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// ==UserScript== // @name mb. INLINE STUFF // @version 2024.7.31 // @description Release page: Inline recording names, comments, ISRC and AcoustID. Direct CAA add link if none. Highlight duplicates in releases and edits. Recording page: millisecond display, spot track length and title variations. // @namespace // @supportURL // @downloadURL // @author jesus2099 // @licence CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0; // @licence GPL-3.0-or-later; // @since 2010-07-09; / / / // @icon  // @require // @require // @grant none // @include /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?musicbrainz\.org\/[^/]+\/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}\/(open_)?edits/ // @include /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?musicbrainz\.org\/artist\/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}\/recordings/ // @include /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?musicbrainz\.org\/edit\/\d+/ // @include /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?musicbrainz\.org\/edit\/subscribed/ // @include /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?musicbrainz\.org\/event\/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}(?!\/(add-)?event-art)/ // @include /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?musicbrainz\.org\/isrc\/[a-z]{2}[a-z0-9]{3}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{5}/ // @include /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?musicbrainz\.org\/recording\/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}(?!\/edit$)/ // @include /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?musicbrainz\.org\/release\/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}([^/]|$|\/disc\/\d+)/ // @include /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?musicbrainz\.org\/search\/edits\?/ // @include /^https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?musicbrainz\.org\/user\/[^/]+\/edits/ // @run-at document-idle // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; /* - --- - --- - --- - START OF CONFIGURATION - --- - --- - --- - */ var dupeColour = "pink"; var infoColour = "lightcyan"; var contractFingerPrints = true; /* more compact AcoustIDs but brwoser can still inline search/find full AcoustID */ /* track/recording name diff: null for no marking and no inline recording disambiguation comment either, "" for no name change, %br% is return to new line feed ex.: "%track-name%*", "%track-name% (%recording-name%)" or even %recording-name% */ var markTrackRecNameDiff = "%track-name%%br%%recording-name%"; var recUseInRelationshipLink = "+relate"; /* null or delete for no such tool */ var recAddToMergeLink = "+merge"; /* null or delete for no such tool */ var formatISRC = true; // Turn USJT19900112 into coloured US-JT1-99-00112 (country-label-year-number) var trackLengthDiffInfo = 5000; // ms var trackLengthDiffWarn = 15000; // ms /* - --- - --- - --- - END OF CONFIGURATION - --- - --- - --- - */ var userjs = "jesus2099userjs81127"; var DEBUG = localStorage.getItem("jesus2099debug"); var MBS = location.protocol + "//" +; var hasDupes = { ISRC: 0, AcoustID: 0 }; var shownisrcs = []; var shownacoustids = []; var shownworks = {count: 0}; var texts = { de: { add_cover_art: "Cover‐Art hinzufügen", add_event_art: "Event‐Art hinzufügen" }, en: { add_cover_art: "Add cover art", add_event_art: "Add event art" }, es: { add_cover_art: "Añadir imágenes", add_event_art: "Añadir imágenes" }, et: { add_cover_art: "Lisa kaanepiltid", add_event_art: "Lisa pildid" }, fr: { add_cover_art: "Ajouter des images", add_event_art: "Ajouter des images" }, it: { add_cover_art: "Aggiungi copertine", add_event_art: "Aggiungi immagini dell’evento" }, ja: { add_cover_art: "カバーアートを追加", add_event_art: "イベントアートを追加" }, nl: { add_cover_art: "Afbeeldingen toevoegen", add_event_art: "Afbeeldingen toevoegen" } }; var lang = document.querySelector("html[lang]"); lang = lang && lang.getAttribute("lang") || "en"; if (lang) { if (texts[lang]) { texts = texts[lang]; } else { texts = texts["en"]; } } debug(texts); 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} toolzone = toolzone.parentNode.