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// ==UserScript== // @name page-prettier // @version 0.0.1 // @description 通过修改 css 来自定义特定网页, 用于改善页面显示效果或者优化打印为 pdf 文件时的效果. // // @namespace // @homepageURL // @supportURL // @author HenryFour // @copyright 2019+, HenryFour // @license MIT // @icon // // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_addStyle // @require // // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match https://** // @match* // @match* // ==/UserScript== var confs = [ { domain: "", printHides: [ ".section-subnav", ".section-header", ".section-navbar", ".aside-container", "footer.section-footer", ".post-sidebar", ".section-tips", ".post-share-bottom", ".article-sponsors", ".post-related", ], hides: [], normalCss: [], printCss: [], }, { domain: "", printHides: [ // 专栏 ".ColumnPageHeader-Wrapper", ".RichContent-actions", ".CornerButtons", ".Recommendations-Main", ".Comments-container", ".Post-Sub", // 问答, question "header", ".Question-sideColumn" ], hides: [], normalCss: [], printCss: [ ".Question-mainColumn {width: auto}", ], }, { domain: "", printHides: [ ".App > div:first-child", ".App nav", ".Discord", ".Footer2", ], hides: [], normalCss: [], printCss: [], }, { domain: "", printHides: [ "#discussion_bucket > .col-3", // issuse 右侧 ".pagehead", // 存在问题, 先不处理: "#blob-path", ".branch-select-menu", ".BtnGroup", ".Box-header", ".repository-content > div.flex-items-start", ], hides: [], normalCss: [ ], printCss: [ "#discussion_bucket > .col-9 {width: 100%;}", // issuse ], }, { domain: "", printHides: [ ".main-header-box", ".sidebar", ".article-suspended-panel", ".recommended-area", ".suspension-panel", ".main-area .article-banner", ".main-area #comment-box", ], hides: [], normalCss: [ ], printCss: [ ], }, { domain: "", printHides: [ "#app .head", "#app .footer", "#app .reportLeft .static" ], hides: [], normalCss: [ ], printCss: [ "#app .center {padding:0;}", ], }, { domain: "", printHides: [ ".header-wrapper", ".navbar-wrapper", ".before-content", ".lemmaWgt-searchHeader", ".wgt-footer-main", "#side-share", ".side-content", ".personal-content", ".top-tool", ], hides: [], normalCss: [], printCss: [ ".body-wrapper .content-wrapper .content .main-content {width: auto}", ], }, { domain: "", printHides: [ ".navbar-wrapper", "p.meta.tags", ".mask", ".content-footer", ".topic-reply-container", "footer.footer" ], hides: [], normalCss: [], printCss: [], }, { domain: "", printHides: [ "#__next header", "#__next aside", "#__next aside + div", "#__next footer", "#__next #note-page-comment", "#__next #note-page-comment + section", ], hides: [ "#__next footer + div", // 赞, 赏 ], normalCss: [ "#__next div[role=main] > div:first-child {width: 100%}", ], printCss: [], }, { domain: "", printHides: [ "header.header", "nav.sub-nav", "main .container-divider", "#article-container .article-sidebar", "#article-container .article-relatives", "#article-container .article-return-to-top", "#article-container footer", ".article-comments", ".article-subscribe", "footer.footer" ], hides: [], normalCss: [], printCss: [], }, { domain: "", printHides: [ "#headerContainer", "#footerContainer", "#YSF-BTN-HOLDER" ], hides: [], normalCss: [], printCss: [], }, ]; function doPrettier(index) { var conf = confs[index]; var i; // custom normal css for (i = 0; i < conf.normalCss.length; i++) { GM_addStyle(conf.normalCss[i]); } // custom css for print media for (i = 0; i < conf.printCss.length; i++) { GM_addStyle('@media print { ' + conf.printCss[i] + ' }'); } GM_addStyle(conf.hides.join(",") + ' { display: none; } }'); // hide elements GM_addStyle(conf.hides.join(",") + ' { display: none; } }'); // hide when print // for (i = 0; i < conf.printCss.length; i++) { // GM_addStyle('@media print { ' + conf.printHides[i] + ' { display: none; } }'); // } GM_addStyle('@media print { ' + conf.printHides.join(",") + ' { display: none !important; } }'); } (function() { 'use strict'; var url = window.location.href; for (var i = 0; i < confs.length; i++) { // console.log(selectors.join(",")); if (url.indexOf(confs[i].domain) > 0) { console.log("doPrettier", i); doPrettier(i); break; } } })();