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// ==UserScript== // @name INSTALL USER SCRIPT // @version 2023.12.5 // @description,, Install links for userscripts and userstyles // @namespace // @supportURL // @downloadURL // @author jesus2099 // @licence CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0; // @licence GPL-3.0-or-later; // @since 2014-11-14 // @icon  // @require // @grant none // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @run-at document-idle // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; var supportedFileTypes = [".user.js", ".uc.js", ".uc.xul", ".user.css"]; var host = { "": { css: { files: "table tbody td a[href$='%fileType%']", icon: "svg[width='24'][height='24']", }, href: { match: /(\/[^/]+\/[^/]+)\/src\//, replace: "$1/raw/" }, }, "": { css: { files: ".js-details-container div[role='row'].js-navigation-item > div:nth-child(2) a[title$='%fileType%'].js-navigation-open, " + "table[aria-labelledby='folders-and-files'] > tbody > tr > td > div.react-directory-filename-column a[href$='%fileType%'].Link--primary", icon: "svg.octicon.octicon-file, " + "div.react-directory-filename-column > svg", icon_parent: ".js-details-container div[role='row'].js-navigation-item, " + "table[aria-labelledby='folders-and-files'] > tbody > tr > td", disable_for_touch: "div[role='row'].js-navigation-item > a[style*='opacity:0'].position-absolute", }, href: { match: /(\/[^/]+\/[^/]+)\/blob\//, replace: "$1/raw/" }, }, "": { css: { files: "table.tree-table tbody td.tree-item-file-name a[href*='%fileType%']", icon: "span > svg.file-icon", }, href: { match: /(\/[^/]+\/[^/]+)\/blob\//, replace: "$1/raw/" }, }, }; var IS_TOUCH_SCREEN = ("ontouchstart" in window) || (navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0); host = host[]; host.css.files = { return host.css.files.replace(/%fileType%/g, fileType) + ":not(.j2installUserScript)"; }).join(", "); setInterval(function() { var file_path, file_extension; // file list host.files = document.querySelectorAll(host.css.files); for (var f = 0; f < host.files.length; f++) { host.files[f].classList.add("j2installUserScript"); var parent = host.files[f]; if (host.css.icon_parent) { parent = parent.closest(host.css.icon_parent); } var icon = parent.querySelector(host.css.icon); if (icon) { file_path = host.files[f].getAttribute("href"); var install_link = get_basic_install_link(file_path, get_file_supported_extension(file_path)); install_link.setAttribute("title", "Install โ" + (host.files[f].getAttribute("title") || file_path) + "โ"); // Bitbucket and GitLab install_link.addEventListener("click", function(event) { event.cancelBubble = true; }); icon.parentNode.replaceChild(install_link, icon); if (IS_TOUCH_SCREEN && host.css.disable_for_touch) { // GitHub var disable_for_touch = parent.querySelector(host.css.disable_for_touch); if (disable_for_touch) {"visibility", "hidden"); } else { console.log("disable_for_touch not needed"); } } } } // file view // TODO: GitHub only: Add support for Bitbucket and GitLab var file_view_buttons = document.querySelector("react-app[app-name='react-code-view'][initial-path] main ul[aria-label='File view']"); if (file_view_buttons) { var existing_button = file_view_buttons.parentNode.querySelector("a.j2installLink"); file_path = location.pathname; file_extension = get_file_supported_extension(file_path); if (file_extension) { if (!existing_button || get_install_path(file_path) !== existing_button.getAttribute("href")) { var install_button = get_basic_install_link(file_path, file_extension); install_button.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\u00a0Install")); install_button.classList.add("btn");"background-color", "#fcf"); if (existing_button) { existing_button.parentNode.replaceChild(install_button, existing_button); } else { addAfter(install_button, file_view_buttons); } } } else if (existing_button) { existing_button.parentNode.removeChild(existing_button); } } }, 1000); function get_install_icon(file_extension) { var icon = ""; switch (file_extension) { case ".user.js": icon = "๐ต"; break; case ".user.css": icon = "๐งพ"; break; default: icon = "๐พ"; } return icon; } function get_install_path(file_path) { return (file_path.match(/^\//) ? file_path : location.pathname + file_path).replace(host.href.match, host.href.replace); } function get_file_supported_extension(file_path) { var file_extention = file_path.match(new RegExp(supportedFileTypes.join("|").replace(/\./g, "\\."))); if (file_extention) { return file_extention[0]; } else { return ""; } } function get_basic_install_link(file_path, file_extension) { var basic_install_link = createTag("a", {a: {href: get_install_path(file_path), class: "j2installLink"}}, get_install_icon(file_extension)); if (file_extension == ".user.css") { basic_install_link.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); } return basic_install_link; }