TRACKLIST_TOOLS™")])); } } // ================================================================ DISPLAY- // ## UNLINK_ENTITY_HEADER ## (default off) Freso special request ( // ========================================================================= if (j2sets.UNLINK_ENTITY_HEADER) { var h1link = document.querySelector("div#page h1 a[href='" + location.pathname.match(new RegExp("/" + enttype + "/" + stre_GUID)) + "']"); if (h1link) { let h1 = getParent(h1link, "h1"); if (h1.firstChild.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) { debug("UNLINK_ENTITY_HEADER"); h1link.classList.add(; h1.addEventListener("mouseover", unlinkH1Link); } } } // ================================================================ DISPLAY+ // ## RECORDING_LENGTH_COLUMN ## inspired by loujine’s for work page // ## RELEASE_EVENT_COLUMN ## requested by Lotheric // ========================================================================= if ( j2sets.RECORDING_LENGTH_COLUMN && (enttype == "work" && location.pathname.match(new RegExp("^/work/" + stre_GUID + "$")) || enttype == "artist" && location.pathname.match(new RegExp("^/artist/" + stre_GUID + "/relationships$")) || enttype == "place" && location.pathname.match(new RegExp("^/place/" + stre_GUID + "/performances$"))) || j2sets.RELEASE_EVENT_COLUMN && location.pathname.match(new RegExp("^/(artist|label)/" + stre_GUID + "/relationships$")) ) { debug("RECORDING_LENGTH_COLUMN and/or RELEASE_EVENT_COLUMN"); var relationshipTable = document.querySelector("div#content table.tbl"); if (relationshipTable) { var fetchRecordingLength = j2sets.RECORDING_LENGTH_COLUMN && relationshipTable.getElementsByClassName("treleases").length == 0 && relationshipTable.querySelector("a[href*='/recording/']"); var fetchReleaseEvents = j2sets.RELEASE_EVENT_COLUMN && relationshipTable.getElementsByClassName( + "releaseEvents").length == 0 && relationshipTable.querySelector("a[href*='/release/']"); if (fetchRecordingLength || fetchReleaseEvents) { var xhr_recording_length_column = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr_recording_length_column.addEventListener("load", function(event) { var relations = JSON.parse(this.responseText).relations; var recordingLengths = {}; var recordingLengthFound = false; var releaseEvents = {}; var releaseEventFound = false; // collecting recording length and release events for (let r = 0; r < relations.length; r++) { if (fetchRecordingLength && relations[r].recording && relations[r] && relations[r].recording.length) { recordingLengthFound = true; recordingLengths[relations[r]] = relations[r].recording.length; } if (fetchReleaseEvents && relations[r].release && relations[r] && relations[r].release["release-events"]) { releaseEventFound = true; releaseEvents[relations[r]] = relations[r].release["release-events"]; } } if (recordingLengthFound || releaseEventFound) { // column headers if (recordingLengthFound) { var length_header = relationshipTable.querySelector("thead > tr").lastChild;"text-shadow", "0 0 2px yellow"); length_header.classList.add("treleases"); length_header.setAttribute("title",; } if (releaseEventFound) { relationshipTable.querySelector("thead > tr").insertBefore(createTag("th", {a: {title:, class: + "releaseEvents"}, s: {textShadow: "0 0 2px yellow"}}, "Release events"), relationshipTable.querySelector("thead > tr > th:nth-child(2)")); } var rows = relationshipTable.querySelectorAll("tbody > tr"); for (let r = 0; r < rows.length; r++) { if (rows[r].classList.contains("subh")) { // sub title row if (releaseEventFound) { var secondHeader = rows[r].querySelector("tr.subh > th:nth-child(2)"); if (secondHeader) { rows[r].insertBefore(document.createElement("th"), secondHeader); } } } else { // normal data row if (recordingLengthFound) { var length_cell = rows[r].lastChild;"text-align", "right"); length_cell.classList.add("treleases"); length_cell.setAttribute("title",; var recordingID = rows[r].querySelector("a[href*='/recording/']"); if (recordingID && (recordingID = recordingID.getAttribute("href").match(re_GUID)[0])) { replaceChildren(document.createTextNode(recordingLengths[recordingID] ? time(recordingLengths[recordingID]) : "?:??"), length_cell); } } if (releaseEventFound) { var secondCell = rows[r].querySelector("tr:not(.subh) > td:nth-child(2)"); if (secondCell) { let newCell = rows[r].insertBefore(document.createElement("td"), secondCell); var releaseID = secondCell.querySelector("a[href*='/release/']"); if (releaseID && (releaseID = releaseID.getAttribute("href").match(re_GUID)[0]) && releaseEvents[releaseID]) { for (let e = 0; e < releaseEvents[releaseID].length; e++) { var releaseDate = releaseEvents[releaseID][e].date ? releaseEvents[releaseID][e].date : "\u00a0"; var releaseEvent = createTag("div", {}, releaseDate); if (releaseEvents[releaseID][e].area) { if (releaseEvents[releaseID][e] { releaseEvent.setAttribute("title", releaseEvents[releaseID][e]; } if (releaseEvents[releaseID][e].area["iso-3166-1-codes"] && releaseEvents[releaseID][e].area["iso-3166-1-codes"].length > 0) { releaseEvent.classList.add("flag"); releaseEvent.classList.add("flag-" + releaseEvents[releaseID][e].area["iso-3166-1-codes"][0]); releaseEvent.setAttribute("title", releaseEvent.getAttribute("title") + " (" + releaseEvents[releaseID][e].area["iso-3166-1-codes"][0] + ")"); } } newCell.appendChild(releaseEvent); if (releaseEvents[releaseID].length > 4) { if (e > 1 && e != releaseEvents[releaseID].length - 1) { releaseEvent.classList.add( + "hiddenEvent");"display", "none"); } if (e == 1) { newCell.appendChild(createTag("div", {s: {padding: "8px"}}, ["(", createTag("a", {e: {click: tooManyEventsToggle}}, "show " + (releaseEvents[releaseID].length - 3) + " more"), ")"])); } else if (e == releaseEvents[releaseID].length - 1) { newCell.appendChild(createTag("div", {a: {class: + "hiddenEvent"}, s: {display: "none", padding: "8px"}}, ["(", createTag("a", {e: {click: tooManyEventsToggle}}, "show less"), ")"])); } } } } } } } } } });"get", MBS + "/ws/2" + location.pathname.match(new RegExp("^/" + enttype + "/" + stre_GUID)) + "?inc=recording-rels+release-rels&fmt=json", true); xhr_recording_length_column.send(null); } } } } function tooManyEventsToggle(event) { var hideEvents = + "hiddenEvent"); var otherToggle ="div" + (hideEvents ? ":not(." + + "hiddenEvent)" : "." + + "hiddenEvent") + " > a").parentNode;"display", "none"); if (hideEvents) {"display", "block"); } var hiddenEvents ="div." + + "hiddenEvent"); for (let h = 0; h < hiddenEvents.length; h++) { hiddenEvents[h].style.setProperty("display", hideEvents ? "none" : "block"); } otherToggle.scrollIntoView(); } /* --- ENTITY BONUS functions --- */ var TRACKLIST_TOOLS_calmDOMto; var TRACKLIST_TOOLS_observer; function TRACKLIST_TOOLS_calmDOM() { if (TRACKLIST_TOOLS_calmDOMto) { clearTimeout(TRACKLIST_TOOLS_calmDOMto); } TRACKLIST_TOOLS_calmDOMto = setTimeout(TRACKLIST_TOOLS_init, 100); } function TRACKLIST_TOOLS_buttonHandler(event) { if ( RegExp("^" + + "(search-replace|track-length-parser)$"))) { if (event.type == "click") { /* :::: TRACK NAME SEARCH→REPLACE :::: */ if ( + "search-replace")) { var searchrep = localStorage.getItem( + "search-replace"); searchrep = searchrep ? JSON.parse(searchrep) : ["", ""]; if ( (searchrep[0] = prompt("search\n\neither regex (case *i*nsensitive and *g*lobal are optional flags): /\"([^\"]+)\"/g\n\nor normal (case sensitive and global): My String", searchrep[0])) && (searchrep[1] = prompt("replace\n\nif it was a regex, you can use those $1 $2 $3 etc.: “$1”", searchrep[1])) != null ) { for (let t = 0, tracks = TRACKLIST_TOOLS_getInputs("td.format > input[id^='medium-title-'][type='text'], td.title > input.track-name[type='text']",, event); t < tracks.length; t++) { var val = searchrep[0].match(/^\/.+\/[gi]*$/) ? tracks[t].value.replace(eval(searchrep[0]), searchrep[1]) : tracks[t].value.split(searchrep[0]).join(searchrep[1]); tracks[t].style.removeProperty("background-color"); if (tracks[t].value != val) { tracks[t].value = val; tracks[t].style.setProperty("background-color", "yellow"); tracks[t].focus(); sendEvent(tracks[t], "change"); } } localStorage.setItem( + "search-replace", JSON.stringify(searchrep)); } /* :::: TRACK LENGTH PARSER :::: */ } else if ( + "track-length-parser")) { var durationParser = "(?:(?:(\\b\\d\\b)[°h])?(\\b\\d{1,3}\\b)[′’'m])?(\\b\\d{2}\\b)[″”\"s]|(?:(?:(\\b\\d\\b):)?