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// ==UserScript== // @name WhatsApp Talk to Unsaved Contacts // @description You don't have to leave the WhatsWeb interface to talk to unsaved contacts anymore! // @version 1.1.1 // @author icetbr // @icon // @license MIT // @namespace // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @match* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== const $ = (selector, parent = document) => parent.querySelector(selector), el2 = str => { const element = new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, 'text/html'); const child = element.documentElement.querySelector('body').firstChild; return child; }, waitForEl = selector => new Promise(resolve => { if ($(selector)) return resolve($(selector)); const observer = new MutationObserver(() => { if (!$(selector)) return; resolve($(selector)); observer.disconnect(); }); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true }); return observer; }); window.icetbr = { hidden: true, redirect: e => { if (e.key !== 'Enter') return; window.location.href=`${e.currentTarget.value}&text&type=phone_number&app_absent=0`; }, togglePhoneNumber: () => { $('#unsavedContactPhoneNumber').style.display = window.icetbr.hidden ? 'block' : 'none'; window.icetbr.hidden = !window.icetbr.hidden; }, }; var init = () => { const style = 'outline: none; border:none; background-image:none; background-color:transparent; -webkit-box-shadow: none; -moz-box-shadow: none; box-shadow: none; display: none; font-size: 14px; top: -2px;'; const $input = el2(`<input id="unsavedContactPhoneNumber" placeholder="Phone number" title: "Ex: 5547999783456" class="Er7QU" style="${style}" onkeyup="icetbr.redirect(event)">`); const $searchBox = $('._3RN1i._3jaYl'); $searchBox.appendChild($input); const iconSvg = ` <svg viewBox="0 0 28 21" height="24" width="17" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" class="" fill="none"> <path fill="currentColor" d="M7.043 9.306c-3.85 2.223 2.024 13.234 6.237 10.802l3.906 6.765c-1.777 1.026-3.282 1.673-5.342.495C6.122 24.098-.176 13.194.004 6.69.066 4.431 1.397 3.546 3.138 2.541l3.906 6.765zm1.615-.184c-.416.24-.951.097-1.191-.319L3.784 2.425c-.24-.416-.097-.951.319-1.191L6.039.116c.416-.24.951-.097 1.192.319l3.682 6.378c.24.416.097.951-.319 1.191L8.658 9.122zm10.059 17.423c-.416.24-.951.097-1.191-.319l-3.682-6.378c-.24-.416-.097-.951.319-1.191l1.935-1.117c.416-.24.951-.097 1.192.319l3.682 6.378c.24.416.097.951-.319 1.191l-1.935 1.117z"/> </svg> `; const $button = el2(` <div class="_3OtEr rOo0o" style="left: 15px; top: -1px;"><div class="_3ndVb" role="button" title="Send message to unsaved contact" onclick="icetbr.togglePhoneNumber()"><span> ${iconSvg} </span></div><span></span></div> `); const $buttonsBar = $('._1sPvB._2XdMx span'); $buttonsBar.prepend($button); }; waitForEl('[data-testid="menu-bar-community-tab"]').then(init);