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// ==UserScript== // @name mb. PENDING EDITS // @version 2024.2.15 // @description Adds/fixes links to entity (pending) edits (if any); optionally adds links to associated artist(s) (pending) edits // @namespace // @supportURL // @downloadURL // @author jesus2099 // @licence CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0; // @licence GPL-3.0-or-later; // @since 2009-02-09; / // @icon  // @require // @grant none // @include /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?musicbrainz\.org\/[^/]+\/[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/ // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; // “const” NG in Opera 12 at least var SCRIPT_KEY = "jesus2099PendingEdits"; // linked in mb_MASS-MERGE-RECORDINGS.user.js var MBS = self.location.protocol + "//" +; var RE_GUID = "[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}"; var pageEntity, checked = [], xhrPendingEdits = {}; var account = document.querySelector("div.header li.account a[href^='/user/']"); // EDITING HISTORY if ( account && (account = decodeURIComponent(account.getAttribute("href").match(/[^/]+$/))) && document.querySelector("div#sidebar") && (pageEntity = document.querySelector("div#content > div > h1 a")) && (pageEntity = a2obj(pageEntity)) && (pageEntity.type = self.location.pathname.match(new RegExp("^/([^/]+)/(" + RE_GUID + ")"))) && (pageEntity.type = pageEntity.type[1].replace("-", "_")) ) { pageEntity.editinghistory = document.querySelector("div#sidebar ul.links a[href$='" + pageEntity.base + "/edits']"); if (pageEntity.editinghistory) { pageEntity.ul = getParent(pageEntity.editinghistory, "ul"); } else { pageEntity.ul = document.querySelector("div#sidebar ul.links"); pageEntity.editinghistory = createLink("edits"); // reverts MBS-57 (Remove “normal artist” functionality from Various Artists) drawback } if (!/^collection$/.test(pageEntity.type)) { // TODO: Allow collections with missing MBS-3922 feature “Edit search: Filter edits by collections” appendRefineSearchFormLink(pageEntity.editinghistory); } = getParent(pageEntity.editinghistory, "li"); // OPEN EDITS pageEntity.openedits = document.querySelector("div#sidebar a[href$='" + pageEntity.base + "/open_edits']"); if (pageEntity.openedits) { // pageEntity.openedits.removeAttribute("title"); // removes bogus tooltip (artist disambiguation or swapped sort name) that is masking our useful tooltip if (pageEntity.openedits.parentNode.tagName == "LI") { // fixes MBS-2298 (“Open edits” link should share same styling as pending edit items) var pendingEditsMarkedLink = createTag("span", {a: {class: "mp"}}); pageEntity.openedits.parentNode.replaceChild(pendingEditsMarkedLink.appendChild(pageEntity.openedits.cloneNode(true)).parentNode, pageEntity.openedits); pageEntity.openedits = pendingEditsMarkedLink.firstChild; // restore node parental context } } else { pageEntity.openedits = createLink("open_edits"); // fixes MBS-3386 (“Open edits” link not always displayed) } checked.push(pageEntity.base); checkOpenEdits(pageEntity); // ASSOCIATED ARTIST LINKS if (!/^(area|artist|collection|label)$/.test(pageEntity.type)) { var artists; switch (pageEntity.type) { case "release_group": case "release": case "recording": artists = document.querySelectorAll("p.subheader a[href^='/artist/']"); break; case "url": artists = document.querySelectorAll("div#content a[href^='/artist/'], div#content a[href^='/label/']"); break; case "work": artists = workMainArtists(); break; } if (artists && artists.length && artists.length > 0) { for (var arti = artists.length - 1; arti >= 0; arti--) { var art = a2obj(artists[arti]); if (checked.indexOf(art.base) < 0) { checked.push(art.base); art.editinghistory = createLink("edits", art); art.openedits = createLink("open_edits", art); getParent(art.openedits, "li").classList.add("separator"); checkOpenEdits(art); } } } } } function createLink(historyType, associatedArtist) { var currentEntity = associatedArtist || pageEntity; var linkLabel = (historyType == "edits" ? "editing\u00a0history" : "open\u00a0edits"); linkLabel = associatedArtist ? + " " + linkLabel : linkLabel.replace(/(.)(.*)/, function(match, g1, g2 /* , offset, string */) { return g1.toUpperCase() + g2; }); var newLink = createTag("li", null, createTag("span", null, createTag("a", {a: {href: currentEntity.base + "/" + historyType}}, linkLabel))); // “span.