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); toolzone.className = userjs + "editbutt";"display", "none"); toolzone.appendChild(createA("Edit", rec.getAttribute("href") + "/edit", "Edit this recording")); toolzone = toolzone.parentNode.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); toolzone.className = userjs + "openEdits";"display", "none"); toolzone.appendChild(createA("Open", rec.getAttribute("href") + "/open_edits", "Recording open edits")); toolzone.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); toolzone.appendChild(createA("edits", rec.getAttribute("href") + "/edits", "Recording edit history")); } var works = tracksHtml[ith].querySelectorAll(css_work); if (works) { for (var w = 0; w < works.length; w++) { var workid = works[w].getAttribute("href").match(new RegExp("/work/(" + str_GUID + ")$")); if (workid) { if (!shownworks[workid[1]]) { shownworks[workid[1]] = 0; shownworks.count++; } shownworks[workid[1]]++; } } } } } idCount("Track", tracksHtml.length); if (shownworks.count > 0) { idCount("Work", shownworks.count); } let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = isrcFish;"Loading “" + document.querySelector("h1").textContent + "” shadow release…");"GET", MBS + releasewsURL.replace(/%s/, pageMbid), true); xhr.overrideMimeType("text/xml"); xhr.send(null); } }, 1000); break; case "event": // React hydrate clumsy workaround setTimeout(function() { // EAA tab / Add link addIMGTabLink(); }, 1000); break; case "isrc": if (formatISRC) { let ISRCcode = document.querySelector("h1 code"); ISRCcode.replaceChild(coolifyISRC(ISRCcode.textContent), ISRCcode.firstChild); } break; case "recordings": document.querySelector("div#content table.tbl").classList.add(userjs + "-has-isrcs"); // for later duplicate spot // fall through case "edits": var iedits = document.querySelectorAll("div#page table.add-isrcs, div#page table.merge-recordings, div#page table.remove-isrc, div#page table." + userjs + "-has-isrcs"); for (var ied = 0; ied < iedits.length; 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var trackTitleColumnIndex = lengthColumnIndex - 1; if (trackTitleColumnIndex && lengthColumnIndex) { let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener("load", function(event) { var wsRecording = this.responseXML; if ( this.status == 200 && (wsRecording = wsRecording.documentElement) ) { var wsRecordingLength = wsRecording.querySelector("recording > length"); wsRecordingLength = wsRecordingLength ? parseInt(wsRecordingLength.textContent, 10) : 0; var trackLengthCell = document.querySelector("div#sidebar dd.length"); if (trackLengthCell) { trackLengthCell.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(time(wsRecordingLength)), trackLengthCell.firstChild); } var wsTracks = wsRecording.querySelectorAll("recording[id='" + pageMbid + "'] > release-list > release > medium-list > medium > track-list > track"); for (var wst = 0; wst < wsTracks.length; wst++) { var wsRelease = getParent(wsTracks[wst], "release"); var wsReleaseMBID; var wsPosition = wsTracks[wst].parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("position"); var wsTrackPosition = wsTracks[wst].parentNode.getAttribute("offset"); if ( wsRelease && (wsReleaseMBID = wsRelease.getAttribute("id")) && wsPosition && (wsPosition = wsPosition.textContent) && wsTrackPosition && (wsTrackPosition = parseInt(wsTrackPosition, 10) + 1) ) { for (var t = 0; t < tracks.length; t++) { if (tracks[t].querySelector("a[href*='/release/']") && tracks[t].querySelector("a[href*='/release/']").getAttribute("href").indexOf(wsReleaseMBID) > 0 && tracks[t].querySelector("td:first-of-type").textContent.trim() == wsPosition + "." + wsTrackPosition) { /* display recording/track title discrepency */ var trackTitleCell = tracks[t].querySelector("td:nth-child(" + trackTitleColumnIndex + ")"); if (trackTitleCell) { var trackTitle = document.querySelector("h1 a"); var wsTrackTitle = wsTracks[wst].querySelector("title"); if (trackTitle && wsTrackTitle && trackTitle.textContent != wsTrackTitle.textContent) { trackTitleCell.firstChild.setAttribute("title", "≠ " + trackTitle.textContent); trackTitleCell.firstChild.classList.add("name-variation"); } } /* display recording/track length discrepency */ trackLengthCell = tracks[t].querySelector("td:nth-child(" + lengthColumnIndex + ")"); if (trackLengthCell) { var wsTrackLength = wsTracks[wst].querySelector("length"); if (wsTrackLength && (wsTrackLength = parseInt(wsTrackLength.textContent, 10))) { let trackLengthSpan = createTag("span", {}, document.createTextNode(time(wsTrackLength))); trackLengthCell.replaceChild(trackLengthSpan, trackLengthCell.firstChild); if (wsTrackLength <= wsRecordingLength - trackLengthDiffInfo || wsTrackLength >= wsRecordingLength + trackLengthDiffInfo) { trackLengthSpan.classList.add("name-variation"); trackLengthSpan.setAttribute("title", "more than " + time(trackLengthDiffInfo) + " away from " + time(wsRecordingLength)); if (wsTrackLength <= wsRecordingLength - trackLengthDiffWarn || wsTrackLength >= wsRecordingLength + trackLengthDiffWarn) { trackLengthSpan.classList.add("warn-lengths"); trackLengthSpan.setAttribute("title", "more than " + time(trackLengthDiffWarn) + " away from " + time(wsRecordingLength)); } } } } break; } } } } } else { coolBubble.error("Error " + this.status + (this.statusText ? " “" + this.statusText + "”" : "") + " while fetching inline track stuff."); } }); xhr.addEventListener("error", function(event) { coolBubble.error("Error " + this.status + (this.statusText ? " “" + this.statusText + "”" : "") + " while fetching inline track stuff."); });"Loading “" + document.querySelector("h1").textContent + "” shadow recording…");"get", MBS + "/ws/2/recording?query=rid:" + pageMbid, true); xhr.overrideMimeType("text/xml"); xhr.send(null); } } } } function createA(text, link, title, target) { var a = document.createElement("a"); if (typeof text == "string") { a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); } else { a.appendChild(text); } if (link) { a.setAttribute("href", link); } else {"cursor", "pointer"); } if (title) { a.setAttribute("title", title); } if (target) { a.setAttribute("target", target); } return a; } function isrcFish() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && tracksHtml) { if (document.body.classList.contains("MMR2099userjs120382")) { // linked to mb_MASS-MERGE-RECORDINGS coolBubble.warn("INLINE STUFF abandoned in favour of MASS MERGE session."); } else { var res = this.responseXML; var isrcNet = {}; var recnameNet = {}; var acoustidNet = []; var tracks = res.evaluate("//mb:recording", res, nsr, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var track; for (var pos = 1; (track = tracks.iterateNext()) !== null; pos++) { var trackMBID = track.getAttribute("id"); if (acoustidNet.indexOf(trackMBID) < 0) { acoustidNet.push(trackMBID); } isrcNet[trackMBID] = []; recnameNet[trackMBID] = {}; var isrcs = res.evaluate(".//mb:isrc", track, nsr, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var isrc; while ((isrc = isrcs.iterateNext()) !== null) { isrcNet[trackMBID].push(isrc.getAttribute("id")); } var recnames = res.evaluate(".//mb:title/text()", track, nsr, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var recname; while ((recname = recnames.iterateNext()) !== null) { recnameNet[trackMBID].name = recname.textContent; } var recdisambigs = res.evaluate(".//mb:disambiguation/text()", track, nsr, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); var recdisambig; while ((recdisambig = recdisambigs.iterateNext()) !