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// ==UserScript== // @name ZenDesk Attachment List // @namespace holatuwol // @license 0BSD // @version 1.6 // @updateURL // @match https://** // @grant none // @require // ==/UserScript== var styleElement = document.createElement('style'); styleElement.textContent = ` a.downloading { color: #999; } a.downloading::after { content: ' (downloading...)'; color: #999; } a.generating { color: #999; } a.generating::after { content: ' (generating...)'; color: #999; } .lesa-ui-attachments { display: flex; flex-direction: row; } .lesa-ui-attachment-info { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(2, auto); } .lesa-ui-attachment-info a { margin-right: 1em; } .lesa-ui-attachments-bulk-download { margin-top: 0.5em; text-align: right; text-decoration: underline; } .lesa-ui-attachments-label { font-weight: 600; margin-right: 1em; } .lesa-ui-description { font-weight: normal; } .lesa-ui-description .zd-comment { max-height: 25em; overflow-y: auto; } `; document.querySelector('head').appendChild(styleElement); /** * Generate a Blob URL, and remember it so that we can unload it if we * navigate away from the page. */ var blobURLs = []; function createObjectURL(blob) { var blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob); blobURLs.push(blobURL); return blobURL; } /** * Unload any generated Blob URLs that we remember. */ function revokeObjectURLs() { for (var i = 0; i < blobURLs.length; i++) { URL.revokeObjectURL(blobURLs[i]); } blobURLs = []; } /** * Download the attachment mentioned in the specified link, and then invoke a callback * once the download has completed. */ function downloadAttachment(link, callback) { link.classList.add('downloading'); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onload = function() { callback(, this.response); link.classList.remove('downloading'); };'GET', link.href); xhr.send(null); } /** * Download a generated Blob object by generating a dummy link and simulating a click. * Avoid doing this too much, because browsers may have security to block this. */ function downloadBlob(fileName, blob) { var blobURL = createObjectURL(blob); var downloadLink = createAnchorTag(fileName, blobURL); = fileName; = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(downloadLink);; document.body.removeChild(downloadLink); } /** * Generate an anchor tag with the specified text, href, and download attributes. * If the download attribute has an extension that looks like it will probably be * served inline, use the downloadBlob function instead. */ function createAnchorTag(text, href, download) { var link = document.createElement('a'); link.textContent = text; if (href) { link.href = href; } if (download) { = download; var lowerCaseName = download.toLowerCase(); var isLikelyInline = ['.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.bmp', '.webp', '.pdf'].some(function(substr) { return lowerCaseName.length > substr.length && lowerCaseName.indexOf(substr) == lowerCaseName.length - substr.length; }); if (isLikelyInline) { link.onclick = function() { downloadAttachment(link, downloadBlob); return false; }; } } else if (href && href.charAt(0) != '#') { = '_blank'; } return link; } /** * Generate a single object representing the metadata for the attachment. */ function extractAttachmentLinkMetadata(attachmentLink) { var comment = attachmentLink.closest('div[data-comment-id]'); // Since we're using the query string in order to determine the name (since the actual text // in the link has a truncated name), we need to decode the query string. var encodedFileName = attachmentLink.href.substring(attachmentLink.href.indexOf('?') + 6); encodedFileName = encodedFileName.replace(/\+/g, '%20'); var attachmentFileName = decodeURIComponent(encodedFileName); return { text: attachmentFileName, href: attachmentLink.href, download: attachmentFileName, commentId: comment.getAttribute('data-comment-id'), author: comment.querySelector(' .name').textContent, time: comment.querySelector('time').title, timestamp: comment.querySelector('time').getAttribute('datetime') } } /** * Generate a single object representing the metadata for an external link. */ function extractExternalLinkMetadata(externalLink) { var comment = externalLink.closest('div[data-comment-id]'); // Since we're using the query string in order to determine the name (since the actual text // in the link has a truncated name), we need to decode the query string. return { text: externalLink.textContent, href: externalLink.href, download: externalLink.textContent, commentId: comment.getAttribute('data-comment-id'), author: comment.querySelector(' .name').textContent, time: comment.querySelector('time').title, timestamp: comment.querySelector('time').getAttribute('datetime') } } /** * Generate a single row in the attachment table based on the provided link. */ function addAttachmentRow(container, attachment) { var attachmentLink = createAnchorTag(attachment.text, attachment.href,; attachmentLink.classList.add('attachment'); container.appendChild(attachmentLink); // Attach an author and a timestamp. We'll have the timestamp be a comment permalink, since // other parts in this script provide us with that functionality. var attachmentExtraInfo = document.createElement('div'); attachmentExtraInfo.appendChild(document.createTextNode( + ' on ')); var attachmentCommentLink = createAnchorTag(attachment.time, null); attachmentCommentLink.classList.add('attachment-comment-link'); attachmentCommentLink.onclick = highlightComment.bind(null, attachment.commentId); attachmentExtraInfo.appendChild(attachmentCommentLink) container.appendChild(attachmentExtraInfo); return container; } /** * Generate a zip file containing all attachments for the specified ticket. */ function createAttachmentZip(ticketId, ticketInfo) { var instance = this; instance.classList.add('downloading'); var downloadCount = 0; var zip = new JSZip(); var attachmentLinks = document.querySelectorAll('div[data-side-conversations-anchor-id="' + ticketId + '"] .lesa-ui-attachment-info a.attachment'); for (var i = 0; i < attachmentLinks.length; i++) { downloadAttachment(attachmentLinks[i], function(fileName, blob) { zip.file(fileName, blob); if (++downloadCount < attachmentLinks.length) { return; } instance.classList.remove('downloading'); instance.classList.add('generating'); zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' }).then(function(blob) { var zipFileName = 'zendesk-' + ticketId + '.zip'; var downloadLink = createAnchorTag('Download ' + zipFileName, URL.createObjectURL(blob), zipFileName); downloadLink.classList.add('.lesa-ui-attachments-download-blob'); instance.parentNode.replaceChild(downloadLink, instance); }); }) } } /** * Create a container to hold all of the attachments in the ticket, and a convenience * link which allows the user to download all of the attachments at once. */ function createAttachmentsContainer(ticketId, ticketInfo, conversation) { var attachmentLinks = conversation.querySelectorAll('a.attachment,a[data-test-id="attachment-thumbnail"]'); if (attachmentLinks.length == 0) { return null; } var attachmentsContainer = document.createElement('div'); attachmentsContainer.classList.add('lesa-ui-attachments') var attachmentsLabel = document.createElement('div'); attachmentsLabel.classList.add('lesa-ui-attachments-label') attachmentsLabel.innerHTML = 'Attachments:'; attachmentsContainer.appendChild(attachmentsLabel); var attachmentsWrapper = document.createElement('div'); // Accumulate the attachments, and then sort them by date var attachments = []; for (var i = 0; i < attachmentLinks.length; i++) { attachments.push(extractAttachmentLinkMetadata(attachmentLinks[i])); } attachments.sort(function(a, b) { return a.timestamp > b.timestamp ? -1 : a.timestamp < b.timestamp ? 1 : a.text > b.text ? 1 : a.text < b.text ? -1 : 0; }) // Generate the table and a 'bulk download' link for convenience var attachmentInfo = document.createElement('div'); attachmentInfo.classList.add('lesa-ui-attachment-info'); for (var i = 0; i < attachments.length; i++) { addAttachmentRow(attachmentInfo, attachments[i]); } attachmentsWrapper.appendChild(attachmentInfo); if (JSZip) { var downloadAllContainer = document.createElement('div'); downloadAllContainer.classList.add('lesa-ui-attachments-bulk-download'); var attachmentsZipLink = createAnchorTag('Generate Bulk Download', null); attachmentsZipLink.onclick = createAttachmentZip.bind(attachmentsZipLink, ticketId, ticketInfo); downloadAllContainer.appendChild(attachmentsZipLink); attachmentsWrapper.appendChild(downloadAllContainer); } attachmentsContainer.appendChild(attachmentsWrapper); return attachmentsContainer; } /** * Add a ticket description and a complete list of attachments to the top of the page. */ function addTicketDescription(ticketId, ticketInfo, conversation) { var header = conversation.querySelector('.pane_header'); if (!header) { return; } // Check to see if we have any descriptions that we need to remove. var oldDescriptions = conversation.querySelectorAll('.lesa-ui-description'); var hasNewDescription = false; for (var i = 0; i < oldDescriptions.length; i++) { if (oldDescriptions[i].getAttribute('data-ticket-id') == ticketId) { hasNewDescription = true; } else { revokeObjectURLs(); header.removeChild(oldDescriptions[i]); } } if (hasNewDescription) { return; } // Since comments are listed in reverse order, the last comment is the first // comment (from a time perspective), and can be used as a description. var comments = conversation.querySelectorAll(' .zd-comment'); if (comments.length == 0) { return; } var lastComment = comments[comments.length - 1]; var description = document.createElement('div'); description.classList.add('comment'); description.classList.add('zd-comment'); description.innerHTML = lastComment.innerHTML; // Create the element class hierarchy so that the text in the comment renders correctly. var descriptionAncestor0 = document.createElement('div'); descriptionAncestor0.classList.add('event'); descriptionAncestor0.classList.add('is-public'); descriptionAncestor0.appendChild(description); var descriptionAncestor1 = document.createElement('div'); descriptionAncestor1.classList.add('lesa-ui-description'); descriptionAncestor1.classList.add('rich_text'); descriptionAncestor1.setAttribute('data-ticket-id', ticketId); descriptionAncestor1.appendChild(descriptionAncestor0); // Generate something to hold all of our attachments. var attachmentsContainer = createAttachmentsContainer(ticketId, ticketInfo, conversation); if (attachmentsContainer) { descriptionAncestor1.appendChild(attachmentsContainer); } header.appendChild(descriptionAncestor1); } /** * Scroll to a specific comment if its comment ID is included in a * query string parameter. */ var integerRegex = /^[0-9]*$/ function highlightComment(commentId, event) { if (!commentId && ! { clearHighlightedComments(); return; } if (!commentId && &&'?comment=') == 0) { commentId =; var pos = commentId.indexOf('&'); if (pos != -1) { commentId = commentId.substring(0, pos); } } if (!commentId || !integerRegex.test(commentId)) { return; } var comment = document.querySelector('div[data-comment-id="' + commentId + '"]'); if (!comment) { return; } var event = comment.closest('.event'); if (event.classList.contains('lesa-ui-event-highlighted')) { return; } var commentURL = 'https://' + + document.location.pathname + '?comment=' + commentId; history.pushState({path: commentURL}, '', commentURL); clearHighlightedComments(); event.classList.add('lesa-ui-event-highlighted'); event.scrollIntoView(); } /** * Since there's an SPA framework in place that I don't fully understand, attempt to * apply updates once per second, once we have the ticket information. */ function checkForConversations() { var ticketPath = '/agent/tickets/'; if (document.location.pathname.indexOf(ticketPath) == 0) { var ticketId = document.location.pathname.substring(ticketPath.length); var pos = ticketId.indexOf('/'); if (pos != -1) { revokeObjectURLs(); } else { var conversation = document.querySelector('div[data-side-conversations-anchor-id="' + ticketId + '"]'); if (conversation) { addTicketDescription(ticketId, null, conversation); } } } else { revokeObjectURLs(); } } setInterval(checkForConversations, 1000);