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// ==UserScript== // @name Reddit - Top Comments Preview // @namespace // @author jesuis-parapluie, Erik Wannebo, gavin19 // @version 2.05 // @description Preview to the top comments on Reddit (+ optional: autoload comments, autoload images, autohide sidebar) // @homepage // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @include /^https?:\/\/(.+\.)?reddit\.com\/?.*$/ // @exclude /^https?:\/\/(.+\.)?reddit\.com\/.+\/comments\/.*$/ // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; /*jslint browser:true, newcap:true */ /*global GM_getValue, GM_setValue */ var options = { /* Number of comments to display */ topComments: 3, /* sortings: top, best, new, hot, controversial, old */ commentSorting: 'top', /* Comments not matched by array will be added at the top */ /* Comments matched by corresponding expandos will be added at the bottom */ /* Options: 'selftext', 'image', 'video-muted' (gif/gfy etc), 'video' */ commentsAtBottom_autoLoad: ['selftext', 'image', 'video-muted', 'video'], commentsAtBottom_topLinks: [], /* Disable option for hiding the sidebar. */ disableSidebarButton: false, /* Disable option for autoloading images and comments. */ disableAutoloadButton: false, /* Disable RES keyboard shortcut ('t') to show comments */ disableShortCut: false }, helper = { cointainSameElement: function (a1, a2) { var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < a1.length; i += 1) { if (a2 !== null && a2.contains(a1[i])) { return true; } } return false; }, toggleView: function (className) { (function (style) { style.display = style.display === 'none' ? '' : 'none'; }(document.querySelector(className).style)); } }, onloadJSON = function (response) { var i, content, score, contentDiv, author, permalink, newHTML = '', comments = JSON.parse(response.responseText), commentsLength = comments[1].data.children.length, len = options.topComments < commentsLength ? options.topComments : commentsLength, articleID = comments[0].data.children[0], threadLink = comments[0].data.children[0].data.permalink, article = document.querySelector('#preview' + articleID); if (article && article.classList.contains('loading')) { for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { content = comments[1].data.children[i].data.body_html; if (content) { contentDiv = document.createElement('div'); contentDiv.innerHTML = content; content = contentDiv.firstChild.textContent; author = comments[1].data.children[i]; score = comments[1].data.children[i].data.score; permalink = threadLink + comments[1].data.children[i]; newHTML += (i > 0 ? '<hr>' : ''); newHTML += '<a class="ulink" target="_blank" href="/u/' + author; newHTML += '">' + author + '</a>'; newHTML += '<span class="points">| score: ' + score + '</span>'; newHTML += '<a class="permalink" target="_blank" href="' + permalink + '">permalink</a><br />' + content; } } article.classList.remove('loading'); article.innerHTML = newHTML; } }, retrieveTopComments = function (ele, articleID) { var url, xhr, expando, addToBottom = false, commentPosition = options.commentsAtBottom_autoLoad, comments = document.querySelector('#preview' + articleID), entry = ele.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('.entry'); if (comments === null) { comments = document.createElement('div'); comments.setAttribute('id', 'preview' + articleID); comments.classList.add('commentbox'); comments.classList.add('loading'); expando = entry.querySelector('.expando-button'); if (ele.classList.contains('clicked')) { commentPosition = options.commentsAtBottom_topLinks; } if (expando !