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// ==UserScript== // @name Google Mail - Gmail attachment on top // @version 1.0c // @description Just an easy script that moves Gmail attachments from bottom to the top of your email. // @match* // @require // @grant GM_addStyle // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== //don't run on frames or iframes if ( != window.self) return; //Observe DOM changes var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { //Move div $(".hq").contents().appendTo(".aHl"); }); observer.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: false, characterData: false, }); // Visual upgrades GM_addStyle(".gH { padding-right:16px;}"); GM_addStyle(".aHl { margin-left: -2px !important; background: rgb(245, 245, 245); padding-left:16px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px; padding-right:16px;padding-top:10px; border-bottom: 1px dashed #ccc;margin-bottom: 10px;}"); GM_addStyle(".aVW { color: rgb(251, 76, 47);font-size: 12px;}"); GM_addStyle(".aYp { font-size:8px!important;display:run-in!important;"); GM_addStyle(".aQH { margin-bottom:0!important;");