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$("#topbar").find("#num_lingots"); if (duo.user.attributes.rupees > 0) { --duo.user.attributes.rupees; cache.top_el.text(" " + duo.user.attributes.rupees); } }; var send_one = function(id, root, type) { if (duo.user.attributes.rupees > 0){ if(type==0){ $.post("/comments/" + id + "/love", function(d) {}); } else { $.post("/comments/" + id + "/love", function(d) {"love" in d && update_comment(id,, root);}); } } }; function set_interval_limited(id, root, n) { for(var i=0; i<n; i++){ send_one(id, root, 0); } send_one(id, root, 1); cache.el = null; return; } var lover = function(id, root) { var love = parseInt(prompt("Bạn muốn tặng bao nhiêu lingot?", "1")); if (love > 0 && (love <= 10 || confirm("Bạn có chắc chắn muốn tặng " + love + " lingots không?"))) set_interval_limited(id, root, love); return false; }; var new_give_lingots = function() { var el = this.parentElement; if (el) { var id = null; var root = false; if (el.tagName == "SPAN") { id = document.location.pathname.match(/^\/comment\/([0-9]+)($|\$)/)[1]; root = true; } else if (el.tagName == "DIV") { var i = 4; while (el) { if (!--i) { if ( id =^comment-([0-9]+)/)[1]; break; } el = el.parentElement; } } if (id) lover(id, root); } return false; }; var main_reg = null; function ajax_complete(e, r, o) { if (!duo || !duo.user) return; if (o.url == "/diagnostics/js_error") return; if (!main_reg) main_reg = new RegExp("^([0-9]+($|\\?|/reply|/upvote|/downvote|/love)"); var a = main_reg.exec(o.url); if (a) { $("#app").undelegate(".give-love", "click"); $("#app").delegate(".give-love", "click", new_give_lingots); $(".discussion-comments-list-item").undelegate(".give-love", "click"); $(".discussion-comments-list-item").delegate(".give-love", "click", new_give_lingots); } } $(document).ajaxComplete(function(e, r, o) { ajax_complete(e, r, o); }); }