== null && expando.classList && helper.cointainSameElement(commentPosition, expando.classList)) { addToBottom = true; 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ele.setAttribute('data-retries', 0); }; xhr.send(null); } else { comments.parentNode.removeChild(comments); } }, addListener = function (link, articleID) { link.addEventListener('click', function () { this.classList.add('clicked'); retrieveTopComments(this, articleID); this.classList.remove('clicked'); }); }, addTopLinks = function () { var i, link, li, articleID, parent, tmp = 'java', a = document.querySelectorAll('.linklisting .thing:not(.NERdupe) .comments:not(.empty)'); for (i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) { if (!a[i].parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('.toplink') && /[0-9]/.test(a[i])) { articleID = a[i].getAttribute('href'); articleID = articleID.substring(articleID.indexOf('/comments/') + 10, articleID.indexOf('/comments/') + 16); link = document.createElement('a'); li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(link); link.className = 'toplink'; link.href = tmp + 'script:;'; link.setAttribute('id', 'toplink' + articleID); link.textContent = ' ' + options.commentSorting; parent = a[i].parentNode.parentNode; addListener(link, articleID); parent.insertBefore(li, parent.querySelector('.first + li')); if (GM_getValue('autoLoadComments', false)) { retrieveTopComments(link, articleID); } } } }, addStyle = function () { var style = document.createElement('style'), sheet = [ ".aubox a.disabled{color:#995F5F;font-weight:400} .aubox a.enabled{color:#009D2D;font-weight:400} a#sidebarswitch{cursor:pointer}", "div[id^=preview]{-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;background:#fff;border-radius:5px;border:1px solid #dbdbdb;white-space:normal;padding:5px;display:inline-block;margin:8px 0}", "div[id^=preview] .md{border:1px solid #ddd;background:#f0f0f0;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;margin:3px 0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:2px 8px}", ".loaderror:before{content:\" loading failed \";color:red} .loading:before{content:\"Loading...\"} .res-nightmode .loaderror:before{content:\" loading failed \";color:#E63A3A}", "div[id^=preview] .md *{white-space:normal} div[id^=preview] .md code{white-space:pre} div[id^=preview] .md pre{overflow:visible} div[id^=preview]>*{font-size:small}", "div[id^=preview] .ulink,div[id^=preview] .md a{font-weight:700;color:#369!important} .listing-page .buttons li{vertical-align:top} .toplink{color:#FF4500!important;text-decoration:none}", ".permalink{float:right;color:#666} .points{color:#333;font-weight:700;margin-left:.5em}", ".res-nightmode div[id^=preview] pre,.res-nightmode div[id^=preview] code,.res-nightmode .link .md pre{border:1px solid #222!important;background:#282828!important;background-color:#282828!important}", ".res-nightmode div[id^=preview] .ulink,.res-nightmode div[id^=preview] .md a{color:#1496dc!important} .res-nightmode div[id^=preview]{background:#333!important;border-color:#666!important}", ".res-nightmode div[id^=preview] .md{background:#555!important;border-color:#222!important} .res-nightmode .toplink{color:#eee!important}", ".res-nightmode div[id^=preview] .points{color:#ddd!important} .res-nightmode div[id^=preview] .permalink{color:#ccc!important}", ".res-nightmode div[id^=preview] .md blockquote, .res-nightmode div[id^=preview] .md del{color:#8C8C8C!important} .res-nightmode div[id^=preview] hr{border-color:#777!important};}", ".res-nightmode div[id^=preview] hr{border-color:#777!important;}" ].join(""); 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} if (!options.disableShortCut && document.querySelector('#RESConsoleVersion') !== null) { window.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) { if (e.keyCode === 84 && document.querySelector('.RES-keyNav-activeElement')) { //t: keycode 84 document.querySelector('.RES-keyNav-activeElement .toplink').click(); } }); } if (GM_getValue('autoExpandImages', false)) { document.querySelector('.res-show-images a').click(); } document.body.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function (e) { if (( === 'DIV') && ('id') &&'id').indexOf('siteTable') !== -1)) { addTopLinks(); } else if (GM_getValue('autoLoadComments', false) && ( === 'DIV') && && &&'res-expando-box')) { setTimeout(function () { var comments ='.commentbox'), expando ='.expando-button'), parent = comments.parentNode; if (!comments.classList.contains('clicked') && expando !== null && helper.cointainSameElement(options.commentsAtBottom_autoLoad, expando.classList)) { parent.removeChild(comments); parent.appendChild(comments); } }, 20); } }, true); 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