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// ==UserScript== // @name TJournal Unread Comments Navigator // @description This script adds navigation buttons for unread comments // @copyright 2016, Shara ( // @license MIT License // @namespace tj // @include* // @version 0.2 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author imShara // ==/OpenUserJS== // ver 0.2 - Works after ajax comment refresh // ver 0.1 - Initial version let options = { animate: true, // scrolling animation animationSpeed: 250, // scrolling animation speed in milliseconds circular: false, // circular switching between comments position: 20, // comment position in percentage from bottom of window scrollOver: true // swith between comments with scrolling over navigation buttons } let css = ` #unread-navigation { position: fixed; right: 0; top: 50%; width: 40px; margin-top: 50px; z-index: 10001; background-color: #aaa; text-align: center; border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px; font-size: 10px; line-height: 10px; font-weight: 400; overflow: hidden; } #unread-navigation a { color: #eee; width: 40px; display: block; cursor: pointer; } #unread-navigation a.disabled { color: #bbb; } #unread-navigation a:hover { background-color: #999; } #unread-navigation #un-prev { padding: 6px 0 8px 0; } #unread-navigation #un-prev:after { } #unread-navigation #un-next { padding: 6px 0 8px 0; } .b-comment.unread-current { background-color: #e1e7eb; }`; let html = ` <div id="unread-navigation"> <a id="un-prev" class="disabled"> <i class="icon-up-open"></i> </a> <a id="un-next" class="disabled"> <i class="icon-down-open"></i> </a> </div>`; function initUI() { // Init CSS $('style').html(css).appendTo('head'); // Init HTML unEl = $(html).appendTo('body'); prevEl = $('#un-prev'); nextEl = $('#un-next'); // Init Events nextEl.on('click', next); prevEl.on('click', prev); if (options.scrollOver) { unEl.on('wheel', scrollOver); } } function updateUI() { if (position <= 0 && !options.circular) { prevEl.addClass('disabled'); nextEl.removeClass('disabled'); } else if (position == unreadEl.length - 1 && !options.circular) { nextEl.addClass('disabled'); prevEl.removeClass('disabled'); } else { prevEl.removeClass('disabled'); nextEl.removeClass('disabled'); } } function replaceRefreshCommentsFunction() { if (!$('.b-comments-refresh a').length) return; $('body').off('click', '.b-comments-refresh a'); $('body').on('click', '.b-comments-refresh a', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var commentsSort = $('.commentsSort .active > a').attr('data-type'); loadComments(paperId, commentsSort, function(){ if (supportsHtml5Storage()) { if (typeof localStorage["commentText"+paperId] != 'undefined' && localStorage["commentText"+paperId].length > 0) { $('#commentMessage').val(localStorage["commentText"+paperId]); } // REPLACED CODE unreadEl = $('.unread'); if (unreadEl.length) { position = 0; if (!unEl) { initUI(); } updateUI(); scrollToUnread(position); } // REPLACED CODE } }); }); // Popping up event in stack let stack = $._data($('body')[0], 'events')['click']; let event = stack.pop(); stack.splice(0, 0, event); } function prev() { if (prevEl.hasClass('disabled')) return; if (position > 0) { position--; } else { if (options.circular) { position = unreadEl.length - 1; } } updateUI(); scrollToUnread(position); } function next() { if (nextEl.hasClass('disabled')) return; if (position < unreadEl.length - 1) { position++; } else { if (options.circular) { position = 0; } } updateUI(); scrollToUnread(position); } function scrollOver(event) { if (event.originalEvent.deltaY > 0) { next(); } else { prev(); } return false; } function scrollToUnread(number) { let comment = unreadEl.eq(number); let commentOffset = comment.offset(); let commentHeight = comment.outerHeight(); let windowHeight = $(window).height(); let scrollPos = + commentHeight - windowHeight + windowHeight / 100 * options.position; $('.unread-current').removeClass('unread-current'); comment.addClass('unread-current'); if (options.animate) { pageRoot.stop().animate({ scrollTop: scrollPos }, options.animationSpeed); } else { $(window).scrollTop(scrollPos); } } function start() { replaceRefreshCommentsFunction(); unreadEl = $('.unread'); if (!unreadEl.length) return; initUI(); updateUI(); } // Runtime let position = -1; let unEl, prevEl, nextEl, unreadEl; // Wait for comment builder script setTimeout(start, 100);