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// ==UserScript== // @name TJ User Tagging // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match* // @grant none // @version 1.12 // @license MIT // @author - // @description 3/29/2020, 5:46:18 PM // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addValueChangeListener // ==/UserScript== let tags = {}; function save(){ GM_setValue('tags', JSON.stringify(tags, (k, v) => v ? v : void 0)); tagsUpdate(); } function setTag(userId, targetNode) { let oldColor = '#' + ((tags[userId] ? tags[userId].split('#')[1] : null) || '888888'); let newTag = prompt('Тег, или тег#цвет:', tags[userId] ? tags[userId].split('#')[0] : ''); if (newTag == null) return; Object.assign(tags, { [userId]: newTag }); save(); if (newTag && newTag.indexOf('#') === -1){ let colorPicker = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('input')); let rect = targetNode ? targetNode.getBoundingClientRect() : { x: 32, y: 32 }; colorPicker.type = 'color'; colorPicker.value = oldColor; = '0px'; = '0px'; = 'fixed'; = `${rect.x - 8}px`; = `${rect.y - 8}px`; onchange = function(){ Object.assign(tags, { [userId]: newTag + colorPicker.value }); save(); document.body.removeChild(this); }; setTimeout(() =>, 10); } } function svgIcon(){ return `<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="14" height="14" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 512 512" style="enable-background:new 0 0 512 512;" xml:space="preserve"><path d="M458.667,0H323.349c-25.643,0-49.771,9.984-67.904,28.117L18.197,265.387C6.635,276.949,0,292.949,0,309.376 c0,16.341,6.635,32.341,18.197,43.904l140.544,140.544C170.283,505.365,186.283,512,202.709,512 c16.341,0,32.341-6.635,43.904-18.197l237.269-237.269C502.016,238.421,512,214.293,512,188.651V53.333 C512,23.915,488.085,0,458.667,0z M394.667,170.667c-29.419,0-53.333-23.915-53.333-53.333c0-29.419,23.915-53.333,53.333-53.333 S448,87.915,448,117.333C448,146.752,424.085,170.667,394.667,170.667z"/></svg>`; } function addTagButton() { let target = document.querySelector('.etc_control[data-subsite-url]'); if (target && !document.querySelector('._tg')) { with (target.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', document.createElement('div'))) { onclick = function(){ /\/(\d+)-/.test(location.href) && setTag(RegExp.$1, this); }; className = '_tg v-button v-button--default v-button--size-default'; innerHTML = `<div class="v-button__icon">${svgIcon()}</div><span class="v-button__label"></span>` } } setTimeout(addTagButton, 500); } function isColorDark(color) { return !color || (color.length == 6 ? parseInt(color.substr(2, 2), 16) : parseInt(color[1], 16) * 16) < 200; } function tagsUpdate() { (window._tgStyle || (window._tgStyle = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('style')))).innerHTML = ` .user_name:after, .content-header-author:after, .vote__users__item .vote__users__item__name:after, .live__item__user:after { display:inline-block; padding:3px 4px 2px 4px; margin:-2px 4px -3px 4px; border-radius:2px; font-weight:normal; font-size:small; } .vote__users__item .vote__users__item__name:after { padding:0 4px 0 4px; margin:-2px 4px -3px 4px; } .v-subscribe-button[data-subsite-id] ~ ._tg { cursor:pointer; position: relative; } .v-subscribe-button[data-subsite-id] ~ ._tg span:after { content:"Тег"; } ` + Object.keys(tags).filter(x => tags[x]).map(x => `a[href*="/${x}-"] .user_name:after, .vote__users__item[href*="/${x}-"] .vote__users__item__name:after, .content-header-author[href*="/${x}-"]:after, .live__item__user[href*="/${x}-"]:after, .v-subscribe-button[data-subsite-id="${x}"] ~ ._tg, .v-subscribe-button[data-subsite-id="${x}"] ~ ._tg span:after { content: "${tags[x].split('#')[0]}"; background: #${tags[x].split('#')[1] || '888'} !important; color: #${isColorDark(tags[x].split('#')[1]) ? 'fff' : '000'} !important; } .v-subscribe-button[data-subsite-id="${x}"] ~ ._tg .v-button__icon { filter: ${isColorDark(tags[x].split('#')[1]) ? 'invert(1)' : 'none'}; }`).join('\n'); } function init(secondRun){ try { tags = JSON.parse(GM_getValue('tags', '{}') || '{}'); } catch (e){ tags = {}; } if (!secondRun) addTagButton(); tagsUpdate(); } init(false); GM_addValueChangeListener('tags', function(changes, namespace) { init(true); });