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// ==UserScript== // @name 购物党比价工具【精简优化版】 // @namespace none // @version 1.1 // @description 【精简版】购物党,优化了页面的部分元素,减少页面弹窗和显示,保留菜单栏。购物党提供淘宝/京东/亚马逊/当当/苏宁/等百家商城的比价系统,能让你以较优惠的方式购买到你称心如意的商品,提供商品的历史价格情况,多种相似商品推荐,同款购买,降价提醒。 // @author 淘宝老司机 // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include http*://* // @include* // @include* // @include https://** // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect // @connect // @connect // @license GPL-3.0-only // ==/UserScript== (function () { var goodId = getUrlAttribute("id");; // 提取url中的参数 function getUrlAttribute(attribute, needDecode) { var searchValue = ( + "").split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < searchValue.length; i++) { var key_value = searchValue[i].split("="); var reg = new RegExp("^" + attribute + "$"); if (reg.test(key_value[0])) { var searchWords = key_value[1]; return needDecode ? decodeURIComponent(searchWords) : searchWords; } } } function safeWaitFunc(selector, callbackFunc, time, notClear) { time = time || 200; notClear = notClear || false; var doClear = !notClear; var id = setInterval(function () { var selectRes = document.querySelectorAll(selector); if ((typeof (selector) == "string" && selectRes.length > 0)) { if (doClear) clearInterval(id); if(selectRes.length == 1) selectRes = selectRes[0]; callbackFunc(selectRes); } else if ((typeof (selector) == "function" && selector().length > 0)) { if (doClear) clearInterval(id); callbackFunc(selector()[0]); } }, time); } function addStyle(css) { //添加CSS的代码--copy的--注意里面必须是双引号 var pi = document.createProcessingInstruction( 'xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/css" href="data:text/css;utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(css) + '"' ); return document.insertBefore(pi, document.documentElement); } function addScript(src) { let node = document.createElement("script"); node.src = src; node.charset = "UTF-8"; document.head.appendChild(node); } function initGWD() { let extName = "gwdv1.js"; var hideStyle = ""; if ( == "") { extName = "gwdv2.js"; hideStyle = ".gwd-minibar-bg, #favor_box{display:none !important;}" + "#gwdang_main > a.gwd-topbar-logo, #gwdang_main > div.gwd-topbar-right{display:none !important;}"; } else { hideStyle = "#gwdang-main>div.logo, #gwdang-feed-close, #gwdang-history, #coupon_box, #bjd_yifenqian_detail{display:none}" + "#favor_box{display:none !important;}"; } // addScript("" + extName); addScript(""); addStyle(hideStyle); } function init() { function dealRes(json){ var allHide = ""; var yearHide = ""; var monthHide = ""; if ([0].all_line == null) { allHide = "style='display: none;'"; } if ([0].year_line == null) { yearHide = "style='display: none;'"; } if ([0].month_line == null) { monthHide = "style='display: none;'"; } var ddata; if ( > 1) { ddata =[1].all_line; } var ddata; if ( > 1) { ddata =[1].all_line; } let pdata =[0].all_line; let pbeginTime =[0].all_line_begin_time; let picdata = ddata; var hml = "<div style='margin-left:50px;margin-top:20px;display: block;'><a class='active-plot type-plot' " + allHide + " id='plotAll'>全部</a><a class='type-plot' " + yearHide + " id='plotYear'>年线</a><a class='type-plot' " + monthHide + " id='plotMonth'>月线</a>"; hml = hml + "<div id='hisprice' style='width: 720px;height:350px;margin: 0;padding: 0'></div>"; return ` <script src=""></script> ${hml} <script> var pChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('hisprice')); showPrice(); function showPrice() { var data =[${pdata}]; var beginTime =${pbeginTime}; var picdata =[${picdata}]; var dt = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var d = new Date(beginTime); d.setDate(d.getDate() + i); dt.push(d.toLocaleDateString()); } // 指定图表的配置项和数据 var option = { tooltip: { enterable: true, trigger: 'axis', formatter: function (params) { return params[0].axisValue + "<br/>" + params[0].data; }, axisPointer: { animation: false } }, legend: { data: ['页面价', '到手价'], selected: { '页面价': true, '到手价': true } }, xAxis: { data: dt, splitArea: { show: false }, boundaryGap: false, splitLine: { show: true, }, axisLabel: { interval: parseInt((data.length) / 10), formatter: function (value) { return value.substring(5); } }, }, yAxis: { splitArea: { show: false }, splitLine: { show: true, } }, series: [{ name: '页面价', type: 'line', data: data, showSymbol: false, hoverAnimation: false, markPoint: { symbol: 'pin', data: [ { type: 'max', name: '最大值' }, { type: 'min', name: '最小值' } ] }, markLine: { data: [ { type: 'average', name: '平均值' } ] } }, { name: '到手价', type: 'line', data: picdata, showSymbol: false, hoverAnimation: false, markPoint: { symbol: 'pin', data: [ { type: 'max', name: '最大值' }, { type: 'min', name: '最小值' } ] }, markLine: { data: [ { type: 'average', name: '平均值' } ] } } ] }; pChart.setOption(option); }; </script> ` } function opWind(purl, pisweb, pname, phml) { var url = purl; var name = pname; var iWidth = 800; var iHeight = 450; var iTop = (window.screen.height - 30 - iHeight) / 2; var iLeft = (window.screen.width - 10 - iWidth) / 2; // var OpenWindow =, name, 'height=' + iHeight + ',,innerHeight=' + iHeight + ',width=' + iWidth + ',innerWidth=' + iWidth + ',top=' + iTop + ',left=' + iLeft + ',toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=auto,resizeable=no,location=no,status=no'); // if (pisweb == 0) { // OpenWindow.document.write(phml); // OpenWindow.document.close(); // OpenWindow.focus(); // } console.log("这里"); var insWind = document.createElement("iframe"); // insWind.src = "javascript:(function(){document.write("+insWind+")})()"; insWind.innerHTML = phml; document.body.appendChild(insWind); } // localStorage.getItem("gwdang-fp") == null if(true){ // 首次加载数据 initGWD(); }else{ // TODO 待完成,似乎这里不好处理 let qdata = "fp="+localStorage.getItem("gwdang-fp")+"&dfp="+localStorage.getItem("gwdang-dfp"); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: "" + encodeURIComponent(location.href), method: 'GET', timeout: 10000, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Cache-Control': 'public' }, onload: function (res) { const json = JSON.parse(res.responseText) if (json.is_ban == null) { console.log(json); let data = dealRes(json); opWind('', 0, '比价', data); } else { console.log(; opWind(, '1', '请验证后刷新页面!', ''); } } }); } } init(); })()