Raw Source
hiZEN / rulesy

// ==UserScript==

// @name        rulesy
// @version     1.0.9
// @author      Rulesy - rjdown@gmail.com
// @namespace   rulesy-die2nite
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant       GM_getResourceText
// @grant       GM_info
// @include     http://www.die2nite.com/*
// @include     http*://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/test.html
// @downloadURL https://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/Die2Nite_tools.user.js
// @updateURL   https://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/Die2Nite_tools.user.js
// @require     http://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/jquery.js
// @require     http://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/jquery-ui.js
// @require     http://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/farbtastic.js
// @require     http://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/app.js
// @require     http://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/mod_updateApps.js
// @require     http://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/mod_scavengerCountdown.js
// @require     http://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/mod_flashingEscortButton.js
// @require     http://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/mod_ghoulHungerPercentages.js
// @require     http://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/mod_devtools.js
// @resource    style.css http://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/style.css
// @copyright 2018, hiZEN (https://openuserjs.org//users/hiZEN)
// @license MIT

// ==/UserScript==

// @todo		names alone are not enough to identify some items. need to use images as well
// @todo		add a reset button to the flashing escort button config page	
// @todo		stop dtd updating when camped, because topology is unavailable but required

var debugMode = true;

if (!debugMode) {
	delete modules.devtools;

window.log = function(data) {
	if (debugMode && this.console) {

var remoteCssUrl = 'http://die2nite.gamerz.org.uk/gm/css/';

// basic jquery mutation observer extension, fuck IE for now
$.fn.domChange = function(callback) {
	var mutations;
	var mutationObserver
	var selector;
	app.mutationObservers = app.mutationObservers || {};
	selector = this.selector;

	// kill any existing observers for this selector
	if (app.mutationObservers[selector]) {
	mutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;
	app.mutationObservers[selector] = new mutationObserver(function() {
		// run once, might need to make this a variable later...

	mutations = {
		attributes: true,
		characterData: true,
		childList: true

	this.each(function() {
		app.mutationObservers[selector].observe(this, mutations);

// bootstrap
window.setInterval(function() {
	if ($('#appsettings').length == 0 && window.location.hash != '') {
}, 1000);