(""|"mp")” linked in mb_MASS-MERGE-RECORDINGS.user.js if (associatedArtist) { addAfter(newLink,; } else if (!associatedArtist && historyType == "edits") { newLink.classList.add("separator"); pageEntity.ul.appendChild(newLink); } else { pageEntity.ul.insertBefore(newLink,; } return newLink.firstChild.firstChild; } function appendRefineSearchFormLink(baseEditLink) { // Use Merge link to find entity row ID = document.querySelector("div#sidebar a[href^='/rating/rate/?entity_type=" + pageEntity.type + "&entity_id='], div#sidebar a[href*='/merge_queue?add-to-merge='], div#sidebar a[href^='/collection/create?']"); if ( { ="href").match(/=(\d+)/); if ( { =[1]; addAfter(createTag("span", {}, [" (", createTag("a", {s: {backgroundColor: "#FF6"}, a: {title: "Exclude failed edits\n(this link is added by mb. PENDING EDITS)", href: "/search/edits?order=desc&negation=0&combinator=and&conditions.0.field=" + pageEntity.type + "&conditions.0.operator=%3D&" + encodeURIComponent( + "&conditions.0.args.0=" + + "&conditions.1.field=status&conditions.1.operator=%3D&conditions.1.args=1&conditions.1.args=2"}}, "effective"), ")"]), baseEditLink); } } } function checkOpenEdits(obj) { var smp = getParent(obj.openedits, "li").firstChild; var count = smp.querySelector("span." + SCRIPT_KEY + "Count"); if (!count) { smp.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\u00a0(")); smp.appendChild(createTag("span", {a: {class: SCRIPT_KEY + "Count"}}, createTag("img", {a: {alt: "⌛ loading…", src: "/static/images/icons/loading.gif", height: self.getComputedStyle(smp).getPropertyValue("font-size")}}))); // “SCRIPT_KEY + "Count"” linked in mb_MASS-MERGE-RECORDINGS.user.js smp.appendChild(document.createTextNode(")")); } xhrPendingEdits[obj.base] = { object: obj, xhr: new XMLHttpRequest() }; xhrPendingEdits[obj.base].xhr.addEventListener("load", function() { var xhrpe; for (var entityBasePath in xhrPendingEdits) if (, entityBasePath) && xhrPendingEdits[entityBasePath].xhr == this) { xhrpe = xhrPendingEdits[entityBasePath]; break; } if (this.status == 200) { var responseDOM = document.createElement("html"); responseDOM.innerHTML = this.responseText; var editCount = responseDOM.querySelector(""); var editDetails = {types: [], editors: [], editCount: 0, paginated: false, atLeast: false}; if ( editCount && (editCount = editCount.textContent.match(/\d+/)) && (editCount = parseInt(editCount[0], 10)) && !isNaN(editCount) ) { var pagination = responseDOM.querySelector("ul.pagination"); editDetails = { types: Array.from(this.responseText.match(/<h2><a href="[^"]+"><bdi>[^<]+<\/bdi><\/a><\/h2>/g), x => x.replace(/^.+ [-–] /, "- ").replace(/<\/bdi>.+$/, "")), editors: Array.from(this.responseText.match(/<\/h2><p class="subheader">[\S\s]+?<a href="\/user\/[^/]+">[\S\s]+?<\/p>/g), x => decodeURIComponent(x.replace(/^[\S\s]+\/user\/|">[\S\s]+$/g, ""))), editCount: editCount }; if (pagination) { var pages = pagination.getElementsByTagName("li"); if ( pages[pages.length - 1].querySelector("a[href$='" + xhrpe.object.base + "/open_edits?page=2']") && pages[pages.length - 2].classList.contains("separator") && pages[pages.length - 3].textContent.trim() == "…" ) { editDetails.atLeast = true; } editDetails.paginated = true; } } if (editDetails.editCount == 0 || editDetails.types.length == editDetails.editors.length) { updateLink(xhrpe.object, editDetails); } else { updateLink(xhrpe.object, "type and editor counts mismatch"); } } else { updateLink(xhrpe.object, this.status + ": " + this.statusText); } }); xhrPendingEdits[obj.base]"get", MBS + obj.openedits.getAttribute("href"), true); xhrPendingEdits[obj.base].xhr.setRequestHeader("base", obj.base); xhrPendingEdits[obj.base].xhr.send(null); } function updateLink(obj, details) { var countText; var li = getParent(obj.openedits, "li"); var count = li.querySelector("span." + SCRIPT_KEY + "Count"); if (typeof details == "object") { countText = details.editCount; if (details.editCount == 0) { mp(obj.openedits, false); } else if (details.editCount > 0) { mp(obj.openedits, true); if (details.atLeast) countText += "+"; var titarray = [], dupcount = 0, dupreset; for (var d = 0; d < details.types.length; d++) { var thistit = details.types[d]; var editor = details.editors[d]; if (editor != account) { thistit += " (" + editor + ")"; } if (thistit != titarray[titarray.length - 1]) { titarray.push(thistit); if (d > 0) { dupreset = true; } } else { dupcount++; } var last = (d == details.types.length - 1); if (dupcount > 0 && (dupreset || last)) { titarray[titarray.length - 2 + (!dupreset && last ? 1 : 0)] += " ×" + (dupcount + 1); dupcount = 0; } dupreset = false; } var expanded = "▼"; var collapsed = "◀"; var expandEditLists = (localStorage.getItem(SCRIPT_KEY + "PendingEditLists") != collapsed); var ul = createTag("ul", {a: {class: SCRIPT_KEY + "EditList"}, s: {display: expandEditLists ? 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