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// ==UserScript== // @name SpeccyTheme // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description Theme for speccy snapshots. // @author desgen + mandevwin // @match* // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceText // @require // @require // @resource customCSS // @resource customCSS1 // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // Resource CSS var newCSS = GM_getResourceText ("customCSS"); GM_addStyle (newCSS); var newCSS1 = GM_getResourceText ("customCSS1"); GM_addStyle (newCSS1); // Button stuff function generate_click_function(toc_index) { return function() { $(".mainsection").hide(); $(".mainsection:nth-of-type(" + toc_index + ")").fadeToggle(); }; } var TOC = [ { label: "Summary", index: 2}, { label: "Operating System", index: 3}, { label: "CPU", index: 4}, { label: "RAM", index: 5}, { label: "Motherboard", index: 6}, { label: "Graphics", index: 7}, { label: "Storage", index: 8}, { label: "Optical Drives", index: 9}, { label: "Audio", index: 10}, { label: "Peripherals", index: 11}, { label: "Network", index: 12} ]; //detach the original speccy content from the DOM var $speccy_content = $("div#wrapper").detach(); //create a container to store the table of contents in var $toc_anchor = $("<div>").addClass("toc-div").addClass("list-group").addClass("col-sm-2"); for(var toc_index = 0; toc_index < TOC.length; ++toc_index) { var toc_entry = TOC[toc_index]; var $toc_button = $('<button>').addClass("list-group-item").text(toc_entry.label); // create onClick action using this index $; $toc_anchor.append($toc_button); } var $page_container = $("<div>").append($toc_anchor).append($speccy_content); $("body").append($page_container); })();