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// ==UserScript== // @name Ratings on Trakt // @name:de Bewertungen auf Trakt // @name:es Calificaciones en Trakt // @name:fr Évaluations sur Trakt // @name:it Valutazioni su Trakt // @name:ru Рейтинги на Trakt // @name:zh-CN Trakt上的评分 // @author Davide <> // @namespace // @icon // @description Adds ratings from IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic and MyAnimeList to Trakt // @description:de Fügt Bewertungen von IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic und MyAnimeList zu Trakt hinzu // @description:es Agrega las calificaciones de IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic y MyAnimeList a Trakt // @description:fr Ajoute des évaluations d'IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic et MyAnimeList à Trakt // @description:it Aggiunge valutazioni da IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic e MyAnimeList a Trakt // @description:ru Добавляет рейтинги IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic и MyAnimeList в Trakt // @description:zh-CN 在Trakt中添加来自IMDb、烂番茄、Metacritic和MyAnimeList的评分。 // @copyright 2019, Davide ( // @license MIT // @version 4.7.3 // @homepage // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @match *://* // @connect // @connect // @connect // @compatible chrome // @compatible edge // @compatible firefox // @compatible safari // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM.deleteValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.listValues // @grant GM.registerMenuCommand // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @run-at document-start // @inject-into content // ==/UserScript== /* global $, GM_config, Handlebars, NodeCreationObserver, Ratings, UserscriptUtils */ (() => { //* Constants const cachePeriod = 3_600_000 const id =\s/g, '-') const title = `${} v${} Settings` const fields = { OMDbApiKey: { label: 'API Key:', section: ['OMDb', 'You can request a free OMDb API Key at:'], labelPos: 'left', type: 'text', title: 'Your OMDb API Key', size: 70, default: '' }, hideDefaultRatings: { label: 'Prefer the ratings offered by this script to those offered by Trakt:', section: ['Features'], labelPos: 'left', type: 'checkbox', default: true }, logging: { label: 'Logging:', section: ['Develop'], labelPos: 'left', type: 'checkbox', default: false }, debugging: { label: 'Debugging:', labelPos: 'left', type: 'checkbox', default: false }, clearCache: { label: 'Clear the cache', type: 'button', click: async () => { const values = await GM.listValues() for (const value of values) { const cache = await GM.getValue(value) // get cache if (cache.time) { GM.deleteValue(value) } // delete cache } UU.log('cache cleared') GM_config.close() } } } //* NodeCreationObserver NodeCreationObserver.init(id) //* GM_config UserscriptUtils.migrateConfig('trakt-config', id) // migrate to the new GM_config ID GM_config.init({ id, title, fields, css: ':root{--font:"Montserrat",sans-serif;--background-grey:rgb(29, 29, 29);--black:rgb(0, 0, 0);--dark-grey:rgb(22, 22, 22);--grey:rgb(51, 51, 51);--light-grey:rgb(102, 102, 102);--red:rgb(237, 34, 36);--white:rgb(255, 255, 255)}#ratings-on-trakt *{color:var(--white)!important;font-family:var(--font)!important;font-size:14px!important;font-weight:400!important}#ratings-on-trakt{background:var(--background-grey)!important}#ratings-on-trakt .config_header{font-size:34px!important;line-height:1.1!important;text-shadow:0 0 20px var(--black)!important}#ratings-on-trakt .section_header_holder{background:var(--dark-grey)!important;border:1px solid var(--grey)!important;margin-bottom:1em!important}#ratings-on-trakt .section_header{background:var(--grey)!important;border:1px solid var(--grey)!important;padding:8px!important;text-align:left!important;text-transform:uppercase!important}#ratings-on-trakt .section_desc{background:var(--black)!important;border:1px solid var(--grey)!important;border-left:0!important;border-right:0!important;font-size:13px!important;margin:0!important;padding:10px 8px!important;text-align:left!important}#ratings-on-trakt .config_var{align-items:center!important;display:flex!important;margin:0!important;padding:15px!important}#ratings-on-trakt .field_label{margin-left:6px!important}#ratings-on-trakt_field_OMDbApiKey{background-color:var(--grey)!important;border:1px solid var(--light-grey)!important;box-shadow:inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075)!important;flex:1!important;padding:6px 12px!important}#ratings-on-trakt_field_OMDbApiKey:focus{box-shadow:inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.075),0 0 8px rgba(102,175,233,.6)!important;outline:0!important}#ratings-on-trakt