== null) { recnameNet[trackMBID].comment = recdisambig.textContent; } } acoustidFishBatch(acoustidNet); for (var i = 0; i < tracksHtml.length; i++) { var aRec = tracksHtml[i].querySelector(css_recording); if (aRec) { var mbid = aRec.getAttribute("href").match(re_GUID); if (mbid) { mbid = mbid[0]; } var trackTitleCell = tracksHtml[i].querySelector("td:not(.pos):not(.video)"); if (isrcNet[mbid].length > 0) { insertBeforeARS(trackTitleCell, createStuffFragment("ISRC", isrcNet[mbid], shownisrcs, isrcURL, null, mbid)); } var sameCompleteName = aRec.textContent == recnameNet[mbid].name + " (" + recnameNet[mbid].comment + ")"; if (aRec.textContent != recnameNet[mbid].name && !sameCompleteName) { aRec.setAttribute("title", "track name: " + aRec.textContent + "\n≠rec. name: " + recnameNet[mbid].name); if (markTrackRecNameDiff) { if (typeof markTrackRecNameDiff == "string") { var trackNameFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var trackNameRows = markTrackRecNameDiff.replace(/%track-name%/ig, aRec.textContent).replace(/%recording-name%/ig, recnameNet[mbid].name).split("%br%"); for (var row = 0; row < trackNameRows.length; row++) { if (row > 0) { trackNameFragment.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } trackNameFragment.appendChild(document.createTextNode(trackNameRows[row])); } aRec.setAttribute(userjs + "recname", aRec.textContent); // linked in mb_MASS-MERGE-RECORDINGS, mb_PLAIN-TEXT-TRACKLIST, mb_COLLECTION-HIGHLIGHTER aRec.replaceChild(trackNameFragment, aRec.firstChild); } } } if (markTrackRecNameDiff && recnameNet[mbid].comment && !sameCompleteName) { // .userjsrecdis linked in mb_MASS-MERGE-RECORDINGS, mb_PLAIN-TEXT-TRACKLIST addAfter(createTag("fragment", {}, [ " ", createTag("span", {a: {class: userjs + "recdis comment"}}, "(" + recnameNet[mbid].comment + ")") ]), aRec); } } } shownisrcs = count(shownisrcs); idCount("ISRC", shownisrcs); } } else if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status > 200) { coolBubble.error("Error " + this.status + (this.statusText ? " “" + this.statusText + "”" : "") + " while fetching MB inline stuff."); } } function createStuffFragment(stufftype, stuffs, shownstuffs, url, trackid, recid) { var td = document.createElement("dd"); for (var i = 0; i < stuffs.length; i++) { var adisabled = (stufftype == "AcoustID" && stuffs[i][1]); var stuff = (stufftype == "AcoustID" ? stuffs[i][0] : stuffs[i]); if (i > 0) { td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(", ")); } var a = document.createElement("a");"white-space", "nowrap"); a.setAttribute("href", url.replace(/%s/, stuff)); var code = document.createElement("code"); if (stufftype == "ISRC") { code = formatISRC ? coolifyISRC(stuff) : document.createTextNode(stuff); } else { // AcoustID code.appendChild(document.createTextNode(stuff)); } a.appendChild(code); if (adisabled) {"text-decoration", "line-through");"opacity", ".2"); a.addEventListener("mouseover", function(event) {"text-decoration");"opacity"); }, false); a.addEventListener("mouseout", function(event) {"text-decoration", "line-through");"opacity", ".2"); }, false); } td.appendChild(a); if (stufftype == "ISRC" || !adisabled) { if (shownstuffs[stuff]) { var bgColour = dupeColour; if (recid && shownstuffs[stuff]["recid"] == recid) { bgColour = infoColour; } else { hasDupes[stufftype]++; } if (shownstuffs[stuff]["a"].style.getPropertyValue("background-color") != dupeColour) { shownstuffs[stuff]["a"].style.setProperty("background-color", bgColour); }"background-color", bgColour); } else { shownstuffs[stuff] = { "a": a, "trackid": trackid, "recid": recid }; } } if (stufftype == "AcoustID") { a.parentNode.appendChild(togAID(recid, stuff, adisabled)); } } var tr = document.createElement("dl"); tr.className = "ars"; tr.appendChild(document.createElement("dt").appendChild(document.createTextNode(stufftype + (stuffs.length > 1 ? 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