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// ==UserScript== // @name V2 RAP文档导出工具 // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @description 为轻量化 RAP 而生 // @author iaaiNG // @match *://* // @icon // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== function parseModuleList(moduleList, space = "") { let string = ""; moduleList.forEach((module) => { const pageListString = parsePageList(module.pageList, space + " "); if(pageListString.length){ string += `\n${space}"${}": {`; string += pageListString; string += `\n${space}},`; } }); return string; } function parsePageList(pageList, space = "") { let string = ""; pageList.forEach((pageItem) => { const actionListString = parseActionList(pageItem.actionList, space + " "); if(actionListString.length) { string += `\n${space}"${}": {`; string += actionListString; string += `\n${space}},`; } }); return string; } function parseActionList(actionList, space = "") { let string = ""; actionList._apiNameList = [] actionList.forEach((actionItem) => { const filter = document.querySelector("#filterInput") if(filter.value.length) { if(>-1) { string += parseActionItem(actionItem, actionList, space + " "); } } else { string += parseActionItem(actionItem, actionList, space + " "); } }); return string; } function parseActionItem(actionItem, actionList, space = "") { let string = ""; let apiName = getNameByUrl(actionItem.requestUrl, 2); if (actionList._apiNameList .indexOf(apiName) > -1) { apiName +=; } if(!/^\w+$/.test(apiName)) { return console.log('异常单位',actionItem) } actionList._apiNameList .push(apiName); // 储存 string += `\n${space}/**`; string += `\n${space} * ${ ["GET", "POST"][actionItem.requestType - 1] } | ${} `; string += `\n${space} *`; string += `\n${space} * [Request] `; string += parseParameterList(actionItem.requestParameterList, space, "", actionItem.requestUrl); string += `\n${space} *`; string += `\n${space} * [Response] `; string += parseParameterList(actionItem.responseParameterList, space, "", actionItem.requestUrl); string += `\n${space} */`; string += `\n${space}${apiName}: "${actionItem.requestUrl}", // ${}\n`; return string; } function parseParameterList(parameterList, space, deepSpace = "", apiUrl) { let string = ""; // 找出最长那个字符串 const maxLengthIdentifierItem = parameterList.sort( (a, b) => b.identifier.length - a.identifier.length )[0]; const maxLengthDataTypeItem = parameterList.sort( (a, b) => b.dataType.length - a.dataType.length )[0]; // 字母顺序排序 parameterList.sort((a, b) => { if (a.identifier < b.identifier) { return -1; } if (a.identifier > b.identifier) { return 1; } return 0; }); // if(parameterList.length) { // let obj = {} //> obj[item.identifier] = '') // string += `\n\n${space} *${deepSpace} ${JSON.stringify(obj)} ` // string += `\n${space} *${deepSpace} ${JSON.stringify(>({name:item.identifier,})))} \n` // } parameterList.forEach((item) => { const identifierSpace = createSpace( maxLengthIdentifierItem.identifier.length - item.identifier.length ); const dataTypeSpace = createSpace( (maxLengthDataTypeItem.dataType.length - item.dataType.length) * 2 ); string += `\n${space} *${deepSpace} ${item.identifier}${identifierSpace} | ${item.dataType}${dataTypeSpace} | ${} | ${item.remark} `; if (item.parameterList) { string += parseParameterList( item.parameterList, space, deepSpace + " ", apiUrl ); } }); return string; } function createSpace(length) { let space = ""; while (length > 0) { length--; space += " "; } return space; } function getNameByUrl(api, deep) { return api .replace(/\/\{\w+\}/, "") .split("/") .filter((e) => e) .filter((e, i, a) => i >= a.length - deep) .join("-") .replace(/-(\w)/g, (w, $1) => $1.toUpperCase()); } function exportApi (content) { let string = `const apiList = {`; string += content; string += `\n}`; string += `\nexport default apiList`; // console.log(string) navigator.clipboard.writeText(string).then(() => { alert('已复制到剪贴板'); /* Resolved - 文本被成功复制到剪贴板 */ },() => { alert('复制失败'); /* Rejected - 文本未被复制到剪贴板 */ }); return string } (function() { 'use strict'; let projectId = location.href.match(/projectId=(\d+)/) if(projectId) { console.log("projectId: "+projectId[1]) }else{ console.log("找不到projectId") } let data = new FormData() data.append('projectId',projectId[1]) let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // 第二步: 调用open函数'POST', '') // 第三步: 设置Content-Type属性 (这一步是固定的写法) xhr.setRequestHeader('Conten-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') // 第四步: 调用send()函数,同时将数据以查询字符串的形式,提交给服务器 xhr.send(data) // 第五步:监听onreadystatechange事件 xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) { eval(' = ' + xhr.responseText) var btn = document.createElement("button") btn.innerText = "全部导出JOSN" btn.setAttribute('class','btn btn-default btn-sm') btn.onclick = function () { exportApi(parseModuleList( } document.querySelector("#div-fixed-panel").insertBefore(btn, document.querySelector('#div-add-p-mt-list-container')) let container = document.createElement("div") container.setAttribute("class", "insert_body") container.onclick = function (event) { const pageIndex = parseInt("data-pageIndex")) const moduleIndex = parseInt("data-moduleIndex")) const pageList =[moduleIndex].pageList if(pageIndex > -1) { exportApi(parseActionList(pageList[pageIndex].actionList)) }else{ exportApi(parsePageList(pageList)) } } document.querySelector('#div-w').insertBefore(container,document.querySelector('#div-m-list')) const list = document.querySelector("#div-mt-list") list.addEventListener("click", findIdRenderContent) findIdRenderContent() function findIdRenderContent () { const item = list.querySelector('.cur') if (item) { const id = parseInt('-')[2]) if(!id){ console.log("找不到 module ID") return } let content = "", moduleIndex)=>{ if( === id) { content += `<div style="margin-bottom:10px"><div> <h4 style="text-decoration: underline;cursor: pointer;display:inline-block" data-moduleIndex="${moduleIndex}" >${}</h4> <input type="text" id="filterInput" style="width:200px;display:inline-block;" class="form-control" placeholder="筛选关键字导出"> <div>` module.pageList.forEach((page,pageIndex)=>{ content += `<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-pageIndex="${pageIndex}" data-moduleIndex="${moduleIndex}">${}</button>` }) content += '</div>' } }) container.innerHTML = content } } } } })();