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// ==UserScript== // @name GitHub Commit Compare // @namespace // @description Add controls to compare commits. // @author jerone // @contributor darkred // @copyright 2017+, jerone ( // @license CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0; // @license GPL-3.0-or-later; // @homepage // @homepageURL // @downloadURL // @updateURL // @supportURL // @contributionURL // @icon // @include*/*/commits // @include*/*/commits/* // @exclude*/*.diff // @exclude*/*.patch // @version 0.0.3 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // cSpell:ignore tooltipped, Consolas, Menlo, compareAdisabled, compareBdisabled (function () { function addButton() { var nav; if ((nav = document.querySelector(".file-navigation"))) { // Check if our group of buttons are already attached. // Remove it, as the 'old' buttons don't have events anymore. const e = document.getElementById("GitHubCommitCompareGroup"); if (e) { e.parentElement.removeChild(e); } Array.from( document.querySelectorAll(".GitHubCommitCompareButtonAB"), ).forEach(function (b) { b.parentElement.removeChild(b); 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