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// ==UserScript== // @name Hide rating opponent // @version 0.2 // @copyright 2018, gyaani // @description Hide opponent ratings on, so you can forget how good the opponent maybe. // @author gyaani // @match* // @grant none // @license MIT // @run-at document-body // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var globalVars = { countInterval : 0 } var textEle = document.querySelectorAll('body div.player a.user_link'); if (textEle && textEle[0] && textEle[1]){ textEle[0].innerText = textEle[0].innerText.replace(/\(\d*\)/,"(----)"); textEle[1].innerText = textEle[1].innerText.replace(/\(\d*\)/,"(----)"); } var userName = document.body.dataset.user var interval = setInterval(function(){ var users = document.querySelectorAll('div.table > div.username'); if (users && users[0]){ if ( users[0].querySelector('a').text != userName ){ var rating = users[0].querySelector('rating'); = 'none'; } clearInterval(interval); } if (globalVars.countInterval > 2500/10){ clearInterval(interval); } globalVars.countInterval++; },10); })();