jenda^^ / Geocaching Map Enhancements


Version: updated

Summary: Adds extra maps and grid reference search to, along with several other enhancements.

Copyright: 2011-18, James Inge (

License: MIT;

Fork History:

Fork of Vylda's GME fork.

  • Fixed integration to listing page after website changes. Config button on listing page moved to minimap.
  • Slightly changed configuration dashboard integration to page. It clashed with custom styles from the Stylus* extension. (It inserted its new <div> element inside Stylus' <style> and dashboard wasn't showing up because of that)
  • Added more Czech maps ( from Plane + overlay, ČÚ basemap and orthographic map) -> to use these, you must go to config, reset to defaults, go to config again and enable them first! (2022-10-17): Fixed GME integration to a minimap in a listing after a (not very recent) site update. There was line adding some kind of map metadata to all links in listing (e.g. spoiler images) and many links didn't work because of that. Removed adding that to all links.

*) Stylus?
I inject this CSS to page using Stylus extension to make geocaches' icons more noticeable because they are quite washed out by default:
You can try it yourself!

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
.leaflet-layer[style$="z-index: 99;"]
    filter: brightness(0.88) contrast(130%);

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