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// ==UserScript== // @name EX-百度云盘 // @namespace // @version 0.2.1 // @description [下载大文件] [批量下载] [文件夹下载] [百度网盘] [百度云盘] [百度云盘企业版] [企业版] [baidu] [baiduyun] [yunpan] [baiduyunpan] [eyun] // @author gxvv // @license MIT // @supportURL // @updateURL // @date 01/01/2017 // @modified 22/03/2017 // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @run-at document-end // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_info // @require // ==/UserScript== (function(require, define, Promise) { 'use strict'; function showError(msg) { GM_addStyle('#errorDialog{position: fixed;top: 76.5px; bottom: auto; left: 423px; right: auto;background: #fff;border: 1px solid #ced1d9;border-radius: 4px;box-shadow: 0 0 3px #ced1d9;color: black;word-break: break-all;display: block;width: 520px;padding: 10px 20px;z-index: 9999;}#errorDialog h3{border-bottom: 1px solid #ced1d9;font-size: 1.5em;font-weight: bold;}'); var $; try { $ = require('base:widget/libs/jquerypacket.js'); } catch (e) { var div = document.createElement('div'); $ = function(str) { div.innerHTML = str; div.onclick = function() { this.remove(); }; return $; }; $.on = function() { return { appendTo: function() { document.body.appendChild(div); } }; }; } var $dialog = $('<div id="errorDialog">' + '<h3>EX-baiduyunpan:程序异常</h3>' + '<div class="dialog-body"><p>请尝试更新脚本或复制以下信息<a href="" target="_blank">提交issue</a></p>' + '<p>Exception: ' + msg + '</p>' + '<p>Script Ver: ' + GM_info.script.version + '</p>' + '<p>TemperMonkey Ver: ' + GM_info.version + '</p>' + '<p>UA: ' + navigator.userAgent + '</p>' + '</div><hr><a class="close" href="javascript:;">关闭</a></div>'); $dialog.on('click', '.close', function(event) { $dialog.remove(); }).appendTo(document.body); } define('ex-yunpan:pageInfo', function(require) { var url = location.href; var currentPage = 'pan'; var matchs = { '.*://*': 'pan', '.*://*': 'pan', '.*://*': 'share', '.*://*': 'share', '.*://*': 'share', '.*://*': 'share', '.*://*': 'enterprise', '.*://*': 'enterprise' }; var PAGE_CONFIG = { pan: { prefix: 'function-widget-1:', containers: ['.g-button:has(.icon-download):visible'], style: function() { } }, share: { prefix: 'function-widget-1:', containers: [ '.KKtwaH .x-button-box>.g-button:has(.icon-download)', '.module-share-top-bar .x-button-box>.g-button:has(.icon-download)' ], style: function() { var styleList = [ '.KPDwCE .QxJxtg{z-index: 2;}', '.module-share-header .slide-show-right{width: auto;}', '.ex-yunpan-dropdown-button.g-dropdown-button.button-open .menu{z-index:41;}', '.module-share-header .slide-show-header h2{width:230px;}', '.KPDwCE .xGLMIab .g-dropdown-button.ex-yunpan-dropdown-button{margin: 0 5px;}' ]; GM_addStyle(styleList.join('')); } }, enterprise: { prefix: 'business-function:', containers: ['.button-box-container>.g-button:has(:contains("下载"))'], style: function() { var styleList = [ '.ex-yunpan-dropdown-button .icon-download{background-image: url(/box-static/business-function/infos/icons_z.png?t=1476004014313);}', '.ex-yunpan-dropdown-button .g-button:hover .icon-download{background-position: 0px -34px;}' ]; GM_addStyle(styleList.join('')); } } }; for (var match in matchs) { if (new RegExp(match).test(url) === true) { currentPage = matchs[match]; } } return PAGE_CONFIG[currentPage]; }); define('ex-yunpan:downloadBtnInit', function(require) { var ctx = require('system-core:context/context.js').instanceForSystem; var $ = require('base:widget/libs/jquerypacket.js'); var pageInfo = require('ex-yunpan:pageInfo'); var prefix = pageInfo.prefix; var dServ = null; require.async(prefix + 'download/service/dlinkService.js', function(dlinkService) { dServ = dlinkService; }); var menu = [{ title: '普通下载', 'click': function() { var start = require(prefix + 'download/start.js'); start.start(ctx); }, availableProduct: ['pan', 'share', 'enterprise'] }, { title: '复制链接', 'click': function() { var fetchDownLinks = require('ex-yunpan:fetchDownLinks.js'); fetchDownLinks.start(ctx, dServ); }, availableProduct: ['pan', 'share', 'enterprise'] }, { title: '复制压缩链接', 'click': function() { var fetchDownLinks = require('ex-yunpan:fetchDownLinks.js'); fetchDownLinks.start(ctx, dServ, true); }, availableProduct: ['pan', 'share', 'enterprise'] }, { title: '<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" style="margin-top: 6px;height: 20px;width: 170px;"></iframe>', availableProduct: ['pan', 'share', 'enterprise'] }]; var exDlBtnConfig = { type: 'dropdown', title: 'EX-下载', resize: true, menu: menu.filter(function (btn) { var currentProduct = ctx.pageInfo.currentProduct; return ~btn.availableProduct.indexOf(currentProduct); }), icon: 'icon-download' }; var selector = pageInfo.containers.join(); $(selector).each(function(i, e) { var exDlBtn = ctx.ui.button(exDlBtnConfig); $(e).after(exDlBtn.dom.addClass('ex-yunpan-dropdown-button')); exDlBtn.resizeButtonWidth(); });; }); define('ex-yunpan:fetchDownLinks.js', function (require, exports, module) { var $ = require('base:widget/libs/jquerypacket.js'); function start(ctx, dServ, allZip) { var selectedList = ctx.list.getSelected(); if (selectedList.length === 0) return ctx.ui.tip({ mode: 'caution', msg: '您还没有选择下载的文件' }); ctx.ui.tip({ mode: 'loading', msg: '开始请求链接...' }); var foldersList = selectedList.filter(function(e) { return e.isdir === 1; }); var filesList = selectedList.filter(function(e) { return e.isdir === 0; }); var currentProduct = ctx.pageInfo.currentProduct; if (!~['pan', 'share', 'enterprise'].indexOf(currentProduct)) { return ctx.ui.tip({ mode: 'caution', msg: '复制链接当前页面不可用', hasClose: true, autoClose: false }); } if (filesList.length > 0 && currentProduct !== 'enterprise' && !allZip) { foldersList.unshift(filesList); } else { [].push.apply(foldersList, filesList); } var requestMethod; if (currentProduct === 'pan') { requestMethod = function(e, cb) { dServ.getDlinkPan(dServ.getFsidListData(e), allZip ? 'batch' : e.isdir === 1 ? 'batch' : 'nolimit', cb, undefined, undefined, 'POST'); }; } else if (currentProduct === 'share') { var yunData = require('disk-share:widget/data/yunData.js').get(); requestMethod = function(e, cb) { dServ.getDlinkShare({ share_id: yunData.shareid, share_uk:, sign: yunData.sign, timestamp: yunData.timestamp, list: e, type: allZip ? 'batch' : e.isdir === 1 ? 'batch' : 'nolimit' }, cb); }; } else { var yunData = require('page-common:widget/data/yunData.js').get(); requestMethod = function(e, cb) { dServ.getDlinkShare({ share_id: yunData.shareid, share_uk:, sign: yunData.sign, timestamp: yunData.timestamp, list: [e], isForBatch: allZip }, cb); }; } var timeout = foldersList.length === 1 ? 3e4 : 3e3; var promises = { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var timer = setTimeout(function() { resolve($.extend({}, e)); }, timeout); requestMethod(e, function(result) { resolve($.extend({}, e, result)); }); }); }); Promise.all(promises).then(function(result) { ctx.ui.hideTip(); var dlinks = []; var needToRetry = result.filter(function(e) { return e.errno !