hopkir / Swagger-UI-Dark


Version: 0.1.7+235d9a5 updated

Summary: Dark theme for Swagger-UI

Homepage: https://openuserjs.org/scripts/hopkir

Copyright: 2021, hopkir (https://openuserjs.org/users/hopkir)

License: MIT

This script is for those of us who cannot stand the bright, white screen of Swagger UI. It is adapted from the theme described and posted here by Amoenus:

The adaptations I made are for people like myself who can't just willy-nilly change the css in the company's implementation of Swagger, but who prefer a dark theme. Also, since the original did not cover the version of Swagger that we use in a couple of our projects, I added more CSS to cover that. Both of the versions that I am currently using render well in this implementation of the Swagger-UI-Dark theme here.

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