button,#ratings-on-trakt input[type=button]{background:var(--grey)!important;border:1px solid transparent!important;padding:10px 16px!important}#ratings-on-trakt button:hover,#ratings-on-trakt input[type=button]:hover{filter:brightness(85%)!important}#ratings-on-trakt_buttons_holder button{background-color:var(--red)!important}#ratings-on-trakt .reset{margin-right:10px!important}', events: { init: () => { window.addEventListener('load', () => { // add style $('head').append('<style>@import url(;header#top-nav .navbar-nav.navbar-user:hover #user-menu{max-height:max-content}</style>') }) if (!GM_config.isOpen && GM_config.get('OMDbApiKey') === '') { // first configuration window.addEventListener('load', () => } if ( !== 'Userscripts') { //! Userscripts Safari: GM.registerMenuCommand is missing GM.registerMenuCommand('Configure', () => } }, save: () => { if (GM_config.get('OMDbApiKey') === '') { window.alert(`${}: check your settings and save`) } else { window.alert(`${}: settings saved`) GM_config.close() setTimeout(window.location.reload(false), 500) } } } }) //* Utils const UU = new UserscriptUtils({ name:, version:, author:, logging: GM_config.get('logging') }) UU.init(id) //* Ratings const rating = new Ratings({ omdb_api_key: GM_config.get('OMDbApiKey'), cache_period: cachePeriod, debug: GM_config.get('debugging') }) //* Handlebars Handlebars.registerHelper('ifEqual', function (a, b, options) { if (a === b) return options.fn(this) return options.inverse(this) }) //* Functions /** * Adds a link to the menu to access the script configuration */ const addSettingsToMenu = () => { const menu = `<li class=${id}><a href=""onclick=return!1>${}</a>` $('#user-menu ul li.separator').last().after(menu) $(`.${id}`).click(() => } /** * Clear old data from the cache */ const clearOldCache = async () => { const values = await GM.listValues() for (const value of values) { const cache = await GM.getValue(value) // get cache if (( - cache.time) > 3_600_000) { GM.deleteValue(value) } // delete old cache } } /** * Hide default ratings offered by Trakt */ const hideDefaultRatings = () => { $('#summary-ratings-wrapper ul, #summary-ratings-wrapper ul li.rt, #summary-ratings-wrapper ul li.metacritic').hide() } /** * Returns IMDb ID * * @returns {string} IMDb ID */ const getID = () => { return $('#info-wrapper .sidebar .external li a#external-link-imdb').attr('href').match(/tt\d+/)[0] } /** * Add template * * @param {object} target Target */ const addTemplate = (target) => { const template = '<ul class=external-ratings style=margin-left:30px></ul><script id=external-ratings-template type=text/x-handlebars-template>{{#each ratings}} {{#ifEqual this.rating "N/A"}} {{else}}<li class={{this.source}}-rating><a href={{this.url}} target=_blank><img alt="{{this.source}} logo" class=logo src={{this.logo}}><div class=number><div class=rating style=display:flex;align-items:center;align-content:center;justify-content:center>{{this.rating}} {{#ifEqual this.rating "N/A"}} {{else}} <span style=font-weight:400;font-size:80%;opacity:.8>{{this.symbol}} </span>{{/ifEqual}}</div>{{#ifEqual this.source "metascore"}}<div class=votes style="width:100%;color:transparent;background:linear-gradient(to top,transparent 0,transparent 25%,{{this.votes}} 25%,{{this.votes}} 75%,transparent 75%,transparent 100%)">{{this.rating}}</div>{{else}}<div class=votes><span>{{this.votes}}</span></div>{{/ifEqual}}</div></a></li>{{/ifEqual}} {{/each}}</script>' $(template).insertAfter(target) } /** * Add ratings */ const addRatings = async () => { clearOldCache() // clear old cache const target = $('#summary-ratings-wrapper .ratings') // target if (target.length === 0) return // check if it is on the main page const id = getID() // IMDb ID if (!id) return // check if the ID exists UU.log(`ID is '${id}'`) addTemplate(target) // add template // get ratings const ratings = await rating.get({ id }).then().catch(error => console.error(error)) const elaboratedRatings = await rating.elaborate(ratings).then().catch(error => console.error(error)) // compile template const template = Handlebars.compile($('#external-ratings-template').html()) const context = { ratings: elaboratedRatings } const compile = template(context) $('.external-ratings').html(compile) if (GM_config.get('hideDefaultRatings')) hideDefaultRatings() // hide default ratings by Trakt } //* Script $(document).ready(() => { NodeCreationObserver.onCreation('body', () => { addSettingsToMenu() // link settings to trakt menu }) NodeCreationObserver.onCreation(' #summary-ratings-wrapper, #summary-ratings-wrapper, .shows.episode #summary-ratings-wrapper', () => { addRatings() // add ratings }) }) })()