== 0; }); if (needToRetry.length > 0) { try { dServ.dialog.hide(); } catch (ex) {} ctx.ui.tip({ mode: 'caution', msg: needToRetry.length + '个文件请求链接失败' }); } result.filter(function(e) { return e.errno === 0; }).forEach(function(e) { if (typeof e.dlink === 'string') { var dlink = e.dlink + "&zipname=" + encodeURIComponent((e.isdir ? '【文件夹】' : '【文件】') + e.server_filename + '.zip'); dlinks.push(e.dlink && dlink); } else { [].push.apply(dlinks, (e.dlink || e.list || []).map(function(e) { return e.dlink; })); } }); if (dlinks.length === 0) return ctx.ui.tip({ mode: 'caution', msg: '复制失败:未获取到链接' }); var clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn'); clipboard.on('success', function(e) { ctx.ui.tip({ mode: 'success', msg: '复制成功' + dlinks.length + '个文件' }); e.clearSelection(); dialog.hide(); clipboard.destroy(); }); clipboard.on('error', function(e) { ctx.ui.tip({ mode: 'caution', msg: '复制失败' }); }); var text = '<textarea id="bar" rows="' + ((dlinks.length > 20 ? 20 : dlinks.length) + 1) + '" style="width: 100%;white-space: nowrap;">' + dlinks.join('\n') + '</textarea>'; var dialog = ctx.ui.confirm({ title: '复制链接', body: text, sureText: '复制', onClose: function() { clipboard && clipboard.destory && clipboard.destroy(); } }); dialog.buttonIns[0].dom.attr({ 'data-clipboard-action': 'copy', 'data-clipboard-target': '#bar' }).addClass('btn').off(); }).catch(function(e) { showError(e); }); }; module.exports = { start: start }; }); define('ex-yunpan:pluginInit.js', function(require) { var ctx = require('system-core:context/context.js').instanceForSystem; var $ = require('base:widget/libs/jquerypacket.js'); var pageInfo = require('ex-yunpan:pageInfo'); var prefix = pageInfo.prefix; require.async(prefix + 'download/util/context.js', function(e) { e.getContext = function() { return ctx; }; }); var dmPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { $(unsafeWindow).on('load', function() { reject('downloadManager.js'); }); require.async(prefix + 'download/service/downloadManager.js', function(dm) { dm.MODE_PRE_INSTALL = dm.MODE_PRE_DOWNLOAD; resolve(); }); }); var gjcPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { $(unsafeWindow).on('load', function() { reject('guanjiaConnector.js'); }); require.async(prefix + 'download/service/guanjiaConnector.js', function(gjC) { gjC.init = function() { setTimeout(function() { ctx.ui.tip({ mode: 'caution', msg: '检测到正在调用云管家,若脚本失效,请检查更新或提交issue', hasClose: true, autoClose: false }); }, 5e3); }; resolve(); }); }); var ddsPromise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { $(unsafeWindow).on('load', function() { reject('downloadDirectService.js'); }); require.async(prefix + 'download/service/downloadDirectService.js', function(dDS) { var $preDlFrame = null; var _ = dDS.straightforwardDownload; if (typeof _ !== 'function') return; dDS.straightforwardDownload = function() { ctx.ui.tip({ mode: 'loading', msg: '正在开始下载...' }); if ($preDlFrame === null) { setTimeout(function() { var $frame = $('#pcsdownloadiframe'); if ($frame.length === 0) return; $frame.ready(function(event) { ctx.ui.hideTip(); }); $preDlFrame = $frame; }, 1e3); } _.apply(dDS, arguments); }; resolve(); }); }); Promise.all([dmPromise, gjcPromise, ddsPromise]).then(function() { try { require('ex-yunpan:downloadBtnInit'); ctx.ui.tip({ mode: 'success', msg: 'EX-baiduyunpan: 插件加载成功' }); } catch (e) { ctx.ui.tip({ mode: 'caution', msg: 'EX-baiduyunpan: 插件加载成功,按钮初始化失败', autoClose: false, hasClose: true }); } }).catch(function(msg) { if(document.querySelector('#share_nofound_des') !== null) return; showError(msg + '加载失败'); }); }); try { require('ex-yunpan:pluginInit.js'); } catch (ex) { showError(ex); } })(unsafeWindow.require, unsafeWindow.define, unsafeWindow.Promise);