(\\b\\d{1,3}\\b):)(\\b\\d{2}\\b)"; var erase = || event.ctrlKey; var inputs = TRACKLIST_TOOLS_getInputs("td.length > input.track-length[type='text']:not(.disabled-hint)",, event); var distitle = document.querySelector("td.length > input.track-length[type='text'].disabled-hint"); var times = !erase && prompt("Track length parser\n\nPlease paste your huge text including track times below.\n“1:23” and “1′23″” and even incorrect “1’23”” and “1'23\"” will be parsed.\nYou can for instance copy from your foobar2000 tracklist,, etc.\nWARNING. You must understand that all current times will be overwritten in the tracklist editor."); if (inputs.length == 0 && distitle) { distitle = distitle.getAttribute("title") || "No track length found.";"disabled", "disabled");"title", distitle); alert(distitle); } else if (erase && confirm("Are you sure you want to ERASE all track times?") || times && (times = times.match(new RegExp(durationParser, "g")))) { if (erase || inputs.length == times.length || confirm("ACHTUNG, detected times and tracks count mismatch.\nThere are " + times.length + " lengths detected in your text, butt\nthere are " + inputs.length + " tracks in the tracklist.\nAre you sure to go on?")) { for (let t = 0, i = 0; (erase || t < times.length) && i < inputs.length; t++, i++) { var time = ""; if (!erase) { var date = new Date(); time = times[t].match(new RegExp(durationParser)); date.setUTCHours(time[1] || time[4] || 0); date.setUTCMinutes(time[2] || time[5] || 0); date.setUTCSeconds(time[3] || time[6]); time = (date.getUTCHours() * 60 + date.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + (date.getUTCSeconds() < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.getUTCSeconds(); } inputs[i].style.removeProperty("background-color"); if (inputs[i].value != time) { inputs[i].value = time; inputs[i].style.setProperty("background-color", erase ? "pink" : "yellow"); inputs[i].focus(); sendEvent(inputs[i], "change"); } } } } } } else if (event.type.match(/^mouse(over|out)$/)) { var _text ="_text"); var _ctrlText ="_ctrlText"); switch (event.type) { case "mouseover": if (!_text) {"_text",; } if (event.ctrlKey && _ctrlText) {"background-color", "pink");,; } if (event.shiftKey) { if (!(event.ctrlKey && _ctrlText)) {"background-color", "gold"); } + " (all)"),; } break; case "mouseout":"background-color", "yellow");,; break; } } } } function TRACKLIST_TOOLS_getInputs(inputCSS, obj, evt) { var inputs = getParent(obj, "fieldset", "advanced-medium"); if (obj.value.match(/\(all\)/i) || evt.shiftKey) { inputs = inputs.parentNode; } return inputs.querySelectorAll("fieldset.advanced-medium " + inputCSS); } function TRACKLIST_TOOLS_init() { debug("TRACKLIST_TOOLS_init"); TRACKLIST_TOOLS_observer.disconnect(); (new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) { var tps = userjs.releaseEditor.querySelectorAll("#tracklist-tools button[data-click='openTrackParser']"); for (let tp = 0; tp < tps.length; tp++) { if (!tps[tp].parentNode.querySelector("." + + "track-length-parser")) { addAfter(createTag("button", {a: {type: "button", "class": + "track-length-parser", "_ctrlText": "Erase times", title: "CONTROL key to ERASE track times\nSHIFT key to alter all open tracklists"}, s: {backgroundColor: "yellow"}}, "Time Parser"), tps[tp]); } if (!tps[tp].parentNode.querySelector("." + + "search-replace")) { addAfter(createTag("button", {a: {type: "button", "class": + "search-replace", title: "SHIFT key to alter all open tracklists"}, s: {backgroundColor: "yellow"}}, "Search→replace"), tps[tp]); } } })).observe(userjs.releaseEditor, {childList: true, subtree: true}); } function unlinkH1Link(event) { event.currentTarget.removeEventListener("mouseover", unlinkH1Link); let h1link = event.currentTarget.querySelector("a." +; h1link.classList.remove(; h1link.removeAttribute("href"); } function time(_ms) {/* adapted from mb_INLINE-TRACK-ARTIST */ var ms = typeof _ms == "string" ? parseInt(_ms, 10) : _ms; if (ms > 0) { var d = new Date(ms); return (d.getUTCHours() ? d.getUTCHours() + ":" + (d.getUTCMinutes() < 10 ? "0" : "") : "") + d.getUTCMinutes() + ":" + (d.getUTCSeconds() / 100).toFixed(2).slice(2) + "." + (d.getUTCMilliseconds() / 1000).toFixed(3).slice(2); } return "?:??"; } function debug(txt, buffer) { if (DEBUG) { if (buffer) { debugBuffer += txt + "\n"; } else { console.debug("[" + + "] " + "\n" + debugBuffer + txt); debugBuffer = ""; } } }